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Gosetsu Daito

Gosetsu Model Art.png

Gosetsu Everfall
Male ♂
Kugane (13.7,9.1)
Clan Rijin
Quest NPC

Hailing from the Far Eastern land of Doma, Gosetsu has long served Doma and her sovereign, and fought valiantly to defend them from the Garlean Empire twenty-five years ago. Though Doma fell in the end, the samurai has since labored tirelessly to see her rebuilt. Renowned as a peerless warrior, this loyal retainer dreams of a day when the shadow of Garlemald no longer darkens his homeland.

— In-game description

Gosetsu Daito is a Roegadyn in Kugane.


Quests Started

Quest Type Level Quest Giver
Once More, to the Ruby Sea Main Scenario quest 62 Gosetsu
A Silence in Three Parts Main Scenario quest 63 Gosetsu
Life after Doma Main Scenario quest 64 Gosetsu
Path of No Return Main Scenario quest 64 Gosetsu
The Undying Ones Main Scenario quest 66 Gosetsu
A Final Peace Main Scenario quest 66 Gosetsu
As the Gods Will Main Scenario quest 66 Gosetsu

Quests Involved In

Quest Type Level Quest Giver
Fly Free, My Pretty Main Scenario quest 60 Yda
Making the Catfish Sing Main Scenario quest 61 Lyse
Open Water Main Scenario quest 62 Soroban
Boys with Boats Main Scenario quest 62 Tansui
To Bend with the Wind Main Scenario quest 62 Soroban
The Lord of the Revel Main Scenario quest 63 Alisaie
A Glimpse of Madness Main Scenario quest 64 Liberation Front Guard
Daughter of the Deep Main Scenario quest 64 Yugiri
The Time between the Seconds Main Scenario quest 64 Yugiri
All the Little Angels Main Scenario quest 64 Isse
Here There Be Xaela Main Scenario quest 65 Yugiri
A Season for War Main Scenario quest 65 Cirina
An Impossible Dream Main Scenario quest 65 Cirina
Stars in the Dark Main Scenario quest 65 Hien
The Heart of Nations Main Scenario quest 65 Cirina
A Trial Before the Trial Main Scenario quest 65 Hien
Sworn Enemies of the Sun Main Scenario quest 66 Magnai
On the Eve of Destiny Main Scenario quest 67 Hien
The Hour of Reckoning Main Scenario quest 66 Hien
Return of the Bull Main Scenario quest 70 Raubahn
Gosetsu and Tsuyu Main Scenario quest 70 Alphinaud

Additional Information

  • Gosetsu is Roegadyn, "but one from the lands to the East. Rather than a Sea Wolf, he's closer to the Hellsguard tribe."[1]
