Stone (Material)

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Main article: Materials

Stone is a type of crafting material used by Goldsmith, Blacksmith and Armorer to create various items.

Types of Stones

Stone Icon Gathered/Crafted By Purchased From Dropped By Used to Craft
ADS Frame Ads frame icon1.png ADS Seating Module, Illumination Module
ADS Illuminant Ads illuminant icon1.png Twintania Head of the Dreadwyrm, Illumination Module
ADS Plating Ads plating icon1.png Caduceus Diagnostics Module, Illumination Module
Adamantite Ore Adamantite ore icon1.png Level 60 Mining Adamantite Nugget, Adamantite Nugget
Agate Agate icon1.png Level 51 Goldsmith Hardsilver Lapidary Hammer, Agate Ring of Slaying, Agate Ring of Aiming, Agate Ring of Casting, Agate Ring of Healing, Agate Ring of Fending, Yeti Staff, Mythrite Necklace of Slaying, Mythrite Necklace of Aiming, Mythrite Necklace of Casting, Mythrite Necklace of Healing, Mythrite Necklace of Fending, Archaeoskin Gloves of Aiming, Archaeoskin Gloves of Casting, Archaeoskin Gloves of Healing, Rainbow Ribbon of Slaying, Rainbow Ribbon of Aiming, Rainbow Ribbon of Casting, Rainbow Ribbon of Healing, Rainbow Ribbon of Fending
Aged Eye of Fire Aged eye of fire icon1.png Furnace Ring
Almandine Almandine icon1.png Level 70* Mining Almandine Grinding Wheel, Imperial Jade Armillae of Fending, Imperial Jade Armillae of Slaying, Imperial Jade Armillae of Aiming, Imperial Jade Armillae of Healing, Imperial Jade Armillae of Casting, Imperial Jade Ring of Fending, Imperial Jade Ring of Slaying, Imperial Jade Ring of Aiming, Imperial Jade Ring of Healing, Imperial Jade Ring of Casting, Imperial Jade Earrings of Fending, Imperial Jade Earrings of Slaying, Imperial Jade Earrings of Aiming, Imperial Jade Earrings of Healing, Imperial Jade Earrings of Casting, Imperial Jade Necklace of Fending, Imperial Jade Necklace of Slaying, Imperial Jade Necklace of Aiming, Imperial Jade Necklace of Healing, Imperial Jade Necklace of Casting
Alumina Salts Alumina salts icon1.png
Alumina Whetstone Alumina whetstone icon1.png Level 80** Goldsmith Facet Grinding Wheel, Facet Spinning Wheel, Facet Fishing Rod, Facet Saw, Facet Claw Hammer, Facet Cross-pein Hammer, Facet File, Facet Raising Hammer, Facet Pliers, Facet Mallet, Facet Round Knife, Facet Awl, Facet Mortar, Facet Culinary Knife, Facet Pickaxe, Facet Sledgehammer, Facet Hatchet, Facet Scythe, Facet Alembic, Facet Frypan, Facet Needle
Amber Amber icon1.png Level 41 Goldsmith Mythril Circlet (Amber), Electrum Circlet (Amber), Amber Choker, Amber Bracelet, Amber Ring, Amber Earrings, Wolf Amber Choker, Wolf Amber Earrings, Wolf Amber Bracelet, Wolf Amber Ring, Tremor Cudgel
Amdapori Stone Amdapori stone icon1.png Amdapori Beacon, Amdapori Wall Lantern, Vodoriga Sculpture, Demon Wall Sculpture
Amethyst Amethyst icon1.png Level 32 Goldsmith Silver Circlet (Amethyst), Amethyst Choker, Amethyst Bracelet, Amethyst Earrings, Amethyst Ring
Ancient Amber Ancient amber icon1.png
Antumbral Rock Antumbral rock icon1.png Level 50** Quarrying
Aquamarine Aquamarine icon1.png Level 32 Goldsmith Silver Circlet (Aquamarine), Aquamarine Choker, Aquamarine Bracelet, Aquamarine Earrings, Aquamarine Ring, Electrum Monocle, Boarskin Pot Helm
Aqueous Whetstone Aqueous whetstone icon1.png Radiant Astral Eye, Mormorion, Marble Flooring, Monochrome Flooring, Emperor's Throne, Celestine
Astral Eye Astral eye icon1.png Level 50* Goldsmith Radiant Astral Eye, Astral Choker, Astral Bracelet, Astral Ring, Star Chandelier, Arachne Bandana of Scouting
Astral Moraine Astral moraine icon1.png Level 60* Quarrying Astral Oil
Astral Rock Astral rock icon1.png Level 50* Quarrying Militia Grinding Wheel, Astral Grinding Wheel, Artisan's Grinding Wheel, Gravel Golem, Astral Eye
Aurum Regis Ore Aurum regis ore icon1.png Level 60* Mining
Aurum Regis Sand Aurum regis sand icon1.png Level 59 Mining Aurum Regis Nugget, Enchanted Aurum Regis Ink
Azurite Azurite icon1.png Level 66 Goldsmith Durium Chaplets, Azurite Bracelet of Fending, Azurite Bracelet of Slaying, Azurite Bracelet of Aiming, Azurite Bracelet of Healing, Azurite Bracelet of Casting, Azurite Ring of Fending, Azurite Ring of Slaying, Azurite Ring of Aiming, Azurite Ring of Healing, Azurite Ring of Casting, Dual-plated Durium Planisphere, Azurite Earrings of Fending, Azurite Earrings of Slaying, Azurite Earrings of Aiming, Azurite Earrings of Healing, Azurite Earrings of Casting, Azurite Choker of Fending, Azurite Choker of Slaying, Azurite Choker of Aiming, Azurite Choker of Healing, Azurite Choker of Casting, Blissful Barding, Tigerskin Fingerless Gloves of Gathering, Marid Leather Bolero of Gathering, Kudzu Coat of Gathering, Serge Turban of Gathering
Basilisk Egg Basilisk egg icon1.png Level 46 Mining Quicksand Basilisk, Basilisk Basilisk Grinding Wheel, Basilisk Whetstone
Basilisk Whetstone Basilisk whetstone icon1.png Level 40 Goldsmith Mythril Culinary Knife, Mythril Scythe, Mythril Round Knife, Cobalt Shamshir, Cobalt Culinary Knife, Cobalt Scythe, Goblin Longsword, Electrum Head Knife, Vintage Bill, Aeolian Scimitar, Barbarian's Bardiche, Militia Culinary Knife, Militia Scythe, Mythrite Culinary Knife, Mythrite Scythe, Artisan's Culinary Knife, Forager's Scythe, Heavy Steel Jig, Mythril Ear Cuffs, Mythril Spoon Lure, Wolf Fang Needle, Thousand Needle, Red Coral Ring, Electrum Earrings, Electrum Ring, Electrum Ring of Crafting, Electrum Needle, Electrum Ear Cuffs, Militia Earrings, Militia Bracelets, Rose Gold Ear Cuffs, Astral Bracelet, Rose Gold Ring, Astral Ring, Agate, Agate Ring of Slaying, Agate Ring of Aiming, Agate Ring of Casting, Agate Ring of Healing, Agate Ring of Fending, Tiger's Eye, Mythrite Needle, Larimar, Hardsilver Needle, Mormorion Ring of Slaying, Hardsilver Ring of Aiming, Hardsilver Ring of Casting, Hardsilver Ring of Healing, Hardsilver Ring of Fending, Star Ruby, Star Sapphire, Rose Gold Earrings of Gathering, Fluorite Lens, Furnace Ring
Beggar's Mythril Ore Beggars mythril ore icon1.png
Beryllium Ore Beryllium ore icon1.png Level 80* Mining Alumina Whetstone
Black Limestone Black limestone icon1.png Level 50 Quarrying Monochrome Flooring, Syrcus Tower
Black Mor Dhonan Slag Black mor dhonan slag icon1.png
Black O'Ghomoro Slag Black oghomoro slag icon1.png
Black Pearl Black pearl icon1.png Level 45 Goldsmith Black Pearl Choker, Black Pearl Bracelet, Black Pearl Ring, Black Pearl Earrings, Stuffed Takitaro
Black Quartz Black quartz icon1.png
Black Sagolii Slag Black sagolii slag icon1.png
Black Tinolqa Slag Black tinolqa slag icon1.png
Blue Abalathian Slag Blue abalathian slag icon1.png
Blue Ooid Blue ooid icon1.png
Blue Quartz Blue quartz icon1.png Level 60* Quarrying
Blue Roundstone Blue roundstone icon1.png
Bluespirit Ore Bluespirit ore icon1.png Level 74 Mining Bluespirit Tile, Bluespirit Tile
Bluespirit Tile Bluespirit tile icon1.png Level 74 Blacksmith
Level 74 Armorer
Bluespirit Spear, Bluespirit Cane, White Ash Grinding Wheel, White Ash Fishing Rod, Bluespirit Sword, Bluespirit Axe, Bluespirit Guillotine, Bluespirit Gunblade, Bluespirit Handgonne, Bluespirit Claw Hammer, Bluespirit File, Bluespirit Pliers , Bluespirit Awl, Bluespirit Mortar, Bluespirit Culinary Knife, Bluespirit Sledgehammer, Bluespirit Scythe, Bluespirit Halfheart Saw, Bluespirit Cross-pein Hammer, Bluespirit Raising Hammer, Bluespirit Lapidary Hammer, Bluespirit Round Knife, Bluespirit Pickaxe, Bluespirit Hatchet, Metal Trident, Bluespirit Helm of Fending, Bluespirit Helm of Maiming, Bluespirit Headgear of Casting, Bluespirit Gauntlets of Fending, Bluespirit Gauntlets of Maiming, Bluespirit Plate Belt of Fending, Bluespirit Plate Belt of Maiming, Bluespirit Plate Belt of Striking, Bluespirit Plate Belt of Scouting, Bluespirit Plate Belt of Aiming, Bluespirit Plate Belt of Casting, Bluespirit Plate Belt of Healing, Bluespirit Sabatons of Fending, Bluespirit Sabatons of Maiming, Bluespirit Greaves of Casting, Bluespirit Alembic, Bluespirit Porxie Frypan, Bluespirit Tower Shield, Bluespirit Cuirass of Fending, Bluespirit Cuirass of Maiming, Titania Barding, Metal Trident, Bluespirit Baghnakhs, Bluespirit Uchigatana, Bluespirit Daggers, Bluespirit Longbow, Bluespirit Glaives, Bluespirit Rod, Bluespirit Rapier, Bluespirit Star Globe, Metal Trident, Atrociraptorskin Headgear of Scouting, Atrociraptorskin Headgear of Aiming, Atrociraptorskin Bracers of Casting, Atrociraptorskin Corselet of Scouting, Atrociraptorskin Corselet of Aiming, Bluespirit Grimoire, Bluespirit Codex
Bright Fire Rock Bright fire rock icon1.png Level 58 Quarrying
Bright Lightning Rock Bright lightning rock icon1.png Level 58 Quarrying
Brown Abalathian Slag Brown abalathian slag icon1.png
Brown O'Ghomoro Slag Brown oghomoro slag icon1.png
Brown Sagolii Slag Brown sagolii slag icon1.png
Brown Tinolqa Slag Brown tinolqa slag icon1.png
Burning Auricle Burning auricle icon1.png Bahamut Prime Head of the Dreadwyrm
Carnelian Carnelian icon1.png Level 57 Goldsmith Hardsilver Planisphere, Aurum Regis Staff, Chimerical Felt Alb of Healing, Chimerical Felt Turban of Crafting
Celestine Celestine icon1.png Level 54 Goldsmith
Chalcocite Chalcocite icon1.png Level 53 Mining
Chromite Ore Chromite ore icon1.png Level 70* Mining
Chrysolite Chrysolite icon1.png Level 60 Goldsmith Chrysolite Earrings of Slaying, Chrysolite Earrings of Aiming, Chrysolite Earrings of Casting, Chrysolite Earrings of Healing, Chrysolite Earrings of Fending, Chrysolite Bracelet of Slaying, Chrysolite Bracelet of Aiming, Chrysolite Bracelet of Casting, Chrysolite Bracelet of Healing, Chrysolite Bracelet of Fending, Chrysolite Ring of Slaying, Chrysolite Ring of Aiming, Chrysolite Ring of Casting, Chrysolite Ring of Healing, Chrysolite Ring of Fending, Thavnairian Bolero, Thavnairian Turban, Noble Gold, Noble's Codex
Citrine Citrine icon1.png Level 59 Goldsmith Citrine Choker of Slaying, Citrine Choker of Aiming, Citrine Choker of Casting, Citrine Choker of Healing, Citrine Choker of Fending
Clear Fluorite Clear fluorite icon1.png Fluorite Lens
Clear Prism Clear prism icon1.png Bango Zango, Apartment Merchant, Apartment Merchant, Maisenta, Apartment Merchant, Roarich, Tataroga, Scrap SalvagerTataroga The Dusk Vigil, Sohm Al, The Aery, The Vault, The Great Gubal Library, Neverreap, The Fractal Continuum, Saint Mocianne's Arboretum, Pharos Sirius (Hard), The Antitower, The Lost City of Amdapor (Hard), Sohr Khai, Hullbreaker Isle (Hard), Xelphatol, The Great Gubal Library (Hard), Baelsar's Wall, Sohm Al (Hard) Glamour Prism (Woodworking), Glamour Prism (Smithing), Glamour Prism (Armorcraft), Glamour Prism (Goldsmithing), Glamour Prism (Leatherworking), Glamour Prism (Clothcraft), Glamour Prism (Alchemy)
Clinker Bricks Clinker bricks icon1.png Level 39 Alchemist Manor Fireplace, Oasis Cobble Flooring, Checkered Flooring, Oasis Mansion Roof (Composite), Oasis Mansion Roof (Stone), Glade Mansion Wall (Stone), Oasis Mansion Wall (Composite), Oasis Mansion Wall (Stone), Country Interior Wall, Glade Mansion Roof (Composite)
Cloud Mica Cloud mica icon1.png Level 58 Quarrying Titanium Ingot, Titanium Ingot, Cloud Mica Whetstone
Cloud Mica Whetstone Cloud mica whetstone icon1.png Level 56 Goldsmith Cloud Mica Grinding Wheel, Titanium Culinary Knife, Titanium Scythe, Opal, Dragon Fang Needle, Carnelian, Goblin Jig, Citrine, Aurum Regis Cylinder, Chrysolite, Bladed Steel Jig, Griffin Talon Needle
Cloud Mythril Ore Cloud mythril ore icon1.png Cloud Mythril Ingot, Cloud Mythril Ingot, Cloud Mythril Ingot
Cobalt Ore Cobalt ore icon1.png Level 47 Mining Cobalt Ingot, Wolfram Ingot, Garlond Steel, Cobalt Ingot, Wolfram Square, Garlond Steel
Composite Whetstone Composite whetstone icon1.png Mummer's Daggers
Copper Ore Copper ore icon1.png Level 1 Mining Engerrand, Smydhaemr, Soemrwyb, O'rhoyod, Aistan, Fridurih Bronze Ingot, Bronze Ingot, Copper Ingot, Brass Ingot, Rose Gold Nugget
Copper Sand Copper sand icon1.png Level 11 Quarrying Esmenet Enchanted Copper Ink
Crag Heart Crag heart icon1.png Titan Titanic Cragsoul Lamp, Tremor Knuckles, Tremor Axe, Tremor Spear, Tremor Bow, Tremor Cleavers, Tremor Guillotine, Tremor Culverin, Tremor Cane, Tremor Cudgel, The Greater Key of Tremors, The Holy Key of Tremors, Tremor Star Globe, Tremor Shield
Crystal-clear Rock Salt Crystal-clear rock salt icon1.png
Cuprite Cuprite icon1.png Level 59 Mining
Cut Stone Cut stone icon1.png Level 30 Goldsmith Oasis Wooden Wall, Oasis House Wall (Wood), Glade House Wall (Composite), Riviera Mansion Wall (Wood), Glade Mansion Wall (Composite), Oasis Mansion Wall (Wood), Royal Plotting Table, Oasis Lamppost, Oasis Floor Lamp, Riviera Floor Lamp, Cooking Stove, Oasis Stone Chimney, Masonwork Interior Wall, Masonwork Flooring, Riviera Roofed Wall, Masonwork Stove, Glade Cobblestone Wall, Mosaic Interior Wall, Oasis House Roof (Stone), Riviera Wall Chimney, Oasis Wall Chimney, Oasis House Wall (Stone), Riviera Stone Chimney, Riviera Pillar, Oasis House Roof (Composite), Glade House Wall (Stone), Oasis House Wall (Composite), Oasis Pillar, Riviera House Wall (Stone), Oasis Cobble Flooring, Oasis Rounded Chimney, Oasis Stone Wall, Riviera Picket Wall, Cactuar Weathervane, Tiled Interior Wall, Tiled Flooring, Riviera Bathtub, Oasis Bathtub, Riviera Stone Wall, Oasis Ornate Fence, Personal Astroscope, Riviera Mansion Wall (Composite), Riviera Mansion Wall (Stone), Glade Mansion Wall (Stone), Oasis Mansion Wall (Composite), Oasis Mansion Wall (Stone), Oasis Fence, Amigo Cactus Floor Lamp, Armorcraft Forge, Stained Crystal Interior Wall, Expanse Fountain, Boundless Expanse Fountain, Oasis Awning, Country Flooring
Danburite Danburite icon1.png Level 13 Goldsmith Brass Circlet (Danburite), Danburite Choker, Danburite Earrings, Danburite Bracelet, Danburite Ring, Ice Ward Potion
Darksteel Ore Darksteel ore icon1.png Level 50* Mining Darksteel Nugget, Adamantite Nugget, Darksteel Nugget, Adamantite Nugget
Dawn Dust Dawn dust icon1.png
Deep-blue Cluster Deep-blue cluster icon1.png Superior Deep-blue Enchanted Ink
Deep-blue Crystal Deep-blue crystal icon1.png Deep-blue Enchanted Ink
Deep-green Cluster Deep-green cluster icon1.png Superior Deep-green Enchanted Ink
Deep-green Crystal Deep-green crystal icon1.png Deep-green Enchanted Ink
Deep-red Cluster Deep-red cluster icon1.png Superior Deep-red Enchanted Ink
Deep-red Crystal Deep-red crystal icon1.png Deep-red Enchanted Ink
Diamond Diamond icon1.png Level 50*** Goldsmith Ebony Cane, Diamond Choker, Diamond Earrings, Diamond Bracelet, Diamond Ring, Platinum Scarf of Fending
Diamond Tear Diamond tear icon1.png Shiva Diamond Chandelier, Ice Barding
Diaspore Diaspore icon1.png Level 72 Goldsmith Diaspore Earrings of Fending, Diaspore Earrings of Slaying, Diaspore Earrings of Aiming, Diaspore Earrings of Casting, Diaspore Earrings of Healing, Diaspore Ring of Fending, Diaspore Ring of Slaying, Diaspore Ring of Aiming, Diaspore Ring of Casting, Diaspore Ring of Healing, Diaspore Choker of Fending, Diaspore Choker of Slaying, Diaspore Choker of Aiming, Diaspore Choker of Casting, Diaspore Choker of Healing, Diaspore Bracelet of Fending, Diaspore Bracelet of Slaying, Diaspore Bracelet of Aiming, Diaspore Bracelet of Casting, Diaspore Bracelet of Healing, Zonureskin Gloves of Crafting, Zonureskin Gloves of Gathering
Diatomite Diatomite icon1.png Level 63 Quarrying Grade 1 Reisui of Strength, Grade 1 Reisui of Dexterity, Grade 1 Reisui of Vitality, Grade 1 Reisui of Intelligence, Grade 1 Reisui of Mind
Dimythrite Ore Dimythrite ore icon1.png Level 80 Mining Dwarven Mythril Ingot, Dwarven Mythril Ingot
Dimythrite Sand Dimythrite sand icon1.png Level 79 Quarrying Dwarven Mythril Nugget, Enchanted Dimythrite Ink
Dinosaur Fossil Dinosaur fossil icon1.png Dinosaur Skull, Dinosaur Skeleton, Dinosaur Tailbone
Doman Iron Ore Doman iron ore icon1.png Level 65 Mining Oroshigane Ingot, Oroshigane Ingot
Doman Iron Sand Doman iron sand icon1.png Level 67 Quarrying Tama-hagane Ingot, Tama-hagane Ingot
Doman Yellow Doman yellow icon1.png Level 66 Harvesting
Dragon Obsidian Dragon obsidian icon1.png Level 50*** Mining Mythrite-barreled Arquebus, Mythrite-barreled Musketoon, Titanium-barreled Arquebus, Titanium-barreled Snaphance, Obsidian Longpole
Dubious Dirt Dubious dirt icon1.png
Durium Ore Durium ore icon1.png Level 68 Mining Durium Ingot
Durium Sand Durium sand icon1.png Level 66 Quarrying Durium Nugget, Enchanted Durium Ink
Dwarven Chromite Dwarven chromite icon1.png Cobalt Alloy Ingot, Cobalt Alloy Ingot
Earth Moraine Earth moraine icon1.png
Earth Rock Earth rock icon1.png Level 21 Quarrying Eye of Earth
Electrum Ore Electrum ore icon1.png Level 43 Mining Electrum Ingot
Electrum Sand Electrum sand icon1.png Level 42 Quarrying Enchanted Electrum Ink, Perfect Pounce
Emerald Emerald icon1.png Level 50*** Goldsmith Emerald Choker, Emerald Earrings, Emerald Bracelet, Emerald Ring, Platinum Scarf of Healing, Platinum Earrings of Healing, Platinum Bangles of Healing, Platinum Ring of Healing, Arachne Bandana of Striking
Emery Emery icon1.png Fluorite Lens, Ruby, Diamond, Emerald, Topaz, Iolite, Sapphire
Empty Cluster Empty cluster icon1.png
Empty Crystal Empty crystal icon1.png
Empyrean Clay Empyrean clay icon1.png Odder Otter Hanging Andon Lamp, Odder Otter Andon Lamp, Odder Otter Wall Lantern
Eventide Jade Eventide jade icon1.png Level 60 Mining
Evergleam Ore Evergleam ore icon1.png Level 70*** Mining Evergleam Ingot
Eye of Earth Eye of earth icon1.png Level 23 Goldsmith Mythril Alembic, Earth Brand, Boarskin Ringbands of Tremors, Wand of Tremors
Eye of Fire Eye of fire icon1.png Level 23 Goldsmith Order of Nald'thal Lectern, Silver Alembic, Sanguine Horn Staff, Fire Brand, Horn Staff, Boarskin Ringbands of Flames, Wolf Ringbands, Wand of Flames
Eye of Ice Eye of ice icon1.png Level 22 Goldsmith Ice Brand, Boarskin Ringbands of Frost, Wand of Frost
Eye of Lightning Eye of lightning icon1.png Level 22 Goldsmith Lightning Brand, Ivory Staff, Wolf Staff, Boarskin Ringbands of Storms, Wand of Storms
Eye of Water Eye of water icon1.png Level 22 Goldsmith Water Brand, Electrum Scepter, Boarskin Ringbands of Tides, Wand of Tides
Eye of Wind Eye of wind icon1.png Level 23 Goldsmith Wind Brand, Black Horn Staff, Boarskin Ringbands of Gales, Wand of Gales
Feather Iron Ore Feather iron ore icon1.png
Ferberite Ferberite icon1.png Level 50** Mining Mummer's Daggers, Wolfram Ingot, Lapdog Collar Bell, Wolfram Square
Fine Sand Fine sand icon1.png Level 11 Quarrying Mortar, Stone Interior Wall, Stone Flooring
Fire Moraine Fire moraine icon1.png Level 56 Quarrying
Fire Rock Fire rock icon1.png Level 23 Quarrying Eye of Fire
Firebricks Firebricks icon1.png Level 18 Alchemist Oasis Cottage Wall (Stone), Oasis Cottage Wall (Composite), Riviera Wall Chimney, Oasis House Wall (Stone), Riviera Stone Chimney, Oasis House Wall (Composite)
Fireheart Cobalt Fireheart cobalt icon1.png Level 80** Mining Cobalt Alloy Ingot, Cobalt Alloy Ingot
Flat Stone Flat stone icon1.png
Flint Stone Flint stone icon1.png
Fluorite Fluorite icon1.png Level 13 Goldsmith Brass Circlet (Fluorite), Fluorite Choker, Fluorite Earrings, Fluorite Bracelet, Fluorite Ring, Lightning Ward Potion
Fluorite Lens Fluorite lens icon1.png Level 50*** Goldsmith
Furite Sand Furite sand icon1.png Merchant & Mender
Gale Rock Gale rock icon1.png Level 76 Mining
Garnet Garnet icon1.png Level 32 Goldsmith Silver Circlet (Garnet), Garnet Choker, Garnet Bracelet, Garnet Earrings, Garnet Ring
Gold Ore Gold ore icon1.png Level 50* Mining Rose Gold Nugget, Aurum Regis Nugget, Gold Ingot
Gold Sand Gold sand icon1.png Level 50* Quarrying Enchanted Gold Ink, Icarus Wing
Goshenite Goshenite icon1.png Level 32 Goldsmith Silver Circlet (Goshenite), Goshenite Choker, Goshenite Bracelet, Goshenite Earrings, Goshenite Ring
Grade 1 Clear Prism Grade 1 clear prism icon1.png Bango Zango, Maisenta, Roarich, Tataroga Glamour Prism (Woodworking), Glamour Prism (Smithing), Glamour Prism (Armorcraft), Glamour Prism (Goldsmithing), Glamour Prism (Leatherworking), Glamour Prism (Clothcraft), Glamour Prism (Alchemy)
Grade 2 Clear Prism Grade 2 clear prism icon1.png Bango Zango, Maisenta, Roarich, Tataroga Grade 2 Glamour Prism (Woodworking), Grade 2 Glamour Prism (Smithing), Grade 2 Glamour Prism (Armorcraft), Grade 2 Glamour Prism (Goldsmithing), Grade 2 Glamour Prism (Leatherworking), Grade 2 Glamour Prism (Clothcraft), Grade 2 Glamour Prism (Alchemy)
Grade 3 Clear Prism Grade 3 clear prism icon1.png Bango Zango, Maisenta, Roarich, Tataroga Grade 3 Glamour Prism (Woodworking), Grade 3 Glamour Prism (Smithing), Grade 3 Glamour Prism (Armorcraft), Grade 3 Glamour Prism (Goldsmithing), Grade 3 Glamour Prism (Leatherworking), Grade 3 Glamour Prism (Clothcraft), Grade 3 Glamour Prism (Alchemy)
Grade 4 Clear Prism Grade 4 clear prism icon1.png Bango Zango, Maisenta, Roarich, Tataroga Grade 4 Glamour Prism (Woodworking), Grade 4 Glamour Prism (Smithing), Grade 4 Glamour Prism (Armorcraft), Grade 4 Glamour Prism (Goldsmithing), Grade 4 Glamour Prism (Leatherworking), Grade 4 Glamour Prism (Clothcraft), Grade 4 Glamour Prism (Alchemy)
Grade 5 Clear Prism Grade 5 clear prism icon1.png Bango Zango, Maisenta, Roarich, Tataroga Grade 5 Glamour Prism (Woodworking), Grade 5 Glamour Prism (Smithing), Grade 5 Glamour Prism (Armorcraft), Grade 5 Glamour Prism (Goldsmithing), Grade 5 Glamour Prism (Leatherworking), Grade 5 Glamour Prism (Clothcraft), Grade 5 Glamour Prism (Alchemy)
Granite Granite icon1.png Level 31 Mining Dried Well, Riviera House Wall (Wood), Glade Bathtub, Glade Roundpole Fence, Glade Mansion Wall (Composite), Oriental Bathtub, Cut Stone, Oasis Stone Chimney, Masonwork Interior Wall, Masonwork Flooring, Masonwork Stove, Mosaic Interior Wall, Riviera House Wall (Composite), Oasis House Wall (Stone), Glade House Wall (Stone), Riviera House Wall (Stone), Oasis Cobble Flooring, Riviera Stone Wall, Riviera Mansion Wall (Stone), Glade Mansion Wall (Stone), Oasis Mansion Wall (Composite), Oasis Mansion Wall (Stone), Oasis Fence
Green Ooid Green ooid icon1.png
Green Quartz Green quartz icon1.png Level 55 Quarrying
Green Roundstone Green roundstone icon1.png
Green Tinolqa Slag Green tinolqa slag icon1.png
Grey Abalathian Slag Grey abalathian slag icon1.png
Grey Mor Dhonan Slag Grey mor dhonan slag icon1.png
Grey O'Ghomoro Slag Grey oghomoro slag icon1.png
Grey Sagolii Slag Grey sagolii slag icon1.png
Grey Tinolqa Slag Grey tinolqa slag icon1.png
Gyr Abanian Ore Gyr abanian ore icon1.png Level 70*** Mining Chigusa Ingot, Chigusa Ingot
Hades's Auracite Hadess auracite icon1.png The Minstrel's Ballad: Hades's Elegy Hades Barding, Hades Trophy
Hard Mudstone Hard mudstone icon1.png Level 71 Quarrying Hard Mudstone Whetstone
Hard Mudstone Whetstone Hard mudstone whetstone icon1.png Level 71 Goldsmith White Oak Grinding Wheel, White Ash Grinding Wheel, Deepgold Blade, Deepgold War Quoits, Deepgold Head Knife, Deepgold Culinary Knife, Deepgold Scythe, Stonegold Uchigatana, Deepgold Chakrams, Bluespirit Culinary Knife, Bluespirit Scythe, Bluespirit Round Knife, Hematite, Stonegold Needle, Diaspore, Lazurite, Bluespirit Uchigatana, Bluespirit Glaives, Manasilver Needle
Hardsilver Ore Hardsilver ore icon1.png Level 58 Mining Hardsilver Ingot
Hardsilver Sand Hardsilver sand icon1.png Level 56 Quarrying Hardsilver Nugget, Enchanted Hardsilver Ink
Hawk's Eye Hawks eye icon1.png Level 70** Mining Hawk's Eye Sand
Heliodor Heliodor icon1.png Level 32 Goldsmith Silver Circlet (Heliodor), Heliodor Choker, Heliodor Bracelet, Heliodor Earrings, Heliodor Ring
Hematite Hematite icon1.png Level 71 Goldsmith Hematite Earrings of Fending, Hematite Earrings of Slaying, Hematite Earrings of Aiming, Hematite Earrings of Casting, Hematite Earrings of Healing, Hematite Choker of Fending, Hematite Choker of Slaying, Hematite Choker of Aiming, Hematite Choker of Casting, Hematite Choker of Healing
Ice Moraine Ice moraine icon1.png
Ice Rock Ice rock icon1.png Level 23 Quarrying Eye of Ice
Ice Tear Ice tear icon1.png Shiva, Shiva Ice Chandelier
Imperial Jade Imperial jade icon1.png Level 68 Goldsmith Imperial Jade Armillae of Fending, Imperial Jade Armillae of Slaying, Imperial Jade Armillae of Aiming, Imperial Jade Armillae of Healing, Imperial Jade Armillae of Casting, Imperial Jade Ring of Fending, Imperial Jade Ring of Slaying, Imperial Jade Ring of Aiming, Imperial Jade Ring of Healing, Imperial Jade Ring of Casting, Imperial Jade Earrings of Fending, Imperial Jade Earrings of Slaying, Imperial Jade Earrings of Aiming, Imperial Jade Earrings of Healing, Imperial Jade Earrings of Casting, Imperial Jade Necklace of Fending, Imperial Jade Necklace of Slaying, Imperial Jade Necklace of Aiming, Imperial Jade Necklace of Healing, Imperial Jade Necklace of Casting
Indigo Quartz Indigo quartz icon1.png
Iolite Iolite icon1.png Level 50*** Goldsmith Ebony Staff, Iolite Choker, Iolite Earrings, Iolite Bracelet, Iolite Ring, Platinum Scarf of Ranging, Platinum Earrings of Ranging, Platinum Bangles of Ranging, Platinum Ring of Ranging, Arachne Bolero, Arachne Robe, Thavnairian Bustier
Iron Ore Iron ore icon1.png Level 14 Mining Soemrwyb Asbestos Coblyn, Synthetic Doblyn, Chalcopyrite Coblyn, Copperbell Coblyn, Schorl Doblyn, Quartz Doblyn, Ceruleum Coblyn, Sphene Doblyn, Lead Coblyn, Cermet Coblyn Iron Ingot, Steel Ingot, Cobalt Ingot, Titanium Nugget, Iron Ingot, Steel Ingot, Cobalt Ingot, Titanium Nugget
Iron Sand Iron sand icon1.png Level 14 Quarrying Esmenet Enchanted Iron Ink
Jade Jade icon1.png Level 39 Mining Jadeite, Jade Scepter
Jadeite Jadeite icon1.png Level 40 Goldsmith Jade Crook, Glade Open-shelf Bookcase, Oasis Canopy Bed, Guildleve Counter, Demilune Bhuj, Mythril Planisphere, Mythrite Earrings of Slaying, Mythrite Earrings of Aiming, Mythrite Earrings of Casting, Mythrite Earrings of Healing, Mythrite Earrings of Fending, Mythrite Bangle of Slaying, Mythrite Bangle of Aiming, Mythrite Bangle of Casting, Mythrite Bangle of Healing, Mythrite Bangle of Fending, Obsidian Longpole, Wile of the Vortex, Van of the Vortex, Archaeoskin Gloves of Striking, Wyvernskin Wristbands, Serpentskin Dress Gloves of Casting, Vintage Robe
Kamacite Ore Kamacite ore icon1.png Kamacite, Kamacite
Kindling Crystal Kindling crystal icon1.png
Koppranickel Ore Koppranickel ore icon1.png Level 63 Mining High Steel Ingot, High Steel Ingot, Koppranickel Ingot
Koppranickel Sand Koppranickel sand icon1.png Level 61 Quarrying High Steel Nugget, High Steel Nugget, Koppranickel Nugget, Enchanted Koppranickel Ink
Kyanite Kyanite icon1.png Level 62 Goldsmith Reveler's Barding, Koppranickel Earrings of Fending, Koppranickel Earrings of Slaying, Koppranickel Earrings of Aiming, Koppranickel Earrings of Healing, Koppranickel Earrings of Casting, Koppranickel Necklace of Fending, Koppranickel Necklace of Slaying, Koppranickel Necklace of Aiming, Koppranickel Necklace of Healing, Koppranickel Necklace of Casting, Durium Astrometer, Gazelleskin Corselet of Striking, Gazelleskin Corselet of Scouting, Twinsilk Turban of Scouting, Wind-up Susano, Tigerskin Grimoire
Lapis Lazuli Lapis lazuli icon1.png Level 14 Goldsmith Ash Mask (Lapis Lazuli), Brass Circlet (Lapis Lazuli), Lapis Lazuli Choker, Lapis Lazuli Earrings, Lapis Lazuli Bracelet, Lapis Lazuli Ring, Llymlaen's Embrace, Coeurl Talisman, Water Ward Potion
Large Levin Orb Large levin orb icon1.png Ramuh Lord of Levin Lamp
Larimar Larimar icon1.png Level 53 Goldsmith Adamantite Knuckles, Hardsilver Alembic, Hardsilver Staff, Hardsilver Monocle of Healing, Hardsilver Pole, Aurum Regis Necklace of Slaying, Aurum Regis Necklace of Aiming, Aurum Regis Necklace of Casting, Aurum Regis Necklace of Healing, Aurum Regis Necklace of Fending, Dragonskin Wristbands, Ramie Ribbon of Slaying, Ramie Ribbon of Aiming, Ramie Ribbon of Casting, Ramie Ribbon of Healing, Ramie Ribbon of Fending, Orthodox Barding, Chimerical Felt Robe of Healing, Thavnairian Headdress
Lava Rock Lava rock icon1.png
Lazurite Lazurite icon1.png Level 74 Goldsmith Titanbronze Bayonet, Titanbronze Fists, Lazurite Ring of Fending, Lazurite Ring of Slaying, Lazurite Ring of Aiming, Lazurite Ring of Casting, Lazurite Ring of Healing, Atrociraptorskin Necklace of Fending, Atrociraptorskin Necklace of Slaying, Atrociraptorskin Necklace of Aiming, Atrociraptorskin Necklace of Casting, Atrociraptorskin Necklace of Healing
Levin Orb Levin orb icon1.png Ramuh, Ramuh Plasma Lamp, Levin Barding
Light Kidney Ore Light kidney ore icon1.png Level 57 Mining
Lightning Moraine Lightning moraine icon1.png Level 56 Quarrying
Lightning Rock Lightning rock icon1.png Level 24 Quarrying Eye of Lightning
Limestone Limestone icon1.png Level 17 Quarrying Riviera Cottage Wall (Wood), Oasis Cottage Wall (Wood), Glade Cottage Wall (Composite), Oasis Lancet Window, Oasis Arched Door, Glade Wall Chimney, Oasis Partition, Oasis Cottage Roof (Stone), Riviera Cottage Wall (Composite), Oasis Cottage Wall (Stone), Oasis Cottage Roof (Composite), Glade Cottage Wall (Stone), Oasis Cottage Wall (Composite), Riviera Cottage Wall (Stone), Riviera Studded Door, Oasis Classical Door, Glade Classical Door, Mortar, Glade Tiled Awning, Unbreakable Rock
Limonite Limonite icon1.png Level 54 Mining
Luminium Ore Luminium ore icon1.png Level 60*** Mining Scintillant Ingot
Lumythrite Ore Lumythrite ore icon1.png Level 60* Mining High Mythrite Ingot, High Mythrite Ingot
Lumythrite Sand Lumythrite sand icon1.png Level 60* Quarrying High Mythrite Nugget, High Mythrite Nugget
Malachite Malachite icon1.png Level 14 Goldsmith Brass Circlet (Malachite), Malachite Choker, Malachite Earrings, Malachite Bracelet, Malachite Ring, Wind Ward Potion
Manasilver Sand Manasilver sand icon1.png Level 75 Quarrying Manasilver Nugget, Enchanted Manasilver Ink
Marble Marble icon1.png Level 45 Quarrying Alpine Round Table, Wavesoul Fount, Tidal Wavesoul Fount, Llymlaen's Embrace, Tiled Interior Wall, Tiled Flooring, Checkered Flooring, Oasis Bathtub, Oasis Mansion Roof (Composite), Oasis Mansion Roof (Stone), Riviera Mansion Wall (Stone), Oasis Mansion Wall (Stone), Oasis Fence, Marble Flooring, Monochrome Flooring, Gargoyle Sculpture, Demon Wall Sculpture, Armorcraft Forge, Country Interior Wall, Country Flooring
Marbled Eye Marbled eye icon1.png Engerrand, O'rhoyod, Aistan, Fridurih Bone Brand, Bone Staff, Ramhorn Staff, Copper Scepter, Bronze Scepter, Brass Cudgel, Staghorn Staff, Silver Scepter, Goathorn Staff
Meteorite Meteorite icon1.png Level 60* Mining Luminous Fiber
Minium Minium icon1.png Enchanted Rose Gold Ink, Crystal Glass, Grade 1 Wheel of Confrontation, Grade 1 Wheel of Productivity, Grade 1 Wheel of Industry, Grade 1 Wheel of Longeing, Grade 1 Wheel of Rivalry, Grade 1 Wheel of Company, Grade 1 Wheel of Initiation, Grade 1 Wheel of Capacity, Grade 1 Wheel of Observation, Grade 1 Wheel of Efficiency, Grade 1 Wheel of Precision, Grade 1 Wheel of Dedication, Grade 1 Wheel of Nutriment, Grade 1 Wheel of Permanence, Grade 1 Wheel of Revival, Grade 1 Wheel of Pilgrimage, Grade 1 Wheel of Recreation, Enchanted Platinum Ink
Miser's Mythril Misers mythril icon1.png
Molybdenum Ore Molybdenum ore icon1.png Level 70 Mining Molybdenum Ingot, Molybdenum Ingot
Mondite Mondite icon1.png
Moonstone Moonstone icon1.png
Mormorion Mormorion icon1.png Level 54 Goldsmith Mormorion Ring of Slaying, Hardsilver Ring of Aiming, Hardsilver Ring of Casting, Hardsilver Ring of Healing, Hardsilver Ring of Fending, Aurum Regis Planisphere, Noble Gold
Mudstone Mudstone icon2.png Level 20 Quarrying Material Supplier, Material Supplier, Material Supplier Basalt Golem, Gabbro Golem, Number 128, U'Ghamaro Golem, Dark Matter Golem, Marble Marionette, Megalith Marionette, Stone Marionette, Crater Golem, Nunyunuwi, Chert Golem, Clay Golem, Pumice Golem, Arkose Golem, Sandstone Golem, Qarn Guardian, Temple Guardian Mudstone Grinding Wheel, Initiate's Grinding Wheel, Mudstone Whetstone, Firebricks, Bisque Flooring, Campfire
Mudstone Whetstone Mudstone whetstone icon1.png Level 20 Goldsmith Initiate's Head Knife, Iron Culinary Knife, Iron Scythe, Iron Round Knife, Initiate's Culinary Knife, Initiate's Scythe, Iron Head Knife, Silver Head Knife, Vintage Bastard Sword, Vintage Viking Sword, Coral Ring, Brass Needle, Brass Spoon Lure, Initiate's Needle, Silver Needle, Silver Earrings, Silver Ring, Silver Ring of Crafting, Silver Spoon Lure
Mythril Ore Mythril ore icon1.png Level 34 Mining Mythril Ingot, Mythrite Nugget, Mythril Ingot, Mythrite Nugget, Mythril Ingot, Mythrite Nugget
Mythril Sand Mythril sand icon1.png Level 33 Quarrying Enchanted Mythril Ink
Mythrite Ore Mythrite ore icon1.png Level 53 Mining Mythrite Ingot, Mythrite Ingot, Mythrite Ingot
Mythrite Sand Mythrite sand icon1.png Level 51 Quarrying Mythrite Nugget, Mythrite Nugget, Mythrite Nugget, Enchanted Mythrite Ink
Native Gold Native gold icon1.png Level 50** Mining Gold Ingot
Nephrite Nephrite icon1.png
Nightsteel Ore Nightsteel ore icon1.png Level 70** Mining Nightsteel Ingot, Nightsteel Ingot
Nymian Orb Nymian orb icon1.png Nymian Wall Lantern
Obsidian Obsidian icon1.png Level 10 Mining Ferreol Ash Macuahuitl, Elm Macuahuitl
Onyx Onyx icon1.png Level 80 Goldsmith
Opal Opal icon1.png Level 56 Goldsmith Aurum Regis Texture Hammer, Titanium Alembic, Opal Bracelet of Slaying, Opal Bracelet of Aiming, Opal Bracelet of Casting, Opal Bracelet of Healing, Opal Bracelet of Fending, Opal Ring of Slaying, Opal Ring of Aiming, Opal Ring of Casting, Opal Ring of Healing, Opal Ring of Fending, Opal Choker of Slaying, Opal Choker of Aiming, Opal Choker of Casting, Opal Choker of Healing, Opal Choker of Fending, Opal Earrings of Slaying, Opal Earrings of Aiming, Opal Earrings of Casting, Opal Earrings of Healing, Opal Earrings of Fending, Hallowed Ramie Doublet of Aiming, Hallowed Ramie Doublet of Casting, Hallowed Ramie Doublet of Healing
Palladium Ore Palladium ore icon1.png Level 70* Mining
Palladium Sand Palladium sand icon1.png Level 69 Quarrying Palladium Nugget, Enchanted Palladium Ink
Peacock Ore Peacock ore icon1.png Rose Gold Ingot
Pearl Pearl icon1.png Level 36 Goldsmith Pearl Choker, Pearl Bracelet, Pearl Earrings, Pearl Ring
Peridot Peridot icon1.png Level 32 Goldsmith Silver Circlet (Peridot), Peridot Choker, Peridot Bracelet, Peridot Earrings, Peridot Ring
Perlite Perlite icon1.png Level 66 Quarrying Growth Formula Theta
Petalite Petalite icon1.png Level 78 Goldsmith Nullifying Neckpiece, Nullifying Neckpiece, Petalite Earrings of Fending, Petalite Earrings of Slaying, Petalite Earrings of Aiming, Petalite Earrings of Casting, Petalite Earrings of Healing, Petalite Ring of Fending, Petalite Ring of Slaying, Petalite Ring of Aiming, Petalite Ring of Casting, Petalite Ring of Healing, Petalite Choker of Fending, Petalite Choker of Slaying, Petalite Choker of Aiming, Petalite Choker of Casting, Petalite Choker of Healing, Petalite Bracelet of Fending, Petalite Bracelet of Slaying, Petalite Bracelet of Aiming, Petalite Bracelet of Casting, Petalite Bracelet of Healing, Nullifying Neckpiece, Swallowskin Jacket of Scouting, Swallowskin Robe of Aiming, Swallowskin Robe of Casting, Swallowskin Robe of Healing
Pinprick Pebble Pinprick pebble icon1.png Sanguine Scepter, Arachne Bandana of Striking
Platinum Ore Platinum ore icon1.png Level 50*** Mining Platinum Nugget, Platinum Ingot, Enchanted Platinum Ink
Potters Stone Potters stone icon1.png Faerie Chandelier
Prismatic Ingot Prismatic ingot icon1.png Level 80** Goldsmith Catalyst, Clearpath, Alastor, Gust Tongue, Tutelary, Burattinaios, Sankhara, Silktones, Murderer, Barathrum, Facet Mail of Fending, Facet Mail of Maiming, Facet Gauntlets of Fending, Facet Gauntlets of Maiming, Facet Plate Belt of Fending, Facet Plate Belt of Maiming, Facet Plate Belt of Striking, Facet Plate Belt of Scouting, Facet Plate Belt of Aiming, Facet Plate Belt of Casting, Facet Plate Belt of Healing, Merveilleuse, Pollux, Facet Circlet of Fending, Facet Circlet of Striking, Facet Earrings of Fending, Facet Earrings of Slaying, Facet Earrings of Aiming, Facet Earrings of Casting, Facet Earrings of Healing, Facet Choker of Fending, Facet Choker of Slaying, Facet Choker of Aiming, Facet Choker of Casting, Facet Choker of Healing, Facet Bracelet of Fending, Facet Bracelet of Slaying, Facet Bracelet of Aiming, Facet Bracelet of Casting, Facet Bracelet of Healing, Facet Ring of Fending, Facet Ring of Slaying, Facet Ring of Aiming, Facet Ring of Casting, Facet Ring of Healing, Facet Turban of Aiming, Facet Dolman of Scouting, Facet Tabard of Aiming, Facet Coat of Casting, Facet Halfgloves of Aiming, Facet Dress Gloves of Healing
Prismstone Prismstone icon1.png Level 80* Mining
Pumice Pumice icon1.png Level 50*** Quarrying Perfect Vellum, Perfect Cloth
Pummelite Pummelite icon1.png
Pure Titanium Ore Pure titanium ore icon1.png Pure Titanium Plate, Pure Titanium Plate
Pure White Silex Pure white silex icon1.png
Purple Sagolii Slag Purple sagolii slag icon1.png
Purpure Bead Purpure bead icon1.png Level 80*** Goldsmith Neo-Ishgardian Longbow, Neo-Ishgardian Cane, Neo-Ishgardian Ring of Fending, Neo-Ishgardian Ring of Slaying, Neo-Ishgardian Ring of Aiming, Neo-Ishgardian Ring of Casting, Neo-Ishgardian Ring of Healing, Neo-Ishgardian Labrys, Neo-Ishgardian Manatrigger, Neo-Ishgardian Revolver, Neo-Ishgardian Rod, Neo-Ishgardian Foil, Neo-Ishgardian Planisphere, Neo-Ishgardian Choker of Fending, Neo-Ishgardian Choker of Slaying, Neo-Ishgardian Choker of Aiming, Neo-Ishgardian Choker of Casting, Neo-Ishgardian Choker of Healing, Neo-Ishgardian Wristbands of Fending, Neo-Ishgardian Wristbands of Slaying, Neo-Ishgardian Wristbands of Aiming, Neo-Ishgardian Wristbands of Casting, Neo-Ishgardian Wristbands of Healing, Neo-Ishgardian Cap of Fending, Neo-Ishgardian Cap of Maiming, Neo-Ishgardian Hat of Striking, Neo-Ishgardian Cap of Aiming, Neo-Ishgardian Bottoms of Healing
Purpure Shell Chip Purpure shell chip icon1.png Level 80** Quarrying Purpure Bead
Pyrite Pyrite icon1.png Level 51 Mining
Radiant Astral Eye Radiant astral eye icon1.png Level 50** Goldsmith Astrolabe Clinometer
Radiant Astral Moraine Radiant astral moraine icon1.png Level 60* Quarrying
Radiant Earth Moraine Radiant earth moraine icon1.png
Radiant Eye of Earth Radiant eye of earth icon1.png
Radiant Eye of Fire Radiant eye of fire icon1.png
Radiant Eye of Ice Radiant eye of ice icon1.png
Radiant Eye of Lightning Radiant eye of lightning icon1.png
Radiant Eye of Water Radiant eye of water icon1.png
Radiant Eye of Wind Radiant eye of wind icon1.png
Radiant Fire Moraine Radiant fire moraine icon1.png Level 60 Quarrying
Radiant Ice Moraine Radiant ice moraine icon1.png
Radiant Lightning Moraine Radiant lightning moraine icon1.png Level 60 Quarrying
Radiant Water Moraine Radiant water moraine icon1.png
Radiant Wind Moraine Radiant wind moraine icon1.png
Ragstone Ragstone icon1.png Level 13 Quarrying Engerrand, Ferreol, O'rhoyod, Aistan, Fridurih Amateur's Grinding Wheel, Ragstone Grinding Wheel, Vintage Round Shield, Ragstone Whetstone, Stone Soup
Ragstone Whetstone Ragstone whetstone icon1.png Level 6 Goldsmith Smydhaemr Amateur's Culinary Knife, Bronze Head Knife, Amateur's Head Knife, Bronze Scythe, Bronze Culinary Knife, Brass Head Knife, Copper Earrings, Bone Ring, Copper Ring, Copper Needle, Copper Ear Cuffs, Bat Fang Needle, Toothed Ramhorn Staff, Brass Earrings, Decorated Copper Scepter, Brass Ring, Brass Ring of Crafting, Brass Ear Cuffs
Raw Agate Raw agate icon1.png Level 51 Mining Agate
Raw Amber Raw amber icon1.png Level 44 Mining Amber, Varnish, Earth Ward Mega-Potion
Raw Amethyst Raw amethyst icon1.png Level 34 Mining Amethyst, Lightning Ward Hi-Potion
Raw Aquamarine Raw aquamarine icon1.png Level 35 Mining Aquamarine, Water Ward Hi-Potion
Raw Azimite Raw azimite icon1.png
Raw Azurite Raw azurite icon1.png Level 66 Mining Azurite
Raw Carnelian Raw carnelian icon1.png Level 58 Mining Carnelian
Raw Celestine Raw celestine icon1.png Celestine
Raw Chrysolite Raw chrysolite icon1.png Level 60 Mining Chrysolite
Raw Citrine Raw citrine icon1.png Level 59 Mining Citrine
Raw Danburite Raw danburite icon1.png Level 18 Mining Aistan Danburite
Raw Diamond Raw diamond icon1.png Level 50** Mining Diamond
Raw Diaspore Raw diaspore icon1.png Level 72 Mining Diaspore
Raw Emerald Raw emerald icon1.png Level 50** Mining Emerald
Raw Fluorite Raw fluorite icon1.png Level 17 Mining Aistan Fluorite
Raw Garnet Raw garnet icon1.png Level 31 Mining Garnet Grinding Wheel, Garnet, Fire Ward Hi-Potion
Raw Goshenite Raw goshenite icon1.png Level 33 Mining Goshenite, Ice Ward Hi-Potion
Raw Heliodor Raw heliodor icon1.png Level 32 Mining Heliodor, Earth Ward Hi-Potion
Raw Hematite Raw hematite icon1.png Level 70** Mining Hematite
Raw Imperial Jade Raw imperial jade icon1.png Level 68 Mining Imperial Jade
Raw Iolite Raw iolite icon1.png Level 50** Mining Iolite
Raw Kyanite Raw kyanite icon1.png Level 62 Mining Kyanite
Raw Lapis Lazuli Raw lapis lazuli icon1.png Level 7 Mining Aistan Lapis Lazuli
Raw Larimar Raw larimar icon1.png Level 53 Mining Larimar
Raw Lazurite Raw lazurite icon1.png Level 74 Mining Lazurite
Raw Malachite Raw malachite icon1.png Level 16 Mining Aistan Malachite
Raw Mormorion Raw mormorion icon1.png Level 54 Mining Mormorion
Raw Onyx Raw onyx icon1.png Level 80 Mining Onyx
Raw Opal Raw opal icon1.png Level 57 Mining Opal
Raw Peridot Raw peridot icon1.png Level 33 Mining Peridot, Wind Ward Hi-Potion
Raw Petalite Raw petalite icon1.png Level 78 Mining Petalite
Raw Rhodonite Raw rhodonite icon1.png Level 70 Mining Rhodonite
Raw Rubellite Raw rubellite icon1.png Level 45 Mining Rubellite, Fire Ward Mega-Potion
Raw Ruby Raw ruby icon1.png Level 50** Mining Ruby
Raw Sapphire Raw sapphire icon1.png Level 50** Mining Sapphire
Raw Sphene Raw sphene icon1.png Level 17 Mining Aistan Sphene
Raw Spinel Raw spinel icon1.png Level 37 Mining Spinel, Lightning Ward Mega-Potion
Raw Star Ruby Raw star ruby icon1.png Level 55 Mining Star Ruby
Raw Star Sapphire Raw star sapphire icon1.png Level 55 Mining Star Sapphire
Raw Star Spinel Raw star spinel icon1.png Level 63 Mining Star Spinel
Raw Sunstone Raw sunstone icon1.png Level 7 Mining Aistan Sunstone
Raw Tiger's Eye Raw tigers eye icon1.png Level 52 Mining Tiger's Eye
Raw Topaz Raw topaz icon1.png Level 50** Mining Topaz
Raw Tourmaline Raw tourmaline icon1.png Level 36 Mining Tourmaline, Wind Ward Mega-Potion
Raw Triphane Raw triphane icon1.png Level 60** Mining Triphane
Raw Triplite Raw triplite icon1.png Level 76 Mining Triplite
Raw Turquoise Raw turquoise icon1.png Level 41 Mining Turquoise, Water Ward Mega-Potion
Raw Zircon Raw zircon icon1.png Level 38 Mining Zircon, Ice Ward Mega-Potion
Red Abalathian Slag Red abalathian slag icon1.png
Red Malachite Red malachite icon1.png
Red Mor Dhonan Slag Red mor dhonan slag icon1.png
Red O'Ghomoro Slag Red oghomoro slag icon1.png
Red Ooid Red ooid icon1.png
Red Quartz Red quartz icon1.png Level 58 Quarrying Growth Formula Theta
Red Roundstone Red roundstone icon1.png
Rhodonite Rhodonite icon1.png Level 70 Goldsmith Zelkova Cane, Palladium Planisphere, Gazelleskin Corselet of Maiming, Twinsilk Turban of Aiming
River Sand River sand icon1.png
Roof Tile Roof tile icon1.png Level 11 Alchemist Riviera Cottage Roof (Stone), Glade Thatch Chimney, Riviera House Roof (Stone), Riviera Mansion Roof (Stone), Oasis Cottage Roof (Stone), Oasis Cottage Roof (Composite), Riviera Roofed Wall, Glade Cobblestone Wall, Oasis House Roof (Stone), Oasis House Roof (Composite), Oasis Mansion Roof (Composite), Oasis Mansion Roof (Stone), Glade Tiled Awning, Riviera Cottage Roof (Wood), Glade Cottage Roof (Composite), Riviera House Roof (Wood), Glade House Roof (Composite), Riviera Mansion Roof (Wood), Glade Mansion Roof (Composite)
Rubellite Rubellite icon1.png Level 41 Goldsmith Mythril Circlet (Rubellite), Electrum Circlet (Rubellite), Cobalt Planisphere, Rubellite Choker, Rubellite Bracelet, Rubellite Ring, Rubellite Earrings, Goldsmith's Turban, Wolf Planisphere, Wolf Rubellite Choker, Wolf Rubellite Earrings, Wolf Rubellite Bracelet, Wolf Rubellite Ring, Raptorskin Pot Helm, Dhalmelskin Codex
Ruby Ruby icon1.png Level 50*** Goldsmith Carbuncle Chair, Carbuncle Garden Table, Carbuncle Wardrobe, Carbuncle Desk, Ebony Longbow, Carbuncle Garden Bench, Dead Man's Chest, Carbuncle Lantern, Carbuncle Chronometer, Syrcus Tower, Inferno Cudgel, Ruby Choker, Ruby Earrings, Ruby Bracelet, Ruby Ring, Platinum Scarf of Slaying, Platinum Earrings of Slaying, Platinum Bangles of Slaying, Platinum Ring of Slaying, Carbuncle Armchair, Carbuncle Rug, Carbuncle Round Table, Arachne Bandana of Scouting
Sapphire Sapphire icon1.png Level 50*** Goldsmith Wootz Bhuj, Dead Man's Chest, Sapphire Choker, Sapphire Earrings, Sapphire Bracelet, Sapphire Ring, Platinum Scarf of Casting, Platinum Earrings of Casting, Platinum Bangles of Casting, Platinum Ring of Casting, Kirimu Coat
Sassho-seki Fragment Sassho-seki fragment icon1.png
Scheelite Scheelite icon1.png Mummer's Daggers, Wolfram Ingot, Lapdog Collar Bell, Wolfram Square
Schorl Schorl icon1.png Level 66 Mining
Sea Sand Sea sand icon1.png
Serpent's-eye Serpents-eye icon1.png
Serpentine Serpentine icon1.png
Shade Quartz Shade quartz icon1.png Level 80 Quarrying
Shell Leather Shell leather icon1.png Urban Boots, Rebel Boots, Urban Coat, Rebel Coat
Shimmering Quartz Shimmering quartz icon1.png
Siltstone Siltstone icon1.png Level 30 Quarrying Siltstone Grinding Wheel, Siltstone Whetstone, Straight Stepping Stones, Curved Stepping Stones, Clinker Bricks, Mossy Rock
Siltstone Whetstone Siltstone whetstone icon1.png Level 30 Goldsmith Vintage Guisarme, Steel Falchion, Steel Culinary Knife, Steel Scythe, Wrapped Steel Culinary Knife, Wrapped Steel Scythe, Steel Round Knife, Mythril Head Knife, Goblin Scimitar, Vintage Kite Shield, Silver Ear Cuffs, Horn Ring, Worm Fang Needle, Steel Jig, Mythril Earrings, Vintage Cudgel, Mythril Needle, Mythril Ring, Mythril Ring of Crafting, Fluorite Lens
Silver Ore Silver ore icon1.png Level 25 Mining Silver Ingot, Hardsilver Nugget
Silver Sand Silver sand icon1.png Level 22 Quarrying Enchanted Silver Ink
Silvergrace Ore Silvergrace ore icon1.png Level 70** Mining Silvergrace Ingot
Sintered Whetstone Sintered whetstone icon1.png Crystallized Coral
Skystone Skystone icon1.png
Slate Slate icon1.png Level 62 Quarrying Slate Grinding Wheel, Polished Slate Grinding Wheel, Slate Whetstone
Slate Whetstone Slate whetstone icon1.png Level 61 Goldsmith High Steel Culinary Knife, High Steel Scythe, High Steel Uchigatana, Doman Iron Head Knife, Doman Iron Uchigatana, Doman Iron Culinary Knife, Doman Iron Scythe, Doman Steel Round Knife, Doman Steel Tachi, Doman Steel Culinary Knife, Doman Steel Scythe, Molybdenum Uchigatana, Molybdenum Creasing Knife, Molybdenum Culinary Knife, Molybdenum Scythe, Dzo Horn Needle, Gazelle Horn Needle, Palladium Needle
Slough Serpentinite Slough serpentinite icon1.png
Smithsonite Ore Smithsonite ore icon1.png Level 60* Mining Eikon Iron Ingot
Solarite Solarite icon1.png Level 76 Mining
Sparkstone Sparkstone icon1.png Level 64 Mining, Level 64 Logging
Sphalerite Sphalerite icon1.png Titanium Alloy Ingot
Sphene Sphene icon1.png Level 14 Goldsmith Brass Circlet (Sphene), Sphene Choker, Sphene Earrings, Sphene Bracelet, Sphene Ring, Earth Ward Potion
Spinel Spinel icon1.png Level 41 Goldsmith Hallowed Chestnut Mask of Aiming, Mythril Circlet (Spinel), Electrum Circlet (Spinel), Spinel Choker, Spinel Bracelet, Spinel Ring, Spinel Earrings, Mythrite Planisphere, Aurum Regis Longpole, Wolf Spinel Choker, Wolf Spinel Earrings, Wolf Spinel Bracelet, Wolf Spinel Ring, Rainbow Bolero of Striking, Dhalmelskin Grimoire
Splendid Amber Splendid amber icon1.png
Splendid Black Rock Splendid black rock icon1.png
Splendid Chalcanthite Splendid chalcanthite icon1.png
Splendid Dense Iron Ore Splendid dense iron ore icon1.png
Splendid Flint Stone Splendid flint stone icon1.png
Splendid Graphite Splendid graphite icon1.png
Splendid Gravel Splendid gravel icon1.png
Splendid Holey Stone Splendid holey stone icon1.png
Splendid Iron Ore Splendid iron ore icon1.png
Splendid Purple Pigment Splendid purple pigment icon1.png
Splendid Slate Splendid slate icon1.png
Splendid Stone Splendid stone icon1.png
Star Ruby Star ruby icon1.png Level 55 Goldsmith Stuffed Carbuncle, Hardsilver Texture Hammer, Hardsilver Bangle of Slaying, Hardsilver Bangle of Aiming, Hardsilver Bangle of Casting, Hardsilver Bangle of Healing, Hardsilver Bangle of Fending, Star Ruby Music Box, Chivalric Coat of Striking, Book of Aurum Regis
Star Sapphire Star sapphire icon1.png Level 55 Goldsmith Birch Rod, Hardsilver Earrings of Slaying, Hardsilver Earrings of Aiming, Hardsilver Earrings of Casting, Hardsilver Earrings of Healing, Hardsilver Earrings of Fending, Hardsilver Bangle of Slaying, Hardsilver Bangle of Aiming, Hardsilver Bangle of Casting, Hardsilver Bangle of Healing, Hardsilver Bangle of Fending, Star Sapphire Music Box, Chivalric Coat of Scouting, Ramie Turban of Crafting, Noble's Picatrix
Star Spinel Star spinel icon1.png Level 64 Goldsmith Folded High Steel Knuckles, Palladium Texture Hammer, Star Spinel Bracelet of Fending, Star Spinel Bracelet of Slaying, Star Spinel Bracelet of Aiming, Star Spinel Bracelet of Healing, Star Spinel Bracelet of Casting, Star Spinel Ring of Fending, Star Spinel Ring of Slaying, Star Spinel Ring of Aiming, Star Spinel Ring of Healing, Star Spinel Ring of Casting, Durium Staff, Durium Smallsword, Star Spinel Earrings of Fending, Star Spinel Earrings of Slaying, Star Spinel Earrings of Aiming, Star Spinel Earrings of Healing, Star Spinel Earrings of Casting, Star Spinel Choker of Fending, Star Spinel Choker of Slaying, Star Spinel Choker of Aiming, Star Spinel Choker of Healing, Star Spinel Choker of Casting, Durium Foil, Tigerskin Codex
Steppe Cinnabar Steppe cinnabar icon1.png
Steppe Clay Steppe clay icon1.png
Steppe Coal Steppe coal icon1.png
Steppe Copper Ore Steppe copper ore icon1.png
Steppe Geode Steppe geode icon1.png
Steppe Iron Ore Steppe iron ore icon1.png
Steppe Jade Steppe jade icon1.png
Steppe Mica Steppe mica icon1.png
Steppe Mudstone Whetstone Steppe mudstone whetstone icon1.png
Steppe Obsidian Steppe obsidian icon1.png
Steppe Slab Steppe slab icon1.png
Steppe Soapstone Steppe soapstone icon1.png
Steppe Whetstone Steppe whetstone icon1.png
Stiperstone Stiperstone icon1.png
Sun Mica Sun mica icon1.png Level 60* Quarrying
Sunstone Sunstone icon1.png Level 13 Goldsmith Brass Circlet (Sunstone), Sunstone Choker, Sunstone Earrings, Sunstone Bracelet, Sunstone Ring, Fire Ward Potion
Syrcus Shard Syrcus shard icon1.png Syrcus Tower
Tatara Iron Sand Tatara iron sand icon1.png Enna, Enna Chigusa Ingot, Chigusa Ingot
Tektite Tektite icon1.png Level 59 Quarrying
Throne Gem Throne gem icon1.png Emperor's Throne
Tiger's Eye Tigers eye icon1.png Level 51 Goldsmith Adamantite Main Gauches, Mythrite Bangle of Slaying, Mythrite Bangle of Aiming, Mythrite Bangle of Casting, Mythrite Bangle of Healing, Mythrite Bangle of Fending, Hardsilver Pole, Wyvernskin Mane of Fending
Tin Ore Tin ore icon1.png Level 6 Mining Engerrand, Smydhaemr, Soemrwyb, O'rhoyod, Fridurih Silver Coblyn, Copper Coblyn, Prism Coblyn, Rusty Coblyn Bronze Ingot, Bronze Ingot
Tincalconite Tincalconite icon1.png Pudding Desk, Pudding Floor Lamp, Pudding Settee, Pudding Throw Rug
Titan's Heart Titans heart icon1.png Titan Cragsoul Lamp
Titancopper Ore Titancopper ore icon1.png Level 77 Mining Titanbronze Ingot, Titanbronze Ingot
Titancopper Sand Titancopper sand icon1.png Level 76 Quarrying Titanbronze Nugget
Titanium Ore Titanium ore icon1.png Level 55 Mining Titanium Nugget, Titanium Nugget
Topaz Topaz icon1.png Level 50*** Goldsmith Topaz Choker, Topaz Earrings, Topaz Bracelet, Topaz Ring, Platinum Earrings of Fending, Platinum Bangles of Fending, Platinum Ring of Fending, Arachne Shirt of Striking, Arachne Shirt of Scouting
Tourmaline Tourmaline icon1.png Level 41 Goldsmith Hallowed Chestnut Mask of Casting, Electrum Lapidary Hammer, Mythril Circlet (Tourmaline), Electrum Circlet (Tourmaline), Tourmaline Choker, Tourmaline Bracelet, Tourmaline Ring, Tourmaline Earrings, Aurum Regis Longpole, Vortex Couch, Savage Arc of Triumph, Raging Vortex Couch, Wolf Tourmaline Choker, Wolf Tourmaline Earrings, Wolf Tourmaline Bracelet, Wolf Tourmaline Ring, Gryphonskin Bandana, Goldsmith's Doublet
Triphane Triphane icon1.png Level 61 Goldsmith Triphane Bracelet of Fending, Triphane Bracelet of Slaying, Triphane Bracelet of Aiming, Triphane Bracelet of Healing, Triphane Bracelet of Casting, Triphane Ring of Fending, Triphane Ring of Slaying, Triphane Ring of Aiming, Triphane Ring of Healing, Triphane Ring of Casting, Triphane Earrings of Fending, Triphane Earrings of Slaying, Triphane Earrings of Aiming, Triphane Earrings of Healing, Triphane Earrings of Casting, Triphane Choker of Fending, Triphane Choker of Slaying, Triphane Choker of Aiming, Triphane Choker of Healing, Triphane Choker of Casting, Dual-plated Koppranickel Planisphere, Bloodhempen Turban of Crafting
Triplite Triplite icon1.png Level 76 Goldsmith Titanbronze Kilij, Titanbronze Battleaxe, Titanbronze Guillotine, Titanbronze Uchigatana, Titanbronze Daggers, Dwarven Mythril Planisphere, Titanbronze Rapier, Titanbronze Star Globe, Triplite Earrings of Fending, Triplite Earrings of Slaying, Triplite Earrings of Aiming, Triplite Earrings of Casting, Triplite Earrings of Healing, Triplite Ring of Fending, Triplite Ring of Slaying, Triplite Ring of Aiming, Triplite Ring of Casting, Triplite Ring of Healing, Triplite Choker of Fending, Triplite Choker of Slaying, Triplite Choker of Aiming, Triplite Choker of Casting, Triplite Choker of Healing, Triplite Bracelet of Fending, Triplite Bracelet of Slaying, Triplite Bracelet of Aiming, Triplite Bracelet of Casting, Triplite Bracelet of Healing
Truegold Ore Truegold ore icon1.png Level 72 Mining Deepgold Ingot, Deepgold Ingot, Stonegold Ingot
Truegold Sand Truegold sand icon1.png Level 71 Quarrying Deepgold Nugget, Deepgold Nugget, Stonegold Nugget, Enchanted Truegold Ink
Tuff Whetstone Tuff whetstone icon1.png Level 76 Goldsmith Sandteak Grinding Wheel, Lignum Vitae Grinding Wheel, Titanbronze Uchigatana, Titanbronze Chakrams, Titanbronze Creasing Knife, Titanbronze Culinary Knife, Titanbronze Scythe, Dwarven Mythril Uchigatana, Dwarven Mythril Glaives, Dwarven Mythril Culinary Knife, Dwarven Mythril Scythe, Dwarven Mythril Round Knife, Triplite, Titanbronze Needle, Petalite, Onyx, Dwarven Mythril Needle
Tungsten Ore Tungsten ore icon1.png Level 80* Mining
Tungstite Tungstite icon1.png Level 60*** Mining Heavy Metal Ingot, Heavy Metal Ingot
Turquoise Turquoise icon1.png Level 41 Goldsmith Hallowed Chestnut Mask of Healing, Mythrite Lapidary Hammer, Mythril Circlet (Turquoise), Electrum Circlet (Turquoise), Turquoise Choker, Turquoise Bracelet, Turquoise Ring, Turquoise Earrings, Goldsmith's Turban, Wolf Turquoise Choker, Wolf Turquoise Earrings, Wolf Turquoise Bracelet, Wolf Turquoise Ring, Leatherworker's Hat, Goldsmith's Doublet
Ultramarine Ore Ultramarine ore icon1.png
Umbral Eye Umbral eye icon1.png
Umbral Moraine Umbral moraine icon1.png
Umbral Rock Umbral rock icon1.png Level 50* Quarrying
Umbrite Umbrite icon1.png
Unaspected Crystal Unaspected crystal icon1.png Level 50* Mining/Quarrying/Logging/Harvesting Grade 1 Wheel of Confrontation, Grade 1 Wheel of Productivity, Grade 1 Wheel of Industry, Grade 1 Wheel of Longeing, Grade 1 Wheel of Rivalry, Grade 1 Wheel of Company, Grade 1 Wheel of Initiation, Grade 1 Wheel of Capacity, Grade 1 Wheel of Observation, Grade 1 Wheel of Efficiency, Grade 1 Wheel of Precision, Grade 1 Wheel of Dedication, Grade 1 Wheel of Nutriment, Grade 1 Wheel of Permanence, Grade 1 Wheel of Revival, Grade 1 Wheel of Pilgrimage, Grade 1 Wheel of Recreation
Uncultured Pearl Uncultured pearl icon1.png
Vibrant Steppe Glowstone Vibrant steppe glowstone icon1.png
Violet Ooid Violet ooid icon1.png
Violet Quartz Violet quartz icon1.png Level 60* Quarrying
Violet Roundstone Violet roundstone icon1.png
Virgin Basilisk Egg Virgin basilisk egg icon1.png Level 50*** Mining Tinker's Calm
Vivianite Vivianite icon1.png Garlond Steel, Garlond Steel
Void Matter Void matter icon1.png Dun Scaith Diabolos Miniature, Scathach Miniature
Volcanic Tuff Volcanic tuff icon1.png Level 76 Quarrying Tuff Whetstone
Water Moraine Water moraine icon1.png
Water Rock Water rock icon1.png Level 25 Quarrying Eye of Water
White Abalathian Slag White abalathian slag icon1.png
White Clay White clay icon1.png Level 76 Harvesting
White Mor Dhonan Slag White mor dhonan slag icon1.png
White Quartz White quartz icon1.png
Wind Moraine Wind moraine icon1.png
Wind Rock Wind rock icon1.png Level 24 Quarrying Eye of Wind
Wootz Ore Wootz ore icon1.png Wootz Ingot
Wyrm Obsidian Wyrm obsidian icon1.png Level 60 Mining Adamantite Revolver, Adamantite-barreled Culverin, Aurum Regis Longpole
Wyvern Obsidian Wyvern obsidian icon1.png Level 28 Mining Walnut Macuahuitl, Plumed Oak Macuahuitl, Sprouting Rosewood Radical, Steel-barreled Musketoon, Mythril-barreled Carbine, Mythril-barreled Musketoon, Cobalt-barreled Carbine, Cobalt-barreled Musketoon, Darksteel-barreled Blunderbuss, Wolf Musketoon, Inferno Musketoon, Abandon of the Vortex, Menacing Moggle Mog Gun, Wootz Revolver, Giantsgall Knifelock, Tremor Culverin
Yanxian Soil Yanxian soil icon1.png Level 70** Mining, Level 70** Quarrying
Yellow Copper Ore Yellow copper ore icon1.png Level 50*** Mining
Yellow Mor Dhonan Slag Yellow mor dhonan slag icon1.png
Yellow O'Ghomoro Slag Yellow oghomoro slag icon1.png
Yellow Ooid Yellow ooid icon1.png
Yellow Quartz Yellow quartz icon1.png Level 52 Quarrying
Yellow Roundstone Yellow roundstone icon1.png
Yellow Sagolii Slag Yellow sagolii slag icon1.png
Yellow Tinolqa Slag Yellow tinolqa slag icon1.png
Zeolite Ore Zeolite ore icon1.png Level 60*** Quarrying Grade 3 Strength Dissolvent, Grade 3 Dexterity Dissolvent, Grade 3 Vitality Dissolvent, Grade 3 Intelligence Dissolvent, Grade 3 Mind Dissolvent
Zinc Ore Zinc ore icon1.png Level 9 Mining Aistan Brass Ingot
Zircon Zircon icon1.png Level 41 Goldsmith Mythril Circlet (Zircon), Electrum Circlet (Zircon), Zircon Choker, Zircon Bracelet, Zircon Ring, Zircon Earrings, Wolf Zircon Choker, Wolf Zircon Earrings, Wolf Zircon Bracelet, Wolf Zircon Ring, Stuffed Mazlaya Marlin