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Chi (boss)

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Disambig icon.png This article is about the level 90 FATE boss. For the Ninja action, see Chi.

A ruthless war machine developed on the Alphatron Star. Yet unsated after wreaking untold havoc across countless civilizations, it split from central command and independently sought out further targets. Although the key to the Omicrons' further development─and perhaps very survival─is thought to lie hidden within its memory, it is unclear what that might entail.

Chi Card description

Chi is an Omicron in Ultima Thule.


Zone Coordinates Level range
Ultima Thule (X:34.5, Y:21.5) 90

Additional Information

Main article: Omicron Recall: Killing Order


With their consciousnesses safely ensconced, the Omicrons once more began to supplement their arsenal of mechanized weaponry. By all appearance, the Chi was an attempt to incorporate as many instruments of violence as possible into a single siege frame.

Encyclopædia Eorzea Volume III, p. 77