Perspectives in Pursuit
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Perspectives in Pursuit
- Quest giver
- Kupopo
- Location
- Old Gridania (X:11.8, Y:4.5)
- Job
- Pictomancer
- Level
- 83
- Required items
- 1 Hartebeest Horn
- Experience
- Gil
- Previous quest
Mind over Manor
- Next quest
The Crate Beyond
- Patch
- 7.0
- Links
“Kupopo is eyeing you with approval.
— In-game description
- Speak with Kupopo at Camp Dragonhead.
- Speak with the bright-eyed knight.
- Survey the designated locations.
- Defeat the hartebeest and obtain its horn.
- Deliver the hartebeest horn to the cheerless Hearer.
- Kupopo is eyeing you with approval.
- Kupopo can tell from your very aura that you have grown more adept at pictomancy─a talent he credits to having once journeyed with two prominent pictomancers: Janquetilaque and his young disciple, Beruru. Though Janquetilaque has since passed away, Kupopo desperately seeks Beruru, who may be traveling the realm alone. With little information to be found in Gridania, Kupopo suggests you follow the road he once traveled with his dear friends and proceed to Camp Dragonhead.
- You unexpectedly cross paths with the Hearer you aided, who has come to Coerthas as a Gridanian envoy. Bereft of cheer once more, he informs you that his Ishgardian counterpart is in poor health due to an injury he has suffered. A particular antidote may facilitate his recovery, but it requires the horn of a rare hartebeest to prepare. Hearing this, Kupopo proposes that you procure it for the Hearer, and so you are advised to speak with the knights of Camp Dragonhead in the hopes that one may have seen the skittish creature recently.
- A bright-eyed knight informs you of a hartebeest sighting in the vicinity of the Steel Vigil. He suggests you survey the area, as it may still be nearby.
- You spy a hartebeest wandering by the Weeping Saint. Cornering the beast by the mouth of the cave may be the best way to ensure it does not escape.
- You successfully slay the hartebeest and obtain its horn. The cheerless Hearer at Camp Dragonhead will doubtless be overjoyed to receive it.
- With the horn delivered, the Hearer wastes no time concocting the necessary antidote for the ailing knight, and thanks you for aiding him a second time. Kupopo is no less happy to be of help─such is the calling of the pictomancer, he states, before reiterating the importance of the journey to your craft. You take a moment to reflect on your previous adventures to Ishgard, inspiring Kupopo to set his sights anew once he finishes making inquiries in the camp.
- ※The next pictomancer quest will be available from Kupopo upon reaching level 85.
Accepting the quest (cutscene)
Kupopo: Ah, I see you've been diligent in your training, Forename! Kupopo: You look more confident with that magicked brush on your back, and exude the aura of a proficient pictomancer, kupo! Kupopo: I can readily tell these things, for I once traveled with a pair of pictomancers, after all! Kupopo: Your soul crystal used to belong to one of them, in fact. His name was Janquetilaque, and he was an exemplar of our art. Kupopo: The other was Janquetilaque's apprentice, a girl named Beruru. Despite having seen only sixteen summers, she's already an accomplished pictomancer. And...she's the friend of mine who's missing, kupo...
What will you say? > I'd love to meet Janquetilaque someday. > “Missing”? That's a bit of a worry, isn't it?
< I'd love to meet Janquetilaque someday. > Kupopo: I'm afraid that's not possible. He passed away some time ago, kupo... Kupopo: Beruru thought of him as a grandfather. Even now, she must be feeling so terribly alone. That's why I want to find her and make amends.
< “Missing”? That's a bit of a worry, isn't it? > Kupopo: Well, she's missing in the sense that I don't know where she is, but I don't fear for her safety. With her abilities, she can more than fend for herself. Kupopo: But it was hard for Beruru when Janquetilaque passed away. He was as a grandfather to her. Even now, she must be feeling so terribly alone. That's why I want to find her and make amends.
Kupopo: Unfortunately, I haven't been able to learn anything about where she might've gone... Kupopo: But I won't give up. In hopes of picking up Beruru's trail, we'll retrace my journeys with her, and aid those in need along the way! Kupopo: I'm glad you like the plan! Now, you'll want to bundle up extra warm, because our first stop will be in Coerthas. Kupopo: Camp Dragonhead, to be precise! Shall we?
Speak with Kupopo at Camp Dragonhead (cutscene)
Kupopo: Brrr... Gods, but it's c-c-cold, kupo... Kupopo: Just like when I visited with Janquetilaque and Beruru... Kupopo: Beruru had never seen snow before, and she was the picture of glee. She rolled up a snowball and threw it at me with all her might. Then she threw another, and another, and soon I found myself in─
???: Dire straits... Oh, I am in dire straits.
Kupopo: Yes, just so! I found myself buried in dire straits... Kupopo: ...Wait a moment! What are you doing here, Mister Hearer!?
Cheerless Hearer: Well now, what a curious coincidence that we should cross paths here. Cheerless Hearer: I have come to the camp as an emissary for Gridania. Alas, my Ishgardian counterpart with whom I was to meet was wounded during a training exercise prior to my arrival... Cheerless Hearer: I tended to him as best I could, but I'm afraid the outlook is grim.
Kupopo: Oh dear... Are his injuries that grave?
Cheerless Hearer: While the injury itself wasn't life-threatening, the resulting wound has soured. A poison courses through his body, against which my magicks are ineffective, and now he burns from a terrible fever. Cheerless Hearer: Just this moment, I recalled a treatment that would purge the impurity. But it requires the horn of a rare hartebeest, and I have no skill in hunting...
Kupopo: That sounds like a job for our promising pictomancer! Forename here can find this hartebeest and take it down with a few swift brushstrokes!
Cheerless Hearer: You would aid me again? Your kindness knows no bounds. Cheerless Hearer: 'Twould be prudent to question the garrison about the hartebeest. The creatures are rare, but the knights may have sighted one during their patrols.
Kupopo: Perfect! We'll have that horn ready in no time!
Optional Dialogue
Cheerless Hearer: Hartebeests are skittish and rarely linger in one place for long, but gods willing, the knights can send you in the right direction.
Kupopo: Helping others on one's travels... This, my friend, is the essence of pictomancy!
Speak with the bright-eyed knight
Bright-eyed Knight: Ah, Forename, you are ever welcome here. Is there aught you require? Bright-eyed Knight: I see... Yours is an elusive quarry indeed. Bright-eyed Knight: As it happens, though, a comrade of mine chanced upon a hartebeest by the Steel Vigil only yesterday. With luck, it will still be near.
Optional Dialogue
Bright-eyed Knight: If you head to the Steel Vigil, you may find the hartebeest my comrade sighted the other day. I wish you good hunting.
Survey the designated locations
System: You cast your gaze across the snowy hillside, but observe nothing of note.
System: You spy a horned silhouette by the entrance to the Weeping Saint. A hartebeest, perhaps...?
Deliver the hartebeest horn to the cheerless Hearer
Cheerless Hearer: You are returned! Please tell me you've obtained a hartebeest horn!
Cheerless Hearer: Yes, this is the horn! I cannot thank you enough. Cheerless Hearer: I shall use it to prepare an infusion for the ailing knight at once!
Kupopo: No sooner did you arrive here than you helped a soul in need. Well done, Forename! Kupopo: I hadn't expected to aid the same person twice, but the road is full of surprises, and a pictomancer prospers from every experience!
What will you say? > As you yourself said, the journey is of paramount importance to the pictomancer. > Why the strong emphasis on helping others?
< As you yourself said, the journey is of paramount importance to the pictomancer. > Kupopo: It sure is, kupo! A journey to new places is a feast for the imagination, and a well-fed imagination produces more vivid pictures! Kupopo: If you want to grow as a pictomancer, you can't simply stay in one place. You must go forth and see what's out there!
< Why the strong emphasis on helping others? > Kupopo: Unlike paint on a canvas, the images a pictomancer creates are ephemeral. Yet they can make a lasting difference and change someone's fate for the better. Kupopo: As a medium for magic, our works have the power to help─and helping is precisely what Archon Relm intended our art to be used for!
Kupopo: By the way, you've been to Ishgard before, yes? Looking back on your first visit, what emotions and sensations have remained with you most strongly?
What will you say? > The warmth I found amidst the bitter cold. > The sorrow of those caught in an unending war. > The grief of losing a dear friend.
Kupopo: Yours was an arduous journey indeed, kupo. I can scarcely imagine just how difficult your trials must have been...
< The warmth I found amidst the bitter cold. > Kupopo: But it's because you've been shown kindness amidst hardship, I think, that you are driven to show the same kindness to others...
< The sorrow of those caught in an unending war. > Kupopo: But it's because you've seen the horrors of war, I think, that you understand the plight of the powerless, who always suffer the most...
< The grief of losing a dear friend. > Kupopo: But it's because you've experienced such loss, I think, that you've been able to fight on for those who can do so no longer...
Kupopo: Thank you for sharing this with me, Forename. To hear what's important to you... It inspires me to be hopeful, kupo! Kupopo: Now, as I did back in Gridania, I'll make inquiries here about my friend Beruru. Until it's time for us to move on, I bid you keep up your training!