Koal of the Cups
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Koal of the Cups
- Quest giver
- Naroshs Koal
- Location
- The Tempest (X:32.0, Y:16.6)
- Level
- 70
- Experience
- Gil
- Previous quest
Waiting in the Depths
- Next quest
Mother's Mnyiri
- Patch
- 5.0
“Naroshs Koal is eyeing you with naked interest.
— In-game description
- Unlocks
- Speak with Naroshs Koal outside the Ondo Cups.
- Inspect the rotting debris. 0/2
- Speak with Naroshs Koal.
- Speak with Xeroshs Ooan.
- Speak with Naroshs Koal.
- Naroshs Koal is eyeing you with naked interest.
- Naroshs Koal of the Ondo has taken a keen interest in you. However, before he questions you further, he asks that you accompany him outside the Cups. It seems there is something he wishes to show you...
- Outside the Cups, Naroshs Koal presents to you a collection of rubbish likely dropped into the ocean from a ship as it sailed overhead. Unlike other Ondo, he has an insatiable curiosity for knowledge of finless ones and their ways, and so he bids you inspect the debris and tell him what purpose it once served.
- Your explanations have given the Ondo youth much to mull over. Indeed, he is like to remain lost in thought if you do not speak to him again.
- Naroshs Koal is grateful for your words of wisdom, but is nevertheless disappointed. Before you can press him further, however, an older Ondo, Xeroshs Ooan, arrives and scolds the youth for wandering off with you in tow. He then turns to you and explains that their clutchmother, who is pregnant, may not be able to give birth safely in the absence of water, and so they wish to entreat your assistance. You are to return to the Cups and speak with her directly.
- Xeroshs Ooan introduces you to the Ondo clutchmother, who speaks to you from the privacy of her chambers. Though the Ondo bear you no ill will for drawing back the waters of their realm, they hope that you will grant them the boon of knowledge, that they might learn how the finless ones ease the burdens of troubling mothers. As you are indeed responsible for this state of affairs, you consent to aid her.
- After your audience, Naroshs Koal explains that he had sought you out for the very purpose of aiding the clutchmother. She is mother to all Ondo, and so he would do anything and everything to comfort her in her hour of need, and so he prays that you will be able to help him achieve this end.
Quest Acceptance
Naroshs Koal: Hail, finless one, and welcome to the Cupsss. Long have I wanted to converssse with one of your kind. I am called Naroshs Koal. How may I addresss you? Naroshs Koal: [Forename]...[Surname]... Curiousss. Before we ssspeak at length, there is something I would show to you. Let us leave behind the Cupsss and head due west. Come.
Speak with Naroshs Koal outside the Ondo Cups
Naroshs Koal: These are relics of your kind, yesss? The leavings of a ship that sssailed the seas above long, long ago. They lie as they fell, untouched by any Ondo, for most have little interest in the affairs of the finless. Naroshs Koal: I, however, do. Ever sssince I was saved by one of yours, after being washed ashore, weary and near death. Sssuch kindnesss is a rare and wonderful thing, and I would know more of the people who showed it to me. Naroshs Koal: And so I ask you, [Forename Surname], to teach me of your ways. These objectsss, for example─what purpossse do they serve? How are they to be used?
Naroshs Koal: Such fragile containers they were. I sssuspect they once contained something of great value. What can you tell me of their purpossse?
Inspect the rotting debris
Among the debris you spy what appear to be the remnants of several shattered bottles of wine... What will you say? They were used to store intoxicating spirits. / They were used as makeshift weapons - first to bludgeon, then to stab. -> They were used as makeshift weapons - first to bludgeon, then to stab. Naroshs Koal: Ahh, how versatile. Ondo too often utilize sssimple objects as tools─stone and bone and such. Our peoples are not so different... Among the debris you spy what appears to be a rotting ship's wheel... Naroshs Koal: That was carved from the wood from one of your many trees, yes? What purpose does this peculiar contraption ssserve? What will you say? It's used to steer a ship at sea. / Fashion. You wear it on your head. -> Fashion. You wear it on your head. Naroshs Koal: I sssee, I see! That possibility I had not considered. A pity that this material so quickly degrades when immersssed in water. I should have liked to wear one myself!
Speak with Naroshs Koal
Naroshs Koal: Thank you, [Forename Surname]. In our short time together, you have already taught me ssso much. Naroshs Koal: A pity that none of these pearls of wisdom will ssserve my needs...
Xeroshs Ooan: Naroshs! What are you thinking, wandering off on your own with this finless one!? This is no time for you to fiddle with their leavings. The clutchmother is in terrible distresss! Naroshs Koal: No, you do not understand! I brought her here to─ Xeroshs Ooan: Pray forgive this child his impudence. I am Xeroshs Ooan, and on behalf of the clutchmother, I come to entreat your asssistance. Xeroshs Ooan: ...It seems you do not realize that in driving back the waters of the Tempest, you have placed our beloved clutchmother, leader of the Ondo, in mortal peril. Xeroshs Ooan: She is pregnant. Here in the depths she will give birth to many, many eggs. We male Ondo will then take them into our care and raise them as our own. Xeroshs Ooan: But absssent the flowing waters, we know not if she will be able to deliver them safely. If not, the future of our people will be in jeopardy. Xeroshs Ooan: The Flood of Light claimed many Ondo lives. Though we have rebuilt our numbers somewhat in the decades sssince, it would be devastating to lose an entire generation─or worse, the clutchmother herssself... Xeroshs Ooan: She wishes to speak with you directly, that we might together find a sssolution to this dilemma. Will you return with me to the Cups? Xeroshs Ooan: Naroshs, come. I will not let you trouble our guest or the clutchmother further. Xeroshs leaves Naroshs Koal: Everything I have done I have done for her...
Speak with Xeroshs Ooan
Xeroshs Ooan: Beyond this gate resides the clutchmother. Approach, and hearken to her words. Ondo Clutchmother: Honored guest. I, clutchmother of the Ondo, do bid you welcome to our realm. Ondo Clutchmother: You will forgive me for receiving you in this fashion. For the sssafety and well-being of my children unborn, I must remain within, away from the dangers without. Ondo Clutchmother: As you know, under normal circumstances, this place would be filled with blesssed water, from which I would draw strength and support to bring these eggs into this world. Alas, I am but half-sssubmerged now, and I fear for my ability to fulfill my sacred duty... Ondo Clutchmother: I am given to understand you and yours are the ones responsssible for drawing back the waters of our realm. With good reason, I am sure. However, it is my sssincere hope that you will agree to aid us, given that you are responsible for this state of affairs. Ondo Clutchmother: Fear not─I desire no direct assistance. Rather, I would beg a boon of your people's knowledge. Of childbirth, and how the finless ones ease the burdens of their ssstruggling mothers. Ondo Clutchmother: Xeroshs Ooan will be my agent in this matter. Heed his words and answer his questions. This is all that I ask. Do you consssent? Ondo Clutchmother: I thank you, honored guest. Go well. Xeroshs Ooan: Then it is agreed. However, I must consult with her attendants before we ssspeak further. For now, I bid you and Naroshs Koal go about your business, but be ready if called upon. Naroshs Koal: W-Wait, [Forename Surname]! Naroshs Koal: Have you a moment to converse in private? Outside the Cups. Please...
Speak with Naroshs Koal
Naroshs Koal: 'Tis a rare thing indeed to be granted an audience with the clutchmother. I hope this serves to help you understand how important these eggs are to us... Naroshs Koal: Before you came to the Cups, I had been searching for a means to assist her in giving birth. That is why I have been studying the relics of your people. Unfortunately, I found nothing that seemed suitable for this purpose... Naroshs Koal: I cannot stress to you enough how important she is to us. She is mother to all Ondo─her every egg brother and sister. We would do anything and everything to welcome them into this world, and see them grow into healthy, happy Ondo. Naroshs Koal: There must be some way in which you can help us to achieve this end...