Seventh Astral Era Main Scenario Quests

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See also: Main Scenario Quests

To access Ishgard, new area in Heavensward, you need to complete all of the 7th Astral Era Quests up to Before the Dawn (all of the Main Scenario Quests up to patch 2.55).

Patch 2.1

Quest Level Location Notes Exp/Gil Rewards
The Price of Principles 50 Minfilia - (x6,y6)

The Waking Sands

4800 Exp

939 Gil

Choice of Darklight earrings of fending icon1.png / Darklight earrings of maiming icon1.png / Darklight earrings of striking icon1.png / Allagan bronze piece icon1.pngx3
Moving On 50 Minfilia - (x6,y6)

The Waking Sands

4800 Exp

517 Gil

Choice of Darklight earrings of aiming icon1.png / Darklight earrings of healing icon1.png / Darklight earrings of casting icon1.png / Allagan bronze piece icon1.pngx3
Flowers for One 50 Iliud - (x11,y21)

Eastern Thanalan

4800 Exp

1642 Gil

Cooking sherry icon1.png
All Things in Time 50 F'lhaminn - (x20,y21)

Eastern La Noscea

4800 Exp

1220 Gil

Choice of Gatherers guerdon materia iv icon1.png / Gatherers guile materia iv icon1.png / Gatherers grasp materia iv icon1.png / Allagan silver piece icon1.png
The Resolute 50 Minfilia - (x6,y6)

The Waking Sands

4800 Exp

939 Gil

Choice of Craftsman's Competence Materia IV.png / Craftsman's Cunning Materia IV.png / Craftsman's Command Materia IV.png / Allagan silver piece icon1.pngx3
Laying the Foundation 50 Minfilia - (x6,y6)

The Waking Sands

4800 Exp

0 Gil

Choice of Darklight band of fending icon1.png / Darklight band of maiming icon1.png / Darklight band of striking icon1.png / Allagan bronze piece icon1.pngx3
Better Late than Sever 50 Guolgeim - (x22,y6)

Mor Dhona

4800 Exp

1220 Gil

Choice of Darklight band of aiming icon1.png / Darklight band of healing icon1.png / Darklight band of casting icon1.png / Allagan bronze piece icon1.pngx3
Rock-solid Protection 50 Slafborn - (x21,y7)

Mor Dhona

Required: Light Party

The Sunken Temple of Qarn

4800 Exp

1502 Gil

Choice of Darklight choker of fending icon1.png / Darklight choker of maiming icon1.png / Darklight choker of striking icon1.png / Allagan bronze piece icon1.pngx3
Crate Go Kaboom 50 Sark Malark - (x22,y7)

Mor Dhona

4800 Exp

939 Gil

Choice of Darklight choker of aiming icon1.png / Darklight choker of healing icon1.png / Darklight choker of casting icon1.png / Allagan bronze piece icon1.pngx3
Hest of the Best 50 Slafborn - (x21,y7)

Mor Dhona

Required: Light Party

Hero on the Halfshell

4800 Exp

939 Gil

Icarus wing icon1.pngx5 + Choice of Darklight bracelet of fending icon1.png / Darklight bracelet of maiming icon1.png / Darklight bracelet of striking icon1.png / Allagan bronze piece icon1.pngx3
Pass the Smell Hest 50 Slafborn - (x21,y7)

Mor Dhona

Required: Light Party

More than a Feeler

4800 Exp

939 Gil

Regain feather icon1.pngx5 + Choice of Darklight bracelet of aiming icon1.png / Darklight bracelet of healing icon1.png / Darklight bracelet of casting icon1.png / Allagan bronze piece icon1.pngx3
You're Gonna Carry That 50 Slafborn - (x21,y7)

Mor Dhona

4800 Exp

658 Gil

Buffalo calf icon1.png + Choice of Giantsgall longsword icon1.png / Giantsgall claws icon1.png / Giantsgall war axe icon1.png / Giantsgall trident icon1.png / Allagan bronze piece icon1.pngx4
The Things We Do for Tea 50 Tataru - (x11,y13)

Western Thanalan

4800 Exp

939 Gil

Choice of Giantsgall longbow icon1.png / Giantsgall cane icon1.png / Giantsgall longstaff icon1.png / Cantamina thavnaria icon1.png / Allagan bronze piece icon1.pngx4
It's Possibly a Primal 50 Tataru - (x11,y13)

Western Thanalan

4800 Exp

658 Gil

719 Seals + Choice of Medica thavnaria icon1.png / Giantsgall cleavers icon1.png / Darksteel scutum icon1.png / Allagan bronze piece icon1.pngx4
Hail to the King, Kupo 50 Vorsaile Heuloix - (x9,y11)

New Gridania

4800 Exp

939 Gil

Choice of X-potion icon1.pngx3 / X-ether icon1.pngx3 / Hi-elixir icon1.pngx3
You Have Selected Regicide 50 E-Sumi-Yan - (x6,y10)

Old Gridania

Required: Full Party

Thornmarch (Hard)

4800 Exp

1642 Gil

Choice of Red drop icon1.pngx3 / Blue drop icon1.pngx3 / Clear drop icon1.pngx3 / Purple drop icon1.pngx3 / Allagan bronze piece icon1.pngx2
On the Properties of Primals 50 Raya-O-Senna - (x18,y27)

South Shroud

4800 Exp

939 Gil

Choice of White drop icon1.pngx3 / Black drop icon1.pngx3 / Yellow drop icon1.pngx3 / Green drop icon1.pngx3 / Allagan bronze piece icon1.pngx2
The Gifted 50 Minfilia - (x6,y6)

The Waking Sands

4800 Exp

1642 Gil

Voidsent blood icon1.pngx2

Patch 2.2

Quest Level Location Notes Exp/Gil Rewards
Build on the Stone 50 Minfilia - (x6,y6)

The Waking Sands

4800 Exp

5000 Gil

Still Waters 50 Minfilia - (x6,y5)

The Rising Stones

4800 Exp

1220 Gil

A Final Temptation 50 Thancred - (x22,y17)

Western Thanalan

4800 Exp

939 Gil

The Mother of Exiles 50 Thancred - (x22,y17)

Western Thanalan

4800 Exp

0 Gil

Choice of Lilac purple dye icon1.pngx3 / Millioncorn yellow dye icon1.pngx3 / Cork brown dye icon1.pngx3 / Allagan bronze piece icon1.pngx3
Promises to Keep 50 Raubahn - (x10,y12)

Ul'dah - Steps of Thal

4800 Exp

1502 Gil

Choice of Heros earrings of fending icon1.png / Heros earrings of slaying icon1.png / Heros earrings of aiming icon1.png / Allagan silver piece icon1.pngx2
A Small-scale Operation 50 Alphinaud - (x8,y9)

Ul'dah - Steps of Nald

4800 Exp

799 Gil

Choice of Heros earrings of casting icon1.png / Heros earrings of healing icon1.png / Allagan silver piece icon1.pngx2
Yugiri's Game 50 Hozan - (x13,y14)

Western Thanalan

4800 Exp

658 Gil

If Wishes Were Horsebirds 50 Hozan - (x13,y14)

Western Thanalan

4800 Exp

0 Gil

Choice of Woad blue dye icon1.pngx3 / Lavender blue dye icon1.pngx3 / Meadow green dye icon1.pngx3 / Allagan bronze piece icon1.pngx3
Why We Adventure 50 Hozan - (x13,y14)

Western Thanalan

4800 Exp

1220 Gil

All Due Respect 50 Alphinaud - (x12,y16)

Ul'dah - Steps of Nald

4800 Exp

939 Gil

Choice of Heros ring of fending icon1.png / Heros ring of slaying icon1.png / Heros ring of aiming icon1.png / Allagan silver piece icon1.pngx2
Full Belly, Happy Heart 50 Minfilia - (x6,y6)

The Rising Stones

4800 Exp

658 Gil

Choice of Heros ring of casting icon1.png / Heros ring of healing icon1.png / Allagan silver piece icon1.pngx2
Writhing in the Dark 50 Adventurers' Guild Assistant - (x23,y6)

Mor Dhona

4800 Exp

1783 Gil

Choice of Heros necklace of fending icon1.png / Heros necklace of slaying icon1.png / Heros necklace of aiming icon1.png / Allagan silver piece icon1.pngx2
The Sea Rises 50 Minfilia - (x6,y5)

The Rising Stones

4800 Exp

1080 Gil

Choice of Heros necklace of casting icon1.png / Heros necklace of healing icon1.png / Allagan silver piece icon1.pngx2
Fireworks and Fish Don't Mix 50 Falkbryda - (x22,y22)

Western La Noscea

4800 Exp

1220 Gil

Choice of Heros bracelet of fending icon1.png / Heros bracelet of slaying icon1.png / Heros bracelet of aiming icon1.png / Allagan silver piece icon1.pngx2
Scouts in Distress 50 Falkbryda - (x22,y22)

Western La Noscea

4800 Exp

1502 Gil

Spiritbond potion icon1.pngx5 + Choice of Heros bracelet of casting icon1.png / Heros bracelet of healing icon1.png / Allagan silver piece icon1.pngx2
The Gift of Eternity 50 Falkbryda - (x22,y22)

Western La Noscea

4800 Exp

1783 Gil

Choice of Fire materia iv icon1.png / Ice materia iv icon1.png / Wind materia iv icon1.png / Allagan silver piece icon1.png
Into the Heart of the Whorl 50 Merlwyb - (x13,y13)

Western La Noscea

4800 Exp

1080 Gil

Choice of Earth Materia IV.png / Lightning materia iv icon1.png / Water materia iv icon1.png / Allagan silver piece icon1.png
Lord of the Whorl 50 Eynzahr Slafyrsyn - (x24,y33)

Lower La Noscea

Required: Full Party

The Whorleater (Hard)

4800 Exp

2908 Gil

Durability draught icon1.pngx5 + Choice of Break blade icon1.png / Hellish claws icon1.png / Dual haken icon1.png / Holy lance icon1.png / Allagan silver piece icon1.pngx4
When Yugiri Met the Fraternity 50 Zanthael - (x11,y10)

Limsa Lominsa Lower Decks

4800 Exp

517 Gil

Choice of Elfin bow icon1.png / Omnirod icon1.png / Elder staff icon1.png / Omnitome icon1.png / Allagan silver piece icon1.pngx4
Through the Maelstrom 50 Yugiri - (x8,y14)

Limsa Lominsa Lower Decks

4800 Exp

5000 Gil

Choice of Cognitome icon1.png / Air knives icon1.png / Onion shield icon1.png / Allagan silver piece icon1.pngx4

Patch 2.3

Quest Level Location Notes Exp/Gil Rewards
The Great Divide 50 Minfilia - (x6,y5)

The Rising Stones

4800 Exp

658 Gil

Desperate Times 50 Alphinaud - (x11,y9)

Ul'dah - Steps of Nald

4800 Exp

517 Gil

Shock and Awe 50 Terrified Refugee - (x25,y15)

Central Thanalan

4800 Exp

686 Gil

Choice of Noct earrings icon1.png / Gloam earrings icon1.png / Auroral earrings icon1.png / Allagan silver piece icon1.pngx2
Reap the Whirlwind 50 Swift - (x8,y8)

Ul'dah - Steps of Nald

4800 Exp

574 Gil

Choice of Daystar earrings icon1.png / Evenstar earrings icon1.png / Allagan silver piece icon1.pngx2
Revolution 50 Swift - (x8,y8)

Ul'dah - Steps of Nald

4800 Exp

405 Gil

Choice of Noct ring icon1.png / Gloam ring icon1.png / Auroral ring icon1.png / Allagan silver piece icon1.pngx2
Stories We Tell 50 Alphinaud - (x10,y12)

Ul'dah - Steps of Thal

4800 Exp

405 Gil

Choice of Daystar ring icon1.png / Evenstar ring icon1.png / Allagan silver piece icon1.pngx2
Lord of Levin 50 Minfilia - (x6,y5)

The Rising Stones

4800 Exp

574 Gil

Choice of Noct choker icon1.png / Gloam choker icon1.png / Auroral choker icon1.png / Allagan silver piece icon1.pngx2
A Sylphlands Sting 50 Serpent Lieutenant - (x21,y25)

East Shroud

4800 Exp

574 Gil

Choice of Daystar necklace icon1.png / Evenstar necklace icon1.png / Allagan silver piece icon1.pngx2
Scattered Scions 50 Teary-eyed Private - (x26,y19)

East Shroud

4800 Exp

799 Gil

Choice of Noct wristlets icon1.png / Gloam wristlets icon1.png / Auroral wristlets icon1.png / Allagan silver piece icon1.pngx2
True to Form 50 Yda - (x26,y10)

East Shroud

4800 Exp

658 Gil

Choice of Daystar armillae icon1.png / Evenstar armillae icon1.png / Allagan silver piece icon1.pngx2
Levin an Impression 50 Papalymo - (x23,y14)

East Shroud

Required: Full Party

The Striking Tree (Hard)

4800 Exp

3008 Gil

What Little Gods are Made Of 50 Serpent Lieutenant - (x21,y25)

East Shroud

4800 Exp

658 Gil

A Hard Hapalit to Break 50 Minfilia - (x6,y5)

The Rising Stones

4800 Exp

658 Gil

Choice of Intelligence Materia IV.png / Mind materia iv icon1.png / Piety materia iv icon1.png
Picking up the Sledge 50 Slafborn - (x21,y7)

Mor Dhona

4800 Exp

2000 Gil

Cordial icon1.pngx3
Guardian of Eorzea 50 Tataru - (x6,y5)

The Rising Stones

Required: Solo Duty 4800 Exp

1220 Gil

Choice of Strength materia iv icon1.png / Vitality materia iv icon1.png / Dexterity Materia IV.png
Recruiting the Realm 50 Alphinaud - (x6,y5)

The Rising Stones

4800 Exp

5000 Gil

Heretical Harassment 50 Minfilia - (x6,y5)

The Rising Stones

4800 Exp

433 Gil

When the Cold Sets In 50 Haurchefant - (x26,y17)

Coerthas Central Highlands

4800 Exp

827 Gil

Choice of Noct circlet icon1.png / Astrum helm icon1.png / Gloam coif icon1.png / Allagan silver piece icon1.pngx2
Brave New Companions 50 Slafborn - (x21,y7)

Mor Dhona

4800 Exp

742 Gil

Choice of Auroral coif icon1.png / Daystar circlet icon1.png / Evenstar hat icon1.png / Allagan silver piece icon1.pngx2

Patch 2.4

Quest Level Location Notes Exp/Gil Rewards
Traitor in the Midst 50 Minfilia - (x6,y5)

The Rising Stones

4800 Exp

901 Gil

Choice of Noct gauntlets icon1.png / Astrum armguards icon1.png / Gloam bracers icon1.png / Allagan silver piece icon1.pngx2
Back and Fourth 50 Ilberd - (x6,y6)

Ul'dah - Steps of Nald

4800 Exp

2000 Gil

Choice of Auroral bracers icon1.png / Daystar gloves icon1.png / Evenstar gloves icon1.png / Allagan silver piece icon1.pngx2
Coming to Terms 50 Alphinaud - (x6,y5)

The Rising Stones

4800 Exp

901 Gil

Shark fin soup icon1.png + Choice of Noct breeches icon1.png / Astrum hose icon1.png / Gloam brais icon1.png / Allagan silver piece icon1.pngx2
The Intercession of Saints 50 Alphinaud - (x26,y17)

Coerthas Central Highlands

4800 Exp

658 Gil

Choice of Auroral brais icon1.png / Daystar breeches icon1.png / Evenstar tights icon1.png / Allagan silver piece icon1.pngx2
Strength in Unity 50 Alphinaud - (x26,y17)

Coerthas Central Highlands

4800 Exp

517 Gil

Choice of Noct greaves icon1.png / Astrum sabatons icon1.png / Gloam boots icon1.png / Allagan silver piece icon1.pngx2
Dark Words, Dark Deeds 50 Drillemont - (x12,y17)

Coerthas Central Highlands

4800 Exp

517 Gil

Bacon bread icon1.png + Choice of Auroral boots icon1.png / Daystar sollerets icon1.png / Evenstar bootees icon1.png / Allagan silver piece icon1.pngx2
First Blood 50 Drillemont - (x12,y17)

Coerthas Central Highlands

4800 Exp

658 Gil

The Path of the Righteous 50 Drillemont - (x12,y17)

Coerthas Central Highlands

Required: Light Party


4800 Exp

2908 Gil

For the Greater Good 50 Alphinaud - (x3,y21)

Coerthas Central Highlands

4800 Exp

799 Gil

Tendrils of Intrigue 50 Alphinaud - (x26,y28)

Coerthas Central Highlands

4800 Exp

1101 Gil

Haddock dip icon1.png + Choice of Noct lorica icon1.png / Suit of astrum mail icon1.png / Gloam tabard icon1.png / Allagan silver piece icon1.pngx2
Chasing Ivy 50 Ilberd - (x10,y11)

New Gridania

4800 Exp

658 Gil

Triple cream coffee icon1.png + Choice of Auroral tabard icon1.png / Daystar robe icon1.png / Evenstar coat icon1.png / Allagan silver piece icon1.pngx2
Doman Connection 50 Ilberd - (x10,y22)

New Gridania

4800 Exp

658 Gil

Doman plum icon1.png
In Flagrante Delicto 50 Shinobi - (x23,y25)

South Shroud

4800 Exp

1025 Gil

Choice of Noct plate belt icon1.png / Astrum belt icon1.png / Gloam belt icon1.png / Allagan silver piece icon1.pngx2
A Simple Plan 50 Minfilia - (x6,y5)

The Rising Stones

4800 Exp

658 Gil

Bacon broth icon1.png + Choice of Auroral sash icon1.png / Daystar belt icon1.png / Evenstar sash icon1.png / Allagan silver piece icon1.pngx2
The Instruments of Our Deliverance 50 Minfilia - (x6,y5)

The Rising Stones

Required: Full Party

Akh Afah Amphitheatre (Hard)

4800 Exp

3108 Gil

The Road Less Traveled 50 Moenbryda - (x3,y21)

Coerthas Central Highlands

4800 Exp

758 Gil

Choice of Burtgang icon1.png / Glanzfaust icon1.png / Conquerer icon1.png / Liberator icon1.png / Allagan silver piece icon1.pngx2
Eyes Unclouded 50 Alphinaud - (x26,y17)

Coerthas Central Highlands

4800 Exp

760 Gil

Choice of Rosenbogen icon1.png / Yagrush icon1.png / Laevateinn icon1.png / Book of spades icon1.png / Allagan silver piece icon1.pngx2
The Reason Roaille 50 Minfilia - (x6,y5)

The Rising Stones

Required: Solo Duty 4800 Exp

2000 Gil

Choice of Book of diamonds icon1.png / Vajras icon1.png / Noct hoplon icon1.png / Allagan silver piece icon1.pngx2
Let Us Cling Together 50 Alphinaud - (x17,y18)

Northern Thanalan

4800 Exp

5000 Gil


Patch 2.5

Prior to starting Good Intentions, you must first complete the following prerequisite quest chain:

Quest Level Location Notes Exp/Gil Rewards
Ifrit Bleeds, We Can Kill It 50 Thancred - (x6,y5)

The Waking Sands

0 Exp

0 Gil

719 Seals
In For Garuda Awakening 50 Papalymo - (x6,y5)

The Waking Sands

0 Exp

0 Gil

719 Seals
In a Titan Spot 50 Y'shtola - (x6,y5)

The Waking Sands

0 Exp

0 Gil

719 Seals

You must also complete each of the Full Party trials unlocked by those quests: The Bowl of Embers (Hard), The Howling Eye (Hard), and The Navel (Hard).

Quest Level Location Notes Exp/Gil Rewards
Good Intentions 50 Minfilia - (x6,y5)

The Rising Stones

4800 Exp

802 Gil

Bait and Switch 50 Ilberd - (x21,y21)

Eastern Thanalan

4800 Exp

958 Gil

Best Laid Schemes 50 Ilberd - (x25,y25)

Eastern Thanalan

4800 Exp

1077 Gil

The Rising Chorus 50 Tataru - (x6,y5)

The Rising Stones

Required: Light Party

Keeper of the Lake

4800 Exp

2486 Gil

Midgardsormr icon2.png
Aether on Demand 50 Alphinaud - (x6,y5)

The Rising Stones

4800 Exp

1019 Gil

On the Counteroffensive 50 Edelstein - (x20,y22)

Northern Thanalan

4800 Exp

758 Gil

An Uninvited Ascian 50 Edelstein - (x20,y22)

Northern Thanalan

Required: Full Party

The Chrysalis

4800 Exp

2064 Gil

Choice of Heavens eye materia iv icon1.png / Savage aim materia iv icon1.png / Savage might materia iv icon1.png
In Memory of Moenbryda 50 Minfilia - (x6,y5)

The Rising Stones

4800 Exp

5000 Gil


Patch 2.55

Quest Level NPC Zone Coordinates EXP Gil Reward Optional Reward
Mask of Grief 50 Minfilia The Rising Stones (x6,y5) 4800 658
Defenders for Ishgard 50 Alphinaud The Rising Stones (x6,y5) 4800 617
The Wyrm's Roar 50 Alphinaud Coerthas Central Highlands (x18,y15) 4800 767
Committed to the Cause 50 Alphinaud Coerthas Central Highlands (x6,y6) 4800 517
Volunteer Dragonslayers 50 Minfilia The Rising Stones (x6,y5) 4800 901
An Allied Perspective 50 Tataru Mor Dhona (x21,y8) 4800 2000
The Steps of Faith (Quest) 50 Marcelain Coerthas Central Highlands (x18,y14) 4800 3306 Unlocks The Steps of Faith Quickarm materia iv icon1.png, Quicktongue materia iv icon1.png
Administrative Decision 50 Minfilia The Rising Stones (x6,y5) 4800 517
An Unexpected Ambition 50 Minfilia The Rising Stones (x6,y5) 4800 961
Ancient Ways, Timeless Wants 50 Tataru Limsa Lominsa Lower Decks (x4,y11) 4800 1343
Where We Are Needed 50 Minfilia The Rising Stones (x6,y5) 4800 1351
The Least Among Us 50 Unsettled Scholar South Shroud (x17,y28) 4800 930 Durability draught icon1.png, Spiritbond potion icon1.png, Allagan silver piece icon1.png
A Time to Every Purpose 50 Minfilia The Rising Stones (x6,y5) 4800 877
Come, but Not Gone 50 Minfilia Ul'dah - Steps of Thal (x11,y11) 4800 869
The Parting Glass 50 Momodi Ul'dah - Steps of Nald (x11,y9) 4800 1502
Before the Dawn 50 Haurchefant Coerthas Central Highlands (x26,y17) 4800 10000