Difference between revisions of "Orchestrion Roll"

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Line 382: Line 382:
|032 || [[Shattered Orchestrion Roll|Shattered]] || Syrcus Tower Battle Theme || Obtained in Syrcus Tower. || Drops from [[Syrcus Tower]]. || 4.2
|032 || [[Shattered Orchestrion Roll|Shattered]] || Syrcus Tower Battle Theme || Obtained in Syrcus Tower. || Drops from [[Syrcus Tower]]. || 4.2
|033 || [[World Map Orchestrion Roll|World Map]] || Syrcus Tower Battle Theme || Obtained in Syrcus Tower. || Drops from [[Syrcus Tower]]. || 4.3
|034 || [[A Chapel Orchestrion Roll|A Chapel]] || Syrcus Tower Battle Theme || Obtained in Syrcus Tower. || Drops from [[Syrcus Tower]]. || 4.3
|035 || [[The Mystery of Giruvegan Orchestrion Roll|The Mystery of Giruvegan]] || Syrcus Tower Battle Theme || Obtained in Syrcus Tower. || Drops from [[Syrcus Tower]]. || 4.3
|036 || [[Apoplexy Orchestrion Roll|Apoplexy]] || Syrcus Tower Battle Theme || Obtained in Syrcus Tower. || Drops from [[Syrcus Tower]]. || 4.3
|037 || [[Flash of Steel Orchestrion Roll|Flash of Steel]] || Syrcus Tower Battle Theme || Obtained in Syrcus Tower. || Drops from [[Syrcus Tower]]. || 4.3

Revision as of 21:23, 3 December 2018

See also: Orchestrion and Other

Main Rolls

These are complete music rolls that can be used to immediately add the respective song to a player's orchestrion list. Interacting with an orchestrion opens up this list and allows the player to play any songs they have obtained.


Number Orchestrion Roll Theme Acquired by Additional Notes Patch Release
001 Wailers and Waterwheels Gridania Day Theme Available for purchase in Gridania. Purchased from Maisenta in New Gridania for 5,000 Gil. 3.2
002 I Am the Sea Limsa Lominsa Day Theme Available for purchase in Limsa Lominsa. Purchased from Bango Zango in Limsa Lominsa Lower Decks for 5,000 Gil. 3.2
003 A New Hope Ul'dah Day Theme Available for purchase in Ul'dah. Purchased from Roarich in Ul'dah - Steps of Nald for 5,000 Gil. 3.2
004 Solid Ishgard Day Theme Available for purchase in Ishgard. Purchased from Frine in The Pillars for 5,000 Gil. 3.2
005 The Waking Sands The Waking Sands Theme Available for purchase in Thanalan. Purchased from Haneko Burneko in The Waking Sands for 5,000 Gil. 3.2
006 Painted Foothills The Dravanian Forelands Day Theme Materials for synthesis obtained from elite marks in the Dravanian Forelands. Crafted by Level 60 Alchemist (Master Alchemist III) with Faded Copy of Painted Foothills, dropped by the elite marks Lord of the Wyverns, Pylraster, and Senmurv upon death. 3.2
007 Lost in the Clouds The Sea of Clouds Day Theme Materials for synthesis obtained from elite marks in the Sea of Clouds. Crafted by Level 60 Alchemist (Master Alchemist III) with Faded Copy of Lost in the Clouds, dropped by the elite marks Bird of Paradise, Enkelados, and Sisiutl upon death. 3.2
008 Another Round Tavern Theme Materials for synthesis available for trade in Mor Dhona. Crafted by Level 50 Alchemist with Faded Copy of Another Round, purchased from Auriana in Mor Dhona for 1,000 Allagan Tomestones of Poetics. 3.2
009 Four-sided Circle Gold Saucer Theme Available for MGP exchange at the Gold Saucer. Purchased from Gold Saucer Attendant <Prize Claim> for 10,000 MGP. 3.2
010 Sport of Kings Chocobo Racing Theme Available for MGP exchange at the Gold Saucer. Purchased from Gold Saucer Attendant <Prize Claim> for 15,000 MGP. 3.2
011 A Sailor Never Sleeps Limsa Lominsa Night Theme Available for purchase in Limsa Lominsa. Purchased from Bango Zango in Limsa Lominsa Lower Decks for 5,000 Gil. 3.3
012 Dance of the Fireflies Gridania Night Theme Available for purchase in Gridania. Purchased from Maisenta in New Gridania for 5,000 Gil. 3.3
013 Sultana Dreaming Ul'dah Night Theme Available for purchase in Ul'dah. Purchased from Roarich in Ul'dah - Steps of Nald for 5,000 Gil. 3.3
014 Nobility Obliges The Pillars Day Theme Available for purchase in Ishgard. Purchased from Frine in The Pillars for 5,000 Gil. 3.3
015 The Mushroomery Matoya's Cave Theme Available for purchase at Matoya's Cave. Purchased from the Junkmonger in Matoya's Cave for 5,000 Gil. 3.3
016 Shelter Sanctuary Theme (Heavensward) Available for purchase in Tailfeather. Purchased from the Traveling Merchant in Tailfeather for 5,000 Gil. 3.3
017 Against the Wind Coerthas Western Highlands Theme Materials for synthesis obtained from elite marks in the Coerthas western highlands. Crafted by Level 60 Alchemist (Master Alchemist III) with Faded Copy of Against the Wind, dropped from the elite marks Kaiser Behemoth, Lyuba, and Mirka upon death. 3.3
018 Landlords The Churning Mists Theme Materials for synthesis obtained from elite marks in the Churning Mists. Crafted by Level 60 Alchemist (Master Alchemist III) with Faded Copy of Landlords, dropped from the elite marks Agathos, Bune, and Gandarewa upon death. 3.3
019 Missing Pages The Dravanian Hinterlands Theme Materials for synthesis obtained from elite marks in the Dravanian hinterlands. Crafted by Level 60 Alchemist (Master Alchemist III) with Faded Copy of Missing Pages, dropped from the elite marks Slipkinx Steeljoints, Stolas, and The Pale Rider upon death. 3.3
020 On Westerly Winds La Noscea Field Theme Available for purchase in Limsa Lominsa. Purchased from Bango Zango in Limsa Lominsa Lower Decks for 5,000 Gil. 3.3
021 Serenity The Black Shroud Field Theme Available for purchase in Gridania. Purchased from Maisenta in New Gridania for 5,000 Gil. 3.3
022 To the Sun Thanalan Field Theme Available for purchase in Ul'dah. Purchased from Roarich in Ul'dah Steps of Nald for 5,000 Gil. 3.3
023 On Windy Meadows La Noscea 1.0 Theme Obtained in the Aquapolis. Teleportation ward for The Aquapolis randomly spawns after the completion of a Timeworn Dragonskin Map. 3.3
024 Whisper of the Land The Black Shroud 1.0 Theme Obtained in the Aquapolis. Teleportation ward for The Aquapolis randomly spawns after the completion of a Timeworn Dragonskin Map. 3.3
025 Twilight over Thanalan Thanalan 1.0 Theme Obtained in the Aquapolis. Teleportation ward for The Aquapolis randomly spawns after the completion of a Timeworn Dragonskin Map. 3.3
026 Unspoken Coerthas 1.0 Theme Obtained in the Aquapolis. Teleportation ward for The Aquapolis randomly spawns after the completion of a Timeworn Dragonskin Map. 3.4
027 Nobility Sleeps The Pillars Night Theme Available for purchase in Ishgard. Purchased from Frine in The Pillars for 5,000 Gil. 3.4
028 Night in the Brume Foundation Night Theme Available for purchase in Ishgard. Purchased from Frine in The Pillars for 5,000 Gil. 3.4
029 Close to the Heavens Sea of Clouds Night Theme Materials for synthesis obtained from elite marks in the Sea of Clouds. Crafted by Level 60 Alchemist (Master Alchemist III) with Faded Copy of Lost in the Clouds, dropped by the elite marks Bird of Paradise, Enkelados, and Sisiutl upon death. 3.4
030 Smoulder Amalj'aa Tribe Theme Available for steel Amalj'ok exchange in the Ring of Ash. Purchased from the Amalj'aa Vendor in Southern Thanalan for 3 Steel Amalj'ok. 3.4
031 Coming Home Vanu Vanu Tribe Theme Available for Vanu whitebone exchange in Ok' Gundu Nakki. Purchased from Luna Vanu in the Sea of Clouds for 3 Vanu Whitebone. 3.4
032 Behind Closed Doors Inn Room Theme Available for purchase in Gridania, Ul'dah, and Limsa Lominsa. Purchased from Maisenta in New Gridania, Roarich in Ul'dah Steps of Nald, or Bango Zango in Limsa Lominsa Lower Decks for 5,000 Gil. 3.4
033 Reflections Revenant's Toll Night Theme Available for Allagan tomestone exchange in Mor Dhona. Purchase from Auriana in Mor Dhona for 1000 Allagan Tomestones of Poetics. 3.4
034 Where the Heart Is Residential Districts Theme Available for purchase in residential areas. Purchase from Housing Merchants. 3.4
035 Homestead Idyllshire Theme Available for purchase in Idyllshire. Purchased from the Junkmonger in Idyllshire for 5,000 Gil. 3.4
036 Flibbertigibbet Sylph Tribe Theme Available for sylphic goldleaf exchange in Little Solace. Purchased from the Sylphic Vendor at Little Solace in East Shroud for 3 Sylphic Goldleaves. 3.5
037 Piece of Mind Gnath Tribe Theme Available for black copper gil exchange at Loth ast Vath. Purchased from the Vath Stickpeddler in The Dravanian Forelands for 3 Black Copper Gil. 3.5
038 Frontiers Within Revenant's Toll Day Theme Available for Allagan tomestone exchange in Mor Dhona. Purchased from Auriana in Mor Dhona for 1,000 Allagan Tomestones of Poetics. 3.5
039 Fleeting Rays Burning Wall Theme/Floating City of Nym Theme Available for purchase in Highbridge. Purchased from Chachamun in Eastern Thanalan for 5,000 Gil after the successful completion of the third FATE in the Attack on Highbridge FATE series, Attack on Highbridge: Act II. 3.5
040 Saltswept La Noscea Town Theme Available for purchase in Aleport. Purchased from the Merchant & Mender in Aleport for 5,000 Gil. 3.5
041 Thicker than a Knife's Blade The Forgotten Knight Theme Available for Centurio Seal exchange at the Forgotten Knight. Purchased from Ardolain in Foundation for 300 Centurio Seals. 3.5
042 Skylords The Churning Mists Night Theme Materials for synthesis obtained from elite marks in the Churning Mists. Crafted - ALC Lv60 - 1x Blank Grade 3 Orchestrion Roll, 1x Enchanted Mythrite Ink, 1x Faded Copy of Landlords (drops from Hunts in Churning Mists). 4.0
043 The Silent Regard of Stars The Dravanian Hinterlands Night Theme Materials for synthesis obtained from elite marks in the Dravanian hinterlands. Crafted - ALC Lv60 - 1x Blank Grade 3 Orchestrion Roll, 1x Enchanted Mythrite Ink, 1x Faded Copy of Missing Pages (drops from Hunts in Dravanian Hinterlands). 4.0
044 Beyond the Wall The Fringes Day Theme Obtained from the FATE "The Evil Seed." Drops from the FATE The Evil Seed upon completion. 4.0
045 Liquid Flame The Ruby Sea Day Theme Obtained from the FATE "Never Say Daimyo." Drops from the FATE Never Say Daimyo upon completion. 4.0
046 Drowning in the Horizon Azim Steppe Day Theme Available for Centurio Seal exchange at Rhalgr's Reach and Kugane. Purchased for 300 Centurio Seals in Kugane. 4.0
047 The Edge Ninja Job Theme Available for purchase at Wineport. Purchased in Wineport in Eastern La Noscea. 4.0
048 Navigator's Glory - The Theme of Limsa Lominsa Limsa Lominsa 1.0 Theme Obtained in the Lost Canals of Uznair or the Hidden Canals of Uznair. Teleportation ward for the Lost Canals of Uznair randomly spawns after the completion of a Timeworn Gazelleskin Map, while the teleportation ward for the Hidden Canals of Uznair spawns after using the action Dig near the location shown on a Timeworn Thief's Map. 4.05
049 Born of the Boughs - The Theme of Gridania Gridania 1.0 Theme Obtained in the Lost Canals of Uznair or the Hidden Canals of Uznair. Teleportation ward for the Lost Canals of Uznair randomly spawns after the completion of a Timeworn Gazelleskin Map, while the teleportation ward for the Hidden Canals of Uznair spawns after using the action Dig near the location shown on a Timeworn Thief's Map. 4.05
050 The Twin Faces of Fate - The Theme of Ul'dah Ul'dah 1.0 Theme Obtained in the Lost Canals of Uznair or the Hidden Canals of Uznair. Teleportation ward for the Lost Canals of Uznair randomly spawns after the completion of a Timeworn Gazelleskin Map, while the teleportation ward for the Hidden Canals of Uznair spawns after using the action Dig near the location shown on a Timeworn Thief's Map. 4.05
051 The Measure of Our Reach Garlean Anthem Main scenario quest reward. Reward for the quest The Butcher's Blood. 4.1
052 The Measure of His Reach Ala Mhigan Anthem Main scenario quest reward. Reward for the quest A Blissful Arrival. 4.1
053 Impact Rhalgr's Reach Day Theme Available for exchange in Rhalgr's Reach. Bought from Enna in Rhalgr's Reach for 1,600 Tomestones of Creation. 4.1
054 Crimson Sunrise Kugane Day Theme Obtained in the Hidden Canals of Uznair. Teleportation ward for the Hidden Canals of Uznair spawns after using the action Dig near the location shown on a Timeworn Thief's Map. 4.1
055 On High The Peaks Day Theme Available for exchange in Rhalgr's Reach. Exchanged at the Scrip Exchange in Rhalgr's Reach for 400 Red Crafters' Scrips. 4.1
056 Songs of Salt and Suffering The Lochs Day Theme Available for exchange in Rhalgr's Reach. Exchanged at the Scrip Exchange in Rhalgr's Reach for 400 Red Crafters' Scrips. 4.1
057 A Father's Pride Yanxia Day Theme Obtained in the Hidden Canals of Uznair. Teleportation ward for the Hidden Canals of Uznair spawns after using the action Dig near the location shown on a Timeworn Thief's Map. 4.1
058 Indomitable Kojin Theme Available for Kojin sango exchange in Tamamizu. Bought from the Kojin Beast Tribe for 3 Kojin sango at Rank 6. 4.1
059 Crimson Sunset Kugane Night Theme Obtained in the Hidden Canals of Uznair. Teleportation ward for the Hidden Canals of Uznair spawns after using the action Dig near the location shown on a Timeworn Thief's Map. 4.2
060 Westward Tide Ruby Sea Night Theme Available for exchange in Rhalgr's Reach. Bought from Enna in Rhalgr's Reach for 1,600 Tomestones of Creation. 4.2
061 Mother's Pride Yanxia Night Theme Obtained in the Hidden Canals of Uznair. Teleportation ward for the Hidden Canals of Uznair spawns after using the action Dig near the location shown on a Timeworn Thief's Map. 4.2
062 He Rises Above Azim Steppe Night Theme Available for exchange in Rhalgr's Reach. Bought from Enna in Rhalgr's Reach for 1,600 Tomestones of Creation. 4.2
063 Keepers of the Lock Ananta Theme Available for Ananta dreamstaff exchange in Castrum Velodyna. Bought from the Ananta Beast Tribe for 3 Ananta dreamstaves at Rank 6. 4.2
064 Black and White Coerthas Western Highlands Night Theme Materials for synthesis obtained from elite marks in the Coerthas western highlands. Crafted by Level 60 Alchemist (Master Alchemist III) with Faded Copy of Against the Wind, dropped from the elite marks Kaiser Behemoth, Lyuba, and Mirka upon death. 4.3
065 Seven Hundred Seventy-Seven Whiskers Namazu Beast Tribe Theme Available for Namazu Koban exchange in Dhoro Iloh. Bought from the Namazu Beast Tribe for 3 Namazu Koban at Rank 6. 4.3


Number Orchestrion Roll Theme Acquired by Additional Notes Patch Release
001 A Light in the Storm Pharos Sirius Theme Materials for synthesis obtained in Pharos Sirius or Pharos Sirius (Hard). Crafted by Level 50 Alchemist (Master Alchemist I ★★) with Faded Copy of A Light in the Storm, dropped in Pharos Sirius or Pharos Sirius (Hard). 3.2
002 The Dark's Embrace Copperbell Minees Theme Materials for synthesis obtained in Copperbell Mines or Copperbell Mines (Hard). Crafted by Level 30 Alchemist with Faded Copy of The Dark's Embrace, dropped in Copperbell Mines or Copperbell Mines (Hard). 3.2
003 The Scars of Battle The Lost City of Amdapor Theme Materials for synthesis obtained in the The Lost City of Amdapor or The Lost City of Amdapor (Hard). Crafted by Level 50 Alchemist (Master Alchemist I ★★) with Faded Copy of The Scars of Battle, dropped in The Lost City of Amdapor or The Lost City of Amdapor (Hard). 3.2
004 Dark Vows Tam-Tara Deepcroft Theme Materials for synthesis obtained in the Tam-Tara Deepcroft or Tam-Tara Deepcroft (Hard). Crafted by Level 30 Alchemist with Faded Copy of Dark Vows, dropped in Tam-Tara Deepcroft or Tam-Tara Deepcroft (Hard). 3.2
005 Riptide Sastasha Theme Materials for synthesis obtained in Sastasha or Sastasha (Hard). Crafted by Level 30 Alchemist with Faded Copy of Riptide, dropped in Sastasha or Sastasha (Hard). 3.2
006 Imagination The Aetherochemical Research Facility Theme Materials for synthesis obtained in the Aetherochemical Research Facility. Crafted by Level 60 Alchemist (Master Alchemist III) with Faded Copy of Imagination, dropped in The Aetherochemical Research Facility. 3.2
007 Down the Up Staircase The Antitower Theme Materials for synthesis obtained in the Antitower. Crafted by Level 60 Alchemist (Master Alchemist III ★) with Faded Copy of Down the Up Staircase, dropped in The Antitower. 3.2
008 Horizons Calling Hullbreaker Isle Theme Obtained in Hullbreaker Isle or Hullbreaker Isle (Hard). Drops from Hullbreaker Isle or Hullbreaker Isle (Hard). 3.3
009 The Warrens Snowcloak Theme Materials for synthesis obtained in Snowcloak. Drops from Snowcloak. 3.3
010 Ink Long Dry The Great Gubal Library Theme Obtained in the Great Gubal Library. Drops from The Great Gubal Library. 3.3
011 Unbreakable The Fractal Continuum Theme Obtained in the Fractal Continuum. Drops from The Fractal Continuum. 3.3
012 Apologies Sohr Khai Theme Obtained in Sohr Khai. Drops from Sohr Khai. 3.3
013 Silver Tears The Keeper of the Lake Theme Obtained in the Keeper of the Lake. Drops from The Keeper of the Lake. 3.4
014 Slumber Eternal Sohm Al Theme Obtained in Sohm Al. Drops from Sohm Al. 3.4
015 Grounded Xelphatol Theme Main scenario quest reward. Reward for the quest Shadows of the First. 3.4
016 Blackbosom Edda's Theme/Palace of the Dead - Floor 50 Theme Obtained from a piece of the Accursed Hoard in the Palace of the Dead. Chance of dropping when opening Iron-trimmed Sacks obtained from the Accursed Hoard between Floors 51-100 of Palace of the Dead. 3.45
017 Blasphemous Experiment Nybeth Obdilord's Theme/Palace of the Dead - Floor 100 Theme Available for Gelmorran potsherd exchange at Quarrymill upon clearing the 100th floor of the Palace of the Dead. Purchased from E-Una-Kotor in Quarrymill for 1 Gelmorran Potsherd after completing 100th Floor of Palace of the Dead. 3.45
018 Fog of Phantom Palace of the Dead - Floor 150 Theme Available for Gelmorran potsherd exchange at Quarrymill upon clearing the 150th floor of the Palace of the Dead. Purchased from E-Una-Kotor in Quarrymill for 5 Gelmorran Potsherd after completing 150th Floor of Palace of the Dead. 3.45
019 Notice of Death Palace of the Dead - Floor 200 Theme Available for Gelmorran potsherd exchange at Quarrymill upon clearing the 200th floor of the Palace of the Dead. Purchased from E-Una-Kotor in Quarrymill for 10 Gelmorran Potsherd after completing 200th Floor of Palace of the Dead. 3.45
020 Hallowed Halls The Vault Theme Obtained in the Vault. Drops from The Vault. 3.5
021 Quicksand Sohm Al (Hard) Theme Dravanian sidequest reward. Reward for the quest The Fires of Sohm Al. 3.5
022 Another Brick Baelsar's Wall Theme Main scenario quest reward. Reward for the quest Griffin, Griffin on the Wall. 3.5
023 Poison Ivy Saint Mocianne's Aboretum Theme Obtained in Saint Mocianne's Arboretum. Drops from Saint Mocianne's Arboretum. 4.0
024 Bibliophobia The Great Gubal Library (Hard) Theme Obtained in The Great Gubal Library (Hard). Drops from The Great Gubal Library (Hard). 4.0
025 The Open Box Shisui of the Violet Tides Theme Obtained in Shisui of the Violet Tides. Drops from Shisui of the Violet Tides. 4.1
026 Most Unworthy Bardam's Mettle Theme Obtained in Bardam's Mettle. Drops from Bardam's Mettle. 4.1
027 Deception Kugane Castle Theme Obtained in Kugane Castle. Drops from Kugane Castle. 4.1
028 Far From Home The Drowned City of Skalla Theme Obtained in the Drowned City of Skalla. Drops from Drowned City of Skalla. 4.1
029 Their Deadly Mission The Temple of the Fist Theme Obtained in the Temple of the Fist. Drops from The Temple of the Fist. 4.2
030 Liberty or Death Ala Mhigo Theme Obtained in the instanced duty "Ala Mhigo." Drops from Ala Mhigo. 4.2
031 Down Where Daemons Dwell Hells' Lid Theme Obtained in Hells' Lid. Drops from Hells' Lid. 4.2
032 Unbreakable (Duality) The Fractal Continuum (Hard) Theme Obtained in the Fractal Continuum (Hard). Drops from The Fractal Continuum (Hard). 4.2
033 The Ancient City The Fractal Continuum (Hard) Theme Obtained in the Fractal Continuum (Hard). Drops from The Fractal Continuum (Hard). 4.3
034 Gates of the Moon The Fractal Continuum (Hard) Theme Obtained in the Fractal Continuum (Hard). Drops from The Fractal Continuum (Hard). 4.3
035 Earth, Wind, and Water The Fractal Continuum (Hard) Theme Obtained in the Fractal Continuum (Hard). Drops from The Fractal Continuum (Hard). 4.3

Primal Battles

With the exception of Battle on the Big Bridge and Battle in the Big Keep, all primal battles that drop Orchestrion rolls have drop rates increased when participating at minimum item level.

Number Orchestrion Roll Theme Acquired by Additional Notes Patch Release
001 Torn from the Heavens FATE and Boss Theme Available for MGP exchange at the Gold Saucer. Bought from the Gold Saucer Attendant <Prize Claim> at the Gold Saucer for 30,000 MGP. 3.2
002 Ultima Ultima Weapon Theme (Phase 2) Obtained upon completing the achievement The Leader of the Band II. Add 30 unique music rolls to your orchestrion. 3.2
003 The Maker's Ruin Ultima Weapon Theme (Phase 1) Materials for synthesis obtained in the Minstrel's Ballad: Ultima's Bane. Crafted by Level 50 Alchemist (Master Alchemist I ★★★) from Faded Copy of The Maker's Ruin, dropped in The Minstrel's Ballad: Ultima's Bane. 3.2
004 Primal Judgment Ifrit's Theme Materials for synthesis obtained in the Bowl of Embers (Extreme). Crafted by Level 50 Alchemist (Master Alchemist I ★★★) from Faded Copy of Primal Judgment, dropped in The Bowl of Embers (Extreme). 3.2
005 Fallen Angel Garuda's Theme Materials for synthesis obtained in the Howling Eye (Extreme). Crafted by Level 50 Alchemist (Master Alchemist I ★★★) from Faded Copy of Fallen Angel, dropped in The Howling Eye (Extreme). 3.2
006 Under the Weight Titan's Theme Materials for synthesis obtained in the Navel (Extreme). Crafted by Level 50 Alchemist (Master Alchemist I ★★★) from Faded Copy of Under the Weight, dropped in The Navel (Extreme). 3.2
007 Heroes Thordan's Theme Materials for synthesis obtained in the Minstrel's Ballad: Thordan's Reign. Crafted by Level 60 Alchemist (Master Alchemist III ★) from Faded Copy of Heroes, dropped in The Minstrel's Ballad: Thordan's Reign. 3.2
008 Fiend Sephirot's Theme (Phase 2) Materials for synthesis obtained in Containment Bay S1T7 (Extreme). Crafted by Level 60 Alchemist (Master Alchemist III ★) from Faded Copy of Fiend, dropped in Containment Bay S1T7 (Extreme). 3.2
009 Wreck to the Seaman Leviathan's Theme (Phase 1) Materials for synthesis obtained in the Whorleater (Extreme). Crafted by Level 50 Alchemist (Master Alchemist I ★★★) from Faded Copy of Wreck to the Seaman, dropped in The Whorleater (Extreme). 3.3
010 Through the Maelstrom Leviathan's Theme (Phase 2) Materials for synthesis obtained in the Whorleater (Extreme). Crafted by Level 50 Alchemist (Master Alchemist I ★★★) with Faded Copy of Through the Maelstrom, dropped in The Whorleater (Extreme). 3.3
011 Good King Moggle Mog XII Good King Moggle Mog XII's Theme Materials for synthesis obtained in Thornmarch (Extreme). Crafted by Level 50 Alchemist (Master Alchemist I ★★★) with Faded Copy of Good King Moggle Mog XII, dropped in Thornmarch (Extreme). 3.3
012 Revenge of the Horde Final Steps of Faith Theme Materials for synthesis obtained in the Minstrel's Ballad: Nidhogg's Rage. Crafted by Level 60 Alchemist (Master Alchemist IV ★★) with Faded Copy of Revenge of the Horde, dropped in The Minstrel's Ballad: Nidhogg's Rage. 3.3
013 Battle on the Big Bridge Gilgamesh's Theme Materials for synthesis obtained in the Battle on the Big Bridge or Battle in the Big Keep. Crafted by Level 50 Alchemist (Master Alchemist I ★★) with Faded Copy of Battle on the Big Bridge, dropped in Battle on the Big Bridge or Battle in the Big Keep. 3.3
014 Battle to the Death - Heavensward Sephirot's Theme (Phase 1) Available for MGP exchange at the Gold Saucer. Bought from the Gold Saucer Attendant <Prize Claim> at the Gold Saucer for 20,000 MGP. 3.3
015 Footsteps in the Snow Shiva's Theme (Phase 1) Materials for synthesis obtained in the Akh Afah Amphitheatre (Extreme). Crafted by Level 50 Alchemist (Master Alchemist II ★★★★) with Faded Copy of Footsteps in the Snow, dropped in Akh Afah Amphitheatre (Extreme). 3.4
016 Oblivion Shiva's Theme (Phase 2) Materials for synthesis obtained in the Akh Afah Amphitheatre (Extreme). Crafted by Level 50 Alchemist (Master Alchemist II ★★★★) with Faded Copy of Oblivion, dropped in Akh Afah Amphitheatre (Extreme). 3.4
017 Thunder Rolls Ramuh's Theme Materials for synthesis obtained in The Striking Tree (Extreme). Crafted by Level 50 Alchemist (Master Alchemist II ★★★★) with Faded Copy of Thunder Rolls, dropped in The Striking Tree (Extreme). 3.4
018 Equilibrium Sophia's Theme Materials for synthesis obtained in Containment Bay P1T6 (Extreme). Crafted by Level 60 Alchemist (Master Alchemist IV ★★) with Faded Copy of Equilibrium, dropped in Containment Bay P1T6 (Extreme). 3.4
019 The Corpse Hall Odin's Theme Materials for synthesis obtained in Urth's Fount. Crafted by Level 50 Alchemist (Master Alchemist II ★★★★) with Faded Copy of The Corpse Hall, dropped in Urth's Fount. 3.5
020 Limitless Blue Bismarck's Theme (Phase 1) Materials for synthesis obtained in the Limitless Blue (Extreme). Crafted by Level 60 Alchemist (Master Alchemist III ★) with Faded Copy of Limitless Blue, dropped in The Limitless Blue (Extreme). 3.5
021 Woe That Is Madness Bismarck's Theme (Phase 2) Materials for synthesis obtained in the Limitless Blue (Extreme). Crafted by Level 60 Alchemist (Master Alchemist III ★) with Faded Copy of Woe That Is Madness, dropped in The Limitless Blue (Extreme). 3.5
022 The Hand That Gives the Rose Ravana's Theme (Phase 1) Materials for synthesis obtained in the Thok ast Thok (Extreme). Crafted by Level 60 Alchemist (Master Alchemist III ★) with Faded Copy of The Hand That Gives the Rose, dropped in Thok ast Thok (Extreme). 3.5
023 Unbending Steel Ravana's Theme (Phase 2) Materials for synthesis obtained in the Thok ast Thok (Extreme). Crafted by Level 60 Alchemist (Master Alchemist III ★) with Faded Copy of Unbending Steel, dropped in Thok ast Thok (Extreme). 3.5
024 Infinity Zurvan's Theme Materials for synthesis obtained in Containment Bay Z1T9 (Extreme). Crafted by Level 60 Alchemist (Master Alchemist IV ★★★) with Faded Copy of Infinity, dropped in Containment Bay Z1T9 (Extreme). 3.5
025 Revelation Susano's Theme Materials for synthesis obtained in the Pool of Tribute (Extreme). Crafted by Level 70 Alchemist (Master Alchemist IV ★) with Faded Copy of Revelation, dropped in The Pool of Tribute (Extreme). 4.0
026 Beauty's Wicked Wiles Lakshmi's Theme Materials for synthesis obtained in Emanation (Extreme). Crafted by Level 70 Alchemist (Master Alchemist IV ★) with Faded Copy of Beauty's Wicked Wiles, dropped in Emanation (Extreme). 4.0
027 The Worm's Head Shinryu's Theme (Phase 1 - "Scale and Steel") Materials for synthesis obtained during the Minstrel's Ballad: Shinryu's Domain. Crafted by Level 70 Alchemist (Master Alchemist V ★) from Faded Copy of The Worm's Tail, dropped in Minstrel's Ballad: Shinryu's Domain. 4.1
028 The Worm's Tail Shinryu's Theme (Phase 2) Materials for synthesis obtained during the Minstrel's Ballad: Shinryu's Domain. Crafted by Level 70 Alchemist (Master Alchemist V ★) from Faded Copy of The Worm's Tail, dropped in Minstrel's Ballad: Shinryu's Domain. 4.1
029 Answer on High Byakko's Theme (Phase 1) Materials for synthesis obtained in the Jade Stoa (Extreme). Crafted by Level 70 Alchemist (Master Alchemist VI ★★★) from Faded Copy of the Jade Stoa, dropped in The Jade Stoa (Extreme). 4.2
030 Amatsu Kaze Byakko's Theme (Phase 2) Materials for synthesis obtained in the Jade Stoa (Extreme). Crafted by Level 70 Alchemist (Master Alchemist VI ★★★) from Faded Copy of the Jade Stoa, dropped in The Jade Stoa (Extreme). 4.2
031 Nightbloom Byakko's Theme (Phase 2) Materials for synthesis obtained in the Jade Stoa (Extreme). Crafted by Level 70 Alchemist (Master Alchemist VI ★★★) from Faded Copy of the Jade Stoa, dropped in The Jade Stoa (Extreme). 4.3
032 Wayward Daughter Byakko's Theme (Phase 2) Materials for synthesis obtained in the Jade Stoa (Extreme). Crafted by Level 70 Alchemist (Master Alchemist VI ★★★) from Faded Copy of the Jade Stoa, dropped in The Jade Stoa (Extreme). 4.3


For Coils (Binding, Second, and Final) that drop Orchestrion Rolls, drop rates are increased when participating at minimum item level.

Number Orchestrion Roll Theme Acquired by Additional Notes Patch Release
001 Hubris Labyrinth of the Ancients Theme Materials for synthesis obtained in the Labyrinth of the Ancients. Crafted by Level 50 Alchemist (Master Alchemist II ★★★★) with Faded Copy of Hubris, dropped in Labyrinth of the Ancients. 3.2
002 Tumbling Down Labyrinth of the Ancients and Syrcus Tower Boss Theme Materials for synthesis obtained in the Labyrinth of the Ancients. Crafted by Level 50 Alchemist (Master Alchemist II ★★★★) with Faded Copy of Tumbling Down, dropped in Labyrinth of the Ancients. 3.2
003 Out of the Labyrinth Syrcus Tower Theme Materials for synthesis obtained in Syrcus Tower. Crafted by Level 50 Alchemist (Master Alchemist II ★★★★) with Faded Copy of Out of the Labyrinth, dropped in Syrcus Tower. 3.2
004 Now I Know the Truth Doga & Unei's Theme Materials for synthesis obtained in Syrcus Tower. Crafted by Level 50 Alchemist (Master Alchemist II ★★★★) with Faded Copy of Now I Know the Truth, dropped in Syrcus Tower. 3.2
005 Blind to the Dark World of Darkness Theme Materials for synthesis obtained in the World of Darkness. Crafted by Level 50 Alchemist (Master Alchemist II ★★★★) with Faded Copy of Blind to the Dark, dropped in World of Darkness. 3.2
006 Hunger Cloud of Darkness Theme Materials for synthesis obtained in the World of Darkness. Crafted by Level 50 Alchemist (Master Alchemist II ★★★★) with Faded Copy of Hunger, dropped in World of Darkness. 3.2
007 Eternal Wind Crystal Tower Ending Theme Materials for synthesis obtained in the Labyrinth of the Ancients, Syrcus Tower, or the World of Darkness. Crafted by Level 60 Alchemist (Master Alchemist III ★) with Faded Copy of Tumbling Down, Faded Copy of Out of the Labyrinth and Faded Copy of Hunger, dropped in Labyrinth of the Ancients, Syrcus Tower, and World of Darkness. 3.2
008 Thunderer The Binding Coil of Bahamut - Turn 5/Ascian Boss Theme Materials for synthesis obtained in the Binding Coil of Bahamut - Turn 5. Crafted by Level 50 Alchemist (Master Alchemist II ★★★★) Faded Copy of Thunderer, dropped in The Binding Coil of Bahamut - Turn 5. 3.2
009 Rise of the White Raven The Second Coil of Bahamut - Turn 4 Theme Materials for synthesis obtained in the Second Coil of Bahamut - Turn 4. Crafted by Level 50 Alchemist (Master Alchemist II ★★★★) Faded Copy of Rise of the White Raven, dropped in The Second Coil of Bahamut - Turn 4. 3.2
010 From the Ashes The Final Coil of Bahamut - Turn 3 Theme Materials for synthesis obtained in the Final Coil of Bahamut - Turn 3. Crafted by Level 50 Alchemist (Master Alchemist II ★★★★) Faded Copy of From the Ashes, dropped in The Final Coil of Bahamut - Turn 3. 3.2
011 Answers A Realm Reborn Main Theme Materials for synthesis obtained in the Binding Coil of Bahamut - Turn 5, the Second Coil of Bahamut - Turn 4, or the Final Coil of Bahamut - Turn 4. Crafted by Level 60 Alchemist (Master Alchemist IV ★★) Faded Copy of Thunderer, Faded Copy of Rise of the White Raven, and Faded Copy of Answers, dropped in The Binding Coil of Bahamut - Turn 5, The Second Coil of Bahamut - Turn 4, and The Final Coil of Bahamut - Turn 4. 3.2
012 Sins of the Father, Sins of the Son Alexander Pre-Boss Theme Chronicles of a New Era - Alexander: The Creator quest reward. Reward for the quest Of Endings and Beginnings. 3.4
013 Locus Alexander Minor Boss Theme Chronicles of a New Era - Alexander: The Creator quest reward. Reward for the quest Of Endings and Beginnings. 3.4
014 Metal Alexander Major Boss Theme Chronicles of a New Era - Alexander: The Creator quest reward. Reward for the quest Of Endings and Beginnings. 3.4
015 Metal - Brute Justice Mode Brute Justice Theme Chronicles of a New Era - Alexander: The Creator quest reward. Reward for the quest Of Endings and Beginnings. 3.4
016 Exponential Entropy Alexander - The Heart of the Creator Theme Chronicles of a New Era - Alexander: The Creator quest reward. Reward for the quest Thus Spake Quickthinx. 3.4
017 Rise Alexander - The Soul of the Creator (Phase 2) Theme Chronicles of a New Era - Alexander: The Creator quest reward. Reward for the quest Judgment Day. 3.4
018 Moebius Alexander - The Soul of the Creator (Phase 1) Theme Available for Alexandrian gear exchange in Idyllshire. Purchased from Bertana in Idyllshire for 1 Alexandrian Gear. 3.5
019 Tempest Alexander - The Eyes of the Creator (Phase 1) Theme Available for MGP exchange at the Gold Saucer. Bought from the Gold Saucer Attendant <Prize Claim> at the Gold Saucer for 30,000 MGP. 3.5
020 Spiral The Binding Coil of Bahamut Combat Theme Available for MGP exchange at the Gold Saucer. Bought from the Gold Saucer Attendant <Prize Claim> at the Gold Saucer for 30,000 MGP. 3.5
021 Aetherosphere Void Ark Theme Available for Mhachi farthing exchange in Idyllshire. Purchased from Bertana in Idyllshire for 1 Mhachi Farthing. 3.5
022 Six Fulms Under The Weeping City of Mhach Boss Theme Available for Mhachi farthing exchange in Idyllshire. Purchased from Bertana in Idyllshire for 1 Mhachi Farthing. 3.5
023 Teardrops in the Rain The Weeping City of Mhach Theme Available for Mhachi penny exchange in Idyllshire. Purchased from Bertana in Idyllshire for 1 Mhachi Penny. 3.5
024 A Thousand Faces The Weeping City of Mhach Ozma Theme Available for Mhachi penny exchange in Idyllshire. Purchased from Bertana in Idyllshire for 1 Mhachi Penny. 3.5
025 Promises Dun Scaith Deathgaze Theme Chronicles of a New Era - The Shadow of Mhach quest reward. Reward for the quest Where Shadows Reign. 3.5
026 Shadow of the Body Dun Scaith Theme Chronicles of a New Era - The Shadow of Mhach quest reward. Reward for the quest Where Shadows Reign. 3.5
027 Trisection Final Fantasy Tactics Music Obtained in the Royal City of Rabanastre. Drops from the final chest of The Royal City of Rabanastre. 4.1
028 Precipitous Combat Final Fantasy Tactics Music Obtained in the Royal City of Rabanastre. Drops from the final chest of The Royal City of Rabanastre. 4.1
029 Ultima's Transformation Final Fantasy Tactics Music Obtained in the Royal City of Rabanastre. Drops from the final chest of The Royal City of Rabanastre. 4.1
030 Protagonist's Theme Final Fantasy Tactics Music Quest reward. Reward for the quest A City Fallen. 4.1
031 Background Story Final Fantasy Tactics Music Quest reward. Reward for the quest A City Fallen. 4.1
032 Shattered Syrcus Tower Battle Theme Obtained in Syrcus Tower. Drops from Syrcus Tower. 4.2
033 World Map Syrcus Tower Battle Theme Obtained in Syrcus Tower. Drops from Syrcus Tower. 4.3
034 A Chapel Syrcus Tower Battle Theme Obtained in Syrcus Tower. Drops from Syrcus Tower. 4.3
035 The Mystery of Giruvegan Syrcus Tower Battle Theme Obtained in Syrcus Tower. Drops from Syrcus Tower. 4.3
036 Apoplexy Syrcus Tower Battle Theme Obtained in Syrcus Tower. Drops from Syrcus Tower. 4.3
037 Flash of Steel Syrcus Tower Battle Theme Obtained in Syrcus Tower. Drops from Syrcus Tower. 4.3


Number Orchestrion Roll Theme Acquired by Additional Notes Patch Release
001 Prelude - Discoveries A Realm Reborn Title Theme Obtained upon completing the achievement The Leader of the Band I. Add 10 unique music rolls to your orchestrion. 3.2
002 A Cold Wind Heavensward Title Theme Available for MGP exchange at the Gold Saucer. Bought from the Gold Saucer Attendant <Prize Claim> at the Gold Saucer for 5,000 MGP. 3.2
003 Contention Zenith Theme Available for Allagan tomestone exchange in Idyllshire. Purchased from Hismena in Idyllshire for 375 Allagan Tomestones of Poetics. 3.2
004 Agent of Inquiry Hildibrand Theme Available for MGP exchange at the Gold Saucer. Bought from the Gold Saucer Attendant <Prize Claim> at the Gold Saucer for 30,000 MGP. 3.2
005 The Only Path Treasure Hunt Theme Materials for synthesis obtained from treasure hunts. Crafted by Level 50 Alchemist with Faded Copy of The Only Path, dropped from Timeworn Wyvernskin Maps. 3.2
006 A World Apart Cutscene Music/Credits Materials for synthesis obtained from exploratory voyages. Crafted by Level 50 Alchemist with Faded Copy of A World Apart, obtained from exploratory voyages in Sea of Clouds - Sector 23. 3.2
007 Tenacity Guildleve Theme Available for Amber-encased vilekin exchange in Ishgard. Purchased from the Amber Trader in Foundation for 5 Amber-encased Vilekin. 3.2
008 When a Tree Falls Fieldcraft Leve Theme Available for Amber-encased vilekin exchange in Ishgard. Purchased from the Amber Trader in Foundation for 10 Amber-encased Vilekin. 3.2
009 Blood for Blood Frontlines Theme Materials for synthesis available for exchange in the Wolves' Den. Crafted by Level 60 Alchemist (Master Alchemist III) from Faded Copy of Blood for Blood, bought from the Materia Provisioner at the Wolves' Den Pier for 5,000 Wolf Marks. 3.2
010 Starved The Feast Theme Materials for synthesis available for exchange in the Wolves' Den. Crafted by Level 60 Alchemist (Master Alchemist III) with Faded Copy of Starved, bought from the Materia Provisioner at the Wolves' Den Pier for 10,000 Wolf Marks. 3.2
011 Ominous Prognisticks Dungeon Boss Theme (Heavensward) Available for Allagan tomestone exchange in Idyllshire. Purchased from Hismena in Idyllshire for 375 Allagan Tomestones of Poetics. 3.3
012 Engage The Diadem Theme Materials for synthesis obtained from exploratory voyages. Crafted by Level 60 Alchemist (Master Alchemist III) with Faded Copy of Engage, obtained from exploratory voyages in Sea of Clouds - Sector 18. 3.3
013 Defender of the Realm Cutscene Music Obtained upon completing the achievement The Leader of the Band III. Add 50 unique music rolls to your orchestrion. 3.3
014 Dragonsong Heavensward Main Theme Main scenario quest reward. Reward for the quest Litany of Peace. 3.3
015 The Seventh Sun 2.0 Credit Theme Obtained upon completing the achievement The Leader of the Band V. Add 100 unique music rolls to your orchestrion. 3.4
016 Calamity Unbound Binding Coil of Bahamut Boss Theme Obtained in the Aquapolis. Teleportation ward for The Aquapolis randomly spawns after the completion of a Timeworn Dragonskin Map. 3.4
017 Battle Theme 1.x Final Fantasy II Battle Theme Remix Available for MGP exchange at the Gold Saucer. Bought from the Gold Saucer Attendant <Prize Claim> at the Gold Saucer for 20,000 MGP. 3.4
018 Breaking Boundaries Job Final Quest Theme Obtained in the Aquapolis. Teleportation ward for The Aquapolis randomly spawns after the completion of a Timeworn Dragonskin Map. 3.5
019 Canticle Alphinaud and Alisae's Theme Available for purchase in residential areas. Bought from Housing Merchant in Residential Districts for 5,000 Gil. 3.5
020 Forever Lost Cutscene Music Main scenario quest reward. Reward for the quest Louisoix's Finest Student. 3.5
021 Jewel The Diadem Battle Theme Obtained from lockboxes in the Diadem. Chance of dropping when opening lockboxes obtained from coffers and FATEs in The Diadem. 3.55b
022 He Who Continues the Attack Regula Van Hydrus Theme Main scenario quest reward. Reward for the quest Fly Free, My Pretty. 3.56
023 Imperial Will Gaius Van Baelsar Theme Main scenario quest reward. Reward for the quest Fly Free, My Pretty. 3.56
024 Steel Reason Castrum Meridianum Theme Main scenario quest reward. Reward for the quest The Obvious Solution. 3.56
025 Ambient Waves Ocean Sounds Available for purchase in residential areas. Bought from Housing Merchant in Residential Districts for 5,000 Gil. 4.0
026 Ambient Birdsong Bird Sounds Available for purchase in residential areas. Bought from Housing Merchant in Residential Districts for 5,000 Gil. 4.0
027 Ambient Rainfall Rain Sounds Available for purchase in residential areas. Bought from Housing Merchant in Residential Districts for 5,000 Gil. 4.0
028 Ambient Cricketsong Cricket Sounds Available for purchase in residential areas. Bought from Housing Merchant in Residential Districts for 5,000 Gil. 4.0
029 Ambient Insects Insect Sounds Available for purchase in residential areas. Bought from Housing Merchant in Residential Districts for 5,000 Gil. 4.1
030 Ambient Bonfire Bonfire Sounds Available for purchase in residential areas. Bought from Housing Merchant in Residential Districts for 5,000 Gil. 4.1
031 Ambient Kitchen Kitchen Sounds Available for purchase in residential areas. Bought from Housing Merchant in Residential Districts for 5,000 Gil. 4.1
032 Birds of Prey Rival Wings Battle Theme Available for exchange in the Wolves' Den. Bought from the Materia Provisioner at the Wolves' Den Pier for 10,000 Wolf Marks. 4.15
033 Rival Wings Rival Wings Theme Available for exchange in the Wolves' Den. Bought from the Materia Provisioner at the Wolves' Den Pier for 10,000 Wolf Marks. 4.2
034 Babbling Brook Running Stream Sounds Available for purchase in residential areas. Bought from Housing Merchant in Residential Districts for 5,000 Gil. 4.2
035 Bustling Boulevard Busy Street Sounds Available for purchase in residential areas. Bought from Housing Merchant in Residential Districts for 5,000 Gil. 4.2
036 Temple Bell Temple Bell Sounds Available for purchase in residential areas. Bought from Housing Merchant in Residential Districts for 5,000 Gil. 4.2
037 Chapel Bell Chapel Bell Sounds Available for purchase in residential areas. Bought from Housing Merchant in Residential Districts for 5,000 Gil. 4.2
038 Cyan's Theme Doman Enclave Theme Quest reward. Reward for the quest Rise of a New Sun. 4.2
039 Iroha Reisen Temple Theme Quest reward. Reward for the quest An Auspicious Encounter. 4.2
040 Darling Dalliances Cutscene Music Available for purchase at the Gold Saucer. Bought from Kasumi at the Gold Saucer for 5,000 Gil. 4.2
041 Fragments of Forever Cutscene Music Available for purchase in residential areas. Bought from Housing Merchant in Residential Districts for 5,000 Gil. 4.2
042 Revenge Twofold Dungeon Boss Theme (Patch 3.4-3.5) Available for MGP exchange at the Gold Saucer. Bought from the Gold Saucer Attendant <Prize Claim> at the Gold Saucer for 50,000 MGP. 4.2
043 Triumph Dungeon Boss Theme (Stormblood) Available for MGP exchange at the Gold Saucer. Bought from the Gold Saucer Attendant <Prize Claim> at the Gold Saucer for 50,000 MGP. 4.2
044 Prelude - Long March Home Stormblood Title Screen Theme Obtained upon completing the achievement "The Leader of the Band VI." Add 200 unique music rolls to your orchestrion. 4.2
045 Wicked Winds Whisper Eureka Theme Obtained from lockboxes in Eureka Anemos. Chance of dropping when opening Anemos lockboxes obtained from FATEs in Eureka Anemos. 4.25
046 No Quarter Eureka FATE Theme Obtained from lockboxes in Eureka Anemos. Chance of dropping when opening Anemos lockboxes obtained from FATEs in Eureka Anemos. 4.25


Number Orchestrion Roll Theme Acquired by
- Pa-Paya Hatching-tide Theme Hatching-tide (2016) Seasonal Event
- Moonfire Faire Moonfire Faire Theme Moonfire Faire (2016) Seasonal Event
- Heavensward Heavensward Intro Theme The Rising (2016) Seasonal Event
- All Saints' Wake All Saints' Wake Theme All Saints' Wake (2016) Seasonal Event
- Up at Dawn Haunted Mansion Theme All Saints' Wake (2016) Seasonal Event
- Starlight Celebration Starlight Celebration (2016) Theme Starlight Celebration Seasonal Event
- Heavensturn Heavensturn Theme Heavensturn (2017) Seasonal Event
- The Kiss Valentione's Day Theme Valentione's Day (2017) Seasonal Event
- Hyper Rainbow Z Go Go Posing Rangers' Theme Moonfire Faire (2017) Seasonal Event
- Answers - Reprise The Rising Theme The Rising (2017) Seasonal Event
- Stormblood Stormblood Theme The Rising (2017) Seasonal Event
- Starlit Gateway Starlight Celebration (2017) FATE Theme Starlight Celebration (2017) Seasonal Event
- Siren Song Little Ladies' Day (2018) FATE Theme Little Ladies' Day (2018) Seasonal Event

Mog Station

Number Orchestrion Roll Theme Acquired by
- Unbending Steel (Duality) Ravana Theme Buying the "Duality" Arrangement Album
- Borderless (Duality) Flying Mount Theme Buying the "Duality" Arrangement Album
- Heroes (Orchestra) Thordan Theme Buying the "Eorzean Symphony" Album
- Ultima (Orchestra) Ultima Weapon Theme (Phase 2) Buying the "Eorzean Symphony" Album

Other Rolls

Faded Copies have higher probably of dropping from dungeons and trials when players do them on minimum item level setting. They are used by Alchemist to craft regular Rolls.

Faded Copies

Faded Copy Orchestrion Roll Acquired by
Faded Copy of Footsteps in the Snow Footsteps in the Snow Orchestrion Roll Drops in Akh Afah Amphitheatre (Extreme)
Faded Copy of Oblivion Oblivion Orchestrion Roll Drops in Akh Afah Amphitheatre (Extreme)
Faded Copy of Thunder Rolls Thunder Rolls Orchestrion Roll Drops in The Striking Tree (Extreme)
Faded Copy of Equilibrium Equilibrium Orchestrion Roll Drops in Containment Bay P1T6 (Extreme)
Faded Copy of Painted Foothills Painted Foothills Orchestrion Roll Dropped by Elite Marks in The Dravanian Forelands
Faded Copy of Lost in the Clouds Lost in the Clouds Orchestrion Roll Dropped by Elite Marks in The Sea of Clouds
Faded Copy of Another Round Another Round Orchestrion Roll Purchased from Auriana in Mor Dhona (x22,y6) for 1,000 Allagan Tomestones of Poetics.
Faded Copy of The Only Path The Only Path Orchestrion Roll Dropped from Timeworn Wyvernskin Maps.
Faded Copy of A World Apart A World Apart Orchestrion Roll Exploratory Voyages
Faded Copy of Blood for Blood Blood for Blood Orchestrion Roll Purchased from Storm Sergeant in Wolves' Den Pier for 5,000 Wolf Marks
Faded Copy of Starved Starved Orchestrion Roll Purchased from Storm Sergeant in Wolves' Den Pier for 10,000 Wolf Marks
Faded Copy of A Light in the Storm A Light in the Storm Orchestrion Roll Dropped from Pharos Sirius and Pharos Sirius (Hard)
Faded Copy of The Dark's Embrace The Dark's Embrace Orchestrion Roll Dropped from Copperbell Mines and Copperbell Mines (Hard)
Faded Copy of The Scars of Battle The Scars of Battle Orchestrion Roll Dropped from The Lost City of Amdapor and The Lost City of Amdapor (Hard)
Faded Copy of Dark Vows Dark Vows Orchestrion Roll Dropped from Tam-Tara Deepcroft and Tam-Tara Deepcroft (Hard)
Faded Copy of Riptide Riptide Orchestrion Roll Dropped from Sastasha and Sastasha (Hard)
Faded Copy of Imagination Imagination Orchestrion Roll Dropped from The Aetherochemical Research Facility
Faded Copy of Down the Up Staircase Down the Up Staircase Orchestrion Roll Dropped from The Antitower
Faded Copy of The Maker's Ruin The Maker's Ruin Orchestrion Roll Dropped by The Minstrel's Ballad: Ultima's Bane
Faded Copy of Primal Judgment Primal Judgment Orchestrion Roll Dropped from The Bowl of Embers (Extreme)
Faded Copy of Fallen Angel Fallen Angel Orchestrion Roll Dropped from The Howling Eye (Extreme)
Faded Copy of Under the Weight Under the Weight Orchestrion Roll Dropped from The Navel (Extreme)
Faded Copy of Heroes Heroes Orchestrion Roll Dropped from The Minstrel's Ballad: Thordan's Reign
Faded Copy of Fiend Fiend Orchestrion Roll Dropped from Containment Bay S1T7 (Extreme)
Faded Copy of Hubris Hubris Orchestrion Roll Dropped from Labyrinth of the Ancients
Faded Copy of Tumbling Down Tumbling Down Orchestrion Roll Dropped from Labyrinth of the Ancients
Faded Copy of Now I Know the Truth Now I Know the Truth Orchestrion Roll Dropped from Syrcus Tower
Faded Copy of Out of the Labyrinth Out of the Labyrinth Orchestrion Roll Dropped from Syrcus Tower
Faded Copy of Blind to the Dark Blind to the Dark Orchestrion Roll Dropped from World of Darkness
Faded Copy of Hunger Hunger Orchestrion Roll Dropped from World of Darkness
Faded Copy of Thunderer Thunderer Orchestrion Roll Dropped from The Binding Coil of Bahamut Turn 5
Faded Copy of Rise of the White Raven Rise of the White Raven Orchestrion Roll Dropped from The Second Coil of Bahamut Turn 4
Faded Copy of From the Ashes From the Ashes Orchestrion Roll Dropped from The Final Coil of Bahamut Turn 3
Faded Copy of Answers Answers Orchestrion Roll Dropped from The Final Coil of Bahamut Turn 4
Faded Copy of Against the Wind Against the Wind Orchestrion Roll Drops from Hunts in Coerthas Western Highlands
Faded Copy of Landlords Landlords Orchestrion Roll Drops from Hunts in the The Churning Mists
Faded Copy of Missing Pages Missing Pages Orchestrion Roll Drops from Hunts in The Dravanian Hinterlands
Faded Copy of Wreck to the Seaman Wreck to the Seaman Orchestrion Roll Drops from The Whorleater (Extreme)
Faded Copy of Through the Maelstrom Through the Maelstrom Orchestrion Roll Drops from The Whorleater (Extreme)
Faded Copy of Good King Moggle Mog XII Good King Moggle Mog XII Orchestrion Roll Drops from Thornmarch (Extreme)
Faded Copy of Revenge of the Horde Revenge of the Horde Orchestrion Roll Drops from The Minstrel's Ballad: Nidhogg's Rage
Faded Copy of Battle on the Big Bridge Battle on the Big Bridge Orchestrion Roll Drops from Battle on the Big Bridge and Battle in the Big Keep
Faded Copy of Engage Engage Orchestrion Roll Drops from loot chest in The Diadem
Faded Copy of The Corpse Hall The Corpse Hall Orchestrion Roll Drops from Urth's Fount.
Faded Copy of Limitless Blue Limitless Blue Orchestrion Roll Drops from The Limitless Blue (Extreme).
Faded Copy of Woe That Is Madness Woe That Is Madness Orchestrion Roll Drops from The Limitless Blue (Extreme).
Faded Copy of The Hand That Gives the Rose The Hand That Gives the Rose Orchestrion Roll Drops from Thok ast Thok (Extreme).
Faded Copy of Unbending Steel Unbending Steel Orchestrion Roll Drops from Thok ast Thok (Extreme).
Faded Copy of Infinity Infinity Orchestrion Roll Drops from Containment Bay Z1T9 (Extreme).
Faded Copy of Revelation Revelation Orchestrion Roll Drops from The Pool of Tribute (Extreme).
Faded Copy of Beauty's Wicked Wiles Beauty's Wicked Wiles Orchestrion Roll Drops from Emanation (Extreme).

Blank Rolls

Blank Rolls are used in crafting of various regular Rolls. They are crafted by Carpenter.

Blank Roll Level Recipe
Blank Grade 3 Orchestrion Roll 60 6 Wind Crystal, 1 Potash, 1 Red Moko Grass, 1 Dark Chestnut Log, 1 Birch Log
Blank Grade 2 Orchestrion Roll 50 ★★★ 7 Wind Crystal, 1 Spruce Log, 1 Potash, 1 Cypress Log
Blank Grade 1 Orchestrion Roll 20 1 Wind Shard, 1 Elm Log, 1 Moko Grass