The Will to Live
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The Will to Live
- Quest giver
- Yugiri
- Location
- Yanxia (X:29.6, Y:33.9)
- Quest line
- Stormblood Main Scenario Quests
- Level
- 64
- Required items
- 1 Uwagi #55
1 Hakama #55
1 Choka #55
1 Kabuto #55
1 Tekko #55 - Experience
- Gil
- Previous quest
A New Ruby Tithe
- Next quest
Daughter of the Deep
- Patch
- 4.0
Main Scenario Progress: 440 / 960 (45.8%)
Stormblood Progress: 61 / 162 (37.7%)
“Yugiri is in her element.
— In-game description
- Unlocks
Completion of this quest unlocks an increase to mount speed in Yanxia.
- Stand watch for imperial patrols.
- Speak with Yugiri.
- Steal a suitable uniform from a sleeping soldier.
- Speak with Yugiri.
- While in uniform, perform an /imperialsalute to the guards. 0/2
- Speak with Yugiri.
- Free the Doman villagers.
There are no journal entries for this quest.
Accepting the quest
Yugiri: Despite the urgency of the situation, we must still proceed with the utmost caution to ensure the safety of the villagers. Yugiri: To wit, we must infiltrate the castrum without raising the alarum. Yugiri: I will deal with any soldiers near the entrance. Stand watch for others approaching from the north until you hear my signal.
Standing watch for imperial patrols
System: For a mercy, you spy no imperial patrols imbound for the castrum. A hawk's cry pierces the silence─Yugiri is waiting.
Strapping Soldier: <snore> ...Five...five more minutes...
Spindly Soldier: Sodding... <snore>...sodding cu—<snort>—sodding...the lot of you...
Stocky Soldier: Mmm... Mmm... No, you sign off first... <snore>
Speaking with Yugiri
Yugiri: Speak softly, lest the others hear us. What of the outside? Yugiri: ...That is good. We may proceed as planned. Yugiri: These ones shall not soon wake. However, the others are too close to the villagers. Incapacitating them as I did these ones is far too risky. Yugiri: Fortunately, a solution presents itself. I would have you disguise yourself as an imperial soldier and convince them that a changing of the guard is in order. Yugiri: You have your pick of uniforms. They shall not protest. (Optional) Yugiri: I would not presume to choose for you. You know your own proportions best.
Stealing a suitable uniform from a sleeping soldier
(Selecting the Stocky Soldier uniform as a Lalafell System: If there were three of you standing on each other's shoulders, you could perhaps fit into this uniform. Walking, however, would present a challenge. (Selecting the Strapping Soldier uniform as a Lalafell) System: ...Though it is often said that one should aspire to bigger and better things, it would not be prudent at this juncture.
(Selecting the Spindly Soldier uniform as a Roegadyn) System: ...It would probably be considered obscene to wear this uniform in polite company. (Selecting the Strapping Soldier uniform as a Roegadyn) System: ...Upon further consideration, you realize that such ambition would better serve you on the battlfield. OR Perhaps, in another life, this uniform would have suited you perfectly. But not this one.
(Selecting the Spindly Soldier uniform as a Hrothgar) System: Attempting to wear this uniform might force you to confront certain uncomfortable realities better left unexplored... (Selecting the Strapping Soldier uniform as a Hrothgar) System: Perhaps, in another life, this uniform would have suited you perfectly. But not this one.
(Selecting the correct uniform) System: Although this uniform is quite large in several places, with a few minor adjustments, it appears as though it could suffice... OR This uniform appears to be more or less your size... (Selecting the correct uniform, from Stocky Soldier, as Hrothgar) System: This uniform appears to be more or less your size...
System: With all due care and consideration, you relieve the sleeping soldier of their uniform.
Yugiri: You have chosen one to your liking, then? Excellent. Yugiri: I shall hide these ones where none will find them.
Yugiri: Our sleeping beauties have been laid to rest in their bunks. Oh, and while I was in the barracks, I happened upon these spare uniforms, in case the items in your possession are not to your liking.
(Optional) System: The sack appears to be filled with a nigh–infinite supply of imperial equipment...though it would be best if you did not attempt to put that cursory assessment to the proof.
Speaking with Yugiri
Yugiri: This kabuto and tekko should match the uwagi, hakama, and choka in your possession... Yugiri: And with that, you have a full set. I am sure that once you change, it will seem as though it was bespoke. Yugiri: You will need to give the soldiers guarding the villagers a proper Imperial Salute to complete the deception and convince them to come here, where I will be waiting to deal with them. (Optional) Yugiri: The imperial soldiers assigned to Doma are hardly the Empire's best and brightest. Nevertheless, you will need to approach them in uniform if you wish to convince them you are one of their own. Yugiri: Do not forget to give them an imperial salute. They may not be the most clever soldiers in the imperial army, but they know protocol. Yugiri: ...In the strange and inexplicable event that you somehow dispose of all or part of your uniform, you may search these sacks for replacements. Not that there should be any need for that. Certainly not.
While in uniform, performing an /imperialsalute to the guards
Imperial Decurion: Oh, hello there. Are you new? < /imperialsalute > Imperial Decurion: Is it time already? Not that I'm complaining, mind, but I thought the others would be gone longer...
Imperial Soldier: Let me guess: hangover, eh? I've been there—woke up once after a late night drinking and didn't find my kabuto until days later. You don't want to know what it was filled with, let me tell you... < /imperialsalute > Imperial Soldier: Changing of the guard, is it? About bloody time. Just looking at these Aan is making me depressed. Reminds me of when I was in their shoes, pissing myself in fear...
Imperial Soldier: Just...just a few more years... <snore>
Imperial Decurion: ...
Speaking with Yugiri
Yugiri: These ones shall sleep soundly along with the others... Yugiri: And, with that, there are no more soldiers to trouble us. You can dispose of that accursed uniform too. Yugiri: It is time to guide the villagers to freedom! (Optional) Yugiri: Quickly, we must go to the villagers before more soldiers come!
Freeing the Doman villagers (Cutscene)
Yugiri: Listen to me, all of you! We have dealt with the imperials for now, but you must flee this place, quickly!
Formidable Farmer: D-Dealt with them? Oh...oh no...you didn't kill them, did you?
Namai Farmwife: Are you mad!? There's no escaping the Empire! Running will only make it worse!
Yugiri: To stay is to die. You know this to be true. Yugiri: Even if you lack the will to fight, surely you have the will to live! Or has that, too, been beaten out of you? Is this what has become of Doma!?
Isse: You are Lord Hien's retainer? Trained to fight without fear and obey without question? Isse: Well, we're not! We're lost and afraid! We hate this─all of this─but we can't do a damn thing to change it! And trying will only make it worse. Isse: It's a pathetic existence...but it's all we've got. And when people like you come here pretending it can be different, it─ It doesn't help, all right!?
Wounded Elder: Peace, boy. Peace. She came to help, and for that we should be grateful.
Yugiri: Elder, your face...
Wounded Elder: We all have scars. Some too many to bear. Wounded Elder: Too many battles, too much lost. Our friends, our family, even our liege. We who survived are forced to bend the knee─to sell our souls and surrender our dignity. Wounded Elder: How are we to lift our heads when this shame weighs so heavily upon us? Your courage, your resolve... They are as salt in our wounds.
Yugiri: If they only knew what you would do for them, my lord... Yugiri: You have made your plight clear, and I shall impose my will no more. But know this, brothers and sisters of Doma. Yugiri: For all you have suffered─for all the horror and the ignominy─you are still here. You are still alive. Yugiri: My lord─ My lord prays you value your life as highly as he does. As for me...I swear by all the kami in creation that I will free you from this torment. No matter the cost.
Formidable Farmer: ...If the imperials come for me, I will tell them we were tricked by an Auri woman.
Yugiri: Tell them whatever you must to keep your loved ones safe.
Isse: Why would you...? After everything...