Blacksmith Recipes/Level 81 - 89

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< Blacksmith Recipes
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Item Class Recipe Level Type Yield Durability Difficulty Max Quality Ingredients
High durium nugget icon1.png  High Durium Nugget Blacksmith 81 Metal 1 40 1000 5200
Cushion care package icon1.png  Cushion Care Package Blacksmith 81 Miscellany 1 60 2000 4160
Luncheon coffer icon1.png  Luncheon Coffer Blacksmith 81 Collectable recipe icon.png Miscellany 1 60 2000 4160
Sheep equipment icon1.png  Sheep Equipment Blacksmith 81 Collectable recipe icon.png Miscellany 1 60 2000 4160
High durium awl icon1.png  High Durium Awl Blacksmith 81 Leatherworker's Secondary Tool 1 80 2000 5200
High durium axe icon1.png  High Durium Axe Blacksmith 81 Marauder's Arm 1 80 2000 5200
High durium claw hammer icon1.png  High Durium Claw Hammer Blacksmith 81 Carpenter's Secondary Tool 1 80 2000 5200
High durium cleavers icon1.png  High Durium Cleavers Blacksmith 81 Rogue's Arm 1 80 2000 5200
High durium creasing knife icon1.png  High Durium Creasing Knife Blacksmith 81 Leatherworker's Primary Tool 1 80 2000 5200
High durium cross-pein hammer icon1.png  High Durium Cross-pein Hammer Blacksmith 81 Blacksmith's Primary Tool 1 80 2000 5200
High durium culinary knife icon1.png  High Durium Culinary Knife Blacksmith 81 Culinarian's Secondary Tool 1 80 2000 5200
High durium file icon1.png  High Durium File Blacksmith 81 Blacksmith's Secondary Tool 1 80 2000 5200
High durium garden scythe icon1.png  High Durium Garden Scythe Blacksmith 81 Botanist's Secondary Tool 1 80 2000 5200
High durium guillotine icon1.png  High Durium Guillotine Blacksmith 81 Dark Knight's Arm 1 80 2000 5200
High durium hatchet icon1.png  High Durium Hatchet Blacksmith 81 Botanist's Primary Tool 1 80 2000 5200
High durium katana icon1.png  High Durium Katana Blacksmith 81 Samurai's Arm 1 80 2000 5200
High durium lapidary hammer icon1.png  High Durium Lapidary Hammer Blacksmith 81 Goldsmith's Primary Tool 1 80 2000 5200
High durium manatrigger icon1.png  High Durium Manatrigger Blacksmith 81 Gunbreaker's Arm 1 80 2000 5200
High durium mortar icon1.png  High Durium Mortar Blacksmith 81 Alchemist's Secondary Tool 1 80 2000 5200
High durium pickaxe icon1.png  High Durium Pickaxe Blacksmith 81 Miner's Primary Tool 1 80 2000 5200
High durium pistol icon1.png  High Durium Pistol Blacksmith 81 Machinist's Arm 1 80 2000 5200
High durium pliers icon1.png  High Durium Pliers Blacksmith 81 Armorer's Secondary Tool 1 80 2000 5200
High durium raising hammer icon1.png  High Durium Raising Hammer Blacksmith 81 Armorer's Primary Tool 1 80 2000 5200
High durium saw icon1.png  High Durium Saw Blacksmith 81 Carpenter's Primary Tool 1 80 2000 5200
High durium sickle icon1.png  High Durium Sickle Blacksmith 81 Reaper's Arm 1 80 2000 5200
High durium sledgehammer icon1.png  High Durium Sledgehammer Blacksmith 81 Miner's Secondary Tool 1 80 2000 5200
High durium sword icon1.png  High Durium Sword Blacksmith 81 Gladiator's Arm 1 80 2000 5200
High durium tathlums icon1.png  High Durium Tathlums Blacksmith 81 Dancer's Arm 1 80 2000 5200
Rarefied high durium pistol icon1.png  Rarefied High Durium Pistol Blacksmith 81 Collectable recipe icon.png Miscellany 1 80 2000 5200
High durium ingot icon1.png  High Durium Ingot Blacksmith 82 Metal 1 40 1150 5700
Aetheroconductive mammet icon1.png  Aetheroconductive Mammet Blacksmith 82 Collectable recipe icon.png Miscellany 1 60 2300 4560
Feline recreational device icon1.png  Feline Recreational Device Blacksmith 82 Miscellany 1 60 2300 4560
Mountain garb icon1.png  Mountain Garb Blacksmith 82 Collectable recipe icon.png Miscellany 1 60 2300 4560
High durium bayonet icon1.png  High Durium Bayonet Blacksmith 82 Gunbreaker's Arm 1 80 2300 5700
High durium bhuj icon1.png  High Durium Bhuj Blacksmith 82 Marauder's Arm 1 80 2300 5700
High durium glaives icon1.png  High Durium Glaives Blacksmith 82 Dancer's Arm 1 80 2300 5700
High durium greatsword icon1.png  High Durium Greatsword Blacksmith 82 Dark Knight's Arm 1 80 2300 5700
High durium longsword icon1.png  High Durium Longsword Blacksmith 82 Gladiator's Arm 1 80 2300 5700
High durium twinfangs icon1.png  High Durium Twinfangs Blacksmith 82 Viper's Arm 1 80 2300 5700
High durium uchigatana icon1.png  High Durium Uchigatana Blacksmith 82 Samurai's Arm 1 80 2300 5700
School supplies icon1.png  School Supplies Blacksmith 83 Collectable recipe icon.png Miscellany 1 60 2300 4560
Classic voeburtite cuisine icon1.png  Classic Voeburtite Cuisine Blacksmith 83 Collectable recipe icon.png Miscellany 1 60 2600 4960
Mesmerizing miniature icon1.png  Mesmerizing Miniature Blacksmith 83 Miscellany 1 60 2600 4960
Gold cog icon1.png  Gold Cog Blacksmith 83 Collectable recipe icon.png Other 1 80 1950 3720
High durium cesti icon1.png  High Durium Cesti Blacksmith 83 Pugilist's Arm 1 80 2600 6200
High durium knives icon1.png  High Durium Knives Blacksmith 83 Rogue's Arm 1 80 2600 6200
High durium musketoon icon1.png  High Durium Musketoon Blacksmith 83 Machinist's Arm 1 80 2600 6200
High durium war scythe icon1.png  High Durium War Scythe Blacksmith 83 Reaper's Arm 1 80 2600 6200
Rarefied high durium greatsword icon1.png  Rarefied High Durium Greatsword Blacksmith 83 Collectable recipe icon.png Miscellany 1 80 2600 6200
Bismuth ingot icon1.png  Bismuth Ingot Blacksmith 84 Metal 1 40 1450 6600
Traditional voeburtite handicraft icon1.png  Traditional Voeburtite Handicraft Blacksmith 84 Collectable recipe icon.png Miscellany 1 60 2900 5280
Bismuth axe icon1.png  Bismuth Axe Blacksmith 84 Marauder's Arm 1 80 2900 6600
Bismuth blunderbuss icon1.png  Bismuth Blunderbuss Blacksmith 84 Machinist's Arm 1 80 2900 6600
Bismuth bow icon1.png  Bismuth Bow Blacksmith 84 Archer's Arm 1 80 2900 6600
Bismuth chakrams icon1.png  Bismuth Chakrams Blacksmith 84 Dancer's Arm 1 80 2900 6600
Bismuth daggers icon1.png  Bismuth Daggers Blacksmith 84 Rogue's Arm 1 80 2900 6600
Bismuth greatsword icon1.png  Bismuth Greatsword Blacksmith 84 Dark Knight's Arm 1 80 2900 6600
Bismuth gunblade icon1.png  Bismuth Gunblade Blacksmith 84 Gunbreaker's Arm 1 80 2900 6600
Bismuth katzbalger icon1.png  Bismuth Katzbalger Blacksmith 84 Gladiator's Arm 1 80 2900 6600
Bismuth tonfa icon1.png  Bismuth Tonfa Blacksmith 84 Pugilist's Arm 1 80 2900 6600
Bismuth twinfangs icon1.png  Bismuth Twinfangs Blacksmith 84 Viper's Arm 1 80 2900 6600
Bismuth uchigatana icon1.png  Bismuth Uchigatana Blacksmith 84 Samurai's Arm 1 80 2900 6600
Bismuth war scythe icon1.png  Bismuth War Scythe Blacksmith 84 Reaper's Arm 1 80 2900 6600
Energizing eye-lixir icon1.png  Energizing Eye-lixir Blacksmith 85 Miscellany 1 60 3000 5360
Lovely box of pretty things icon1.png  Lovely Box of Pretty Things Blacksmith 85 Collectable recipe icon.png Miscellany 1 60 3000 5360
Gold core icon1.png  Gold Core Blacksmith 85 Other 1 80 2250 4020
Gold motor component icon1.png  Gold Motor Component Blacksmith 85 Collectable recipe icon.png Other 1 80 2250 4020
Bismuth awl icon1.png  Bismuth Awl Blacksmith 85 Leatherworker's Secondary Tool 1 80 3000 6700
Bismuth claw hammer icon1.png  Bismuth Claw Hammer Blacksmith 85 Carpenter's Secondary Tool 1 80 3000 6700
Bismuth cross-pein hammer icon1.png  Bismuth Cross-pein Hammer Blacksmith 85 Blacksmith's Primary Tool 1 80 3000 6700
Bismuth culinary knife icon1.png  Bismuth Culinary Knife Blacksmith 85 Culinarian's Secondary Tool 1 80 3000 6700
Bismuth file icon1.png  Bismuth File Blacksmith 85 Blacksmith's Secondary Tool 1 80 3000 6700
Bismuth garden scythe icon1.png  Bismuth Garden Scythe Blacksmith 85 Botanist's Secondary Tool 1 80 3000 6700
Bismuth hatchet icon1.png  Bismuth Hatchet Blacksmith 85 Botanist's Primary Tool 1 80 3000 6700
Bismuth lapidary hammer icon1.png  Bismuth Lapidary Hammer Blacksmith 85 Goldsmith's Primary Tool 1 80 3000 6700
Bismuth mortar icon1.png  Bismuth Mortar Blacksmith 85 Alchemist's Secondary Tool 1 80 3000 6700
Bismuth pickaxe icon1.png  Bismuth Pickaxe Blacksmith 85 Miner's Primary Tool 1 80 3000 6700
Bismuth pliers icon1.png  Bismuth Pliers Blacksmith 85 Armorer's Secondary Tool 1 80 3000 6700
Bismuth raising hammer icon1.png  Bismuth Raising Hammer Blacksmith 85 Armorer's Primary Tool 1 80 3000 6700
Bismuth round knife icon1.png  Bismuth Round Knife Blacksmith 85 Leatherworker's Primary Tool 1 80 3000 6700
Bismuth saw icon1.png  Bismuth Saw Blacksmith 85 Carpenter's Primary Tool 1 80 3000 6700
Bismuth sledgehammer icon1.png  Bismuth Sledgehammer Blacksmith 85 Miner's Secondary Tool 1 80 3000 6700
Rarefied bismuth sledgehammer icon1.png  Rarefied Bismuth Sledgehammer Blacksmith 85 Collectable recipe icon.png Miscellany 1 80 3000 6700
Manganese ingot icon1.png  Manganese Ingot Blacksmith 86 Metal 1 40 1550 6800
Manganese arquebus icon1.png  Manganese Arquebus Blacksmith 86 Machinist's Arm 1 80 3100 6800
Manganese axe icon1.png  Manganese Axe Blacksmith 86 Marauder's Arm 1 80 3100 6800
Manganese bayonet icon1.png  Manganese Bayonet Blacksmith 86 Gunbreaker's Arm 1 80 3100 6800
Manganese chakrams icon1.png  Manganese Chakrams Blacksmith 86 Dancer's Arm 1 80 3100 6800
Manganese daggers icon1.png  Manganese Daggers Blacksmith 86 Rogue's Arm 1 80 3100 6800
Manganese greatsword icon1.png  Manganese Greatsword Blacksmith 86 Dark Knight's Arm 1 80 3100 6800
Manganese knuckles icon1.png  Manganese Knuckles Blacksmith 86 Pugilist's Arm 1 80 3100 6800
Manganese sword icon1.png  Manganese Sword Blacksmith 86 Gladiator's Arm 1 80 3100 6800
Manganese twinfangs icon1.png  Manganese Twinfangs Blacksmith 86 Viper's Arm 1 80 3100 6800
Manganese uchigatana icon1.png  Manganese Uchigatana Blacksmith 86 Samurai's Arm 1 80 3100 6800
Manganese war scythe icon1.png  Manganese War Scythe Blacksmith 86 Reaper's Arm 1 80 3100 6800
Miniature antique clock tower icon1.png  Miniature Antique Clock Tower Blacksmith 86 Outdoor Furnishing 1 80 3100 6800
Orchestrion phonograph icon1.png  Orchestrion Phonograph Blacksmith 86 Tabletop 1 80 3100 6800
Pendant wall light icon1.png  Pendant Wall Light Blacksmith 86 Wall-mounted 1 80 3100 6800
Researchers relaxation kit icon1.png  Researcher's Relaxation Kit Blacksmith 87 Miscellany 1 60 3200 5520
Manganese awl icon1.png  Manganese Awl Blacksmith 87 Leatherworker's Secondary Tool 1 80 3200 6900
Manganese claw hammer icon1.png  Manganese Claw Hammer Blacksmith 87 Carpenter's Secondary Tool 1 80 3200 6900
Manganese cross-pein hammer icon1.png  Manganese Cross-pein Hammer Blacksmith 87 Blacksmith's Primary Tool 1 80 3200 6900
Manganese culinary knife icon1.png  Manganese Culinary Knife Blacksmith 87 Culinarian's Secondary Tool 1 80 3200 6900
Manganese file icon1.png  Manganese File Blacksmith 87 Blacksmith's Secondary Tool 1 80 3200 6900
Manganese garden scythe icon1.png  Manganese Garden Scythe Blacksmith 87 Botanist's Secondary Tool 1 80 3200 6900
Manganese hatchet icon1.png  Manganese Hatchet Blacksmith 87 Botanist's Primary Tool 1 80 3200 6900
Manganese lapidary hammer icon1.png  Manganese Lapidary Hammer Blacksmith 87 Goldsmith's Primary Tool 1 80 3200 6900
Manganese mortar icon1.png  Manganese Mortar Blacksmith 87 Alchemist's Secondary Tool 1 80 3200 6900
Manganese pickaxe icon1.png  Manganese Pickaxe Blacksmith 87 Miner's Primary Tool 1 80 3200 6900
Manganese pliers icon1.png  Manganese Pliers Blacksmith 87 Armorer's Secondary Tool 1 80 3200 6900
Manganese raising hammer icon1.png  Manganese Raising Hammer Blacksmith 87 Armorer's Primary Tool 1 80 3200 6900
Manganese round knife icon1.png  Manganese Round Knife Blacksmith 87 Leatherworker's Primary Tool 1 80 3200 6900
Manganese saw icon1.png  Manganese Saw Blacksmith 87 Carpenter's Primary Tool 1 80 3200 6900
Manganese sledgehammer icon1.png  Manganese Sledgehammer Blacksmith 87 Miner's Secondary Tool 1 80 3200 6900
Rarefied manganese cross-pein hammer icon1.png  Rarefied Manganese Cross-pein Hammer Blacksmith 87 Collectable recipe icon.png Miscellany 1 80 3200 6900
Chondrite ingot icon1.png  Chondrite Ingot Blacksmith 88 Metal 1 40 1650 7000
Gold mechanical voice box icon1.png  Gold Mechanical Voice Box Blacksmith 88 Collectable recipe icon.png Other 1 80 2475 4200
Chondrite magitek axe icon1.png  Chondrite Magitek Axe Blacksmith 88 Marauder's Arm 1 80 3300 7000
Chondrite magitek baghnakhs icon1.png  Chondrite Magitek Baghnakhs Blacksmith 88 Pugilist's Arm 1 80 3300 7000
Chondrite magitek cleavers icon1.png  Chondrite Magitek Cleavers Blacksmith 88 Rogue's Arm 1 80 3300 7000
Chondrite magitek glaives icon1.png  Chondrite Magitek Glaives Blacksmith 88 Dancer's Arm 1 80 3300 7000
Chondrite magitek guillotine icon1.png  Chondrite Magitek Guillotine Blacksmith 88 Dark Knight's Arm 1 80 3300 7000
Chondrite magitek handgonne icon1.png  Chondrite Magitek Handgonne Blacksmith 88 Machinist's Arm 1 80 3300 7000
Chondrite magitek samurai blade icon1.png  Chondrite Magitek Samurai Blade Blacksmith 88 Samurai's Arm 1 80 3300 7000
Chondrite magitek sawback icon1.png  Chondrite Magitek Sawback Blacksmith 88 Gunbreaker's Arm 1 80 3300 7000
Chondrite magitek sword icon1.png  Chondrite Magitek Sword Blacksmith 88 Gladiator's Arm 1 80 3300 7000
Chondrite magitek twinfangs icon1.png  Chondrite Magitek Twinfangs Blacksmith 88 Viper's Arm 1 80 3300 7000
Chondrite magitek war scythe icon1.png  Chondrite Magitek War Scythe Blacksmith 88 Reaper's Arm 1 80 3300 7000
Chondrite awl icon1.png  Chondrite Awl Blacksmith 89 Leatherworker's Secondary Tool 1 80 3400 7100
Chondrite claw hammer icon1.png  Chondrite Claw Hammer Blacksmith 89 Carpenter's Secondary Tool 1 80 3400 7100
Chondrite culinary knife icon1.png  Chondrite Culinary Knife Blacksmith 89 Culinarian's Secondary Tool 1 80 3400 7100
Chondrite file icon1.png  Chondrite File Blacksmith 89 Blacksmith's Secondary Tool 1 80 3400 7100
Chondrite garden scythe icon1.png  Chondrite Garden Scythe Blacksmith 89 Botanist's Secondary Tool 1 80 3400 7100
Chondrite mortar icon1.png  Chondrite Mortar Blacksmith 89 Alchemist's Secondary Tool 1 80 3400 7100
Chondrite pliers icon1.png  Chondrite Pliers Blacksmith 89 Armorer's Secondary Tool 1 80 3400 7100
Chondrite sledgehammer icon1.png  Chondrite Sledgehammer Blacksmith 89 Miner's Secondary Tool 1 80 3400 7100
Rarefied chondrite culinary knife icon1.png  Rarefied Chondrite Culinary Knife Blacksmith 89 Collectable recipe icon.png Miscellany 1 80 3400 7100