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{{Duty infobox
{{otheruses|the [[Feature Quests|Feature Quest]]|the level 50 [[Alliance Raid]]|The Labyrinth of the Ancients}}
| name = Labyrinth of the Ancients
{{Quest infobox
| description = With the help of Cid nan Garlond, members of the expedition to the Crystal Tower have successfully penetrated the defenses of the Eight Sentinels. The ancient Allagan structure is not so easily entered, however, and the Labyrinth of the Ancients now awaits the fellowship of NOAH as they seek the ultimate prize.
| title = Labyrinth of the Ancients
| image = Labyrinthoftheancients.png
| description = [[G'raha Tia]] is eager to begin the expedition to the [[Crystal Tower]].
| type = raid
| image = Labyrinth of the Ancients (Quest).png
| quest-giver = G'raha Tia
| location = Mor Dhona
| location-x = 30.4
| location-y = 12.1
| type = feature
| quest-line = Crystal Tower
| organization =
| class =
| job =
| level = 50
| level = 50
| level-sync = 50
| req-quest =
| ilvl = 50
| req-items =
| size = alliance
| requirements =
| time-limit = 120
| exp = 0
| roulette = alliance raid
| gil = 3752
| tomestones =  
| mettle =  
| req-quest = Labyrinth of the Ancients (Quest)
| reward(1-10) =  
| overridereward(1-10) =  
| reward-opt(1-8) =  
| overridereward-opt(1-8) =
| unlocks = ra The Labyrinth of the Ancients
| prev-quest = A Performance for the Ages
| next-quest = For Prosperity
| patch = 2.1
| patch = 2.1
| release =  
| release =  
| id-edb = c8031463e5b
| id-gt = 66738
}} __NOTOC__
These [[alliance raid]]s are not difficult and can be done blind in the [[Duty Finder]].

*Make your way to the gate located to the southeast of [[Saint Coinach's Find]].
*Enter [[the Labyrinth of the Ancients]].
*Speak with [[G'raha Tia]] at [[Saint Coinach's Find]].

==General Information==
Labyrinth of the Ancients is the first section of [[Crystal Tower]] released in patch 2.1. It requires a full [[party|raid]] of 24 players.
* [[G'raha Tia]] is eager to begin the expedition to the [[Crystal Tower]].
*Players must have completed the quest [[Primal Awakening]] and the Crystal Tower quest [[A Performance for the Ages]].
*Time Restriction: 120 minutes
*Rewards: 100 [[Allagan Tomestone of Poetics]]
Entrance is obtained by completing [[Legacy of Allag]] and [[Sanding It Down]] pre missions before [[A Performance for the Ages]]

* Assuming the role of expedition leader, [[G'raha Tia]] issues instructions to the assembled fellowship of NOAH, detailing how the operation will proceed. Make your way to the large gate located to the southeast of [[Saint Coinach's Find]], and await the arrival of the rest of the survey team.
# Activate the Allagan teleporters
# Clear the Pools of Oblivion
# Defeat the bone dragon
# Clear the Walk of Lament
# Defeat Thanatos
# Clear the Walk of Fire
# Defeat the King Behemoth
# Defeat Phlegethon

* To the great relief of all concerned, the crystal “fangs” make short work of the tower's lethal outer defenses. Reasoning that the structure's inner reaches are like to contain further hazards, [[Cid]] volunteers you for the task of securing [[the Labyrinth of the Ancients]]. Rid the maze of anything which might pose a threat to the survey team.
{{#ev:youtube|P1mgTFDkQ-Q|400|right|Updated Labyrinth of the Ancients Guide}}
** ※[[The Labyrinth of the Ancients]] can be accessed via the [[Duty Finder]].
{{#ev:youtube|RzEvQ-Ruj5w|400|right|Labyrinth of the Ancients Guide Part 1}}
{{#ev:youtube|ac7UGobsFqQ|400|right|Labyrinth of the Ancients Guide Part 2}}
====Bone Dragon====
Bone Dragon is the 1st boss of the Labyrinth of the Ancients. Players will encounter the Dragon when they take the left path from the entrance. Bone Dragon must be killed 3 times before it is finally defeated.

The arena has platforms similar to previous rooms. Poison will occasionally fill all lower areas of the room so be aware of this. The boss will spawn 3 waves of skeleton adds. Each group should stand in a separate side of the room and pull one add to the outside of the room on a platform. Each add must be killed on a separate platform. Once the bone dragon dies, all skeleton adds will respawn and move towards the dragon. If two skeletons were close to each other when they died, they will move too fast to be killed. Each skeleton that reaches the boss will do 1500 unblockable damage to the raid. This phase will repeat once. The second time the dragon comes back to life, he will spawn floating eyes instead. These should be picked up by tanks but dps should focusing on killing boss instead of adds then the dragon will die for good this time.  
* Along with your steadfast adventuring companions, you have succeeded in ridding the labyrinth of its deadly protectors. [[Cid]] and [[G'raha Tia]] praise your invaluable contribution to the expedition, and together you gaze upon the shimmering spire that rises from the center of the maze.

*Tank the Bone Dragon on the center platform. This allows for an even spread of adds around the room, while minimizing confusion on where to pull the adds as 1 spawns per "path". This will also reduce damage taken by the DPS, as they will spend more time on the raised sections out of the poison.
* Though your labors in the labyrinth have secured a route to the tower, much remains to be discussed before the expedition can proceed. Return to [[Saint Coinach's Find]] and speak with [[G'raha Tia]].
*Kill skeletons on different platforms, kill skeletons before they reach dragon.
*Pick the floating eyes, leave them with tank only

* Back at the excavation site, [[G'raha Tia]] invites you to take a moment to collect your thoughts before debating how best to proceed.

The raid will need to divide into their 3 groups: 1 for each path, which each has a platform. 4 people need to stand on each platform (preferably including 2 healers) to allow the other groups to kill Atomos. Atomos does not need to be tanked but will continuously spawn adds. The tanks need to position these adds within range of the DPS on the platforms; alternatively, a regen effect on the forward tank/DPS will automatically let the healer pull the adds to the platform if no one in front touches them.
===Accepting the Quest===
'''G'raha Tia:''' Esteemed colleagues/gentlemen! The secrets of ancient Allag beckon!
'''G'raha Tia:''' Let's not keep them waiting any longer! Adventurer─you and I will join the engineers at the Crystal Tower's main gateway, where we will endeavor to neutralize the structure's outer defenses.
'''G'raha Tia:''' Rammbroes, meanwhile, will remain here and oversee the operation. Given my knowledge of Allagan history, it seems logical that I should lead the expedition itself...though I admit the role does not exactly befit my status as an observer.
'''G'raha Tia:''' Still, we can but make use of the resources at hand. Assuming all are in agreement, let us proceed forthwith to the large, lopsided gate found to the southeast.
'''G'raha Tia:''' I have studied the legacy of the Allagan Empire for long years. Now that this expedition is at least underway, the very core of my historical infatuation lies within my grasp.
'''G'raha Tia:''' It falls to us—to the fellowship of NOAH—to crack open the tomb of a fallen civilization, and bring the wealth of its history out of the shadows and into the light!

Note: Do not stand on the pads before the alliance has all arrived, that will start the raid and force the late players to teleport into the left chamber.
===Making your way to the gate located to the southeast of Saint Coinach's Find (Cutscene)===
'''Cid:''' The Crystal Tower lies beyond this portal. Now comes the interesting part...  

*4 people stand on each colored platform. The other four focus on killing Atomos.
'''G'raha Tia:''' Cid, you are the only one of our number who has ever crossed this threshold. I ask that you take the lead for the present.  

'''G'raha Tia:''' I say... The energy radiating from these statues is...palpable.  
Thanatos is the 3rd boss of the dungeon. Players will encounter the boss when they take the right path from the labyrinth entrance.

Thanatos is a ghostly iron giant that is surrounded by three Magic Pots on the corner of his chamber. The Magic Pots are friendly mobs, and should be healed if they're damaged. If all three die, then you will be unable to harm the boss and will wipe.
'''Cid:''' Lucky for us that it is. One might otherwise stroll past them... Feast your eyes on the elemental defenses which prompted our lengthy preparations. These sentinels prevent would-be intruders from advancing to within twenty yalms of the tower's inner reaches.  

Thanatos is “ghostly” and cannot be harmed ordinarily. At the beginning of the fight, one of the Magic Pots will shoot green lines out to several alliance members, giving them an “Intangible” debuff. The first group to receive buff is always A, then B, then C. This debuff allows you to deal damage to the boss. A tank with the debuff should pick up the boss immediately, and a tank swap should occur whenever a tank picks up the debuff and the one on the boss loses it. Thanatos does have a cleave, so he should be faced away from the group and the pots.
  '''G'raha Tia:''' ...No matter how swift they may be.  

Anyone not having that debuff should focus on killing the adds that spawn throughout the fight. They will charge the Pots and attack, and occasionally will have a red line connecting them to a pot.  Anytime you see this, these adds must be killed immediately.  While that red line is active, Thanatos will be pulling the Pot to himself with a giant Holmgang chain -- if he gets it to him, he will kill it pretty fast. Once the adds connected to the Pot die and the Pot is healed, it can escape back to its safe spot.
  '''Cid:''' Happily, the crystal fangs we took such pains to craft should spare us the inconvenience of instantaneous annihilation. Here, allow me to demonstrate.  

This fight progresses fairly straightforwardly from here, just repeating the basic mechanics until he dies or all three Pots die.
'''Biggs:''' Ch-Chief!? It's too─

*If you're a ghost (invisible), DPS the boss. If you're visible, kill adds. Healers should keep the pots alive.
'''Cid:''' Dangerous to allow anyone else to risk his life testing one? Quite right. I made the damn things─it's my job to see that they work.  
'''Cid:''' ...Success!

====Allagan Bomb====
'''G'raha Tia:''' I for one am convinced! Friends─ready your fangs!
Allagan Bomb initially does nothing. Each group takes one of the large sword adds. Those Vassagos WILL NOT aggro anyone automatically, so MT should stand in front of each adds to avoid the boss running to the middle. The boss will periodically spawn balloon adds that need to be killed before they explode (high priority). In addition, a Napalm add may spawn and will have the highest priority to kill. The boss can be damaged once the 3 adds are down.

A Vassago will get invulnerability if it has too little HP compared to the healthiest Vassago.
'''Cid:''' This last one is yours, old friend. It seemed only right...
'''Wedge:''' Haha! We did it! So much for the outer defenses!

*MT should stand in front of Vassago before starting fight
'''G'raha Tia:''' Indeed. The entrance to the tower is near at hand. My blood fairly sings with anticipation!
*Kill Priority for adds: Napalm first, Balloon second and Sword third.

====King Behemoth====
'''Cid:''' Speaking of blood─I have a proposal for the next stage of the expedition.  
King Behemoth is the 3rd boss of the labyrinth. Players will encounter Behemoth when they take the center path from the entrance.
'''Cid:''' I suggest we wait here while [Forename] and a handpicked party of her/his adventuring companions enter the tower.  

Each tower should be covered by one ranged DPS or healer, activating it when it begins to glow; DPS priority is Iron Giant/Moving adds, and then boss. King behemoth will target a few players with a comet (green mark above head). These players need to run to the center and drop the comet to be used later. Adds will continually spawn and attempt to reach the towers. These need to be killed as soon as possible. In addition, an iron giant will spawn that will try to destroy the comets. The giant needs to be killed before all comets are destroyed or you will wipe. When King Behemoth stands up, he is casting meteor. The entire raid needs to drop what they're doing and get behind a comet (put a comet between you and him). Rinse and repeat and the fight is done.
'''G'raha Tia:''' What!? Without us? I thought we came here to survey the entire structure!

'''Cid:''' We did─and we will. But our investigations must proceed at a more measured pace.
Phlegethon is the final boss of Labyrinth of the Ancients. The boss room is unlocked from defeating the other 3 bosses.
'''Cid:''' If the outside of the place is this well defended, can you imagine what awaits us on the ''inside''? Only a true hero could reasonably hope to brave the hazards ahead and live to tell the tale.
'''Cid:''' [Forename] here fits that description better than anyone I know.  
'''Cid:''' And it is not as if we shall be idle in her/his absence. While [Forename] and her/his companions are risking life and limb to beat us a path to the tower, we can set about analyzing this rubble for evidence of how its technologies function.
'''Cid:''' Your knowledge of ancient lore will be invaluable in that endeavor, Historian G'raha Tia.  

Phlegethon has only 1 big move to watch out for: Ancient Flare. Each group should take a position ahead of time (A on the left, B center, C on the right). At around 40-50% HP, Phlegethon will move to the center and start casting Ancient Flare. Each group needs to immediately move to its assigned platform. Doing this will put up a barrier to block his 'Ancient Flare' attack, which is otherwise a wipe. At around 5-15% HP, he will do this again; run back to the platform to repeat the mechanic or burn him down (do so if he starts the cast with < 6% HP).  
'''G'raha Tia:''' Bah! Do you ever tire of being right, old man!?
'''G'raha Tia:''' Ahem. [Forename]─as it seems I won't be accompanying you, allow me at least to provide some instruction. The maze that surrounds the base of the tower is known as the “Labyrinth of the Ancients.” During this initial foray, I suggest you concentrate on ridding the place of hostile elements.  
'''G'raha Tia:''' When you are reasonably certain the maze is secure, contact me via linkshell and we shall join you posthaste─no matter what Master Garlond says!
'''G'raha Tia:''' Though we would prefer it if any relics you encounter remained intact, you have leave to do whatever is necessary to secure ingress to the upper levels of the tower. Fortune go with you, [Forename].  

During the fight adds will spawn, and should be killed. Iron Hand adds stun a nearby target.
===Post Labyrinth of the Ancients Cutscene===
'''Cid:''' Ho there, [Forename]!

* Have each group stand on one of the circles the adds spawned from to block Ancient Flare.
'''G'raha Tia:''' Very impressive, I must say! Your name shall be writ large in the volumes that are sure to be penned on this historic expedition.  

'''Cid:''' The scale of this structure defies comprehension... Someone plainly thought bigger was better.
{| width=75%
|width=50% valign=top|
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center" width=100%
| [[Allagan Balloon]] ||
| [[Allagan Bomb]] || N/A
| [[Allagan Napalm]] ||
| [[Atomos]] || N/A
| [[Bone Dragon]] || [[Allagan Tomestone of Soldiery]] x10, 1000 Gil
| [[Cursed Eye]] ||
| [[Diva]] ||
| [[Earth Homunculus]] ||
| [[Fire Homunculus]] ||
| [[Greater Demon]] ||
| [[Ice Homunculus]] ||
| [[Iron Claws]] ||
|width=50% valign=top|
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center" width=100%
| [[Iron Giant]] ||
| [[King Behemoth]] || [[Allagan Tomestone of Soldiery]] x30, 1000 Gil
| [[Lightning Homunculus]] ||
| [[Nemesis]] ||
| [[Platinal]] ||
| [[Phlegethon]] || [[Allagan Tomestone of Soldiery]] x40, 1500 Gil
| [[Puroboros]] ||
| [[Rotting Eye]] ||
| [[Thanatos]] || [[Allagan Tomestone of Soldiery]] x20, 1000 Gil
| [[Vassago]] ||
| [[Water Homunculus]] ||
| [[Wind Homunculus]] ||

'''G'raha Tia:''' According to the findings of my Baldesion colleagues, the Crystal Tower was constructed to collect and store the endless energies of the sun. A characteristically ambitious undertaking.  
When first implemented, a player could run the Crystal Tower as many times as desired but could only receive only drop per weekThe lockout was eliminated in Patch 2.2.
  '''G'raha Tia:''' Now, what of the tower's inner defenses? Judging by your haggard expression, clearing out the labyrinth was no small feat.
'''G'raha Tia:''' ...A giant of a man wielding a shimmering scimitar, you say? Yes, that will have been Phlegethon. Not Acheron. Phlegethon. He was a hero of the Allagan revolution.  

===Bone Dragon Loot===
'''Cid:''' And you gleaned that from what exactly? His choice of weapon?
{| class="wikitable sortable" style="text-align:center" width="75%"
!Item Level
!Magic Defence
!Stats and Attributes
|[[Ballad Boots]] || [[File:ballad boots icon1.png]]|| 80 || [[Archer|ARC]] [[Bard|BRD]] <br /> Level 50 || Feet || 60 || 60 ||align = "left" |[[Dexterity]] +15, [[Vitality]] +17, [[Accuracy]] +19, [[Skill Speed]] +13
|[[Belt of Light]] || [[File:belt of light icon1.png]] || 80 || [[Gladiator|GLD]] [[Marauder|MRD]] [[Paladin|PLD]] [[Warrior|WAR]] <br /> Level 50 || Waist || 96 || 96 ||align = "left" |[[Strength]] +11, [[Vitality]] +13, [[Parry]] +10, [[Critical Hit Rate]] +14
|[[Crimson Shoes]] || [[File:crimson shoes icon1.png]]|| 80 || [[Thaumaturge|THM]] [[Arcanist|ACN]] [[Black Mage|BLM]] [[Summoner|SMN]] <br /> Level 50 || Feet || 43 || 77 ||align = "left" |[[Vitality]] +15, [[Intelligence]] +15, [[Critical Hit Rate]] +19, [[Determination]] +9
|[[Fuma Obi]] || [[File:fuma obi icon1.png]]|| 80 || [[Pugilist|PGL]] [[Monk|MNK]] <br /> Level 50 || Waist || 52 || 52 ||align = "left" |[[Strength]] +11, [[Vitality]] +13, [[Determination]] +10, [[Skill Speed]] +10
|[[Fuma Tekko]] ||[[File:fuma tekko icon1.png]] || 80 || [[Pugilist|PGL]] [[Monk|MNK]] <br /> Level 50 || Hands || 60 || 60 ||align = "left" |[[Strength]] +15, [[Vitality]] +17, [[Accuracy]] +19, [[Critical Hit Rate]] +13
|[[Gauntlets of Light]] || [[File:gauntlets of light icon1.png]]|| 80 || [[Gladiator|GLD]] [[Marauder|MRD]] [[Paladin|PLD]] [[Warrior|WAR]] <br /> Level 50 || Hands || 111 || 111 ||align = "left" |[[Strength]] +15, [[Vitality]] +17, [[Parry]] +19, [[Skill Speed]] +13
|[[Onion Boots]] || [[File:onion boots icon1.png]]|| 80 || [[Lancer|LNC]] [[Dragoon|DRG]] <br /> Level 50 || Feet || 77 || 43 ||align = "left" |[[Strength]] +15, [[Vitality]] +17, [[Critical Hit Rate]] +19, [[Determination]] +9
|[[Royal Celestial Gloves]] ||[[File:royal celestial gloves icon1.png]] || 80 || [[Conjurer|CNJ]] [[White Mage|WHM]] [[Scholar|SCH]] <br /> Level 50 || Hands || 43 || 77 ||align = "left" |[[Vitality]] +15, [[Mind]] +15, [[Piety]] +9, [[Critical Hit Rate]] +19
|[[Royal Sash]] ||[[File:royal sash icon1.png]] || 80 || [[Conjurer|CNJ]] [[White Mage|WHM]] [[Scholar|SCH]] <br /> Level 50 || Waist || 37 || 66 ||align = "left" |[[Vitality]] +11, [[Mind]] +11, [[Determination]] +7, [[Piety]] +10

'''G'raha Tia:''' Well, I ''am'' a historian. And I have a certain, shall we say, “affinity” for the lore of the Allagan Empire.
'''G'raha Tia:''' It is, of course, all knowledge gleaned from musty scrolls and tomes. The ancient texts claim that the Crystal Tower is defended by the champions of eld, resurrected and augmented through the Allagans' extraordinary technology.

===Thanatos Loot===
'''Biggs:''' Chief, you need to see this!  
{| class="wikitable sortable" style="text-align:center" width="75%"
!Item Level
!Magic Defence
!Stats and Attributes
|[[Ballad Gauntlets]] || [[File:ballad gauntlets icon1.png]]|| 80 || [[Archer|ARC]] [[Bard|BRD]] <br /> Level 50 || Hands || 60 || 60 ||align = "left" |[[Dexterity]] +15, [[Vitality]] +17, [[Critical Hit Rate]] +13, [[Determination]] +13
|[[Ballad Sash]] || [[File:ballad sash icon1.png]]|| 80 || [[Archer|ARC]] [[Bard|BRD]] <br /> Level 50 || Waist || 52 || 52 ||align = "left" |[[Dexterity]] +11, [[Vitality]] +13, [[Accuracy]] +10, [[Determination]] +10
|[[Crimson Celestial Gloves]] || [[File:crimson celestial gauntlets icon1.png]]|| 80 || [[Thaumaturge|THM]] [[Arcanist|ACN]] [[Black Mage|BLM]] [[Summoner|SMN]] <br /> Level 50 || Hands || 43 || 77 ||align = "left" |[[Vitality]] +15, [[Intelligence]] +15, [[Critical Hit Rate]] +19, [[Spell Speed]] +13
|[[Crimson Sash]] || [[File:crimson sash icon1.png]]|| 80 || [[Thaumaturge|THM]] [[Arcanist|ACN]] [[Black Mage|BLM]] [[Summoner|SMN]] <br /> Level 50 || Waist || 37 || 66 ||align = "left" |[[Vitality]] +11, [[Intelligence]] +11, [[Critical Hit Rate]] +10, [[Determination]] +10
|[[Fuma Kyahan]] || [[File:fuma ayahan icon1.png]]|| 80 || [[Pugilist|PGL]] [[Monk|MNK]] <br /> Level 50 || Feet || 60 || 60 ||align = "left" |[[Strength]] +15, [[Vitality]] +17, [[Accuracy]] +19, [[Determination]] +9
|[[Onion Gauntlets]] || [[File:onion gauntlets icon1.png]]|| 80 || [[Lancer|LNC]] [[Dragoon|DRG]] <br /> Level 50 || Hands || 77 || 43 ||align = "left" |[[Strength]] +15, [[Vitality]] +17, [[Accuracy]] +13, [[Critical Hit Rate]] +19
|[[Onion Tassets]] || [[File:onion tassets icon1.png]]|| 80 || [[Lancer|LNC]] [[Dragoon|DRG]] <br /> Level 50 || Waist || 66 || 37 ||align = "left" |[[Strength]] +11, [[Vitality]] +13, [[Determination]] +10, [[Critical Hit Rate]] +10
|[[Royal Shoes]] ||[[File:royal shoes icon1.png]] || 80 || [[Conjurer|CNJ]] [[White Mage|WHM]] [[Scholar|SCH]] <br /> Level 50 || Feet || 43 || 77 ||align = "left" |[[Vitality]] +15, [[Mind]] +15, [[Critical Hit Rate]] +13, [[Piety]] +13
|[[Sabatons of Light]] || [[File:sabatons of light icon1.png]]|| 80 || [[Gladiator|GLD]] [[Marauder|MRD]] [[Paladin|PLD]] [[Warrior|WAR]] <br /> Level 50 || Feet || 111 || 111 ||align = "left" |[[Strength]] +15, [[Vitality]] +17, [[Accuracy]] +13, [[Determination]] +13

'''Cid:''' Well, well, there it is...the foot of the tower. What surprises do ''you'' have in store for us, I wonder...?
'''Cid:''' I can't tell you how glad I am to have you with us on this little jaunt, old friend. Had you not beaten a path through that maze, I very much doubt we'd be standing here now...

===King Behemoth Loot===
'''G'raha Tia:''' Well! We have much to discuss and digest. Let us retire to Saint Coinach's Find for the present and there plan our next step. Lest there be any doubt, our expedition has some way to go yet!
{| class="wikitable sortable" style="text-align:center" width="75%"
!Item Level
!Magic Defence
!Stats and Attributes
|[[Armor of Light]] ||[[File:armor of light icon1.png]] || 80 || [[Gladiator|GLD]] [[Marauder|MRD]] [[Paladin|PLD]] [[Warrior|WAR]] <br /> Level 50 || Body || 155 || 155 ||align = "left" |[[Strength]] +25, [[Vitality]] +27, [[Parry]] +30, [[Critical Hit Rate]] +21
|[[Ballad Corselet]] || [[File:ballad corselet icon1.png]]||80 || [[Archer|ARC]] [[Bard|BRD]] <br /> Level 50 || Body || 84 || 84 ||align = "left" |[[Dexterity]] +25, [[Vitality]] +27, [[Accuracy]] +30, [[Determination]] +15
|[[Crimson Breeches]] || [[File:crimson breeches icon1.png]]|| 80 || [[Thaumaturge|THM]] [[Arcanist|ACN]] [[Black Mage|BLM]] [[Summoner|SMN]] <br /> Level 50 || Legs || 60 || 107 ||align = "left" |[[Vitality]] +25, [[Intelligence]] +25, [[Determination]] +21, [[Spell Speed]] +21
|[[Crimson Hat]] || [[File:crimson circlet icon1.png]]|| 80 || [[Thaumaturge|THM]] [[Arcanist|ACN]] [[Black Mage|BLM]] [[Summoner|SMN]] <br /> Level 50 || Head || 43 || 77 ||align = "left" |[[Vitality]] +15, [[Intelligence]] +15, [[Critical Hit Rate]] +19, [[Spell Speed]] +9
|[[Fuma Gantai]] || [[File:fuma gantai icon1.png]]|| 80 || [[Pugilist|PGL]] [[Monk|MNK]] <br /> Level 50 || Head || 60 || 60 ||align = "left" |[[Strength]] +15, [[Vitality]] +17, [[Determination]] +9, [[Skill Speed]] +19
|[[Fuma Hakama]] || [[File:fuma hakama icon1.png]]|| 80 || [[Pugilist|PGL]] [[Monk|MNK]] <br /> Level 50 || Legs || 84 || 84 ||align = "left" |[[Strength]] +25, [[Vitality]] +27, [[Determination]] +21, [[Skill Speed]] +21
|[[Onion Mask]] || [[File:onion mask icon1.png]]|| 80 || [[Lancer|LNC]] [[Dragoon|DRG]] <br /> Level 50 || Head || 77 || 43 ||align = "left" |[[Strength]] +15, [[Vitality]] +17, [[Accuracy]] +19, [[Critical Hit Rate]] +13
|[[Onion Sarouel]] || [[File:onion sarouel icon1.png]]|| 80 || [[Lancer|LNC]] [[Dragoon|DRG]] <br /> Level 50 || Legs || 107 || 60 ||align = "left" |[[Strength]] +25, [[Vitality]] +27, [[Accuracy]] +21, [[Critical Hit Rate]] +30
|[[Royal Vest]] ||[[File:royal vest icon1.png]] || 80 || [[Conjurer|CNJ]] [[White Mage|WHM]] [[Scholar|SCH]] <br /> Level 50 || Body || 60 || 107 ||align = "left" |[[Vitality]] +25, [[Mind]] +25, [[Spell Speed]] +30, [[Piety]] +15

===Speaking with G'raha Tia at Saint Coinach's Find===
===Phlegethon Loot===
  '''G'raha Tia:''' So good of you to join us, [Forename]! Our meeting would be dull indeed without a full account of your experiences in the labyrinth.  
*[[Dimension Blade Fragment]]
'''G'raha Tia:''' Take a moment to collect yourself, and when you are ready, we shall debate how best to proceed.
*[[Allagan Catalyst]]
{| class="wikitable sortable" style="text-align:center" width="75%"
!Item Level
!Magic Defence
!Stats and Attributes
|[[Ballad Crown]] || [[File:ballad crown icon1.png]]|| 80 || [[Archer|ARC]] [[Bard|BRD]] <br /> Level 50 || Head || 60 || 60 ||align = "left" | [[Dexterity]] +15, [[Vitality]] +17, [[Determination]] +13, [[Skill Speed]] +13
|[[Ballad Sarouel]] || [[File:ballad sarouel icon1.png]]|| 80 || [[Archer|ARC]] [[Bard|BRD]] <br /> Level 50 || Legs || 84 || 84 ||align = "left" | [[Dexterity]] +25, [[Vitality]] +27, [[Accuracy]] +21, [[Skill Speed]] +30
|[[Breeches of Light]] || [[File:breeches of light icon1.png]]|| 80 || [[Gladiator|GLD]] [[Marauder|MRD]] [[Paladin|PLD]] [[Warrior|WAR]] <br /> Level 50 || Legs || 155 || 155 ||align = "left" | [[Strength]] +25, [[Vitality]] +27, [[Parry]] +30, [[Skill Speed]] +21
|[[Crimson Vest]] || [[File:crimson vest icon1.png]]|| 80 || [[Thaumaturge|THM]] [[Arcanist|ACN]] [[Black Mage|BLM]] [[Summoner|SMN]] <br /> Level 50 || Body || 60 || 107 ||align = "left" |[[Vitality]] +25, [[Intelligence]] +25, [[Critical Hit Rate]] +30, [[Accuracy]] +21
|[[Crown of Light]] || [[File:crown of light icon1.png]]|| 80 || [[Gladiator|GLD]] [[Marauder|MRD]] [[Paladin|PLD]] [[Warrior|WAR]] <br /> Level 50 || Head || 111 || 111 ||align = "left" | [[Strength]] +15, [[Vitality]] +17, [[Parry]] +19, [[Determination]] +9
|[[Fuma Koromo]] || [[File:fuma koromo icon1.png]]|| 80 || [[Pugilist|PGL]] [[Monk|MNK]] <br /> Level 50 || Body || 84 || 84 ||align = "left" |[[Strength]] +25, [[Vitality]] +27, [[Determination]] +21, [[Critical Hit Rate]] +21
|[[Onion Armor]] || [[File:onion armor icon1.png]]|| 80 || [[Lancer|LNC]] [[Dragoon|DRG]] <br /> Level 50 || Body || 107 || 60 ||align = "left" |[[Strength]] +25, [[Vitality]] +27, [[Accuracy]] +30, [[Skill Speed]] +21
|[[Royal Breeches]] || [[File:royal breeches icon1.png]]|| 80 || [[Conjurer|CNJ]] [[White Mage|WHM]] [[Scholar|SCH]] <br /> Level 50 || Legs || 60 || 107 ||align = "left" |[[Vitality]] +25, [[Mind]] +25, [[Piety]] +15, [[Determination]] +21
|[[Royal Crown]] ||[[File:royal crown icon1.png]] || 80 || [[Conjurer|CNJ]] [[White Mage|WHM]] [[Scholar|SCH]] <br /> Level 50 || Head || 43 || 77 ||align = "left" |[[Vitality]] +15, [[Mind]] +15, [[Determination]] +9, [[Spell Speed]] +19
[[File:crystal tower1.jpg|300px]]
[[File:crystal tower2.jpg|300px]]
[[File:crystal tower3.jpg|300px]]
[[File:crystal tower4.jpg|300px]]
{{Duties nav|raid}}

Latest revision as of 07:02, 23 May 2024

Disambig icon.png This article is about the Feature Quest. For the level 50 Alliance Raid, see The Labyrinth of the Ancients.
Feature Quest icon.png

Labyrinth of the Ancients

Labyrinth of the Ancients (Quest).png
Quest giver
G'raha Tia
Mor Dhona (X:30.4, Y:12.1)
Quest line
Crystal Tower
Experience 0
Gil 3,752
Previous quest
Feature QuestA Performance for the Ages
Next quest
Feature QuestFor Prosperity

G'raha Tia is eager to begin the expedition to the Crystal Tower.

— In-game description




These alliance raids are not difficult and can be done blind in the Duty Finder.



  • Assuming the role of expedition leader, G'raha Tia issues instructions to the assembled fellowship of NOAH, detailing how the operation will proceed. Make your way to the large gate located to the southeast of Saint Coinach's Find, and await the arrival of the rest of the survey team.
  • To the great relief of all concerned, the crystal “fangs” make short work of the tower's lethal outer defenses. Reasoning that the structure's inner reaches are like to contain further hazards, Cid volunteers you for the task of securing the Labyrinth of the Ancients. Rid the maze of anything which might pose a threat to the survey team.
  • Along with your steadfast adventuring companions, you have succeeded in ridding the labyrinth of its deadly protectors. Cid and G'raha Tia praise your invaluable contribution to the expedition, and together you gaze upon the shimmering spire that rises from the center of the maze.
  • Though your labors in the labyrinth have secured a route to the tower, much remains to be discussed before the expedition can proceed. Return to Saint Coinach's Find and speak with G'raha Tia.
  • Back at the excavation site, G'raha Tia invites you to take a moment to collect your thoughts before debating how best to proceed.


Accepting the Quest

G'raha Tia: Esteemed colleagues/gentlemen! The secrets of ancient Allag beckon! 
G'raha Tia: Let's not keep them waiting any longer! Adventurer─you and I will join the engineers at the Crystal Tower's main gateway, where we will endeavor to neutralize the structure's outer defenses. 
G'raha Tia: Rammbroes, meanwhile, will remain here and oversee the operation. Given my knowledge of Allagan history, it seems logical that I should lead the expedition itself...though I admit the role does not exactly befit my status as an observer. 
G'raha Tia: Still, we can but make use of the resources at hand. Assuming all are in agreement, let us proceed forthwith to the large, lopsided gate found to the southeast. 
G'raha Tia: I have studied the legacy of the Allagan Empire for long years. Now that this expedition is at least underway, the very core of my historical infatuation lies within my grasp.
G'raha Tia: It falls to us—to the fellowship of NOAH—to crack open the tomb of a fallen civilization, and bring the wealth of its history out of the shadows and into the light!

Making your way to the gate located to the southeast of Saint Coinach's Find (Cutscene)

Cid: The Crystal Tower lies beyond this portal. Now comes the interesting part... 
G'raha Tia: Cid, you are the only one of our number who has ever crossed this threshold. I ask that you take the lead for the present. 
G'raha Tia: I say... The energy radiating from these statues is...palpable. 
Cid: Lucky for us that it is. One might otherwise stroll past them... Feast your eyes on the elemental defenses which prompted our lengthy preparations. These sentinels prevent would-be intruders from advancing to within twenty yalms of the tower's inner reaches. 
G'raha Tia: ...No matter how swift they may be. 
Cid: Happily, the crystal fangs we took such pains to craft should spare us the inconvenience of instantaneous annihilation. Here, allow me to demonstrate. 
Biggs: Ch-Chief!? It's too─ 
Cid: Dangerous to allow anyone else to risk his life testing one? Quite right. I made the damn things─it's my job to see that they work. 
Cid: ...Success! 
G'raha Tia: I for one am convinced! Friends─ready your fangs! 
Cid: This last one is yours, old friend. It seemed only right... 

Wedge: Haha! We did it! So much for the outer defenses! 
G'raha Tia: Indeed. The entrance to the tower is near at hand. My blood fairly sings with anticipation! 
Cid: Speaking of blood─I have a proposal for the next stage of the expedition. 
Cid: I suggest we wait here while [Forename] and a handpicked party of her/his adventuring companions enter the tower. 
G'raha Tia: What!? Without us? I thought we came here to survey the entire structure! 
Cid: We did─and we will. But our investigations must proceed at a more measured pace. 
Cid: If the outside of the place is this well defended, can you imagine what awaits us on the inside? Only a true hero could reasonably hope to brave the hazards ahead and live to tell the tale. 
Cid: [Forename] here fits that description better than anyone I know. 
Cid: And it is not as if we shall be idle in her/his absence. While [Forename] and her/his companions are risking life and limb to beat us a path to the tower, we can set about analyzing this rubble for evidence of how its technologies function. 
Cid: Your knowledge of ancient lore will be invaluable in that endeavor, Historian G'raha Tia. 
G'raha Tia: Bah! Do you ever tire of being right, old man!? 
G'raha Tia: Ahem. [Forename]─as it seems I won't be accompanying you, allow me at least to provide some instruction. The maze that surrounds the base of the tower is known as the “Labyrinth of the Ancients.” During this initial foray, I suggest you concentrate on ridding the place of hostile elements. 
G'raha Tia: When you are reasonably certain the maze is secure, contact me via linkshell and we shall join you posthaste─no matter what Master Garlond says! 
G'raha Tia: Though we would prefer it if any relics you encounter remained intact, you have leave to do whatever is necessary to secure ingress to the upper levels of the tower. Fortune go with you, [Forename]. 

Post Labyrinth of the Ancients Cutscene

Cid: Ho there, [Forename]! 
G'raha Tia: Very impressive, I must say! Your name shall be writ large in the volumes that are sure to be penned on this historic expedition. 
Cid: The scale of this structure defies comprehension... Someone plainly thought bigger was better. 
G'raha Tia: According to the findings of my Baldesion colleagues, the Crystal Tower was constructed to collect and store the endless energies of the sun. A characteristically ambitious undertaking. 
G'raha Tia: Now, what of the tower's inner defenses? Judging by your haggard expression, clearing out the labyrinth was no small feat. 
G'raha Tia: ...A giant of a man wielding a shimmering scimitar, you say? Yes, that will have been Phlegethon. Not Acheron. Phlegethon. He was a hero of the Allagan revolution. 
Cid: And you gleaned that from what exactly? His choice of weapon? 
G'raha Tia: Well, I am a historian. And I have a certain, shall we say, “affinity” for the lore of the Allagan Empire. 
G'raha Tia: It is, of course, all knowledge gleaned from musty scrolls and tomes. The ancient texts claim that the Crystal Tower is defended by the champions of eld, resurrected and augmented through the Allagans' extraordinary technology. 
Biggs: Chief, you need to see this! 
Cid: Well, well, there it is...the foot of the tower. What surprises do you have in store for us, I wonder...? 
Cid: I can't tell you how glad I am to have you with us on this little jaunt, old friend. Had you not beaten a path through that maze, I very much doubt we'd be standing here now... 
G'raha Tia: Well! We have much to discuss and digest. Let us retire to Saint Coinach's Find for the present and there plan our next step. Lest there be any doubt, our expedition has some way to go yet! 

Speaking with G'raha Tia at Saint Coinach's Find

G'raha Tia: So good of you to join us, [Forename]! Our meeting would be dull indeed without a full account of your experiences in the labyrinth. 
G'raha Tia: Take a moment to collect yourself, and when you are ready, we shall debate how best to proceed.