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“To be classified as seedkin, flora must exhibit the capacity for controlled mobility with the purpose of hunting, defense, or reproduction. Their similarity in appearance to conventional plants can prevent travelers and botanists from properly identifying possible threats while afield. Careful review of this publication is strongly recommended to those considering an extended foray into the wilderness, be it lush or barren.
— Encyclopædia Eorzea vol 1
All creatures belonging to the class Seedkin.
This category has the following 40 subcategories, out of 40 total.
Pages in category "Seedkin"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 513 total.
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- Aegeiros
- Ageless Melia
- Aglaophotis
- Alert Sankchinni
- Aloalo Asvattha
- Aloalo Deadly Coconut
- Aloalo Monstera
- Aloalo Morbol
- Aloalo Nepenthes
- Aloalo Ochu
- Aloalo Treant
- Aloalo Vemosia
- Alpha Dryad
- Alpha Microchu
- Alpha Morbol
- Alzadaal's Asvattha
- Ameretat
- Ancient Oak
- Anemossling
- Angered Elm
- Angry Naryordor
- Aqueduct Ameretat
- Aqueduct Belladonna
- Aqueduct Dryad
- Aqueduct Genomos
- Aqueduct Kaluk
- Aqueduct Leafkin
- Aqueduct Leshy
- Aqueduct Mossling
- Aqueduct Sapria
- Aqueduct Udumbara
- Arch-noctilucale
- Arena Mandragora
- Arena Roselet
- Ark Morbol
- Asvattha
- Cactuar (Enemy)
- Cactuar Jack
- Callisto
- Capricious Cassie
- Cavorting Cactuar
- Cenote Branchbearer
- Cenote Flytrap
- Cenote Leafkin
- Cenote Megamaguey
- Cenote Monstera
- Cenote Necrosis
- Cenote Netzach
- Cenote Pitcher Weed
- Cenote Roselet
- Cenote Sarracenia
- Cenote Tomaton
- Cenote Tomatuxmool
- Cenote Tulichu
- Cenote Woodsman
- Chaochu
- Chocobo Legtrap
- Clingy Clare
- Cloudtrap
- Cochineal Cactuar
- Coeurl O' Nine Tails
- Comely Korrigan
- Copycat Cassie
- Cork Bulb
- Corpse Flower
- Cosmos Snapweed
- Cosmos Witchweed
- Cosmos Ya-te-veo
- Creeping Edila
- Cryoconite
- Cultivated Morbol Seedling
- Cultivated Moss Fungus
- Cultivated Moss Seedling
- Cultivated Ochu
- Curupira
- Dark Matter Bulb
- Dark Matter Roselet
- Death Cap
- Deep Palace Biloko
- Deep Palace Morbol
- Deep Palace Ochu
- Deep Palace Seedling
- Deep Palace Trap
- Demonic Rose
- Demonstool
- Deranged Germinant
- Diadem Bloated Bulb
- Diadem Bulb
- Diadem Icetrap
- Diadem Melia
- Diadem Plantoid
- Diakka (Enemy)
- Diseased Treant
- Divan Mold
- Dohnfast Moss Fungus
- Dohnfast Rowan
- Dorpokkur
- Drakespur
- Dryad
- Dryspine Gigantender
- Dungeon Egg
- Dungeon Garlic
- Dungeon Moss Fungus
- Dungeon Onion
- Dungeon Queen
- Dungeon Rosebear
- Dungeon Rowan
- Dungeon Tomato
- Dungeon Witchweed
- Faerie Funguar
- Fallen Funguar
- Fern Flower
- Flowering Gigantender
- Flowering Sabotender
- Flowering Sabotender (Eureka Anemos)
- Flowering Witchweed
- Fly Agaric
- Flying Popoto
- Forest Funguar
- Forgotten Campeador
- Forgotten Sabotender
- Foxglove (Enemy)
- Frenzied Morbol
- Fruitful Fly Agaric
- Fruiting Fungus
- Fruiting Gigantender
- Full-grown Manjusaka
- Gancanagh
- Garden Cloudtrap
- Garden Melia
- Garden Sankchinni
- Garlic Jester
- Genomos (Enemy)
- Germinant
- Giant Treant
- Gigantender (Enemy)
- Gnarled Melia
- Gnarled Treant
- Goldvine
- Gorpokkur
- Grandfather Treant
- Great Morbol
- Great Oak
- Great Orthos Morbol
- Great Putrid Morbol
- Greater Asvattha
- Greater Banestool
- Greater Morbol
- Greatest Morbol
- Green Archon
- Griaule
- Grizzly Host