Armorer Recipes/Level 20 - 29

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< Armorer Recipes
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Item Class Recipe Level Type Yield Durability Difficulty Max Quality Ingredients
Grade 2 skybuilders steel plate icon1.png  Grade 2 Skybuilders' Steel Plate Armorer 20 Collectable recipe icon.png Miscellany 1 60 74 1198
Grade 3 skybuilders steel plate icon1.png  Grade 3 Skybuilders' Steel Plate Armorer 20 Collectable recipe icon.png Miscellany 1 60 74 1198
Grade 4 skybuilders steel plate icon1.png  Grade 4 Skybuilders' Steel Plate Armorer 20 Collectable recipe icon.png Miscellany 1 60 74 1198
Skybuilders steel plate icon1.png  Skybuilders' Steel Plate Armorer 20 Collectable recipe icon.png Miscellany 1 60 74 1198
Oasis dining table icon1.png  Oasis Dining Table Armorer 20 Table 1 70 74 255
Iron celata icon1.png  Iron Celata Armorer 20 Head 1 70 74 510
Iron cuirass icon1.png  Iron Cuirass Armorer 20 Body 1 70 74 510
Iron gauntlets icon1.png  Iron Gauntlets Armorer 20 Hands 1 70 74 510
Ironclad bronze buckler icon1.png  Ironclad Bronze Buckler Armorer 20 Shield 1 70 111 382
Iron lantern shield icon1.png  Iron Lantern Shield Armorer 21 Shield 1 70 75 540
Iron vambraces icon1.png  Iron Vambraces Armorer 21 Hands 1 70 75 540
Oasis pendant lamp icon1.png  Oasis Pendant Lamp Armorer 22 Ceiling Light 1 70 75 285
Iron elmo icon1.png  Iron Elmo Armorer 22 Head 1 70 75 570
Iron headgear icon1.png  Iron Headgear Armorer 22 Head 1 70 75 570
Iron-plated jackboots icon1.png  Iron-plated Jackboots Armorer 22 Feet 1 70 75 570
Iron alembic icon1.png  Iron Alembic Armorer 23 Alchemist's Primary Tool 1 70 79 600
Iron frypan icon1.png  Iron Frypan Armorer 23 Culinarian's Primary Tool 1 70 79 600
Iron scale fingers icon1.png  Iron Scale Fingers Armorer 23 Hands 1 70 79 600
Iron scale greaves icon1.png  Iron Scale Greaves Armorer 23 Feet 1 70 79 600
Iron scale mail icon1.png  Iron Scale Mail Armorer 23 Body 1 70 79 600
Iron scutum icon1.png  Iron Scutum Armorer 24 Shield 1 70 85 630
Reinforced iron sallet icon1.png  Reinforced Iron Sallet Armorer 24 Head 1 70 127 472
Glade dining table icon1.png  Glade Dining Table Armorer 25 Table 1 70 89 330
Glade placard icon1.png  Glade Placard Armorer 25 Placard 1 70 89 330
Heavy iron armor icon1.png  Heavy Iron Armor Armorer 25 Body 1 70 89 660
Heavy iron flanchard icon1.png  Heavy Iron Flanchard Armorer 25 Legs 1 70 89 660
Heavy iron gauntlets icon1.png  Heavy Iron Gauntlets Armorer 25 Hands 1 70 89 660
Steel hinge icon1.png  Steel Hinge Armorer 26 Metal 1 40 45 552
Steel ingot icon1.png  Steel Ingot Armorer 26 Metal 1 40 45 552
Conical alembic icon1.png  Conical Alembic Armorer 26 Alchemist's Primary Tool 1 70 135 517
Steel joint plate icon1.png  Steel Joint Plate Armorer 27 Metal 1 40 45 576
Steel plate icon1.png  Steel Plate Armorer 27 Metal 1 40 45 576
Steel rivets icon1.png  Steel Rivets Armorer 27 Metal 1 40 45 576
Deluxe oasis pendant lamp icon1.png  Deluxe Oasis Pendant Lamp Armorer 27 Ceiling Light 1 70 91 360
Bomb frypan icon1.png  Bomb Frypan Armorer 27 Culinarian's Primary Tool 1 70 91 720
Iron kite shield icon1.png  Iron Kite Shield Armorer 27 Shield 1 70 91 720
Steel rings icon1.png  Steel Rings Armorer 28 Metal 1 40 50 608
Steel chainmail icon1.png  Steel Chainmail Armorer 28 Body 1 70 100 760
Iron plate flooring icon1.png  Iron Plate Flooring Armorer 29 Flooring 1 70 101 400
Manor desk icon1.png  Manor Desk Armorer 29 Table 1 70 101 400
Oasis arched door icon1.png  Oasis Arched Door Armorer 29 Door 1 70 101 400
Steel alembic icon1.png  Steel Alembic Armorer 29 Alchemist's Primary Tool 1 70 101 800
Steel sallet icon1.png  Steel Sallet Armorer 29 Head 1 70 101 800
Steel skillet icon1.png  Steel Skillet Armorer 29 Culinarian's Primary Tool 1 70 101 800