“This legendary stallion is said to gallop upon a mighty levinbolt, though sources differ as to whence his might came. According to the Fist of Rhalgr, Ixion was once the beloved steed of Rhalgr, the Destroyer, and through him gained the ability to command lightning and raze the land as he would. Ancient Mhachi tomes, however, make mention of an experiment in which voidmages successfully imbued a warhorse with the power of levin. It further explains that the horses bred for this purpose were, in fact, unicorns, and that selective breeding made their horns jagged—a trait Ixion shares. But whether he was Rhalgr's erstwhile mount or a remarkable feat of ingenuity, one thing is certain: a levin-footed steed has been sighted repeatedly during and since the Ala Mhigan liberation.
— Encyclopaedia Eorzea Volume 2, p.299
Ixion is in The Lochs.
Name | Type | Item Level | Rarity | Quantity |
Zone | Coordinates | Level range |
The Lochs | (X:29.0, Y:9.0) | 70 |
The Lochs | (X:4.0, Y:15.0) | 70 |
The Lochs | (X:16.0, Y:22.0) | 70 |
Quest | Type | Level | Quest Giver |
Additional Information
- See also: wikipedia:Ixion
Ixion is also a server in the Japanese Mana Data Center.
A fusion of Ixion and Ramuh is fought in Eden's Verse: Fulmination. See Ramuh (ShB). Eutrope also appears to use the feral soul of an Ixion when fighting as Wicked Thunder in the Arcadion.
Ixion originally appeared as an Aeon in Final Fantasy X.