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Daughter of the Deep

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Main Scenario Quest icon.png

Daughter of the Deep

Quest giver
Yanxia (X:30.5, Y:36.6)
Quest line
Stormblood Main Scenario Quests
Required items
1 Imperial Soldier (Key Item).png  Imperial Decurion
1 Yugiri's Medicine.png  Yugiri's Medicine
1 Imperial Soldier (Key Item).png  Imperial Soldier
Experience 104,000
Gil 1,189
Previous quest
Main Scenario QuestThe Will to Live
Next quest
Main Scenario QuestPath of No Return

Main Scenario Progress: 441 / 968 (45.6%)


Stormblood Progress: 62 / 162 (38.3%)


Yugiri is at a loss for words.

— In-game description


Choose one of the following options:


Once you meet with Yugiri on the beach, teleport to the Namai camp, then head to the water hole located at X: 29.7, Y: 15.7. Take the water hole back across the mountain. You will come out next to Yugiri. Speak with Yugiri to finish the quest.



  • Yugiri is at a loss for words.


Accepting the quest

Yugiri: ... 
Yugiri: Apologies, [Forename]. I was...lost in thought.
Yugiri: Mayhap they have the right of it. Mayhap we are fools for urging them to rise once more. Yet I believe─I have to believe─that in their heart of hearts, they...they still...
Yugiri: ...Now is not the time. We must finish what we started.
Yugiri: I have in my possession a powerful medicine that befuddles the mind and memories. We must administer it to the soldiers ere they wake.
Yugiri: The medicine will leave the soldiers confused and unable to clearly recall recent events. They will suspect that they fell asleep at their posts and be reluctant to discuss it with others.
Yugiri: It is naught more than a temporary measure, but we dare not kill them for the sake of the villagers. Tend to the last two I put to sleep─I shall see to the others.

Using Yugiri's medicine on the imperial decurion

<Use Yugiri's Medicine>
Imperial Decurion: <snore> ...Mother, is that you...?

Using Yugiri's medicine on the imperial soldier

<Use Yugiri's Medicine>
Imperial Soldier: I...I want to go home... <snore> OR Just...just a few more years... <snore>

Searching for Yugiri (Cutscene)

Yugiri: Forgive me for making you search.
Yugiri: It calms me, the sound. 
It helps me to remember the sway of the ocean when I close my eyes...
Yugiri: Despite the many great and noble things I said, in truth I am not of Doma. I was born beneath the waves of the Ruby Sea...
Yugiri: To think that you were there─that you even spoke with my mother and father...
Yugiri: They are in good health, then. The knowledge is...of great comfort to me.
Yugiri: That I might have the strength to protect my home from the Empire, I left to learn the secrets of the shinobi. Day and night we trained, ever striving to exceed our mental and physical limits.
Yugiri: After a time, my skills were recognized, and I was dispatched to assist the Doman Liberation Front. It was then that I met Lord Kaien and his son, and their loyal samurai, Gosetsu.
Yugiri: Good men, all. Brave and true, so clear their eyes, so pure their purpose. Any shinobi would have been proud to serve them and Doma.
Yugiri: ...But, in the end, I will always be of the sea.
Yugiri: Every day, I pray for my home, and for the people I left behind. 
That they might be spared the wages of war, and live in peace, untouched by this madness.
Yugiri: I confessed this to Lord Hien once. Do you know what he said to me?
Yugiri: He said: "Good. We are better for the conviction of our allies, and draw inspiration from their example. What is weak alone may together grow stronger."
Yugiri: Never did I lose faith in them. Even when all was lost, and I led our people to Eorzea, I clung to the belief that our dream would one day be realized.
Yugiri: But when I gazed into those eyes bereft of hope─when those broken men balked at liberty, the dream was shattered.
< What will you say? >
< Together we are strong, and we must carry on. >
< It will not always be so. >
< ... >
< Together we are strong, and we must carry on. >
Yugiri: That you remain resolute, even in the face of everything we have seen... It heartens me more than you know. Thank you for standing by this naive fool.
< It will not always be so. >
Yugiri: So I pray... And thus do I labor to see a new day dawn, regardless of my misgivings. When all is said and done, we can but carry on─together.
< ... >
Yugiri: Forgive me, we shinobi are taught to discharge our duties without hesitation or doubt. Come what may, I shall not falter.
Yugiri: An imperial airship...
Yugiri: It is bound for Doma Castle. Quickly, we must rejoin the others!


Ryosen: The villagers! They have returned! They said something about being tricked by some woman. I am not sure exactly what they meant, but I am truly glad they are back where they belong.
Shinden: All of my friends have returned! I did not think I would ever see the day.
Yamekage: Some of my friends returned just a short while ago. I have no idea if the Empire let them go, or if they escaped, but I am thrilled to see them safe regardless.
Lyse: Oh, [Forename]! What happened to the villagers? Are they all right? Do you need my help?

Returning with Yugiri to the House of the Fierce

Yugiri: Come, come! We must tell the others of this airship, or hear what they know of it!


Lyse: There you are! What happened? Are the villagers all right? 
Yugiri: W-We freed them, along with many others.
Yugiri: Gosetsu─we spied an airship bound for the castle. Know you aught of it? 
Gosetsu: Aye, that we do... The crown prince is come to Doma. 
Alisaie: We suspect this is the result of recent events in Gyr Abania. Our defeat notwithstanding, there appears to be some concern in Garlemald that subversive elements may be rallying in other provinces. 
Alisaie: Though Yotsuyu governs Doma, Zenos remains the province's anointed viceroy─and it would seem he has come to assess the current situation in person. 
Yugiri: If Zenos is here, we must seize this opportunity and kill him. 
Alisaie: Would that it were so simple, Lady Yugiri. You may recall that we encountered Zenos at Rhalgr's Reach. We have seen firsthand what he can do. His power defies explanation.
Alisaie: He faced the Alliance, the Resistance and the Scions, and he defeated us all.
Alisaie: We survived and learned from the experience, it is true─but if we are to defeat him, it will not be through simple opportunism. We will require a flawless plan. 
Yugiri: We know his strengths. A prodigious swordsman trained from childhood by the finest imperial tutors, reputed to be without equal on the battlefield. Which is why we must not meet him there.
Yugiri: Nay, we keep to the shadows─the domain of the shinobi. And thence we strike. You need only give me the chance. 
Gosetsu: Were this but a matter of personal revenge, I would not presume to bar your path, for I myself crave that same vengeance.
Gosetsu: But to draw steel against the Emperor's son is a grave decision, and one that will shape our nation's future. Do not forget Lord Hien's words! 
Yugiri: What, that we should sheathe our swords if the people lack the will to fight!? I will not squander this opportunity! If we do naught, our master's life is forfeit! 
Gosetsu: Even should you succeed, Zenos's death will not win Doma her freedom─more likely her doom.
Gosetsu: Can we defend our people against the Empire's retribution? We few against a legion? Do not be a fool, child! 
Yugiri: ...Mayhap I am a fool with foolish dreams of a future that will never be. 
But I cannot─I will not forsake them! 
Lyse: Yugiri, wait! 
Alisaie: ...What now?