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(Created page with "{{recipe table|class=alchemist|min level=10|max level=19}}")
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{{recipe table|class=alchemist|min level=10|max level=19}}
{{recipe table|class=alchemist|min level=10|max level=19}}
{{Recipes nav}}

Latest revision as of 01:17, 12 October 2023

Item Class Recipe Level Type Yield Durability Difficulty Max Quality Ingredients
Beeswax icon1.png  Beeswax Alchemist 10 Reagent 1 40 22 200
Fish glue icon1.png  Fish Glue Alchemist 10 Reagent 1 40 22 200
Fish oil icon1.png  Fish Oil Alchemist 10 Reagent 1 40 22 200
Larboard wing component icon1.png  Larboard Wing Component Alchemist 10 Ehcatl wristgloves icon1.png  Other 1 40 22 250
Starboard wing component icon1.png  Starboard Wing Component Alchemist 10 Ehcatl wristgloves icon1.png  Other 1 40 22 250
Heat vent component icon1.png  Heat Vent Component Alchemist 10 Ehcatl wristgloves icon1.png  Other 1 60 45 250
Transmission component icon1.png  Transmission Component Alchemist 10 Ehcatl wristgloves icon1.png  Other 1 60 45 250
Engraved leather grimoire icon1.png  Engraved Leather Grimoire Alchemist 10 Arcanist's Grimoire 1 60 67 187
Larboard wing control component icon1.png  Larboard Wing Control Component Alchemist 10 Ehcatl wristgloves icon1.png  Other 1 60 67 187
Starboard wing control component icon1.png  Starboard Wing Control Component Alchemist 10 Ehcatl wristgloves icon1.png  Other 1 60 67 187
Roof tile icon1.png  Roof Tile Alchemist 11 Stone 1 40 24 216
Budding maple wand icon1.png  Budding Maple Wand Alchemist 11 One-handed Conjurer's Arm 1 60 72 202
Honey pot icon1.png  Honey Pot Alchemist 12 Tabletop 1 60 53 145
Potion icon1.png  Potion Alchemist 12 Medicine 3 60 53 290
Terracotta pot icon1.png  Terracotta Pot Alchemist 13 Furnishing 1 60 54 155
Ash picatrix icon1.png  Ash Picatrix Alchemist 13 Arcanist's Grimoire 1 60 54 310
Clove oil icon1.png  Clove Oil Alchemist 14 Ingredient 3 40 27 264
Enchanted iron ink icon1.png  Enchanted Iron Ink Alchemist 14 Reagent 1 40 27 264
Growth formula beta icon1.png  Growth Formula Beta Alchemist 15 Reagent 1 40 27 288
Lamp component icon1.png  Lamp Component Alchemist 15 Ehcatl wristgloves icon1.png  Other 1 40 27 360
Glamour prism icon1.png  Glamour Prism
(Learned from: Master alchemist glamours icon1.png  Master Alchemist: Glamours)
Alchemist 15 Catalyst 1 70 27 360
Ink & quill icon1.png  Ink & Quill Alchemist 15 Tabletop 1 70 55 180
Ether icon1.png  Ether Alchemist 15 Medicine 3 70 55 360
Exhaust outlet component icon1.png  Exhaust Outlet Component Alchemist 15 Ehcatl wristgloves icon1.png  Other 1 70 55 360
Helm component icon1.png  Helm Component Alchemist 15 Ehcatl wristgloves icon1.png  Other 1 70 55 360
Speaking tube component icon1.png  Speaking Tube Component Alchemist 15 Ehcatl wristgloves icon1.png  Other 1 70 82 270
Steering mechanism component icon1.png  Steering Mechanism Component Alchemist 15 Ehcatl wristgloves icon1.png  Other 1 70 82 270
Ceruleum tank component icon1.png  Ceruleum Tank Component Alchemist 15 Ehcatl wristgloves icon1.png  Other 1 70 176 180
Disposal unit component icon1.png  Disposal Unit Component Alchemist 15 Ehcatl wristgloves icon1.png  Other 1 70 176 180
Refabrication component icon1.png  Refabrication Component Alchemist 16 Ehcatl wristgloves icon1.png  Other 1 40 31 390
Ash wand icon1.png  Ash Wand Alchemist 16 One-handed Conjurer's Arm 1 70 63 390
Auxiliary aerodynamo component icon1.png  Auxiliary Aerodynamo Component Alchemist 16 Ehcatl wristgloves icon1.png  Other 1 70 63 390
Escape flyer component icon1.png  Escape Flyer Component Alchemist 16 Ehcatl wristgloves icon1.png  Other 1 70 63 390
Hard leather grimoire icon1.png  Hard Leather Grimoire Alchemist 16 Arcanist's Grimoire 1 70 63 390
Isolator component icon1.png  Isolator Component Alchemist 16 Ehcatl wristgloves icon1.png  Other 1 70 63 390
Potion of intelligence icon1.png  Potion of Intelligence Alchemist 16 Medicine 3 70 63 390
Decorative plating component icon1.png  Decorative Plating Component Alchemist 16 Ehcatl wristgloves icon1.png  Other 1 70 201 195
Hyperconductor component icon1.png  Hyperconductor Component Alchemist 16 Ehcatl wristgloves icon1.png  Other 1 70 201 195
Spare tank component icon1.png  Spare Tank Component Alchemist 16 Ehcatl wristgloves icon1.png  Other 1 70 201 195
Low barrel planter icon1.png  Low Barrel Planter Alchemist 17 Outdoor Furnishing 1 70 66 210
Potion of dexterity icon1.png  Potion of Dexterity Alchemist 17 Medicine 3 70 66 420
Firebricks icon1.png  Firebricks Alchemist 18 Stone 1 40 33 360
Finishing component icon1.png  Finishing Component Alchemist 18 Ehcatl wristgloves icon1.png  Other 1 70 67 450
Potion of vitality icon1.png  Potion of Vitality Alchemist 18 Medicine 3 70 67 450
Figurehead component icon1.png  Figurehead Component Alchemist 18 Ehcatl wristgloves icon1.png  Other 1 70 214 225
Jellyfish humours icon1.png  Jellyfish Humours Alchemist 19 Reagent 1 40 34 384
Potion of strength icon1.png  Potion of Strength Alchemist 19 Medicine 3 70 68 480