Alchemist Recipes/Level 60

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Item Class Recipe Level Type Yield Durability Difficulty Max Quality Ingredients
Confetti-making tools icon1.png  Confetti-making Tools Alchemist 60 Miscellany 1 35 290 2700
Gyr abanian souvenir component icon1.png  Gyr Abanian Souvenir Component Alchemist 60 Miscellany 1 60 290 1080
Heartfelt gift component icon1.png  Heartfelt Gift Component Alchemist 60 Miscellany 1 60 290 1080
Gyr abanian souvenir icon1.png  Gyr Abanian Souvenir Alchemist 60 Collectable recipe icon.png Miscellany 1 60 580 2160
Heartfelt gift icon1.png  Heartfelt Gift Alchemist 60 Collectable recipe icon.png Miscellany 1 60 580 2160
Grade 2 skybuilders dye icon1.png  Grade 2 Skybuilders' Dye Alchemist 60 Collectable recipe icon.png Miscellany 1 60 580 6480
Grade 3 skybuilders holy water icon1.png  Grade 3 Skybuilders' Holy Water Alchemist 60 Collectable recipe icon.png Miscellany 1 60 580 6480
Grade 4 skybuilders holy water icon1.png  Grade 4 Skybuilders' Holy Water Alchemist 60 Collectable recipe icon.png Miscellany 1 60 580 6480
Skybuilders charcoal icon1.png  Skybuilders' Charcoal Alchemist 60 Collectable recipe icon.png Miscellany 1 60 580 6480
Atrophied atomos icon2.png  Atrophied Atomos Alchemist 60 Minion 1 70 330 2800
Against the wind orchestrion roll icon1.png  Against the Wind Orchestrion Roll
(Learned from: Master alchemist iii icon1.png  Master Alchemist III)
Alchemist 60 Orchestrion Roll 1 70 580 1350
Black and white orchestrion roll icon1.png  Black and White Orchestrion Roll
(Learned from: Master alchemist iii icon1.png  Master Alchemist III)
Alchemist 60 Orchestrion Roll 1 70 580 1350
Blood for blood orchestrion roll icon1.png  Blood for Blood Orchestrion Roll
(Learned from: Master alchemist iii icon1.png  Master Alchemist III)
Alchemist 60 Orchestrion Roll 1 70 580 1350
Botanists dried herbs icon1.png  Botanist's Dried Herbs Alchemist 60 Wall-mounted 1 70 580 1350
Close to the heavens orchestrion roll icon1.png  Close to the Heavens Orchestrion Roll
(Learned from: Master alchemist iii icon1.png  Master Alchemist III)
Alchemist 60 Orchestrion Roll 1 70 580 1350
Engage orchestrion roll icon1.png  Engage Orchestrion Roll
(Learned from: Master alchemist iii icon1.png  Master Alchemist III)
Alchemist 60 Orchestrion Roll 1 70 580 1350
Imagination orchestrion roll icon1.png  Imagination Orchestrion Roll
(Learned from: Master alchemist iii icon1.png  Master Alchemist III)
Alchemist 60 Orchestrion Roll 1 70 580 1350
Landlords orchestrion roll icon1.png  Landlords Orchestrion Roll
(Learned from: Master alchemist iii icon1.png  Master Alchemist III)
Alchemist 60 Orchestrion Roll 1 70 580 1350
Lost in the clouds orchestrion roll icon1.png  Lost in the Clouds Orchestrion Roll
(Learned from: Master alchemist iii icon1.png  Master Alchemist III)
Alchemist 60 Orchestrion Roll 1 70 580 1350
Missing pages orchestrion roll icon1.png  Missing Pages Orchestrion Roll
(Learned from: Master alchemist iii icon1.png  Master Alchemist III)
Alchemist 60 Orchestrion Roll 1 70 580 1350
Painted foothills orchestrion roll icon1.png  Painted Foothills Orchestrion Roll
(Learned from: Master alchemist iii icon1.png  Master Alchemist III)
Alchemist 60 Orchestrion Roll 1 70 580 1350
Skylords orchestrion roll icon1.png  Skylords Orchestrion Roll
(Learned from: Master alchemist iii icon1.png  Master Alchemist III)
Alchemist 60 Orchestrion Roll 1 70 580 1350
Starved orchestrion roll icon1.png  Starved Orchestrion Roll
(Learned from: Master alchemist iii icon1.png  Master Alchemist III)
Alchemist 60 Orchestrion Roll 1 70 580 1350
The silent regard of stars orchestrion roll icon1.png  The Silent Regard of Stars Orchestrion Roll
(Learned from: Master alchemist iii icon1.png  Master Alchemist III)
Alchemist 60 Orchestrion Roll 1 70 580 1350
Elixir mixing paraphernalia icon1.png  Elixir Mixing Paraphernalia Alchemist 60 Miscellany 1 70 580 2700
Hakutaku eye cluster icon1.png  Hakutaku Eye Cluster Alchemist 60 Reagent 1 70 580 2700
Highland classical window icon1.png  Highland Classical Window Alchemist 60 Window 1 70 580 2700
Highland composite awning icon1.png  Highland Composite Awning Alchemist 60 Exterior Wall Decoration 1 70 580 2700
Highland cottage roof (composite) icon1.png  Highland Cottage Roof (Composite) Alchemist 60 Roof 1 70 580 2700
Highland cottage wall (composite) icon1.png  Highland Cottage Wall (Composite) Alchemist 60 Exterior Wall 1 70 580 2700
Highland house roof (composite) icon1.png  Highland House Roof (Composite) Alchemist 60 Roof 1 70 580 2700
Highland house wall (composite) icon1.png  Highland House Wall (Composite) Alchemist 60 Exterior Wall 1 70 580 2700
Highland interior wall icon1.png  Highland Interior Wall Alchemist 60 Interior Wall 1 70 580 2700
Highland mansion roof (composite) icon1.png  Highland Mansion Roof (Composite) Alchemist 60 Roof 1 70 580 2700
Highland mansion wall (composite) icon1.png  Highland Mansion Wall (Composite) Alchemist 60 Exterior Wall 1 70 580 2700
Land diving gear icon1.png  Land Diving Gear Alchemist 60 Miscellany 1 70 580 2700
Max-ether icon1.png  Max-Ether Alchemist 60 Medicine 3 70 580 2700
Max-Potion.png  Max-Potion Alchemist 60 Medicine 3 70 580 2700
Noble gold icon1.png  Noble Gold
(Learned from: Master alchemist iii icon1.png  Master Alchemist III)
Alchemist 60 Arcanist's Grimoire 1 70 580 2700
Nobles codex icon1.png  Noble's Codex
(Learned from: Master alchemist iii icon1.png  Master Alchemist III)
Alchemist 60 Scholar's Arm 1 70 580 2700
Potion of harmony icon1.png  Potion of Harmony Alchemist 60 Medicine 3 70 580 2700
Rarefied book of aurum regis icon1.png  Rarefied Book of Aurum Regis Alchemist 60 Collectable recipe icon.png Miscellany 1 70 580 2700
Stable supplies icon1.png  Stable Supplies Alchemist 60 Miscellany 1 70 580 2700
Steeping accessory icon1.png  Steeping Accessory Alchemist 60 Miscellany 1 70 580 2700
Effigy components icon1.png  Effigy Components Alchemist 60 Miscellany 1 70 696 999
Ceremonial bow components icon1.png  Ceremonial Bow Components Alchemist 60 Miscellany 1 70 835 675
Culinary knife component icon1.png  Culinary Knife Component Alchemist 60 Miscellany 1 70 835 675
Dzo shear components icon1.png  Dzo Shear Components Alchemist 60 Miscellany 1 70 835 675
Korrigan doll icon1.png  Korrigan Doll Alchemist 60 Miscellany 1 70 835 675
Pristine fruit figurine icon1.png  Pristine Fruit Figurine Alchemist 60 Miscellany 1 70 835 675
Generous gift icon1.png  Generous Gift Alchemist 60 Miscellany 1 70 870 2025
Drum parts icon1.png  Drum Parts Alchemist 60 Miscellany 1 70 1044 1350
Mikoshi frippery icon1.png  Mikoshi Frippery Alchemist 60 Miscellany 1 70 1044 1350
Far eastern antique component icon1.png  Far Eastern Antique Component Alchemist 60 ★ Miscellany 1 60 297 1092
Orphanage donation component icon1.png  Orphanage Donation Component Alchemist 60 ★ Miscellany 1 60 330 1120
Far eastern antique icon1.png  Far Eastern Antique Alchemist 60 ★ Collectable recipe icon.png Miscellany 1 60 594 2212
Orphanage donation icon1.png  Orphanage Donation Alchemist 60 ★ Collectable recipe icon.png Miscellany 1 60 660 2240
Down the up staircase orchestrion roll icon1.png  Down the Up Staircase Orchestrion Roll
(Learned from: Master alchemist iii icon1.png  Master Alchemist III)
Alchemist 60 ★ Orchestrion Roll 1 70 660 1400
Eternal wind orchestrion roll icon1.png  Eternal Wind Orchestrion Roll
(Learned from: Master alchemist iii icon1.png  Master Alchemist III)
Alchemist 60 ★ Orchestrion Roll 1 70 660 1400
Fiend orchestrion roll icon1.png  Fiend Orchestrion Roll
(Learned from: Master alchemist iii icon1.png  Master Alchemist III)
Alchemist 60 ★ Orchestrion Roll 1 70 660 1400
Heroes orchestrion roll icon1.png  Heroes Orchestrion Roll
(Learned from: Master alchemist iii icon1.png  Master Alchemist III)
Alchemist 60 ★ Orchestrion Roll 1 70 660 1400
Limitless blue orchestrion roll icon1.png  Limitless Blue Orchestrion Roll
(Learned from: Master alchemist iii icon1.png  Master Alchemist III)
Alchemist 60 ★ Orchestrion Roll 1 70 660 1400
The hand that gives the rose orchestrion roll icon1.png  The Hand that Gives the Rose Orchestrion Roll
(Learned from: Master alchemist iii icon1.png  Master Alchemist III)
Alchemist 60 ★ Orchestrion Roll 1 70 660 1400
Unbending steel orchestrion roll icon1.png  Unbending Steel Orchestrion Roll
(Learned from: Master alchemist iii icon1.png  Master Alchemist III)
Alchemist 60 ★ Orchestrion Roll 1 70 660 1400
Woe that is madness orchestrion roll icon1.png  Woe that Is Madness Orchestrion Roll
(Learned from: Master alchemist iii icon1.png  Master Alchemist III)
Alchemist 60 ★ Orchestrion Roll 1 70 660 1400
Astral oil icon1.png  Astral Oil
(Learned from: Master alchemist iii icon1.png  Master Alchemist III)
Alchemist 60 ★ Reagent 4 70 660 2800
Superior deep-blue enchanted ink icon1.png  Superior Deep-blue Enchanted Ink
(Learned from: Master alchemist i icon1.png  Master Alchemist I)
Alchemist 60 ★ Reagent 3 70 660 2800
Superior deep-green enchanted ink icon1.png  Superior Deep-green Enchanted Ink
(Learned from: Master alchemist i icon1.png  Master Alchemist I)
Alchemist 60 ★ Reagent 3 70 660 2800
Superior deep-red enchanted ink icon1.png  Superior Deep-red Enchanted Ink
(Learned from: Master alchemist i icon1.png  Master Alchemist I)
Alchemist 60 ★ Reagent 3 70 660 2800
Titanium alloy mirror icon1.png  Titanium Alloy Mirror
(Learned from: Master alchemist iii icon1.png  Master Alchemist III)
Alchemist 60 ★ Metal 1 70 660 2800
Answers orchestrion roll icon1.png  Answers Orchestrion Roll
(Learned from: Master alchemist iv icon1.png  Master Alchemist IV)
Alchemist 60 ★★ Orchestrion Roll 1 70 740 1450
Dravanian down tree icon1.png  Dravanian Down Tree
(Learned from: Master alchemist iii icon1.png  Master Alchemist III)
Alchemist 60 ★★ Outdoor Furnishing 1 70 740 1450
Equilibrium orchestrion roll icon1.png  Equilibrium Orchestrion Roll
(Learned from: Master alchemist iii icon1.png  Master Alchemist III)
Alchemist 60 ★★ Orchestrion Roll 1 70 740 1450
Revenge of the horde orchestrion roll icon1.png  Revenge of the Horde Orchestrion Roll
(Learned from: Master alchemist iv icon1.png  Master Alchemist IV)
Alchemist 60 ★★ Orchestrion Roll 1 70 740 1450
Sephirot root icon1.png  Sephirot Root
(Learned from: Master alchemist iv icon1.png  Master Alchemist IV)
Alchemist 60 ★★ Outdoor Furnishing 1 70 740 1450
Solid-brick interior wall icon1.png  Solid-brick Interior Wall
(Learned from: Master alchemist iv icon1.png  Master Alchemist IV)
Alchemist 60 ★★ Interior Wall 1 70 740 1450
Wine glass icon1.png  Wine Glass
(Learned from: Master alchemist iv icon1.png  Master Alchemist IV)
Alchemist 60 ★★ Tabletop 1 70 740 1450
Camphor icon1.png  Camphor
(Learned from: Master alchemist iv icon1.png  Master Alchemist IV)
Alchemist 60 ★★ Reagent 3 70 740 2900
Dead hive codex icon1.png  Dead Hive Codex
(Learned from: Master alchemist iv icon1.png  Master Alchemist IV)
Alchemist 60 ★★ Scholar's Arm 1 70 740 2900
Dead hive grimoire icon1.png  Dead Hive Grimoire
(Learned from: Master alchemist iv icon1.png  Master Alchemist IV)
Alchemist 60 ★★ Arcanist's Grimoire 1 70 740 2900
Endless expanse codex icon1.png  Endless Expanse Codex
(Learned from: Master alchemist iv icon1.png  Master Alchemist IV)
Alchemist 60 ★★ Scholar's Arm 1 70 740 2900
Endless expanse grimoire icon1.png  Endless Expanse Grimoire
(Learned from: Master alchemist iv icon1.png  Master Alchemist IV)
Alchemist 60 ★★ Arcanist's Grimoire 1 70 740 2900
Grade 2 dexterity dissolvent icon1.png  Grade 2 Dexterity Dissolvent
(Learned from: Master alchemist iii icon1.png  Master Alchemist III)
Alchemist 60 ★★ Reagent 3 70 740 2900
Grade 2 intelligence dissolvent icon1.png  Grade 2 Intelligence Dissolvent
(Learned from: Master alchemist iii icon1.png  Master Alchemist III)
Alchemist 60 ★★ Reagent 3 70 740 2900
Grade 2 mind dissolvent icon1.png  Grade 2 Mind Dissolvent
(Learned from: Master alchemist iii icon1.png  Master Alchemist III)
Alchemist 60 ★★ Reagent 3 70 740 2900
Grade 2 strength dissolvent icon1.png  Grade 2 Strength Dissolvent
(Learned from: Master alchemist iii icon1.png  Master Alchemist III)
Alchemist 60 ★★ Reagent 3 70 740 2900
Grade 2 vitality dissolvent icon1.png  Grade 2 Vitality Dissolvent
(Learned from: Master alchemist iii icon1.png  Master Alchemist III)
Alchemist 60 ★★ Reagent 3 70 740 2900
Luminous fiber icon1.png  Luminous Fiber
(Learned from: Master alchemist iv icon1.png  Master Alchemist IV)
Alchemist 60 ★★ Cloth 3 70 740 2900
Powdered horn icon1.png  Powdered Horn
(Learned from: Master alchemist iv icon1.png  Master Alchemist IV)
Alchemist 60 ★★ Reagent 1 70 740 2900
Tempered glass icon1.png  Tempered Glass
(Learned from: Master alchemist iv icon1.png  Master Alchemist IV)
Alchemist 60 ★★ Reagent 1 70 740 2900
Infinity orchestrion roll icon1.png  Infinity Orchestrion Roll
(Learned from: Master alchemist iv icon1.png  Master Alchemist IV)
Alchemist 60 ★★★ Orchestrion Roll 1 70 880 1650
Sephirot tree icon1.png  Sephirot Tree
(Learned from: Master alchemist iv icon1.png  Master Alchemist IV)
Alchemist 60 ★★★ Outdoor Furnishing 1 70 880 1650
Codex of the round icon1.png  Codex of the Round
(Learned from: Master alchemist iv icon1.png  Master Alchemist IV)
Alchemist 60 ★★★ Scholar's Arm 1 70 880 3300
Grimoire of the round icon1.png  Grimoire of the Round
(Learned from: Master alchemist iv icon1.png  Master Alchemist IV)
Alchemist 60 ★★★ Arcanist's Grimoire 1 70 880 3300
Max-potion of dexterity icon1.png  Max-Potion of Dexterity
(Learned from: Master alchemist iv icon1.png  Master Alchemist IV)
Alchemist 60 ★★★ Medicine 3 70 880 3300
Max-potion of intelligence icon1.png  Max-Potion of Intelligence
(Learned from: Master alchemist iv icon1.png  Master Alchemist IV)
Alchemist 60 ★★★ Medicine 3 70 880 3300
Max-potion of mind icon1.png  Max-Potion of Mind
(Learned from: Master alchemist iv icon1.png  Master Alchemist IV)
Alchemist 60 ★★★ Medicine 3 70 880 3300
Max-potion of strength icon1.png  Max-Potion of Strength
(Learned from: Master alchemist iv icon1.png  Master Alchemist IV)
Alchemist 60 ★★★ Medicine 3 70 880 3300
Max-potion of vitality icon1.png  Max-Potion of Vitality
(Learned from: Master alchemist iv icon1.png  Master Alchemist IV)
Alchemist 60 ★★★ Medicine 3 70 880 3300
Replica allagan grimoire of casting icon1.png  Replica Allagan Grimoire of Casting
(Learned from: Master alchemist iv icon1.png  Master Alchemist IV)
Alchemist 60 ★★★ Arcanist's Grimoire 1 70 880 3300
Replica allagan grimoire of healing icon1.png  Replica Allagan Grimoire of Healing
(Learned from: Master alchemist iv icon1.png  Master Alchemist IV)
Alchemist 60 ★★★ Scholar's Arm 1 70 880 3300
Replica high allagan grimoire of casting icon1.png  Replica High Allagan Grimoire of Casting
(Learned from: Master alchemist iv icon1.png  Master Alchemist IV)
Alchemist 60 ★★★ Arcanist's Grimoire 1 70 880 3300
Replica high allagan grimoire of healing icon1.png  Replica High Allagan Grimoire of Healing
(Learned from: Master alchemist iv icon1.png  Master Alchemist IV)
Alchemist 60 ★★★ Scholar's Arm 1 70 880 3300
Seeing horde codex icon1.png  Seeing Horde Codex
(Learned from: Master alchemist iv icon1.png  Master Alchemist IV)
Alchemist 60 ★★★ Scholar's Arm 1 70 880 3300
Seeing horde grimoire icon1.png  Seeing Horde Grimoire
(Learned from: Master alchemist iv icon1.png  Master Alchemist IV)
Alchemist 60 ★★★ Arcanist's Grimoire 1 70 880 3300
Song of the demon icon1.png  Song of the Demon
(Learned from: Master alchemist iv icon1.png  Master Alchemist IV)
Alchemist 60 ★★★ Scholar's Arm 1 70 880 3300
Song of the fiend icon1.png  Song of the Fiend
(Learned from: Master alchemist iv icon1.png  Master Alchemist IV)
Alchemist 60 ★★★ Scholar's Arm 1 70 880 3300
Song of the goddess icon1.png  Song of the Goddess
(Learned from: Master alchemist iv icon1.png  Master Alchemist IV)
Alchemist 60 ★★★ Weapon 1 70 880 3300
Word of the demon icon1.png  Word of the Demon
(Learned from: Master alchemist iv icon1.png  Master Alchemist IV)
Alchemist 60 ★★★ Arcanist's Grimoire 1 70 880 3300
Word of the fiend icon1.png  Word of the Fiend
(Learned from: Master alchemist iv icon1.png  Master Alchemist IV)
Alchemist 60 ★★★ Arcanist's Grimoire 1 70 880 3300
Word of the goddess icon1.png  Word of the Goddess
(Learned from: Master alchemist iv icon1.png  Master Alchemist IV)
Alchemist 60 ★★★ Weapon 1 70 880 3300
Grade 3 dexterity dissolvent icon1.png  Grade 3 Dexterity Dissolvent
(Learned from: Master alchemist iv icon1.png  Master Alchemist IV)
Alchemist 60 ★★★★ Reagent 3 70 1000 3800
Grade 3 intelligence dissolvent icon1.png  Grade 3 Intelligence Dissolvent
(Learned from: Master alchemist iv icon1.png  Master Alchemist IV)
Alchemist 60 ★★★★ Reagent 3 70 1000 3800
Grade 3 mind dissolvent icon1.png  Grade 3 Mind Dissolvent
(Learned from: Master alchemist iv icon1.png  Master Alchemist IV)
Alchemist 60 ★★★★ Reagent 3 70 1000 3800
Grade 3 strength dissolvent icon1.png  Grade 3 Strength Dissolvent
(Learned from: Master alchemist iv icon1.png  Master Alchemist IV)
Alchemist 60 ★★★★ Reagent 3 70 1000 3800
Grade 3 vitality dissolvent icon1.png  Grade 3 Vitality Dissolvent
(Learned from: Master alchemist iv icon1.png  Master Alchemist IV)
Alchemist 60 ★★★★ Reagent 3 70 1000 3800
Hemiskin codex icon1.png  Hemiskin Codex
(Learned from: Master alchemist iv icon1.png  Master Alchemist IV)
Alchemist 60 ★★★★ Scholar's Arm 1 70 1000 3800
Hemiskin grimoire icon1.png  Hemiskin Grimoire
(Learned from: Master alchemist iv icon1.png  Master Alchemist IV)
Alchemist 60 ★★★★ Arcanist's Grimoire 1 70 1000 3800
Supramax-potion of dexterity icon1.png  Supramax-Potion of Dexterity
(Learned from: Master alchemist iv icon1.png  Master Alchemist IV)
Alchemist 60 ★★★★ Medicine 3 70 1000 3800
Supramax-potion of intelligence icon1.png  Supramax-Potion of Intelligence
(Learned from: Master alchemist iv icon1.png  Master Alchemist IV)
Alchemist 60 ★★★★ Medicine 3 70 1000 3800
Supramax-potion of mind icon1.png  Supramax-Potion of Mind
(Learned from: Master alchemist iv icon1.png  Master Alchemist IV)
Alchemist 60 ★★★★ Medicine 3 70 1000 3800
Supramax-potion of strength icon1.png  Supramax-Potion of Strength
(Learned from: Master alchemist iv icon1.png  Master Alchemist IV)
Alchemist 60 ★★★★ Medicine 3 70 1000 3800
Supramax-potion of vitality icon1.png  Supramax-Potion of Vitality
(Learned from: Master alchemist iv icon1.png  Master Alchemist IV)
Alchemist 60 ★★★★ Medicine 3 70 1000 3800