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[[File:Machinist concept art.jpg|250px|right]] {{MH2|Introduction}} {{Quotation|[https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/jobguide/machinist FinalFantasyXIV.com Machinist]|The war with Dravania rages on, brutal and unrelenting. With no end in sight, the Holy See grows desperate. As her dragoons lay down their lives in defense of their home, Ishgard turns to technology to protect her sons and daughters. Great cannons and ballistas now line the city walls, plucking dragons from the sky. Following the example of Cid Garlond, who has demonstrated the potency of magitek, the Skysteel Manufactory works tirelessly on the development of advanced armaments. As new and devastating weapons are brought to the fray, a new class of champion arises to wield them―the machinist.}}
{{Quote|The war with Dravania rages on, brutal and unrelenting. With no end in sight, the Holy See grows desperate. As her dragoons lay down their lives in defense of their home, Ishgard turns to technology to protect her sons and daughters. Great cannons and ballistae now line the city walls, plucking dragons from the sky.<br />Following the example of Cid Garlond, who has demonstrated the potency of magitek, the Skysteel Manufactory works tirelessly on the development of advanced armaments. As new and devastating weapons are brought to the fray, a new class of champion arises to wield them―the machinist.| Game Description}}
==General Information==
Machinist is a ranged DPS [[job]] introduced in 2014 Fan Fest in Tokyo. Machinist is the gun-wielding job released in [[Heavensward]]. Unlike 2.0 jobs, Machinist does not require a base [[class]] and starts from level 30. The job's main weapon is the [[Firearm]]. Machinist uses specialized mechanical equipment such as attachments to the firearm along with deploy-able turrets. Using deployable turrets, Machinist can perform a support style role in addition to the DPS role. The turrets can attack [[enemies]], debuff enemies or buff allies

As a ranged dps, their most important [[attributes|stat]] is [[dexterity]], which increases [[Attack Power|attack power]].
{{Machinist|big=y}} '''Machinist''' ('''MCH''') is a [[job]] introduced with the ''[[Heavensward]]'' expansion and unlockable at level 50 with [[Machinist#Unlock|sufficient progression]] in the [[Main Scenario Quests]]. The job starts at level 30 when unlocked. It is one of three [[Physical Ranged DPS|physical ranged DPS]] jobs and does not have a base [[class]].
{{TOC limit|3}}
== General information ==
=== Guild ===
The Machinist's Guild is [[Skysteel Manufactory]], located in [[Foundation]] (x8, y10.2). This job starts at level 30. The job trainer is [[Stephanivien]].

=== Unlock ===
* '''Prerequisite:''' The player must have completed all of the [[Seventh Astral Era Quests]] up to {{questlink|main|Before the Dawn}} in order to unlock the city of [[Ishgard]].
*Access to [[Ishgard]], where [[guilds|Machinist's Guild]] is located.
* '''Quest''': Speak to an NPC in [[Foundation]] (x8,y10) to obtain the quest {{questlink|feature|So You Want to Be a Machinist}}.
*Complete the quest [[File:Sidequest.png|link=Side Quests|20px|Side Quest]][[Savior of Skysteel]].

==Trainer Locations==
=== Equipment ===
{| class="wikitable sortable" style= "text-align: center"
The machinist is a [[disciple of war]] and wears [[armor]] and [[accessories]] "of Aiming." They use [[firearm]]s as weapons.
{| {{STDT|item align-left}}
! Location
! Description
|[[Stephanivien]] || [[Foundation]] (x8,y10) || Job Start for ARR
|[[Stephanivien]] || [[Foundation]] (x8,y10) || Job Trainer for 30-50
|[[Stephanivien]] || [[Foundation]] (x8,y10) || Job Start for Heavensward
|[[Stephanivien]] || [[Foundation]] (x8,y10) || Job Trainer for 52-60
|[[Stephanivien]] || [[Foundation]] (x8.1,y10.1) || Job Start for Stormblood
|[[Machinist's Arm]]s
|[[:Category:Machinist headwear|Head]]<br>[[:Category:Machinist chestwear|Body]]<br>[[:Category:Machinist handwear|Hands]]<br>[[:Category:Machinist legwear|Legs]]<br>[[:Category:Machinist footwear|Feet]]
|[[:Category:Machinist bracelets|Bracelets]]<br>[[:Category:Machinist earrings|Earrings]]<br>[[:Category:Machinist necklace|Necklace]]<br>[[:Category:Machinist ring|Ring]]

== [[List of machinist quests|Quests]] ==
{| class="wikitable sortable" style= "text-align: center"
===Machinist Job Quests===
{{:List of machinist quests}}
! Action
===Physical DPS Role Quests (Shadowbringers)===
! Icon
{{#lsth:Physical DPS Quests}}
! Type
===Physical Ranged DPS Role Quests (Endwalker)===
! Cost
{{#lsth:Physical Ranged DPS Role Quests|Endwalker}}
! Cast Time
===Physical Ranged DPS Role Quests (Dawntrail)===
! Cooldown
{{#lsth:Physical Ranged DPS Role Quests|Dawntrail}}
! Range
! Radius
== [[List of machinist actions|Actions]] ==
! Description
{{:List of machinist actions}}
! Stormblood Adjustment
== [[List of machinist traits|Traits]] ==
| [[Split Shot]] || [[file:Split Shot.png|40px]] || 1 || [[weaponskill]] || 0s || 2.5s || ?? || ?? ||align = "left" | Delivers an attack with a potency of 160.<br />'''Additional Effect:'''  50% chance of increasing next Slug Shot potency by 100 or Heated Slug Shot potency by 130<br />'''Duration:''' 10s<br />Ammunition Effect: Increases current Split Shot potency by 25<br />Ammunition Effect: 100% chance of increasing next Slug Shot potency<br />Gauss Barrel Effect: Increases Heat Gauge by 5 ||align = "left" | Potency increased from 140 to 160.<br />TP cost reduced from 60 to 50.<br />Potency bonus for Slug Shot increased from 80 to 100.<br />Potency bonus of 130 added for Heated Slug Shot.<br />Gauss Barrel Effect has been changed.
{{:List of machinist traits}}
| [[Slug Shot]] || [[file:Slug Shot.png|40px]] || 2 || [[weaponskill]] || 0s || 2.5s || ?? || ?? ||align = "left" | Delivers an attack with a potency of 100.<br />Split Shot Bonus '''Potency:''' 200<br />'''Additional Effect:''' 50% chance of increasing next Clean Shot potency by 140 or Heated Clean Shot by 170<br />'''Duration:''' 10s<br />Ammunition Effect: Increases current Slug Shot potency by 25<br />Ammunition Effect: 100% chance of increasing next Clean Shot potency<br />Gauss Barrel Effect: Increases Heat Gauge by 5 ||align = "left" | Split Shot Bonus potency increased from 180 to 200.<br />Potency bonus for Clean Shot increased from 100 to 140.<br />Potency bonus of 170 added for Heated Clean Shot.<br />Gauss Barrel effect has been changed.
Performing actions in a certain order increases potency and applies combo bonuses.
| [[Reload]] || [[file:Reload.png|40px]] || 4 || [[ability]] || 0s || 30s || ?? || ?? ||align = "left" | Loads firearm with three rounds of special ammunition. One round of ammunition is used each time a weaponskill is executed, increasing that weaponskill's potency. Ammunition use may also increase the rate at which a weaponskill's additional effect is triggered as well as lower the accompanying Heat Gauge increase. No more than three rounds can be loaded at one time.<br /> ||align = "left" | Recast time reduced from 60 to 30 seconds.<br />Rounds of ammuniation granted reduced from 5 to 3.<br />Now also reduces Heat Gauge increase.
[[file:Heated Split Shot.png|40px|link=Heated Split Shot]] => [[file:Heated Slug Shot.png|40px|link=Heated Slug Shot]] => [[file:Heated Clean Shot.png|40px|link=Heated Clean Shot]] = Increases the [[Heat Gauge]] and [[Battery Gauge]].
| [[Heartbreak]] || [[file:Heartbreak.png|40px]] || 6 || [[ability]] || 0s || 30s || ?? || ?? ||align = "left" | Delivers an attack with a potency of 240.<br />Can only be executed when target's HP is below 20%. ||align = "left" | Now acquired at level 6 (previously level 8).<br />Potency increased from 180 to 240.
== Job mechanics ==
| [[Reassemble]] || [[file:Reassemble.png|40px]] || 10 || [[ability]] || 0s || 60s || ?? || ?? ||align = "left" | Next weaponskill will result in a critical hit. If the next action is an area of effect attack, only the first enemy hit will be ensured critical damage.<br />'''Duration:''' 20s ||align = "left" | Now acquired at level 10 (previously 12).
{{:Ammunition & Heat Gauge}}
| [[Blank]] || [[file:Blank.png|40px]] || 15 || [[ability]] || 0s || 30s || ?? || ?? ||align = "left" | Deals a 15-yalm knockback. ||align = "left" | Potency has been removed.
This job is associated with the following [[achievements]]:
| [[Spread Shot]] || [[file:Spread Shot.png|40px]] || 18 || [[weaponskill]] || 0s || 2.5s || ?? || ?? ||align = "left" | Delivers an attack with a potency of 80 to all enemies in a cone before you.<br />Ammunition Effect: Increases Spread Shot potency by 25<br />Gauss Barrel Effect: Increases Heat Gauge by 10 ||align = "left" | Potency reduced from 100 to 80.<br />TP cost reduced from 130 to 120.<br />"Gauss Barrel Effect: Increases Heat Gauge by 10" has been added.
{| {{STDT| mech1 sortable align-left}}
{{achievement table header}}
| [[Quick Reload]] || [[file:Quick Reload.png|40px]] || 26 || [[ability]] || 0s || 15s || ?? || ?? ||align = "left" | Replenishes your ammunition by 1 and reduces your weapon's Heat Gauge by 10. ||align = "left" | The effect "Restores 30 TP" has been changed to "Reduces your weapon's heat gauge by 10."
{{achievement table row|Mean Machine I}}
{{achievement table row|Mean Machine II}}
| [[Hot Shot]] || [[file:Hot Shot.png|40px]] || 30 || [[weaponskill]] || 0s || 2.5s || ?? || ?? ||align = "left" | Delivers an attack with a potency of 120.<br />'''Additional Effect:''' Increases physical damage dealt by 5%<br />'''Duration:''' 30s<br />Ammunition Effect: Increases current Hot Shot potency by 25<br />Gauss Barrel Effect: Increases Heat Gauge by 10 ||align = "left" | TP cost reduced from 70 to 60.<br />"Gauss Barrel Effect: Increases Heat Gauge by 10" has been added.
{{achievement table row|Mean Machine III}}
{{achievement table row|Mean Machine IV}}
| [[Rapid Fire]] || [[file:Rapid Fire.png|40px]] || 30 || [[ability]] || 0s || 60s || ?? || ?? ||align = "left" | Reduces weaponskill recast time to 1.5 seconds.<br />Effect ends upon executing 3 weaponskills.<br />'''Duration:''' 15s ||align = "left" | Gauss Barrel Effect: Weaponskills will have no cast time" has been removed.
{{achievement table row|Mean Machine V}}
{{achievement table row|Mean Machine VI}}
| [[Clean Shot]] || [[file:Clean Shot.png|40px]] || 35 || [[weaponskill]] || 0s || 2.5s || ?? || ?? ||align = "left" | Delivers an attack with a potency of 100.<br />Slug Shot Bonus '''Potency:''' 240<br />Ammunition Effect: Increases current Clean Shot potency by 25<br />Gauss Barrel Effect: Increases Heat Gauge by 5 ||align = "left" | Slug Shot Bonus potency increased from 200 to 240.<br />TP cost reduced from 60 to 50.<br />"Gauss Barrel Effect: Increases Heat Gauge by 5" has been added.
{{achievement table row|Mean Machine VII}}
{{achievement table row|Mean Machine VIII}}
| [[Wildfire]] || [[file:Wildfire.png|40px]] || 38 || [[ability]] || 0s || 60s || ?? || ?? ||align = "left" | Covers target's body in a slow-burning pitch. For the next 10 seconds, 25% of most damage you inflict upon the target is compiled, then dealt at the end of the effect's duration. ||align = "left" | Recast time reduced from 90 to 60 seconds.<br />Effect duration reduced from 15 to 10 seconds.
| [[Rook Autoturret]] || [[file:Rook Autoturret.png|40px]] || 40 || [[ability]] || 0s || 10s || ?? || ?? ||align = "left" | Deploys a single-target battle turret which will deliver auto-attacks with a potency of 80 to its master's target. Using a weaponskill will cause turret to change targets.<br />Hypercharge '''Potency:''' 160<br />Hypercharge Effect: Increases target's damage taken by 5%<br />'''Duration:''' 10s<br />Shares a recast timer with Bishop Autoturret. ||align = "left" | Hypercharge effect changed from "Increases target's physical damage taken by 10%" to "Increases target's damage taken by 5%."
| [[Turret Retrieval]] || [[file:Turret Retrieval.png|40px]] || 40 || [[ability]] || 0s || 5s || ?? || ?? ||align = "left" | Removes an autoturret from the battlefield. ||align = "left" |  
| [[Bishop Autoturret]] || [[file:Bishop Autoturret.png|40px]] || 50 || [[ability]] || 0s || 10s || ?? || ?? ||align = "left" | Deploys an area of effect battle turret which will deliver auto-attacks to enemies within range with a potency of 60 for the first enemy, 10% less for the second, 20% less for the third, 30% less for the fourth, 40% less for the fifth, and 50% less for all remaining enemies.<br />Hypercharge '''Potency:''' 90<br />Hypercharge Effect: Increases target's damage taken by 5%<br />'''Duration:''' 10s<br />Shares a recast timer with Rook Autoturret. ||align = "left" | Potency now reduced by 10% for the second enemy, 20% for the third, 30% for the fourth, 40% for the fifth, and 50% for all remaining enemies.<br />Hypercharge potency reduced from 120 to 90.<br />Hypercharge effect changed from "Increase target's magic damage taken by 10%" to "Increase target's damage taken by 5%."
| [[Gauss Barrel]] || [[file:Gauss Barrel.png|40px]] || 52 || [[ability]] || 0s || 10s || ?? || ?? ||align = "left" | Equips your current firearm with a gauss barrel, increasing damage dealt by 5%. While barrel is equipped, your weapon's Heat Gauge will increase each time a weaponskill is executed. When the Heat Gauge reaches 100%, your weapon will become Overheated and damage dealt will be increased by 10%.<br />'''Duration:''' 10s<br />Gauss Barrel effect ends automatically once weapon is no longer Overheated and cannot be applied again for 10s. ||align = "left" | The effects of this ability have been completely revamped.
| [[Remove Barrel]] || [[file:Remove Barrel.png|40px]] || 52 || [[ability]] || 0s || 10s || ?? || ?? ||align = "left" | Removes Gauss Barrel from your weapon. ||align = "left" | New Action
| [[Gauss Round]] || [[file:Gauss Round.png|40px]] || 54 || [[ability]] || 0s || 15s || ?? || ?? ||align = "left" | Delivers an attack with a potency of 200. ||align = "left" | Gauss Barrel requirement has been removed.<br />Recast time reduced from 20 to 15 seconds.
| [[Dismantle]] || [[file:Dismantle.png|40px]] || 56 || [[ability]] || 0s || 90s || ?? || ?? ||align = "left" | Lowers target's damage dealt by 10%.<br />'''Duration:''' 5s ||align = "left" | Effect changed from "Lowers target's physical damage dealt by 5%" to "Lowers target's damage dealt by 10%."<br />Now acquired at level 56 (previously level 50).<br />Effect duration reduced from 10 to 5 seconds.<br />No longer shares a recast timer with Rend Mind.
| [[Hypercharge]] || [[file:Hypercharge.png|40px]] || 58 || [[ability]] || 0s || 120s || ?? || ?? ||align = "left" | Overcharges your autoturret, increasing its attack potency.<br />'''Duration:''' 20s<br />Can only be executed while a turret is deployed. ||align = "left" | No longer increases turret MP or TP regeneration.
| [[Ricochet]] || [[file:Ricochet.png|40px]] || 60 || [[ability]] || 0s || 60s || ?? || ?? ||align = "left" | Deals damage to all nearby enemies with a potency of 300 for the first enemy, 10% less for the second, 20% less for the third, 30% less for the fourth, 40% less for the fifth, and 50% less for all remaining enemies. ||align = "left" | The effects of this ability have been completely revamped.
| [[Cooldown]] || [[file:Cooldown.png|40px]] || 62 || [[weaponskill]] || 0s || 2.5s || ?? || ?? ||align = "left" | Delivers an attack with a potency of 150 if Heat Gauge is under 50, 230 if the gauge is 50 or over.<br />Ammunition Effect: Increases Cooldown potency by 25<br />'''Additional Effect:''' Reduces Heat Gauge by 25 ||align = "left" | New Action
| [[Barrel Stabilizer]] || [[file:Barrel Stabilizer.png|40px]] || 66 || [[ability]] || 0s || 120s || ?? || ?? ||align = "left" | Sets Heat Gauge to 50.<br />Can only be executed when in combat, your weapon is not Overheated, and a Gauss Barrel is attached. ||align = "left" | New Action
| [[Rook Overdrive]] || [[file:Rook Overdrive.png|40px]] || 68 || [[ability]] || 0s || 120s || ?? || ?? ||align = "left" | Sends deployed Rook Autoturret into overdrive. While in overdrive, the autoturret will launch a powerful attack, damaging the unit. The autoturret is removed from the battlefield after execution for repairs and cannot be deployed for 30s. ||align = "left" | New Action
| [[Bishop Overdrive]] || [[file:Bishop Overdrive.png|40px]] || 68 || [[ability]] || 0s || 120s || ?? || ?? ||align = "left" | Sends deployed Bishop Autoturret into overdrive. While in overdrive, the autoturret will launch a powerful attack, damaging the unit. The autoturret is removed from the battlefield after execution for repairs and cannot be deployed for 30s. ||align = "left" | New Action
| [[Flamethrower]] || [[file:Flamethrower.png|40px]] || 70 || [[ability]] || 0s || 60s || ?? || ?? ||align = "left" | Delivers damage over time to all enemies in a cone before you.<br />'''Potency:''' 60<br />'''Duration:''' 10s<br />Heat Gauge gradually increases while Flamethrower is active. Heat Gauge not affected when used outside battle.<br />Effect ends upon executing another action or moving.<br />Cancels auto-attack upon execution. ||align = "left" | New Action
| [[Heated Split Shot]] || [[file:Heated Split Shot.png|40px]] || [[weaponskill]] || - || 0s || 2.5s || ?? || ?? ||align = "left" | Delivers an attack with a potency of 190.<br />'''Additional Effect:''' 50% chance of increasing next Slug Shot potency by 100 or Heated Slug Shot by 130<br />'''Duration:''' 10s<br />Ammunition Effect: Increases current Heated Split Shot potency by 25<br />Ammunition Effect: 100% chance of increasing next Slug Shot or Heated Slug Shot potency<br />'''Additional Effect:''' Increases Heat Gauge by 10 ||align = "left" | New Action
| [[Heated Slug Shot]] || [[file:Heated Slug Shot.png|40px]] || [[weaponskill]] || - || 0s || 2.5s || ?? || ?? ||align = "left" | Delivers an attack with a potency of 100.<br />Split Shot Bonus '''Potency:''' 230<br />'''Additional Effect:''' 50% chance of increasing next Clean Shot potency by 140 or Heated Clean Shot by 170<br />uration: 10s<br />Ammunition Effect: Increases current Heated Slug Shot potency by 25<br />Ammunition Effect: 100% chance of increasing next Clean Shot or Heated Clean Shot potency<br />'''Additional Effect:''' Increases Heat Gauge by 10 ||align = "left" | New Action
| [[Heated Clean Shot]] || [[file:Heated Clean Shot.png|40px]] || [[weaponskill]] || - || 0s || 2.5s || ?? || ?? ||align = "left" | Delivers an attack with a potency of 100.<br />Slug Shot Bonus '''Potency:''' 270<br />Ammunition Effect: Increases current Heated Clean Shot potency by 25<br />'''Additional Effect:''' Increases Heat Gauge by 10 ||align = "left" | New Action
| [[Rook Overload]] || [[file:Rook Overload.png|40px]] || [[ability]] || - || 0s || -s || ?? || ?? ||align = "left" | Rook Autoturret under the effect of Rook Overdrive delivers an attack with a potency of 400. Autoturret is removed from the battlefield after execution. ||align = "left" | New Action
| [[Bishop Overload]] || [[file:Bishop Overload.png|40px]] || [[ability]] || - || 0s || -s || ?? || ?? ||align = "left" | Bishop Autoturret under the effect of Bishop Overdrive deals damage with a potency of 300 to all nearby enemies. Autoturret is removed from the battlefield after execution. ||align = "left" | New Action

==Notable Machinists==
{| class="wikitable" style= "text-align: center"
! Trait
! Icon           
! Level
<gallery heights=200px mode=packed>
! Description
File:Machinist concept art 1.jpg
| [[Enhanced Dexterity (Machinist)|Enhanced Dexterity]] || [[File:Enhanced dexterity icon1.png|40px]]|| 8 || align = "left" |Increases [[dexterity]] by 2.
| [[Lodged Lead]] || [[file:lodged lead icon1.png|40px]]|| 14 || align = "left" | Extends [[Lead Shot]] duration to 30 seconds.
File:Machinist4.jpg|Machinist Artifact Armor in 4.0 Stormblood.
| [[Enhanced Dexterity II (Machinist)|Enhanced Dexterity II]] || [[File:Enhanced dexterity ii icon1.png|40px]]|| 16 || align = "left" |Increases [[dexterity]] by 4.
File:Machinist5.png|Machinist Artifact Armor in 5.0 Shadowbringers.
File:Machinist6.jpg|Machinist Artifact Armor in 6.0 Endwalker.
| [[Increased Action Damage (Machinist)|Increased Action Damage]] || [[File:Increased action damage icon1.png|40px]]|| 20 || align = "left" | Increases base action damage and autoturret damage by 10%.
File:Machinist8.jpg|Machinist Artifact Armor in 7.0 Dawntrail.
| [[Enhanced Dexterity III (Machinist)|Enhanced Dexterity III]] || [[File:Enhanced dexterity iii icon1.png|40px]]|| 24 || align = "left" |Increases [[dexterity]] by 6.
| [[Enhanced Reassemble]] || [[file:enhanced reassemble icon1.png|40px]]|| 28 || align = "left" | Shortens [[Reassemble]] recast time to 60 seconds.
Following the example of Cid Garlond, who had time and again demonstrated the potency of magitek, the Skysteel Manufactory began their tireless work on the development of advanced armaments. As new and devastating weapons were brought to the fray, a new class of champion arose to wield them—the machinist.
| [[Quicker Reload]] || [[file:quicker reload icon1.png|40px]]|| 32 || align = "left" | Shortens [[Quick Reload]] recast time to 15 seconds.
Handed down through the centuries of Ishgard’s endless conflict with the Dravanians, the city-state’s engineers have devised and improved upon myriad dragon-killing contrivances. Their successes inspired the construction of the Skysteel Manufactory in the year 1483 of the Sixth Astral Era, where resident artisans to this day continue to invent weapons such as the ceruleum-propelled giant ballista, and the quad-barreled Bertha cannon.
| [[Enhanced Spread Shot]] || [[file:enhanced spread shot icon1.png|40px]]|| 36 || align = "left" | Extends the range of [[Spread Shot]] to 12 yalms.
Many of these modern advances can be attributed to Stephanivien de Haillenarte, the manufactory’s brilliant chief, who has enthusiastically welcomed the assistance of Garlond Ironworks with incorporating imperial magitek into traditional Ishgardian craftsmanship. Rather than simply adapt this technology for existing purposes, however, Stephanivien has combined magitek with aetherology to develop an entirely new form of weaponry. His primary achievement has been the creation of the aetherotransformer—a device which converts the wearer’s innate mana into the lightning-aspected energy suited for powering the chief's revolutionary inventions. In addition to instructing volunteers in the use of the transformer, Stephanivien has employed a master of marksmanship from Limsa Lominsa to train an ever-growing number of recruits. Armed with their signature firearms and a repertoire of technological marvels, these soldiers of a new age are known as “machinists.
| [[Increased Action Damage II (Machinist)|Increased Action Damage II]] || [[File:Increased action damage ii icon1.png|40px]]|| 40 || align = "left" | Increases base action damage and autoturret damage by 20%.
| [[Enhanced Rapid Fire]] || [[file:enhanced rapid fire icon1.png|40px]]|| 44 || align = "left" | Extends [[Rapid Fire]] effect to three weaponskills.
====Machinist’s Attire====
Based on a proposal made by Stephanivien, the design of this garb prioritizes ease of movement over the heavy protection favored by close-quarter combatants. Its most distinguishing feature is the side-apron tool pouch, used to store a machinist’s transformer, ammunition, and various other devices employed in the machinistry profession.
| [[Enhanced Wildfire]] || [[file:enhanced wildfire icon1.png|40px]]|| 48 || align = "left" | Increases [[Wildfire]] damage compilation to 25%.
This double-barreled firearm features a unique form of propulsion that relies on a wind crystal-pressurized cartridge rather than the explosiveness of firesand. A lack of confidence in this overly ambitious design led to the weapon being falsely peddled at market as an invaluable antique to recoup the costs of its construction.
====Pre-Imperial Garlean Revolver====
This antique firearm was the first of its kind to feature a cylindrical magazine, allowing a marksman to fire multiple shots before reloading. The design was still popular when the imperial army came into formation, and exquisitely decorated revolvers were commonly issued to officers whose rank afforded them the title of “tol” or better. It is not known by what route it came to the hinterlands, but the Sharlayans were said to keep a pristine model of the weapon in the Great Gubal Library as part of their efforts to catalog the history and knowledge of the known world.
Excavated from the Allagan ruins at Silvertear Falls, this firearm appears at first glance to possess multiple barrels. Closer inspection of its irregular mechanisms, however, reveal the weapon capable of firing only single shots, with the motion of the central cylinder intended to spin the bullet and stabilize its trajectory. The lightning crystals embedded in its frame are assumed to serve the function of increasing a shot’s initial velocity.
===Tricks of the Trade===
*[[Satellite Beam]]: Floating contraption? Oh, the satellite! Aye, the blast was even more impressive than I expected! The crystal drive unit's emission was positively blinding. That burning smell, though...
Machinist discussing the aftermath of a battle.
*[[Slug Shot]]: Swapping out standard bullets for an oversized slug, this shot impacts the target with shuddering force. In this fashion, a trained machinist employs various techniques to take advantage of a multitude of custom ammunition.
*[[Gauss Barrel]]: An attachment for machinist weapons. By infusing the barrel with the aetherotransformer’s accumulated energy, the velocity and penetrating power of subsequent shots are substantially increased.
*[[Ricochet]]: After casting out a number of Ishgardian steel reflectors, the machinist fires a single bullet that bounces between each metal plate. This technique can hit multiple targets with its deadly and unpredictable trajectory.
*Race (Clan): [[Roegadyn]] ([[Sea Wolf]])
*Gender: Male
*Age: 55
*Epithet: Rostnsthal the Reborn
Rostnsthal was once better known as Sthalmann Sthalmannsyn, the commodore of Limsa Lominsa’s Knights of the Barracuda. At the peak of his career, Sthalmann was responsible for ordering a self-serving and reckless operation that aimed to oust the current Admiral using the treasures of the fabled Seal Rock—a mission that succeeded in uncovering a ritual object for summoning primals. But the operation soon went awry. With many of his subordinates slaughtered, and the artifact taken, Sthalmann’s reputation was shattered beyond repair. Stripped of his rank, he took up the name “Rostnsthal,” (meaning “rusty steel” in the old Roegadyn tongue) and recruited his own crew of pirates in an ultimately unsuccessful bid to steal back the lost relic. The years following this failure were spent wallowing in cheap grog and misery, until an unexpected offer from distant Ishgard saw him accept the post of a marksmanship instructor.
===Stephanivien de Haillenarte===
*Race (Clan): [[Elezen]] ([[Wildwood]])
*Gender: Male
*Age: 30
*Epithet: Stephanivien Brightsun
As a child Stephanivien often indulged his obsession with machinery by visiting the manufactory, his ready mind quickly absorbing whatever scraps of knowledge the engineers in his family’s employ would throw his way. His frequent association with lowborn artisans—unheard of amongst the haughty nobility of Ishgard—likely contributed to Stephanivien’s unusually enlightened attitude. After coming of age and unofficially assuming the position of manufactory chief, Stephanivien actively sought the cooperation of organizations outside of Ishgard, drafting a contract for technological exchange with Jessie Baler, the deputy president of Garlond Ironworks, and hiring a Limsa Lominsan to instruct his machinists in marksmanship. He is also a staunch believer in encouraging the martial independence of Ishgard’s commoners, reasoning that every machinist recruit can only strengthen the city-state’s defenses.
This device converts the wearer's aether into lightning-aspected energy, which is in turn stored within the transformer’s crystal cores. The machinist then draws upon this accumulated energy to both power and enhance her unique repertoire of weapons, requiring her to master skills far beyond those trained by any mundane musketeer.
{{quotation|[[Encyclopædia Eorzea]] Volume III, p. 248|This auxiliary device is equipped at the waist and stores converted aether as lightning-aspected energy in its inbuilt crystal, allowing the machinist to power all manner of weaponry at will. It also holds a convenient supply of spare cartridges and mechanical tools.}}

==Role Actions==
As of patch 4.0, cross-class actions have been removed in favor of role actions shared by all classes performing a given role. Below are the role actions for this job:
These portable, self-firing cannons come in two variations: the rook, which fires upon a single target; and the bishop, which saturates the area with bursts of electrical energy. Stephanivien later improved the versatility of autoturrets, allowing a machinist to convert the cannons into tools that replenish mana and restore vigor.
<ref>[[Encyclopaedia Eorzea: Volume I]], page 240-241</ref>
===Machinist’s Panoply===
====Gunner's Goggles====
Goggles with brown-tinted lenses not only protect the machinist's vision against damage from muzzle flashes and blast debris, but also enhance it by heightening visual contrast.

{| class="wikitable sortable" style= "text-align: center"
====Gunner's Coat====
In addition to the coattail and belt inherited from the original machinist’s armor, the gunner’s coat features convenient pockets on the sleeves.
| [[Second Wind]] || [[File:Second_wind.png|40px]]|| 8 || Instantly restores own HP.
| [[Foot Graze]] || [[file:Foot_graze_icon1.png|40px]]|| 12 || Binds target.
| [[Leg Graze]] || [[file:Leg_graze_icon1.png|40px]]|| 16 || Infects target with [[Heavy]] +40%.
| [[Peloton]] || [[file:Peloton.png|40px]] || 20 || Increases movement speed of self and nearby party members.
| [[Invigorate]] || [[file:invigorate.png|40px]]|| 24 || Instantly restores 400 TP.
| [[Tactician]] || [[file:Tactician.png|40px]] || 32 || Gradually restores own TP and TP of nearby party members.
| [[Refresh (Action)]] || [[file:Refresh.png|40px]] || 36 || Gradually restores own MP and MP of nearby party members.
| [[Head Graze]] || [[file:Head_graze_icon1.png|40px]]|| 40 || Silences target.
| [[Arm Graze]] || [[file:Arm_Graze.png|40px]] || 44 || Stuns target.
| [[Palisade]] || [[file:Palisade.png|40px]] || 48 || Reduces physical damage taken by party member by 20%.

==PvP Actions==
====Gunner's Thighboots====
{| class="wikitable sortable" style= "text-align: center"
The length of these boots enables the machinist to comfortably fire when kneeling, while their rubber soles allow her to maintain a solid footing regardless of recoil.
! Action
! Icon
! Type
! Cost
! Cast Time
! Cooldown
! Range
! Radius
! Description
| [[Split Shot (PvP)]] || [[file:Split Shot (PvP).png|40px]] || [[weaponskill]] || - || 0s || 2.3s || ?? || ?? ||align = "left" | Delivers an attack with a potency of 750.<br />Gauss Barrel Effect: Increases Heat Gauge by 5<br />※Action changes to Heated Split Shot when executed while a Gauss Barrel is attached and the Heat Gauge is 50 or higher.<br />※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
| [[Slug Shot (PvP)]] || [[file:Slug Shot (PvP).png|40px]] || [[weaponskill]] || - || 0s || 2.3s || ?? || ?? ||align = "left" | Delivers an attack to target.<br />'''Combo Action:''' Split Shot or Heated Split Shot<br />'''Combo Potency:''' 1,000<br />Gauss Barrel Effect: Increases Heat Gauge by 5<br />※Action changes to Heated Slug Shot when executed while a Gauss Barrel is attached and the Heat Gauge is 50 or higher.<br />※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
| [[Clean Shot (PvP)]] || [[file:Clean Shot (PvP).png|40px]] || [[weaponskill]] || - || 0s || 2.3s || ?? || ?? ||align = "left" | Delivers an attack to target.<br />'''Combo Action:''' Slug Shot or Heated Slug Shot<br />'''Combo Potency:''' 1,250<br />Gauss Barrel Effect: Increases Heat Gauge by 5<br />※Action changes to Heated Clean Shot when executed while a Gauss Barrel is attached and the Heat Gauge is 50 or higher.<br />※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
| [[Hot Shot (PvP)]] || [[file:Hot Shot (PvP).png|40px]] || [[weaponskill]] || - || 0s || 2.3s || ?? || ?? ||align = "left" | Delivers an attack with a potency of 750.<br />Gauss Barrel Effect: Increases Heat Gauge by 25<br />Can only be used when Heat Gauge is below 50.<br />※Action changes to Cooldown while a Gauss Barrel is attached and the Heat Gauge is 50 or higher.
| [[Quick Reload (PvP)]] || [[file:Quick Reload (PvP).png|40px]] || [[ability]] || 200 TP || 0s || 1s || ?? || ?? ||align = "left" | Replenishes your ammunition by 1 (up to a maximum of 3). Ammunition is used when executing weaponskills, increasing potency by 250, reducing recast time by 1.5s, and reducing Heat Gauge increase.
| [[Blank (PvP)]] || [[file:Blank (PvP).png|40px]] || [[ability]] || 300 TP || 0s || 10s || ?? || ?? ||align = "left" | Delivers an attack with a potency of 500.<br />'''Additional Effect:''' 15-yalm knockback
| [[Between the Eyes (PvP)]] || [[file:Between the Eyes (PvP).png|40px]] || [[ability]] || - || 0s || 30s || ?? || ?? ||align = "left" | Delivers an attack with a potency of 1,000.<br />Potency is doubled if target is under the effect of Bind, Stun, or Sleep.
| [[Leg Graze (PvP)]] || [[file:Leg Graze (PvP).png|40px]] || [[ability]] || - || 0s || 30s || ?? || ?? ||align = "left" | Inflicts target with Heavy +25%.<br />'''Duration:''' 5s
| [[Wildfire (PvP)]] || [[file:Wildfire (PvP).png|40px]] || [[ability]] || - || 0s || 30s || ?? || ?? ||align = "left" | Covers target's body in a slow-burning pitch. For the next 7 seconds, 25% of most damage you inflict upon the target is compiled, then dealt at the end of the effect's duration.
| [[Gauss Barrel (PvP)]] || [[file:Gauss Barrel (PvP).png|40px]] || [[ability]] || - || 0s || 10s || ?? || ?? ||align = "left" | Equips your current firearm with a gauss barrel, increasing damage dealt by 10%. While barrel is equipped, your weapon's Heat Gauge will increase each time a weaponskill is executed. When the Heat Gauge reaches 100%, your weapon will become Overheated and damage dealt will be increased by 10%.<br />'''Duration:''' 10s<br />Gauss Barrel effect ends automatically once weapon is no longer Overheated and cannot be applied again for 10s.<br />※Action changes to Stun Gun when executed while a Gauss Barrel is attached.
| [[Report (PvP)]] || [[file:Report (PvP).png|40px]] || [[ability]] || - || 0s || 120s || ?? || ?? ||align = "left" | Restores 25% of maximum MP and TP for self and all nearby party members.
| [[Heated Split Shot (PvP)]] || [[file:Heated Split Shot (PvP).png|40px]] || [[weaponskill]] || - || 0s || 2.3s || ?? || ?? ||align = "left" | Delivers an attack with a potency of 1,000.<br />'''Additional Effect:''' Increases Heat Gauge by 10<br />Can only be executed with a Gauss Barrel attached and while your Heat Gauge is 50 or higher.<br />※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
| [[Heated Slug Shot (PvP)]] || [[file:Heated Slug Shot (PvP).png|40px]] || [[weaponskill]] || - || 0s || 2.3s || ?? || ?? ||align = "left" | Delivers an attack to target.<br />'''Combo Action:''' Split Shot or Heated Split Shot<br />'''Combo Potency:''' 1,250<br />'''Additional Effect:''' Increases Heat Gauge by 10<br />Can only be executed with a Gauss Barrel attached and while your Heat Gauge is 50 or higher.<br />※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
| [[Heated Clean Shot (PvP)]] || [[file:Heated Clean Shot (PvP).png|40px]] || [[weaponskill]] || - || 0s || 2.3s || ?? || ?? ||align = "left" | Delivers an attack to target.<br />'''Combo Action:''' Slug Shot or Heated Slug Shot<br />'''Combo Potency:''' 1,500<br />'''Additional Effect:''' Increases Heat Gauge by 10<br />Can only be executed with a Gauss Barrel attached and while your Heat Gauge is 50 or higher.<br />※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
| [[Cooldown (PvP)]] || [[file:Cooldown (PvP).png|40px]] || [[weaponskill]] || - || 0s || 2.3s || ?? || ?? ||align = "left" | Delivers an attack with a potency of 1,000.<br />'''Additional Effect:''' Reduces Heat Gauge by 25<br />Can only be executed with a Gauss Barrel attached and while your Heat Gauge is 50 or higher.<br />※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
| [[Stun Gun (PvP)]] || [[file:Stun Gun (PvP).png|40px]] || [[ability]] || - || 0s || 60s || ?? || ?? ||align = "left" | Delivers an attack to all nearby enemies with a potency of 1,000 for the first enemy, 25% less for the second, 50% less for the third, and 75% less for all remaining enemies.<br />'''Additional Effect:''' Stun<br />'''Duration:''' 2s<br />Overheats Gauss Barrel upon execution.<br />※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.

====Form & Function====
{| class="wikitable sortable" style= "text-align: center"
Like the bard, the gun-wielding machinist keeps her enemies at a safe distance, and thus prefers lightweight and mobile defensive gear. In fact, she may even find the same garments worn by archers on the battlefield serviceable for her purposes. Still, the comparatively high-maintenance nature of machinist weapons has led to demand for specialized attire, which allows them to keep spare parts, maintenance tools, and the aetherotransformers that power their firearms and turrets close at hand.
! Quest
! Level
! Zone
! Coordinates
! Gil
! Reward
|[[File:Sidequest.png|link=Side Quests|20px|Side Quest]][[Savior of Skysteel]]||50||[[Stephanivien]]||[[Foundation]]||(x8,y10)||24000||0||align = "left" | [[file:soul of the machinist icon1.png|link=Soul of the Machnist]], [[file:steel-barreled carbine icon1.png|link=Steel-barreled Carbine]], [[file:toadskin jacket icon1.png|link=Toadskin Jacket]], [[file:toadskin brais icon1.png|link=Toadskin Brais]]
|[[File:Sidequest.png|link=Side Quests|20px|Side Quest]][[Master of Marksmanship]]||30||[[Rostnsthal]]||[[Outer La Noscea]]||(x19,y17)||7410||0||align = "left" | [[file:hot shot icon1.png|link=Hot Shot]]
|[[File:Sidequest.png|link=Side Quests|20px|Side Quest]][[Always the Last Place You Look]]||35||[[Stephanivien]]||[[Foundation]]||(x8,y10)||9020||0||align = "left" | [[file:clean shot icon1.png|link=Clean Shot]]
|[[File:Sidequest.png|link=Side Quests|20px|Side Quest]][[Rook Before You Reap]]||40||[[Stephanivien]]||[[Foundation]]||(x8,y10)||11270||0||align = "left" | [[file:rook autoturret icon1.png|link=Rook Autoturret]]
|[[File:Sidequest.png|link=Side Quests|20px|Side Quest]][[Securing the Locks]]||40||[[Stephanivien]]||[[Foundation]]||(x8,y10)||11270||0||align = "left" |
|[[File:Sidequest.png|link=Side Quests|20px|Side Quest]][[A Suppressive Strategy]]||45||[[Stephanivien]]||[[Foundation]]||(x8,y10)||12420||0||align = "left" | [[file:suppressive fire icon1.png|link=Suppressive Fire]]
|[[File:Sidequest.png|link=Side Quests|20px|Side Quest]][[Blood on the Sands]]||45||[[Stephanivien]]||[[Foundation]]||(x8,y10)||12420||0||align = "left" |
|[[File:Sidequest.png|link=Side Quests|20px|Side Quest]][[Rage against the Machinists]]||50||[[Stephanivien]]||[[Foundation]]||(x8,y10)||24000||0||align = "left" | [[file:dismantle icon1.png|link=Dismantle]]
|[[File:Sidequest.png|link=Side Quests|20px|Side Quest]][[The Power of a Tourney]]||50||[[Stephanivien]]||[[Foundation]]||(x8,y10)||24000||0||align = "left" | [[file:bishop autoturret icon1.png|link=Bishop Autoturret]]
|[[File:Sidequest.png|link=Side Quests|20px|Side Quest]][[A Joye-less Celebration]]||50||[[Stephanivien]]||[[Foundation]]||(x8,y10)||24000||1153||align = "left" |
|[[File:Sidequest.png|link=Side Quests|20px|Side Quest]][[Pushing the Brume]]||52||[[Stephanivien]]||[[Foundation]]||(x8,y10)||26400||822||align = "left" | [[file:gauss barrel icon1.png|link=Gauss Barrel]]
|[[File:Sidequest.png|link=Side Quests|20px|Side Quest]][[A Joye-ful Reunion]]||54||[[Stephanivien]]||[[Foundation]]||(x8,y10)||31200||2796||align = "left" | [[file:gauss round icon1.png|link=gauss Round]]
|[[File:Sidequest.png|link=Side Quests|20px|Side Quest]][[Wheels of Justice]]||56||[[Stephanivien]]||[[Foundation]]||(x8,y10)||36000||2113||align = "left" | [[file:rend mind icon1.png|link=rend Mind]]
|[[File:Sidequest.png|link=Side Quests|20px|Side Quest]][[Taking the Fall]]||58||[[Stephanivien]]||[[Foundation]]||(x8,y10)||40800||1595||align = "left" | [[file:hypercharge icon1.png|link=Hypercharge]]
|[[File:Sidequest.png|link=Side Quests|20px|Side Quest]][[Rusted Steel]]||58||[[Stephanivien]]||[[Foundation]]||(x8,y10)||40800||507||align = "left" |
|[[File:Sidequest.png|link=Side Quests|20px|Side Quest]][[Rise of the Machinists]]||60||[[Stephanivien]]||[[Foundation]]||(x8,y10)||0||1656||align = "left" | [[file:ricochet icon1.png|link=Ricochet]]
|[[File:Sidequest.png|link=Side Quests|20px|Side Quest]][[The Machinists' Choice]]||60||[[Stephanivien]]||[[Foundation]]||(x8.1,y10.1)||0||0||align = "left" |

==Job Gauge==
The first full set of machinist’s armor (pictured at right) was developed by Lord Stephanivien of House Haillenarte, the father of modern machinistry. The design, featuring a single durable coattail for storage, quickly found favor. An upgraded version dubbed the “gunner’s armor” has since come to the fore, though it is in fact a mere prototype conceived during the development of uniform for Hilda’s Hounds.
{{:Ammunition & Heat Gauge}}
<ref>Encyclopaedia Eorzea: Volume II, page 233</ref>

==[[Machinist Guide]]==
==External links==
'''[[Machinist Endgame Rotations]]'''
* [https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/jobguide/machinist FinalFantasyXIV.com Machinist] on the official website.
* [https://www.thebalanceffxiv.com/jobs/ranged/machinist Comprehensive Job Guide] provided by The Balance.

[[File:machinist concept art2.jpg|300px]] [[File:machinist af3.jpg|400px]] [[File:machinist concept art1.jpg|300px]]
<references />

{{Classes and Jobs}}
{{Job navbar}}
[[Category:Patch 3.0 Features‎]]

Latest revision as of 07:11, 10 July 2024

Machinist concept art.jpg


The war with Dravania rages on, brutal and unrelenting. With no end in sight, the Holy See grows desperate. As her dragoons lay down their lives in defense of their home, Ishgard turns to technology to protect her sons and daughters. Great cannons and ballistas now line the city walls, plucking dragons from the sky. Following the example of Cid Garlond, who has demonstrated the potency of magitek, the Skysteel Manufactory works tirelessly on the development of advanced armaments. As new and devastating weapons are brought to the fray, a new class of champion arises to wield them―the machinist.

FinalFantasyXIV.com Machinist

Machinist frame icon.png Machinist (MCH) is a job introduced with the Heavensward expansion and unlockable at level 50 with sufficient progression in the Main Scenario Quests. The job starts at level 30 when unlocked. It is one of three physical ranged DPS jobs and does not have a base class.

General information


The Machinist's Guild is Skysteel Manufactory, located in Foundation (x8, y10.2). This job starts at level 30. The job trainer is Stephanivien.



The machinist is a disciple of war and wears armor and accessories "of Aiming." They use firearms as weapons.

Weapon Armor Accessories
Machinist's Arms Head


Machinist Job Quests

Quest Type Level Quest Giver Unlocks Rewards
So You Want to Be a Machinist Job quest 50 Stephanivien
Savior of Skysteel Job quest 50 Stephanivien Machinist
Machinist (Simple) Adventurer Plate
Machinist (Simple) Adventurer Plate
1 Soul of the machinist icon1.png  Soul of the Machinist
1 Steel-barreled carbine icon1.png  Steel-barreled Carbine
1 Toadskin jacket icon1.png  Toadskin Jacket
1 Toadskin brais icon1.png  Toadskin Brais
Master of Marksmanship Job quest 30 Rostnsthal Hypercharge.png  Hypercharge
Always the Last Place You Look Job quest 35 Stephanivien Heat Blast.png  Heat Blast
Rook Before You Reap Job quest 40 Stephanivien Rook Autoturret.png  Rook Autoturret
Securing the Locks Job quest 40 Stephanivien
A Suppressive Strategy Job quest 45 Stephanivien
Blood on the Sands Job quest 45 Stephanivien
Rage against the Machinists Job quest 50 Stephanivien
The Power of a Tourney Job quest 50 Stephanivien Ricochet.png  Ricochet
I'm a machinist not a man i icon1.png  I'm a Machinist, Not a Man I
Machinist - Part 1
Machinist - Part 1
1 Junior machinists armor coffer (il 90) icon1.png  Junior Machinist's Armor Coffer (IL 90)
A Joye-less Celebration Job quest 50 Stephanivien
Pushing the Brume Job quest 52 Stephanivien Auto Crossbow.png  Auto Crossbow
A Joye-ful Reunion Job quest 54 Stephanivien Heated Split Shot.png  Heated Split Shot
Split Shot Mastery.png  Split Shot Mastery
Wheels of Justice Job quest 56 Stephanivien Tactician.png  Tactician
Taking the Fall Job quest 58 Stephanivien Drill.png  Drill
Rusted Steel Job quest 58 Stephanivien
Rise of the Machinists Job quest 60 Stephanivien Heated Slug Shot.png  Heated Slug Shot
Slug Shot Mastery.png  Slug Shot Mastery
I'm a machinist not a man ii icon1.png  I'm a Machinist, Not a Man II
Machinist - Part 2
Machinist - Part 2
1 Machinists armor coffer (il 210) icon1.png  Machinist's Armor Coffer (IL 210)
The Machinists' Choice Job quest 60 Stephanivien
The Hrunting Heist Job quest 63 Hilda
Release the Hounds Job quest 65 Hilda
Snouts Down, Tails Up Job quest 68 Hilda
The Mongrel and the Knight Job quest 70 Hilda Flamethrower.png  Flamethrower
I'm a machinist not a man iii icon1.png  I'm a Machinist, Not a Man III
Machinist - Part 3
Machinist - Part 3
1 Gunners attire coffer (il 290) icon1.png  Gunner's Attire Coffer (IL 290)
Machinists for the Morrow Sidequest 80 Stephanivien I'm a machinist not a man iv icon1.png  I'm a Machinist, Not a Man IV
Machinist - Part 4
Machinist - Part 4
1 Heavens eye materia vii icon1.png  Heavens' Eye Materia VII
1 Savage aim materia vii icon1.png  Savage Aim Materia VII
1 Savage might materia vii icon1.png  Savage Might Materia VII

Physical DPS Role Quests (Shadowbringers)

Quest Type Level Quest Giver Unlocks Rewards
No Greater Sport Role quest 70 Lue-Reeq
Vengeance in Defeat Role quest 72 Lue-Reeq
Freedom from Privilege Role quest 74 Lue-Reeq
The Hunter's Legacy Role quest 76 Lue-Reeq
Fellowship Restored Role quest 78 Olvara 1 Risotto al nero icon1.png  Risotto al Nero
Courage Born of Fear Role quest 80 Lue-Reeq Speaker for the brave icon1.png  Speaker for the Brave
Physical DPS Role Quests (Shadowbringers)
Physical DPS Role Quests (Shadowbringers)
1 Heavens eye materia vii icon1.png  Heavens' Eye Materia VII
1 Savage aim materia vii icon1.png  Savage Aim Materia VII
1 Savage might materia vii icon1.png  Savage Might Materia VII

Physical Ranged DPS Role Quests (Endwalker)

Quest Type Level Quest Giver Unlocks
Seeds of Disquiet Role quest 85 Doman Delegate
When the Kami Answer Role quest 86 Yugiri
Home No Longer Role quest 87 Yugiri
The Devoted Daughter Role quest 88 Yugiri
A Singular Gift Role quest 89 Yugiri
Laid to Rest Role quest 90 Yugiri More than loneliness icon1.png  More than Loneliness
Physical Ranged DPS Role Quests (Endwalker)
Physical Ranged DPS Role Quests (Endwalker)

Physical Ranged DPS Role Quests (Dawntrail)

Quest Type Level Quest Giver Unlocks Rewards
To Steal a Steelhog Role quest 90 Raholl Ja
Bandits Abound Role quest 92 Ceetol Ja
Take Me to Your Leader Role quest 94 Ceetol Ja
The Milk of Mamool Ja Kindness Role quest 96 Ceetol Ja
Ally in the Alley Role quest 98 Ceetol Ja 1 Driftwood catfish pie icon1.png  Driftwood Catfish Pie
The Mightiest Shield Role quest 100 Ceetol Ja Some shields are made to be broken icon1.png  Some Shields Are Made to Be Broken
Physical Ranged DPS Role Quests (Dawntrail)
Physical Ranged DPS Role Quests (Dawntrail)
2 Savage aim materia xi icon1.png  Savage Aim Materia XI
2 Savage might materia xi icon1.png  Savage Might Materia XI
2 Heavens eye materia xi icon1.png  Heavens' Eye Materia XI


PvE actions

Action Acquired Quest requirement Level Type MP Casting Recast Range
Split Shot.png  Split Shot Machinist frame icon.png MCH 1 Weaponskill Instant 2.5s Range icon.png 25y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Delivers an attack with a potency of 140.
Additional Effect: Increases Heat Gauge by 5
Slug Shot.png  Slug Shot Machinist frame icon.png MCH 2 Weaponskill Instant 2.5s Range icon.png 25y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Delivers an attack with a potency of 100.
Combo Action: Split Shot or Heated Split Shot
Combo Potency: 210
Combo Bonus: Increases Heat Gauge by 5
Hot Shot.png  Hot Shot Machinist frame icon.png MCH 4 Weaponskill Instant 40s Range icon.png 25y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Delivers an attack with a potency of 240.
Additional Effect: Increases Battery Gauge by 20
This weaponskill does not share a recast timer with any other actions.
Reassemble.png  Reassemble Machinist frame icon.png MCH 10 Ability Instant 55s Range icon.png 0y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Guarantees that next weaponskill is a critical direct hit.
Duration: 5s
This action does not affect damage over time effects.
Maximum Charges: 2
Gauss Round.png  Gauss Round Machinist frame icon.png MCH 15 Ability Instant 30s Range icon.png 25y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Delivers an attack with a potency of 130.
Maximum Charges: 3
Spread Shot.png  Spread Shot Machinist frame icon.png MCH 18 Weaponskill Instant 2.5s Range icon.png 12y
Conal AoE in front of the user 12y
Delivers an attack with a potency of 140 to all enemies in a cone before you.
Additional Effect: Increases Heat Gauge by 5
Clean Shot.png  Clean Shot Machinist frame icon.png MCH 26 Weaponskill Instant 2.5s Range icon.png 25y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Delivers an attack with a potency of 100.
Combo Action: Slug Shot or Heated Slug Shot
Combo Potency: 270
Combo Bonus: Increases Heat Gauge by 5
Combo Bonus: Increases Battery Gauge by 10
Hypercharge.png  Hypercharge Machinist frame icon.png MCH 1Quest: Master of Marksmanship 30 Ability Instant 10s Range icon.png 0y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Grants 5 stacks of Overheated, each stack allowing the execution of Blazing Shot or Auto Crossbow.
Duration: 10s
Overheated Effect: Increases the potency of single-target weaponskills by 20
Heat Gauge Cost: 50

Overheated effect only applicable to machinist job actions.

Heat Blast.png  Heat Blast Machinist frame icon.png MCH 1Quest: Always the Last Place You Look 35 Weaponskill Instant 1.5s Range icon.png 25y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Delivers an attack with a potency of 200.
Additional Effect: Reduces the recast time of both Gauss Round and Ricochet by 15s
Can only be executed when firearm is Overheated.
Recast timer cannot be affected by status effects or gear attributes.
Rook Autoturret.png  Rook Autoturret Machinist frame icon.png MCH 1Quest: Rook Before You Reap 40 Ability Instant 6s Range icon.png 0y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Deploys a single-target battle turret which attacks using Volley Fire, dealing damage with a potency of 35.
Potency increases as Battery Gauge exceeds required cost at time of deployment, up to a maximum of 75.
Battery Gauge Cost: 50
Duration: 9s
Consumes Battery Gauge upon execution. Shuts down when time expires or upon execution of Rook Overdrive.
Shares a recast timer with Rook Overdrive.
Rook Overdrive.png  Rook Overdrive Machinist frame icon.png MCH 40 Ability Instant 15s Range icon.png 25y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Orders the rook autoturret to use Rook Overload.
Rook Overload Potency: 160
Potency increases as Battery Gauge exceeds required cost at time of deployment, up to a maximum of 320.
The rook autoturret shuts down after execution. If this action is not used manually while the rook autoturret is active, it will be triggered automatically immediately before shutting down.
Shares a recast timer with Rook Autoturret.
Rook Overload.png  Rook Overload Machinist frame icon.png MCH 40 Ability Instant Instant Range icon.png 40y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Delivers an attack with a potency of 160.
Potency increases as Battery Gauge exceeds required cost at time of deployment, up to a maximum of 320.
The rook autoturret shuts down after execution. If this action is not used manually while the rook autoturret is active, it will be triggered automatically immediately before shutting down.
※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
Wildfire.png  Wildfire Machinist frame icon.png MCH 45 Ability Instant 120s Range icon.png 25y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Covers target's body in a slow-burning pitch.
Action is changed to Detonator for the duration of the effect.
Deals damage when time expires or upon executing Detonator.
Potency is increased by 240 for each of your own weaponskills you land prior to the end of the effect.
Can be stacked up to 6 times.
Duration: 10s
Detonator.png  Detonator Machinist frame icon.png MCH 45 Ability Instant 1s Range icon.png 25y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Ends the effect of Wildfire, dealing damage to the target.
※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
Ricochet.png  Ricochet Machinist frame icon.png MCH 1Quest: The Power of a Tourney 50 Ability Instant 30s Range icon.png 25y
Circle AoE around the action target 5y
Deals damage to all nearby enemies with a potency of 130 for the first enemy, and 50% less for all remaining enemies.
Maximum Charges: 3
Auto Crossbow.png  Auto Crossbow Machinist frame icon.png MCH 1Quest: Pushing the Brume 52 Weaponskill Instant 1.5s Range icon.png 12y
Conal AoE in front of the user 12y
Delivers an attack with a potency of 160 to all enemies in a cone before you.
Can only be executed when firearm is Overheated.
Recast timer cannot be affected by status effects or gear attributes.
Heated Split Shot.png  Heated Split Shot Machinist frame icon.png MCH 1Quest: A Joye-ful Reunion 54 Weaponskill Instant 2.5s Range icon.png 25y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Delivers an attack with a potency of 220.
Additional Effect: Increases Heat Gauge by 5
Tactician.png  Tactician Machinist frame icon.png MCH 1Quest: Wheels of Justice 56 Ability Instant 90s Range icon.png 0y
Point Blank Circle around the user 30y
Reduces damage taken by self and nearby party members by 15%.
Duration: 15s
Effect cannot be stacked with bard's Troubadour or dancer's Shield Samba.
Drill.png  Drill Machinist frame icon.png MCH 1Quest: Taking the Fall 58 Weaponskill Instant 20s Range icon.png 20y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Delivers an attack with a potency of 600.
Maximum Charges: 2
Shares a recast timer with Bioblaster.
Heated Slug Shot.png  Heated Slug Shot Machinist frame icon.png MCH 1Quest: Rise of the Machinists 60 Weaponskill Instant 2.5s Range icon.png 25y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Delivers an attack with a potency of 140.
Combo Action: Heated Split Shot
Combo Potency: 320
Combo Bonus: Increases Heat Gauge by 5
Dismantle.png  Dismantle Machinist frame icon.png MCH 62 Ability Instant 120s Range icon.png 25y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Lowers target's damage dealt by 10%.
Duration: 10s
Heated Clean Shot.png  Heated Clean Shot Machinist frame icon.png MCH 64 Weaponskill Instant 2.5s Range icon.png 25y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Delivers an attack with a potency of 160.
Combo Action: Heated Slug Shot
Combo Potency: 420
Combo Bonus: Increases Heat Gauge by 5
Combo Bonus: Increases Battery Gauge by 10
Barrel Stabilizer.png  Barrel Stabilizer Machinist frame icon.png MCH 66 Ability Instant 120s Range icon.png 0y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Grants Hypercharged.
Duration: 30s
Additional Effect: Grants Full Metal Machinist
Duration: 30s
Can only be executed while in combat.
Blazing Shot.png  Blazing Shot Machinist frame icon.png MCH 68 Weaponskill Instant 1.5s Range icon.png 25y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Delivers an attack with a potency of 240.
Additional Effect: Reduces the recast time of both Double Check and Checkmate by 15s
Can only be executed when firearm is overheated.
This weaponskill does not share a recast timer with any other actions. Upon execution, the recast timer for this action will be applied to all other weaponskills and magic actions.
Flamethrower.png  Flamethrower Machinist frame icon.png MCH 1Quest: The Mongrel and the Knight 70 Ability Instant 60s Range icon.png 0y
Conal AoE in front of the user 12y
Delivers damage over time to all enemies in a cone before you.
Potency: 100
Duration: 10s
Effect ends upon using another action or moving (including facing a different direction).
Cancels auto-attack upon execution.
Triggers the cooldown of weaponskills upon execution. Cannot be executed during the cooldown of weaponskills.
Bioblaster.png  Bioblaster Machinist frame icon.png MCH 72 Weaponskill Instant 20s Range icon.png 12y
Conal AoE in front of the user 12y
Delivers an attack with a potency of 50 to all enemies in a cone before you.
Additional Effect: Damage over time
Potency: 50
Duration: 15s
Maximum Charges: 2
Shares a recast timer with Drill.
Air Anchor.png  Air Anchor Machinist frame icon.png MCH 76 Weaponskill Instant 40s Range icon.png 25y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Delivers an attack with a potency of 600.
Additional Effect: Increases Battery Gauge by 20
This action does not share a recast timer with any other actions.
Automaton Queen.png  Automaton Queen Machinist frame icon.png MCH 80 Ability Instant 6s Range icon.png 0y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Deploys an Automaton Queen to fight at your side.
Potency of Automaton Queen actions increases as Battery Gauge exceeds required cost at time of deployment.
Battery Gauge Cost: 50
Duration: 12s
Consumes Battery Gauge upon execution. Shuts down when time expires or upon execution of Queen Overdrive.
Shares a recast timer with Queen Overdrive.
Queen Overdrive.png  Queen Overdrive Machinist frame icon.png MCH 80 Ability Instant 15s Range icon.png 30y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Orders the Automaton Queen to use Pile Bunker.
Pile Bunker Potency: 650
Potency increases as Battery Gauge exceeds required cost at time of deployment.
The Automaton Queen shuts down after execution. If this action is not used manually while the Automaton Queen is active, it will be triggered automatically immediately before shutting down.
Shares a recast timer with Automaton Queen.
Arm Punch.png  Arm Punch Machinist frame icon.png MCH 80 Weaponskill Instant 1.5s Range icon.png 3y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Delivers an attack with a potency of 120.
Potency increases as Battery Gauge exceeds required cost at time of deployment, up to a maximum of 240.
※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
Roller Dash.png  Roller Dash Machinist frame icon.png MCH 80 Weaponskill Instant 3s Range icon.png 30y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Rushes target and delivers an attack with a potency of 240.
Potency increases as Battery Gauge exceeds required cost at time of deployment, up to a maximum of 480.
※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
Pile Bunker.png  Pile Bunker Machinist frame icon.png MCH 80 Ability Instant Instant Range icon.png 3y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Delivers an attack with a potency of 680.
Potency increases as Battery Gauge exceeds required cost at time of deployment.
The Automaton Queen shuts down after execution. If this action is not used manually while the Automaton Queen is active, it will be triggered automatically immediately before shutting down.
※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
Scattergun.png  Scattergun Machinist frame icon.png MCH 82 Weaponskill Instant 2.5s Range icon.png 12y
Conal AoE in front of the user 12y
Delivers an attack with a potency of 160 to all enemies in a cone before you.
Additional Effect: Increases Heat Gauge by 10
Crowned Collider.png  Crowned Collider Machinist frame icon.png MCH 86 Ability Instant Instant Range icon.png 3y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Delivers an attack with a potency of 780.
Potency increases as Battery Gauge exceeds required cost at time of deployment.
The Automaton Queen shuts down after execution. If this action is not used manually while the Automaton Queen is active, it will be triggered automatically immediately before shutting down.
※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
Chain Saw.png  Chain Saw Machinist frame icon.png MCH 90 Weaponskill Instant 60s Range icon.png 25y
Line AoE from the user to the action target 25y
Delivers an attack to all enemies in a straight line before you with a potency of 600 for the first enemy, and 65% less for all remaining enemies.
Additional Effect: Increases Battery Gauge by 20
Additional Effect: Grants Excavator Ready
Duration: 30s
This weaponskill does not share a recast timer with any other actions.
Double Check.png  Double Check Machinist frame icon.png MCH 92 Ability Instant 30s Range icon.png 25y
Circle AoE around the action target 5y
Delivers an attack to target and all enemies nearby it with a potency of 170 for the first enemy, and 50% less for all remaining enemies.
Maximum Charges: 3
Checkmate.png  Checkmate Machinist frame icon.png MCH 92 Ability Instant 30s Range icon.png 25y
Circle AoE around the action target 5y
Delivers an attack to target and all enemies nearby it with a potency of 170 for the first enemy, and 50% less for all remaining enemies.
Maximum Charges: 3
Excavator.png  Excavator Machinist frame icon.png MCH 96 Weaponskill Instant 2.5s Range icon.png 25y
Circle AoE around the action target 5y
Delivers an attack to target and all enemies nearby it with a potency of 600 for the first enemy, and 65% less for all remaining enemies.
Additional Effect: Increases Battery Gauge by 20
Can only be executed while under the effect of Excavator Ready.

※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
Chain Saw changes to Excavator when requirements for execution are met.
Full Metal Field.png  Full Metal Field Machinist frame icon.png MCH 100 Weaponskill Instant 2.5s Range icon.png 25y
Circle AoE around the action target 5y
Delivers a critical direct hit to target and all enemies nearby it with a potency of 900 for the first enemy, and 50% less for all remaining enemies.
Damage dealt is increased when under an effect that raises critical hit rate or direct hit rate.
This action is not affected by Reassemble.
Can only be executed while under the effect of Full Metal Machinist.

Limit Breaks (PvE)

See also: Limit Break
Action Acquired Level Type MP Casting Recast Range
Limit break icon1.png  Big Shot Physical Ranged DPS role.png Physical Ranged DPS 1 Limit Break Level 1 2s Instant Range icon.png 25y
Line AoE from the user to the action target 30y
Delivers an attack that deals 54% the damage of Braver to all targets in a straight line.
Limit break icon1.png  Desperado Physical Ranged DPS role.png Physical Ranged DPS 1 Limit Break Level 2 3s Instant Range icon.png 25y
Line AoE from the user to the action target 30y
Delivers an attack that deals 117% the damage of Braver to all targets in a straight line.
Limit break icon1.png  Satellite Beam Machinist frame icon.png MCH 1 Limit Break Level 3 4.5s Instant Range icon.png 25y
Line AoE from the user to the action target 30y
Delivers an attack that deals 189% the damage of Braver to all targets in a straight line.

Physical Ranged DPS role actions (PvE)

See also: Role actions
Action Acquired Level Type MP Casting Recast Range
Leg Graze.png  Leg Graze Physical Ranged DPS role.png Physical Ranged DPS 6 Ability Instant 30s Range icon.png 0y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Inflicts target with Heavy +40%.
Duration: 10s
Second Wind.png  Second Wind Melee DPS role.png Melee DPS
Physical Ranged DPS role.png Physical Ranged DPS
8 Ability Instant 120s Range icon.png 0y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Instantly restores own HP.
Cure Potency: 800
Foot Graze.png  Foot Graze Physical Ranged DPS role.png Physical Ranged DPS 10 Ability Instant 30s Range icon.png 0y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Binds target.
Duration: 10s
Cancels auto-attack upon execution.
Target unbound if damage taken.
Peloton.png  Peloton Physical Ranged DPS role.png Physical Ranged DPS 20 Ability Instant 5s Range icon.png 0y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 30y
Increases movement speed of self and nearby party members as long as they remain within distance.
Duration: 30s
Effect ends when enmity is generated. Cannot be used in battle.
Head Graze.png  Head Graze Physical Ranged DPS role.png Physical Ranged DPS 24 Ability Instant 30s Range icon.png 25y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Interrupts the use of a target's action.
Arm's Length.png  Arm's Length Melee DPS role.png Melee DPS
Physical Ranged DPS role.png Physical Ranged DPS
Tank role.png Tank
32 Ability Instant 120s Range icon.png 0y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Creates a barrier nullifying most knockback and draw-in effects.
Duration: 6s
Additional Effect: Slow +20% when barrier is struck
Duration: 15s

PvP actions

Action Acquired Quest requirement Level Type MP Casting Recast Range
Blast Charge (PvP).png  Blast Charge (PvP) Machinist frame icon.png MCH 30 Weaponskill 1.44s 2.4s Range icon.png 25y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Delivers a ranged attack with a potency of 6,000.
Additional Effect: Grants a stack of Heat, up to a maximum of 4.
Duration: 15s
At maximum stacks, grants Overheated and increases movement speed by 25%.
Duration: 5s
Requires casting time to execute. However, it is possibule to walk while casting.
※Action changes to Blazing Shot while under the effect of Overheated.
Scattergun (PvP).png  Scattergun (PvP) Machinist frame icon.png MCH 30 Weaponskill Instant 16s Range icon.png 12y
Conal AoE in front of the user 12y
Delivers an attack with a potency of 6,000 to all enemies in a cone before you. Strikes twice when hitting only a single target.
Additional Effect: 10-yalm knockback.
This weaponskill does not share a recast timer with any other actions.
Drill (PvP).png  Drill (PvP) Machinist frame icon.png MCH 30 Weaponskill Instant 10s Range icon.png 25y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Delivers a ranged attack with a potency of 9,000.
Potency is increased to 16,000 while under the effect of Analysis.
Ignores the effects of Guard when dealing damage.
Additional Effect: Grants Bioblaster Primed
Maximum Charges: 2
Can only be executed while under the effect of Drill Primed.
This weaponskill does not share a recast timer with any other actions.
※Action changes to Bioblaster while under the effect of Bioblaster Primed.
Full Metal Field (PvP).png  Full Metal Field (PvP) Machinist frame icon.png MCH 30 Weaponskill Instant 30s Range icon.png 25y
Circle AoE around the action target 5y
Delivers an attack with a potency of 10,000 to target and all enemies nearby it.
Strikes the first target twice, but its potency will be halved for the second strike.
Additional Effect: Grants Overheated
Duration: 5s
Overheated Effect: Increases movement speed by 25%
Extends Overheated duration by 5s to a maximum of 10s.
This weaponskill does not share a recast timer with any other actions.
※Blast Charge changes to Blazing Shot while under the effect of Overheated.
Wildfire (PvP).png  Wildfire (PvP) Machinist frame icon.png MCH 30 Ability Instant 24s Range icon.png 25y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Covers target's body in a slow-burning pitch. Action is changed to Detonator for the duration of the effect. Deals damage to target and all enemies within 5 yalms when time expires or upon executing Detonator.
Duration: 8s
Potency is increased by 4,000 for each of your own attack actions you land prior to the end of the effect. Landing 4 attack actions will cause the slow-burning pitch to detonate immediately.
Bishop Autoturret (PvP).png  Bishop Autoturret (PvP) Machinist frame icon.png MCH 30 Ability Instant 30s Range icon.png 25y
Point Blank Circle around the user 5y
Deploys an area of effect battle turret which will deliver auto-attacks to enemies within range with a potency of 6,000.
Duration: 10s
Additional Effect: Creates a barrier that absorbs damage equivalent to a heal of 6,000 potency.
Duration: 6s
Analysis (PvP).png  Analysis (PvP) Machinist frame icon.png MCH 30 Ability Instant 20s Range icon.png 0y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Grants additional effects to Drill, Bioblaster, Air Anchor, and Chain Saw when these weaponskills are executed.
Duration: 10s
Drill Additional Effect: Potency is increased to 200%
Bioblaster Additional Effect: Attack potency and damage over time potency is increased by 50%
Air Anchor Additional Effect: Potency is increased by 50% and the Bind effect becomes Stun.
Chain Saw Additional Effect: Increases target's damage taken
Maximum Charges: 2
Blazing Shot (PvP).png  Blazing Shot (PvP) Machinist frame icon.png MCH 30 Weaponskill Instant 1.5s Range icon.png 25y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Delivers a ranged attack with a potency of 8,000.
Can only be executed while under the effect of Overheated.
This weaponskill does not share a recast timer with any other actions.
※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
Bioblaster (PvP).png  Bioblaster (PvP) Machinist frame icon.png MCH 30 Weaponskill Instant 10s Range icon.png 12y
Conal AoE in front of the user 12y
Delivers an attack with a potency of 4,000 to all enemies in a cone before you.
Additional Effect: Damage over time.
Potency: 4,000
Duration: 9s
Increases attack potency and damage over time potency by 50% while under the effect of Analysis
Additional Effect: Grants Air Anchor Primed
Maximum Charges: 2
Can only be executed while under the effect of Bioblaster Primed.
This weaponskill does not share a recast timer with any other actions.
※Action changes to Air Anchor while under the effect of Air Anchor Primed.
※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
Air Anchor (PvP).png  Air Anchor (PvP) Machinist frame icon.png MCH 30 Weaponskill Instant 10s Range icon.png 25y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Delivers a ranged attack with a potency of 8,000.
Additional Effect: Bind
Duration: 3s
Additional Effect: Potency is increased by 50%, and the Bind effect becomes Stun while under the effect of Analysis.
Duration: 3s
Additional Effect: Grants Chain Saw Primed
Maximum Charges: 2
Can only be executed while under the effect of Air Anchor Primed.
This weaponskill does not share a recast timer with any other actions.
※Action changes to Chain Saw while under the effect of Chain Saw Primed.
※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
Chain Saw (PvP).png  Chain Saw (PvP) Machinist frame icon.png MCH 30 Weaponskill Instant 10s Range icon.png 25y
Line AoE from the user to the action target 25y
Delivers an attack with a potency of 12,000 to all enemies in a straight line before you.
Additional Effect: Increases target's damage taken by 20% while under the effect of Analysis
Duration: 6s
Additional Effect: Grants Drill Primed
Maximum Charges: 2
Can only be executed while under the effect of Chain Saw Primed
This weaponskill does not share a recast timer with any other actions.
※Action changes to Drill while under the effect of Drill Primed.
※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
Detonator (PvP action).png  Detonator (PvP) Machinist frame icon.png MCH 30 Ability Instant 1s Range icon.png 0y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Ends the effect of Wildfire, dealing damage to the target.
Can only be executed while under the effect of Wildfire.
※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
Aether Mortar (PvP).png  Aether Mortar (PvP) Machinist frame icon.png MCH 30 Ability 1s 1s Range icon.png 0y
Point Blank Circle around the user 5y
Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 6,000 to all nearby enemies.
Additional Effect: Creates a barrier that absorbs damage equivalent to a heal of 6,000 potency
Duration: 6s
※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.

Limit Break (PvP)

Action Acquired Level Type MP Casting Recast Range
Marksman's Spite (PvP).png  Marksman's Spite (PvP) Machinist frame icon.png MCH 30 Limit Break Instant 10s Range icon.png 50y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Delivers a ranged attack with a potency of 36,000.
Can only be executed when the limit gauge is full.
Gauge Charge Time: 90s

Common actions (PvP)

Action Acquired Level Type MP Casting Recast Range
Standard-issue Elixir (PvP).png  Standard-issue Elixir (PvP) Any class frame icon.png ANY 30 Ability 4.5s 5s Range icon.png 0y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Restores your HP and MP to maximum. Casting will be interrupted when damage is taken.
Recuperate (PvP).png  Recuperate (PvP) Any class frame icon.png ANY 30 Ability 2,500 Instant 1s Range icon.png 0y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Restores own HP.
Cure Potency: 15,000
Purify (PvP).png  Purify (PvP) Any class frame icon.png ANY 30 Ability Instant 24s Range icon.png 0y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Removes Stun, Heavy, Bind, Silence, Deep Freeze, and Miracle of Nature.
Additional Effect: Grants Resilience
Resilience Effect: Nullifies status afflictions that can be removed by Purify, as well as knockback and draw-in effects
Duration: 3s
Can be used even when under the effect of certain status afflictions.
Guard (PvP).png  Guard (PvP) Any class frame icon.png ANY 30 Ability Instant 30s Range icon.png 0y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Reduces damage taken by 90% and grants immunity to Stun, Heavy, Bind, Silence, Half-asleep, Sleep, Deep Freeze, and knockback and draw-in effects.
Duration: 4s
Movement speed is reduced by 33% for the duration of this effect.
Effect ends upon reuse, using another action, or when the effect duration expires.
Sprint (PvP).png  Sprint (PvP) Any class frame icon.png ANY 30 Ability Instant 1.5s Range icon.png 0y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Increases movement speed. Effect ends upon reuse or execution of another action.


PvE traits

Trait Acquired Quest requirement Level Effect
Increased Action Damage (Machinist).png  Increased Action Damage Machinist frame icon.png MCH 20 Increases base action damage and autoturret damage by 10%.
Increased Action Damage II (Machinist).png  Increased Action Damage II Machinist frame icon.png MCH 40 Increases base action damage and autoturret damage by 20%.
Split Shot Mastery.png  Split Shot Mastery Machinist frame icon.png MCH 1Quest: A Joye-ful Reunion 54 Upgrades Split Shot to Heated Split Shot.
Slug Shot Mastery.png  Slug Shot Mastery Machinist frame icon.png MCH 1Quest: Rise of the Machinists 60 Upgrades Slug Shot to Heated Slug Shot.
Clean Shot Mastery.png  Clean Shot Mastery Machinist frame icon.png MCH 64 Upgrades Clean Shot to Heated Clean Shot.
Heat Blast Mastery.png  Heat Blast Mastery Machinist frame icon.png MCH 68 Upgrades Heat Blast to Blazing Shot.
Charged Action Mastery.png  Charged Action Mastery Machinist frame icon.png MCH 74 Allows a third charge of Gauss Round and Ricochet.
Hot Shot Mastery.png  Hot Shot Mastery Machinist frame icon.png MCH 76 Upgrades Hot Shot to Air Anchor.
Enhanced Wildfire.png  Enhanced Wildfire Machinist frame icon.png MCH 78 Improves Wildfire's potency increase for landing weaponskills to 240.
Promotion.png  Promotion Machinist frame icon.png MCH 80 Upgrades Rook Autoturret and Rook Overdrive to Automaton Queen and Queen Overdrive respectively.
Spread Shot Mastery.png  Spread Shot Mastery Machinist frame icon.png MCH 82 Upgrades Spread Shot to Scattergun.
Enhanced Reassemble.png  Enhanced Reassemble Machinist frame icon.png MCH 84 Allows the accumulation of charges for consecutive uses of Reassemble.
Maximum Charges: 2
Marksman's Mastery.png  Marksman's Mastery Machinist frame icon.png MCH 84 Increases the potency of Heated Split Shot to 200, Heated Slug Shot to 120, and Heated Clean Shot to 120.
Queen's Gambit.png  Queen's Gambit Machinist frame icon.png MCH 86 After executing Pile Bunker, the Automaton Queen will also execute Crowned Collider.
Enhanced Tactician.png  Enhanced Tactician Machinist frame icon.png MCH 88 Reduces Tactician recast time to 90 seconds.
Double-barrel Mastery.png  Double-barrel Mastery Machinist frame icon.png MCH 92 Upgrades Gauss Round to Double Check and Ricochet to Checkmate.
Enhanced Multiweapon.png  Enhanced Multiweapon Machinist frame icon.png MCH 94 Allows the accumulation of charges for consecutive uses of Drill and Bioblaster.
Maximum Charges: 2
Marksman's Mastery II.png  Marksman's Mastery II Machinist frame icon.png MCH 94 Increases the potency of Auto Crossbow to 160, Heated Split Shot to 220, Heated Slug Shot to 140, Heated Clean Shot to 160, Blazing Shot to 240, and Scattergun to 160.
Enhanced Second Wind.png  Enhanced Second Wind Melee DPS role.png Melee DPS
Physical Ranged DPS role.png Physical Ranged DPS
94 Increases the healing potency of Second Wind to 800.
Enhanced Multiweapon II.png  Enhanced Multiweapon II Machinist frame icon.png MCH 96 Grants Excavator Ready upon executing Chain Saw.
Duration: 30s
Chain Saw changes to Excavator while under the effect of Excavator Ready.
Enhanced Tactician II.png  Enhanced Tactician II Machinist frame icon.png MCH 98 Improves Tactician's damage reduction effect to 15%.
Enhanced Barrel Stabilizer.png  Enhanced Barrel Stabilizer Machinist frame icon.png MCH 100 Grants Full Metal Machinist upon executing Barrel Stabilizer.
Duration: 30s


Performing actions in a certain order increases potency and applies combo bonuses.

Heated Split Shot.png => Heated Slug Shot.png => Heated Clean Shot.png = Increases the Heat Gauge and Battery Gauge.

Job mechanics

Official Lodestone Job Guide (Always up-to-date)

Heat Gauge is Machinist's Job Gauge.

Heat Gauge

Upon learning the action Hypercharge.png  Hypercharge, the Heat Gauge will be displayed.

Using certain weaponskills will generate heat. When you have generated enough, Hypercharge can be activated, overheating your firearm. This allows the execution of certain weaponskills such as Heat Blast.png  Heat Blast (acquired at level 35) and Auto Crossbow.png  Auto Crossbow (acquired at level 52).

Heat gauge pve1.png

Upon learning the action Rook Autoturret.png  Rook Autoturret, the Battery Gauge will be displayed.

The Battery Gauge accumulates when certain actions are performed and allows the placement of a Rook Autoturret.png  Rook Autoturret, which will attack your target. It also allows the deployment of an Automaton Queen.png  Automaton Queen (acquired at level 80) to fight alongside you.

Heat gauge pve2.png

Simple Mode

Heat gauge pve simple mode1.png Heat Gauge

Heat gauge pve simple mode2.png Battery Gauge

Heat gauge pve simple mode3.png Overheated

Heat gauge pve simple mode4.png Automaton Queen.png  Automaton Queen


This job is associated with the following achievements:

Name Points Task Reward Patch
Mean machine i icon1.png  Mean Machine I 5 Achieve machinist level 30. - 3.0
Mean machine ii icon1.png  Mean Machine II 5 Achieve machinist level 40. - 3.0
Mean machine iii icon1.png  Mean Machine III 5 Achieve machinist level 50. - 3.0
Mean machine iv icon1.png  Mean Machine IV 5 Achieve machinist level 60. - 3.0
Mean machine v icon1.png  Mean Machine V 5 Achieve machinist level 70. - 4.0
Mean machine vi icon1.png  Mean Machine VI 5 Achieve machinist level 80. - 5.0
Mean machine vii icon1.png  Mean Machine VII 5 Achieve machinist level 90. - 6.0
Mean machine viii icon1.png  Mean Machine VIII 5 Achieve machinist level 100. - 7.0

Notable Machinists



Following the example of Cid Garlond, who had time and again demonstrated the potency of magitek, the Skysteel Manufactory began their tireless work on the development of advanced armaments. As new and devastating weapons were brought to the fray, a new class of champion arose to wield them—the machinist.


Handed down through the centuries of Ishgard’s endless conflict with the Dravanians, the city-state’s engineers have devised and improved upon myriad dragon-killing contrivances. Their successes inspired the construction of the Skysteel Manufactory in the year 1483 of the Sixth Astral Era, where resident artisans to this day continue to invent weapons such as the ceruleum-propelled giant ballista, and the quad-barreled Bertha cannon.

Many of these modern advances can be attributed to Stephanivien de Haillenarte, the manufactory’s brilliant chief, who has enthusiastically welcomed the assistance of Garlond Ironworks with incorporating imperial magitek into traditional Ishgardian craftsmanship. Rather than simply adapt this technology for existing purposes, however, Stephanivien has combined magitek with aetherology to develop an entirely new form of weaponry. His primary achievement has been the creation of the aetherotransformer—a device which converts the wearer’s innate mana into the lightning-aspected energy suited for powering the chief's revolutionary inventions. In addition to instructing volunteers in the use of the transformer, Stephanivien has employed a master of marksmanship from Limsa Lominsa to train an ever-growing number of recruits. Armed with their signature firearms and a repertoire of technological marvels, these soldiers of a new age are known as “machinists.”


Machinist’s Attire

Based on a proposal made by Stephanivien, the design of this garb prioritizes ease of movement over the heavy protection favored by close-quarter combatants. Its most distinguishing feature is the side-apron tool pouch, used to store a machinist’s transformer, ammunition, and various other devices employed in the machinistry profession.


This double-barreled firearm features a unique form of propulsion that relies on a wind crystal-pressurized cartridge rather than the explosiveness of firesand. A lack of confidence in this overly ambitious design led to the weapon being falsely peddled at market as an invaluable antique to recoup the costs of its construction.

Pre-Imperial Garlean Revolver

This antique firearm was the first of its kind to feature a cylindrical magazine, allowing a marksman to fire multiple shots before reloading. The design was still popular when the imperial army came into formation, and exquisitely decorated revolvers were commonly issued to officers whose rank afforded them the title of “tol” or better. It is not known by what route it came to the hinterlands, but the Sharlayans were said to keep a pristine model of the weapon in the Great Gubal Library as part of their efforts to catalog the history and knowledge of the known world.


Excavated from the Allagan ruins at Silvertear Falls, this firearm appears at first glance to possess multiple barrels. Closer inspection of its irregular mechanisms, however, reveal the weapon capable of firing only single shots, with the motion of the central cylinder intended to spin the bullet and stabilize its trajectory. The lightning crystals embedded in its frame are assumed to serve the function of increasing a shot’s initial velocity.

Tricks of the Trade

  • Satellite Beam: Floating contraption? Oh, the satellite! Aye, the blast was even more impressive than I expected! The crystal drive unit's emission was positively blinding. That burning smell, though...”

Machinist discussing the aftermath of a battle.

  • Slug Shot: Swapping out standard bullets for an oversized slug, this shot impacts the target with shuddering force. In this fashion, a trained machinist employs various techniques to take advantage of a multitude of custom ammunition.
  • Gauss Barrel: An attachment for machinist weapons. By infusing the barrel with the aetherotransformer’s accumulated energy, the velocity and penetrating power of subsequent shots are substantially increased.
  • Ricochet: After casting out a number of Ishgardian steel reflectors, the machinist fires a single bullet that bounces between each metal plate. This technique can hit multiple targets with its deadly and unpredictable trajectory.


  • Race (Clan): Roegadyn (Sea Wolf)
  • Gender: Male
  • Age: 55
  • Epithet: Rostnsthal the Reborn

Rostnsthal was once better known as Sthalmann Sthalmannsyn, the commodore of Limsa Lominsa’s Knights of the Barracuda. At the peak of his career, Sthalmann was responsible for ordering a self-serving and reckless operation that aimed to oust the current Admiral using the treasures of the fabled Seal Rock—a mission that succeeded in uncovering a ritual object for summoning primals. But the operation soon went awry. With many of his subordinates slaughtered, and the artifact taken, Sthalmann’s reputation was shattered beyond repair. Stripped of his rank, he took up the name “Rostnsthal,” (meaning “rusty steel” in the old Roegadyn tongue) and recruited his own crew of pirates in an ultimately unsuccessful bid to steal back the lost relic. The years following this failure were spent wallowing in cheap grog and misery, until an unexpected offer from distant Ishgard saw him accept the post of a marksmanship instructor.

Stephanivien de Haillenarte

  • Race (Clan): Elezen (Wildwood)
  • Gender: Male
  • Age: 30
  • Epithet: Stephanivien Brightsun

As a child Stephanivien often indulged his obsession with machinery by visiting the manufactory, his ready mind quickly absorbing whatever scraps of knowledge the engineers in his family’s employ would throw his way. His frequent association with lowborn artisans—unheard of amongst the haughty nobility of Ishgard—likely contributed to Stephanivien’s unusually enlightened attitude. After coming of age and unofficially assuming the position of manufactory chief, Stephanivien actively sought the cooperation of organizations outside of Ishgard, drafting a contract for technological exchange with Jessie Baler, the deputy president of Garlond Ironworks, and hiring a Limsa Lominsan to instruct his machinists in marksmanship. He is also a staunch believer in encouraging the martial independence of Ishgard’s commoners, reasoning that every machinist recruit can only strengthen the city-state’s defenses.


This device converts the wearer's aether into lightning-aspected energy, which is in turn stored within the transformer’s crystal cores. The machinist then draws upon this accumulated energy to both power and enhance her unique repertoire of weapons, requiring her to master skills far beyond those trained by any mundane musketeer.

This auxiliary device is equipped at the waist and stores converted aether as lightning-aspected energy in its inbuilt crystal, allowing the machinist to power all manner of weaponry at will. It also holds a convenient supply of spare cartridges and mechanical tools.

Encyclopædia Eorzea Volume III, p. 248


These portable, self-firing cannons come in two variations: the rook, which fires upon a single target; and the bishop, which saturates the area with bursts of electrical energy. Stephanivien later improved the versatility of autoturrets, allowing a machinist to convert the cannons into tools that replenish mana and restore vigor. [1]

Machinist’s Panoply

Gunner's Goggles

Goggles with brown-tinted lenses not only protect the machinist's vision against damage from muzzle flashes and blast debris, but also enhance it by heightening visual contrast.

Gunner's Coat

In addition to the coattail and belt inherited from the original machinist’s armor, the gunner’s coat features convenient pockets on the sleeves.

Gunner's Thighboots

The length of these boots enables the machinist to comfortably fire when kneeling, while their rubber soles allow her to maintain a solid footing regardless of recoil.

Form & Function

Like the bard, the gun-wielding machinist keeps her enemies at a safe distance, and thus prefers lightweight and mobile defensive gear. In fact, she may even find the same garments worn by archers on the battlefield serviceable for her purposes. Still, the comparatively high-maintenance nature of machinist weapons has led to demand for specialized attire, which allows them to keep spare parts, maintenance tools, and the aetherotransformers that power their firearms and turrets close at hand.

The first full set of machinist’s armor (pictured at right) was developed by Lord Stephanivien of House Haillenarte, the father of modern machinistry. The design, featuring a single durable coattail for storage, quickly found favor. An upgraded version dubbed the “gunner’s armor” has since come to the fore, though it is in fact a mere prototype conceived during the development of uniform for Hilda’s Hounds. [2]

External links


  1. Encyclopaedia Eorzea: Volume I, page 240-241
  2. Encyclopaedia Eorzea: Volume II, page 233