Sark Malark
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After completion of
After completion of
Sark Malark
Sark Malark is a Lalafell in Mor Dhona. He is located in Revenant's Toll.
Quests Started
Quest | Type | Level | Quest Giver |
Dressed for Conquest | ![]() |
46 | Sark Malark |
Crate Go Kaboom | ![]() |
50 | Sark Malark |
“Did ye know he's the son of one o' the wealthiest families in the sultanate? Wouldn't expect someone like that to end up in the life he did, but I s'pose he always felt the 'venturer's life callin' him.
— Eginolf
Small Talk
Sark Malark: In every and all things, I like my planning perfect and my execution precisely as predetermined. A stickler for detail─that is simply the way I am.
After completion of
The Parting Glass
Sark Malark: I'm glad to see you safe, adventurer. None quite knew what was happening when they sealed off the Rising Stones, but 'twas plain that something was amiss. I'm not privy to the particulars, and perhaps it is for the best that I remain ignorant. Whatever trouble is afoot, I pray for its swift resolution and your continued preservation.
After completion of
A Brave Resolution
Sark Malark: I see that the Rising Stones is no longer under guard, and I take it as a turn for the better. I know not what has happened with the Crystal Braves, but it seems plain it wasn't a simple matter such as restructuring. But I shall refrain from prying further. Too much about this business remains shrouded in mystery, and I feel decidedly unqualified to bear the burden of knowledge.
Dressed for Conquest
Sark Malark: You are called [Forename] [Surname], yes? I have heard of your plight from my friend Glaumunt. As a fellow adventurer and son of Eorzea both, I would offer you my assistance. Sark Malark: In order to infiltrate Castrum Centri, you and your comrades must disguise yourselves as imperial soldiers. The question is how to go about acquiring the uniforms and helms. Sark Malark: There are places a man might purchase them, but individuals who deal in such wares are not the sort to whom you would entrust your secrets. Sark Malark: It would be more prudent, I believe, to procure what you need via traditional means─from the bodies of their recently deceased owners. Sark Malark: The fortified area before Castrum Centri never lacks for imperial patrols. It ought not take long to obtain three sets of gear, one for each member of the infiltration team─Biggs, Wedge, and yourself. Sark Malark: When you have what you need, please return here and allow me to inspect the spoils.
Sark Malark: Were you able to obtain three sets of imperial equipment? Sark Malark: ...Damaged, as I had suspected. In their present condition, I fear these uniforms and helms are like to draw suspicion. Sark Malark: They must be repaired, if only superficially. Sark Malark: Fortunately, the blacksmith Eginolf at the Diamond Forge in Rowena's House of Splendors should be able to hammer them into shape in no time. Sark Malark: I've already sent word ahead, and have been assured that he is expecting you. Worry not─we have already impressed upon him the need for utmost secrecy as to the nature of your mission.
Sark Malark: Have you had the uniforms and helms repaired? Sark Malark: Yes, these will serve beautifully. The great Eginolf never fails to impress. The quality of these repairs would fool even a legatus. Sark Malark: Thus equipped, you should not have any trouble blending in amongst imperial forces. Sark Malark: Lest you fear that the Garleans might detect your “foreignness,” foreigners in fact form the greater part of the Garlean invasion force in Eorzea. Sark Malark: You see, when the Empire subjugates new territory, it assimilates the people of that land into its armed forces. In turn, these conscripted forces are sent to subjugate faraway lands. In this way, Garlemald nips rebellion in the bud and expands its territory in one fell stroke. Sark Malark: With that, my part in your mission is done. I am full glad to have been of assistance to your cause. Sark Malark: ...Hm? Why would I, a wealthy merchant, wish to help you? I know not where you heard such a tale, but believe me when I say that I am but another humble adventurer, one who desires only to act in the best interests of the realm.
Crate Go Kaboom
Sark Malark: Ah, [Forename]! It is most welcome to see you again. Sark Malark: Look at the hustle and bustle of adventurers, where there were but rocks not long ago! As one of those who has been here since the beginning, I am humbled by the sight. Sark Malark: Yet none of us can be full glad, for the Garlean forces nearby like not our bustle at all, and our hustle even less. They seek to move on us soon, we are all but certain. Sark Malark: This is no idle speculation, [Forename]. Three steel-bound crates of the familiar type were delivered to Castrum Centri not two days ago. Sark Malark: The contents are no doubt arms. To defend the land they hold? To take what we hold? Neither is a particularly attractive prospect, you must admit. Sark Malark: I propose a third outcome that is less like to claim lives, if you would aid me─destroy the crates and their contents now. Sark Malark: Use these explosives I had rushed from the Alchemists' Guild. They will do the job, rest assured. Sark Malark: Who better to make this attempt than you, who once walked undetected into Castrum Centri? Twelve speed your way, brother adventurer.
(Optional) Sark Malark: Please, you must destroy the crates being stored in Castrum Centri, before it's too late. Sark Malark: Those explosives should be more than sufficient for the task. Each one contains twenty-four onzes of firesand and will detonate on impact.
Sark Malark: We could hear the explosions─I knew you would make a success of it! Sark Malark: This should draw the Garleans' sting for a while─but not for too long. We must be vigilant, for─ Sark Malark: ...How ever did I afford such quality munitions, you ask? Oh, Forename, you needn't concern yourself with such trivial details. Sark Malark: Nevertheless, your stealth and compassion are appreciated in equal measure! I am a lucky man indeed to be a part of this fellowship─adventurers, one and all!