Stormblood Main Scenario Quests

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See also: Main Scenario Quests and Post-Heavensward Main Scenario Quests
Stormblood banner.png

Having brought an end to the thousand-year conflict between dragon and man in the north, the Warrior of Light and his comrades prepare to liberate Ala Mhigo, a land conquered by the Garlean Empire twenty years ago. Meanwhile, in the Far East, the freedom fighters of the fallen nation of Doma struggle to rekindle the fires of hope in their countrymen.

The time has come to embark upon a new adventure to realms near and far─to rise up with the people of Eorzea and the Far East, and cast down the curs of Garlemald!

— Patch 4.0 Official Site Description

Stormblood Main Scenario Quests consists of all Main Scenario Quests released in Patch 4.0 as part of the Stormblood expansion. There are a total of 122 quests in this questline. The story continues in Post-Stormblood Main Scenario Quests.

Levels 60-61

36 Quests.

Main Quest Chain

5 Quests.

Quest Type Level Quest Giver Unlocks Rewards
Beyond the Great Wall Main Scenario quest 60 Alphinaud
The Fringes (West)
The Fringes (West)
Castrum Oriens
Castrum Oriens
Lyse Takes the Lead Main Scenario quest 60 Lyse
Rhalgr's Reach
Rhalgr's Reach
The Promise of a New Beginning Main Scenario quest 60 Conrad
A Haven for the Bold Main Scenario quest 60 Alphinaud
1 High steel helm of fending icon1.png  High Steel Helm of Fending HQ icon.png
1 High steel helm of maiming icon1.png  High Steel Helm of Maiming HQ icon.png
1 Koppranickel turban of striking icon1.png  Koppranickel Turban of Striking HQ icon.png
1 Koppranickel turban of scouting icon1.png  Koppranickel Turban of Scouting HQ icon.png
3 Savage might materia v icon1.png  Savage Might Materia V
A Bargain Struck Main Scenario quest 60 Alisaie
Aether Compass
Aether Compass
1 Gaganaskin hat of aiming icon1.png  Gaganaskin Hat of Aiming HQ icon.png
1 Beech mask of healing icon1.png  Beech Mask of Healing HQ icon.png
1 Beech mask of casting icon1.png  Beech Mask of Casting HQ icon.png
3 Savage aim materia v icon1.png  Savage Aim Materia V

M'naago Quest Chain

4 Quests.

Quest Type Level Quest Giver Unlocks Rewards
A Friend of a Friend in Need Main Scenario quest 60 M'naago
1 High steel scale mail of fending icon1.png  High Steel Scale Mail of Fending HQ icon.png
1 High steel scale mail of maiming icon1.png  High Steel Scale Mail of Maiming HQ icon.png
1 Bloodhempen vest of striking icon1.png  Bloodhempen Vest of Striking HQ icon.png
1 Bloodhempen vest of scouting icon1.png  Bloodhempen Vest of Scouting HQ icon.png
3 Heavens eye materia v icon1.png  Heavens' Eye Materia V
Signed, Sealed, to Be Delivered Main Scenario quest 60 M'naago
3 Quickarm materia v icon1.png  Quickarm Materia V
1 Gaganaskin jacket of aiming icon1.png  Gaganaskin Jacket of Aiming HQ icon.png
1 Bloodhempen chestwrap of healing icon1.png  Bloodhempen Chestwrap of Healing HQ icon.png
1 Bloodhempen chestwrap of casting icon1.png  Bloodhempen Chestwrap of Casting HQ icon.png
Best Served with Cold Steel Main Scenario quest 60 Raubahn
3 Quicktongue materia v icon1.png  Quicktongue Materia V
1 High steel katzbalger icon1.png  High Steel Katzbalger HQ icon.png
1 High steel headsmans axe icon1.png  High Steel Headsman's Axe HQ icon.png
1 High steel guillotine icon1.png  High Steel Guillotine HQ icon.png
1 High steel tachi icon1.png  High Steel Tachi HQ icon.png
Let Fill Your Hearts with Pride Main Scenario quest 60 M'naago
3 Quicktongue materia v icon1.png  Quicktongue Materia V
1 High steel knuckles icon1.png  High Steel Knuckles HQ icon.png
1 High steel trident icon1.png  High Steel Trident HQ icon.png
1 High steel main gauches icon1.png  High Steel Main Gauches HQ icon.png
1 High steel hoplon icon1.png  High Steel Hoplon HQ icon.png

Meffrid Quest Chain

8 Quests.

Quest Type Level Quest Giver Unlocks Rewards
A Familiar Face Forgotten Main Scenario quest 60 Meffrid
The Peaks (North)
The Peaks (North)
Ala Gannha
Ala Gannha
The Prodigal Daughter Main Scenario quest 60 Meffrid
3 Piety materia v icon1.png  Piety Materia V
1 Gaganaskin leg guards of fending icon1.png  Gaganaskin Leg Guards of Fending HQ icon.png
1 Gaganaskin leg guards of maiming icon1.png  Gaganaskin Leg Guards of Maiming HQ icon.png
1 Gaganaskin sandals of striking icon1.png  Gaganaskin Sandals of Striking HQ icon.png
1 Gaganaskin sandals of scouting icon1.png  Gaganaskin Sandals of Scouting HQ icon.png
Hard Country Main Scenario quest 60 Griseldis
Death by a Thousand Rocks Main Scenario quest 60 Angry Coeurl
A Life More Ordinary Main Scenario quest 60 Meffrid
1 Gaganaskin boots of aiming icon1.png  Gaganaskin Boots of Aiming HQ icon.png
1 Gaganaskin sandals of healing icon1.png  Gaganaskin Sandals of Healing HQ icon.png
1 Gaganaskin sandals of casting icon1.png  Gaganaskin Sandals of Casting HQ icon.png
3 Heavens eye materia v icon1.png  Heavens' Eye Materia V
The Color of Angry Qiqirn Main Scenario quest 60 Meffrid
The Black Wolf's Pups Main Scenario quest 60 Lyse
3 Battledance Materia V.png  Battledance Materia V
1 Beech composite bow icon1.png  Beech Composite Bow HQ icon.png
1 High steel culverin icon1.png  High Steel Culverin HQ icon.png
1 Koppranickel staff icon1.png  Koppranickel Staff HQ icon.png
1 Koppranickel index icon1.png  Koppranickel Index HQ icon.png
Homeward Bound Main Scenario quest 60 Meffrid
3 Battledance Materia V.png  Battledance Materia V
1 Beech rod icon1.png  Beech Rod HQ icon.png
1 Koppranickel codex icon1.png  Koppranickel Codex HQ icon.png
1 Koppranickel planisphere icon1.png  Koppranickel Planisphere HQ icon.png
1 Koppranickel foil icon1.png  Koppranickel Foil HQ icon.png

Main Quest Chain (Continued)

19 Quests.

Quest Type Level Quest Giver Unlocks Rewards
Where Men Go as One Main Scenario quest 60 Conrad
3 Savage aim materia v icon1.png  Savage Aim Materia V
1 Triphane earrings of fending icon1.png  Triphane Earrings of Fending HQ icon.png
1 Triphane earrings of slaying icon1.png  Triphane Earrings of Slaying HQ icon.png
1 Triphane earrings of aiming icon1.png  Triphane Earrings of Aiming HQ icon.png
Future Rust, Future Dust Main Scenario quest 60 Beves
A Dash of Green Main Scenario quest 60 Ahelissa
Ye Wayward Brothers Main Scenario quest 60 Ananta Battlemaid
Token of Faith Main Scenario quest 60 Swarthy Resistance Fighter
Crossing the Velodyna Main Scenario quest 61 Alphinaud
1 Triphane earrings of healing icon1.png  Triphane Earrings of Healing HQ icon.png
1 Triphane earrings of casting icon1.png  Triphane Earrings of Casting HQ icon.png
3 Savage might materia v icon1.png  Savage Might Materia V
In Crimson It Began Main Scenario quest 61 Pipin
The Fires Fade Main Scenario quest 61 Raubahn
Bereft of Hearth and Home Main Scenario quest 61 Pipin
Divide and Conquer Main Scenario quest 61 Conrad 3 Heavens eye materia v icon1.png  Heavens' Eye Materia V
Lies, Damn Lies, and Pirates Main Scenario quest 61 Alisaie 3 Quickarm materia v icon1.png  Quickarm Materia V
Tales from the Far East Main Scenario quest 61 Alphinaud
3 Piety materia v icon1.png  Piety Materia V
1 Gaganaskin hose of fending icon1.png  Gaganaskin Hose of Fending HQ icon.png
1 Gaganaskin hose of maiming icon1.png  Gaganaskin Hose of Maiming HQ icon.png
1 Bloodhempen brais of striking icon1.png  Bloodhempen Brais of Striking HQ icon.png
1 Bloodhempen brais of scouting icon1.png  Bloodhempen Brais of Scouting HQ icon.png
Not without Incident Main Scenario quest 61 Lyse
The Sirensong Sea
The Sirensong Sea
Incidentally speaking icon1.png  Incidentally Speaking
3 Heavens eye materia v icon1.png  Heavens' Eye Materia V
1 Gaganaskin chaps of aiming icon1.png  Gaganaskin Chaps of Aiming HQ icon.png
1 Bloodhempen culottes of healing icon1.png  Bloodhempen Culottes of Healing HQ icon.png
1 Bloodhempen culottes of casting icon1.png  Bloodhempen Culottes of Casting HQ icon.png
The Man from Ul'dah Main Scenario quest 61 Alphinaud
Where the Streets Are Paved with Koban Main Scenario quest 61 Hancock
1 Triphane bracelet of fending icon1.png  Triphane Bracelet of Fending HQ icon.png
1 Triphane bracelet of slaying icon1.png  Triphane Bracelet of Slaying HQ icon.png
1 Triphane bracelet of aiming icon1.png  Triphane Bracelet of Aiming HQ icon.png
3 Savage might materia v icon1.png  Savage Might Materia V
By the Grace of Lord Lolorito Main Scenario quest 61 Hancock
1 Triphane bracelet of healing icon1.png  Triphane Bracelet of Healing HQ icon.png
1 Triphane bracelet of casting icon1.png  Triphane Bracelet of Casting HQ icon.png
3 Savage aim materia v icon1.png  Savage Aim Materia V
A Good Samurai Is Hard to Find Main Scenario quest 61 Alphinaud 1 Yugiri and gosetsu sketch icon1.png  Yugiri and Gosetsu Sketch
It's Probably a Trap Main Scenario quest 61 Lyse
3 Savage aim materia v icon1.png  Savage Aim Materia V
1 High steel armguards of fending icon1.png  High Steel Armguards of Fending HQ icon.png
1 High steel armguards of maiming icon1.png  High Steel Armguards of Maiming HQ icon.png
1 Bloodhempen armguards of striking icon1.png  Bloodhempen Armguards of Striking HQ icon.png
1 Bloodhempen armguards of scouting icon1.png  Bloodhempen Armguards of Scouting HQ icon.png
Making the Catfish Sing Main Scenario quest 61 Lyse
1 Gaganaskin gloves of aiming icon1.png  Gaganaskin Gloves of Aiming HQ icon.png
1 Koppranickel armlets of healing icon1.png  Koppranickel Armlets of Healing HQ icon.png
1 Koppranickel armlets of casting icon1.png  Koppranickel Armlets of Casting HQ icon.png
3 Savage might materia v icon1.png  Savage Might Materia V

Levels 62-63

19 Quests.

Quest Type Level Quest Giver Unlocks Rewards
Once More, to the Ruby Sea Main Scenario quest 62 Gosetsu
The Ruby Sea
The Ruby Sea
Destination unknown icon1.png  Destination Unknown
Open Water Main Scenario quest 62 Soroban
Boys with Boats Main Scenario quest 62 Tansui
3 Piety materia v icon1.png  Piety Materia V
1 High steel sollerets of fending icon1.png  High Steel Sollerets of Fending HQ icon.png
1 High steel sollerets of maiming icon1.png  High Steel Sollerets of Maiming HQ icon.png
1 Gyuki leather highboots of striking icon1.png  Gyuki Leather Highboots of Striking HQ icon.png
1 Gyuki leather highboots of scouting icon1.png  Gyuki Leather Highboots of Scouting HQ icon.png
To Bend with the Wind Main Scenario quest 62 Soroban
3 Heavens eye materia v icon1.png  Heavens' Eye Materia V
1 Gyuki leather boots of aiming icon1.png  Gyuki Leather Boots of Aiming HQ icon.png
1 Gyuki leather boots of healing icon1.png  Gyuki Leather Boots of Healing HQ icon.png
1 Gyuki leather pattens icon1.png  Gyuki Leather Pattens HQ icon.png
Confederate Consternation Main Scenario quest 62 Alisaie Eastern Bow.png  Eastern Bow
3 Savage aim materia v icon1.png  Savage Aim Materia V
1 High steel gauntlets of fending icon1.png  High Steel Gauntlets of Fending HQ icon.png
1 High steel gauntlets of maiming icon1.png  High Steel Gauntlets of Maiming HQ icon.png
1 Gyuki leather halfgloves of striking icon1.png  Gyuki Leather Halfgloves of Striking HQ icon.png
1 Gyuki leather halfgloves of scouting icon1.png  Gyuki Leather Halfgloves of Scouting HQ icon.png
The Solace of the Sea Main Scenario quest 62 Afumi
The Arrows of Misfortune Main Scenario quest 62 Kajika
The Last Voyage Main Scenario quest 62 Aranami
Alisaie's Stones Main Scenario quest 62 Hirase 1 Grilled turban icon1.png  Grilled Turban
3 Savage might materia v icon1.png  Savage Might Materia V
1 Gyuki leather gloves of aiming icon1.png  Gyuki Leather Gloves of Aiming HQ icon.png
1 Gyuki leather dress gloves icon1.png  Gyuki Leather Dress Gloves HQ icon.png
1 Ruby cotton fingerless gloves of casting icon1.png  Ruby Cotton Fingerless Gloves of Casting HQ icon.png
Under the Sea Main Scenario quest 62 Rasho
3 Heavens eye materia v icon1.png  Heavens' Eye Materia V
1 High steel mail of fending icon1.png  High Steel Mail of Fending HQ icon.png
1 High steel mail of maiming icon1.png  High Steel Mail of Maiming HQ icon.png
1 Ruby cotton gilet of striking icon1.png  Ruby Cotton Gilet of Striking HQ icon.png
1 Ruby cotton gilet of scouting icon1.png  Ruby Cotton Gilet of Scouting HQ icon.png
Of Kojin and Kami Main Scenario quest 62 Soroban
1 Ruby cotton gambison icon1.png  Ruby Cotton Gambison HQ icon.png
1 Ruby cotton chasuble icon1.png  Ruby Cotton Chasuble HQ icon.png
1 Ruby cotton robe of casting icon1.png  Ruby Cotton Robe of Casting HQ icon.png
3 Quickarm materia v icon1.png  Quickarm Materia V
In Soroban We Trust Main Scenario quest 63 Soroban Diving
Water Flip.png  Water Flip
3 Savage aim materia v icon1.png  Savage Aim Materia V
1 High steel bayonet icon1.png  High Steel Bayonet HQ icon.png
1 High steel war quoits icon1.png  High Steel War Quoits HQ icon.png
Forever and Ever Apart Main Scenario quest 63 Lyse
3 Quicktongue materia v icon1.png  Quicktongue Materia V
1 Folded high steel knuckles icon1.png  Folded High Steel Knuckles HQ icon.png
1 High steel fork icon1.png  High Steel Fork HQ icon.png
1 High steel kris icon1.png  High Steel Kris HQ icon.png
1 High steel scutum icon1.png  High Steel Scutum HQ icon.png
In Darkness the Magatama Dreams Main Scenario quest 63 Alisaie
1 Larch composite bow icon1.png  Larch Composite Bow HQ icon.png
1 High steel-barreled snaphance icon1.png  High Steel-barreled Snaphance HQ icon.png
1 Koppranickel pole icon1.png  Koppranickel Pole HQ icon.png
1 Gyuki leather grimoire icon1.png  Gyuki Leather Grimoire HQ icon.png
3 Battledance Materia V.png  Battledance Materia V
The Whims of the Divine Main Scenario quest 63 Alisaie
3 Battledance Materia V.png  Battledance Materia V
1 Larch wand icon1.png  Larch Wand HQ icon.png
1 Gyuki leather codex icon1.png  Gyuki Leather Codex HQ icon.png
1 Dual-plated koppranickel planisphere icon1.png  Dual-plated Koppranickel Planisphere HQ icon.png
1 Koppranickel rapier icon1.png  Koppranickel Rapier HQ icon.png
Breaking and Delivering Main Scenario quest 63 Alisaie
3 Quicktongue materia v icon1.png  Quicktongue Materia V
1 High steel longsword icon1.png  High Steel Longsword HQ icon.png
1 High steel battleaxe icon1.png  High Steel Battleaxe HQ icon.png
1 Folded high steel greatsword icon1.png  Folded High Steel Greatsword HQ icon.png
1 High steel uchigatana icon1.png  High Steel Uchigatana HQ icon.png
The Lord of the Revel Main Scenario quest 63 Alisaie
The Pool of Tribute
The Pool of Tribute
Mount Speed Increase
Mount Speed Increase
3 Piety materia v icon1.png  Piety Materia V
1 Gyuki leather trousers of fending icon1.png  Gyuki Leather Trousers of Fending HQ icon.png
1 Gyuki leather trousers of maiming icon1.png  Gyuki Leather Trousers of Maiming HQ icon.png
1 Ruby cotton gaskins of striking icon1.png  Ruby Cotton Gaskins of Striking HQ icon.png
1 Ruby cotton gaskins of scouting icon1.png  Ruby Cotton Gaskins of Scouting HQ icon.png
Tide Goes in, Imperials Go Out Main Scenario quest 63 Lyse Unexplained icon1.png  Unexplained
Aether Current
Aether Current
1 Ruby cotton sarouel icon1.png  Ruby Cotton Sarouel HQ icon.png
1 Ruby cotton smalls icon1.png  Ruby Cotton Smalls HQ icon.png
1 Ruby cotton longkilt icon1.png  Ruby Cotton Longkilt HQ icon.png
3 Heavens eye materia v icon1.png  Heavens' Eye Materia V
A Silence in Three Parts Main Scenario quest 63 Gosetsu
Yanxia (South)
Yanxia (South)

Levels 64-65

20 Quests.

Quest Type Level Quest Giver Unlocks Rewards
Life after Doma Main Scenario quest 64 Gosetsu
3 Savage might materia v icon1.png  Savage Might Materia V
1 High steel barbut of fending icon1.png  High Steel Barbut of Fending HQ icon.png
1 High steel barbut of maiming icon1.png  High Steel Barbut of Maiming HQ icon.png
1 Ruby cotton bandana of striking icon1.png  Ruby Cotton Bandana of Striking HQ icon.png
1 Ruby cotton bandana of scouting icon1.png  Ruby Cotton Bandana of Scouting HQ icon.png
A Glimpse of Madness Main Scenario quest 64 Liberation Front Guard
1 Gyuki leather pot helm icon1.png  Gyuki Leather Pot Helm HQ icon.png
1 Koppranickel temple chain icon1.png  Koppranickel Temple Chain HQ icon.png
1 Ruby cotton hat of casting icon1.png  Ruby Cotton Hat of Casting HQ icon.png
3 Savage aim materia v icon1.png  Savage Aim Materia V
The Stubborn Remainder Main Scenario quest 64 Yugiri
The Ones We Leave Behind Main Scenario quest 64 Yugiri
3 Savage aim materia v icon1.png  Savage Aim Materia V
1 Doman iron gauntlets of fending icon1.png  Doman Iron Gauntlets of Fending HQ icon.png
1 Doman iron gauntlets of maiming icon1.png  Doman Iron Gauntlets of Maiming HQ icon.png
1 Tigerskin wristgloves of striking icon1.png  Tigerskin Wristgloves of Striking HQ icon.png
1 Tigerskin gloves of scouting icon1.png  Tigerskin Gloves of Scouting HQ icon.png
A New Ruby Tithe Main Scenario quest 64 Yugiri
3 Savage might materia v icon1.png  Savage Might Materia V
1 Tigerskin gloves of aiming icon1.png  Tigerskin Gloves of Aiming HQ icon.png
1 Tigerskin armguards of healing icon1.png  Tigerskin Armguards of Healing HQ icon.png
1 Tigerskin armguards of casting icon1.png  Tigerskin Armguards of Casting HQ icon.png
The Will to Live Main Scenario quest 64 Yugiri
Mount Speed Increase
Mount Speed Increase
Daughter of the Deep Main Scenario quest 64 Yugiri
3 Piety materia v icon1.png  Piety Materia V
1 Kudzu longkilt of fending icon1.png  Kudzu Longkilt of Fending HQ icon.png
1 Kudzu longkilt of maiming icon1.png  Kudzu Longkilt of Maiming HQ icon.png
1 Kudzu trousers of striking icon1.png  Kudzu Trousers of Striking HQ icon.png
1 Kudzu trousers of scouting icon1.png  Kudzu Trousers of Scouting HQ icon.png
Path of No Return Main Scenario quest 64 Gosetsu
1 Kudzu trousers of aiming icon1.png  Kudzu Trousers of Aiming HQ icon.png
1 Kudzu longkilt of healing icon1.png  Kudzu Longkilt of Healing HQ icon.png
1 Kudzu longkilt of casting icon1.png  Kudzu Longkilt of Casting HQ icon.png
3 Heavens eye materia v icon1.png  Heavens' Eye Materia V
The Time between the Seconds Main Scenario quest 64 Yugiri 3 Heavens eye materia v icon1.png  Heavens' Eye Materia V
All the Little Angels Main Scenario quest 64 Isse Put your wings up icon1.png  Put Your Wings Up
Aether Current
Aether Current
1 Persimmon leaf sushi icon1.png  Persimmon Leaf Sushi
Here There Be Xaela Main Scenario quest 65 Yugiri
The Azim Steppe
The Azim Steppe
3 Quickarm materia v icon1.png  Quickarm Materia V
The Search for Lord Hien Main Scenario quest 65 Yugiri
3 Savage might materia v icon1.png  Savage Might Materia V
1 Doman iron gunblade icon1.png  Doman Iron Gunblade HQ icon.png
1 Doman iron glaives icon1.png  Doman Iron Glaives HQ icon.png
A Season for War Main Scenario quest 65 Cirina
3 Piety materia v icon1.png  Piety Materia V
1 Doman iron greaves of fending icon1.png  Doman Iron Greaves of Fending HQ icon.png
1 Doman iron greaves of maiming icon1.png  Doman Iron Greaves of Maiming HQ icon.png
1 Tigerskin thighboots of striking icon1.png  Tigerskin Thighboots of Striking HQ icon.png
1 Tigerskin thighboots of scouting icon1.png  Tigerskin Thighboots of Scouting HQ icon.png
An Impossible Dream Main Scenario quest 65 Cirina
3 Heavens eye materia v icon1.png  Heavens' Eye Materia V
1 Tigerskin thighboots of aiming icon1.png  Tigerskin Thighboots of Aiming HQ icon.png
1 Tigerskin jackboots of healing icon1.png  Tigerskin Jackboots of Healing HQ icon.png
1 Tigerskin jackboots of casting icon1.png  Tigerskin Jackboots of Casting HQ icon.png
Stars in the Dark Main Scenario quest 65 Hien
3 Battledance Materia V.png  Battledance Materia V
1 Pine composite bow icon1.png  Pine Composite Bow HQ icon.png
1 Doman iron culverin icon1.png  Doman Iron Culverin HQ icon.png
1 Durium staff icon1.png  Durium Staff HQ icon.png
1 Tigerskin grimoire icon1.png  Tigerskin Grimoire HQ icon.png
A Warrior's Welcome Main Scenario quest 65 Cirina
3 Battledance Materia V.png  Battledance Materia V
1 Pine cane icon1.png  Pine Cane HQ icon.png
1 Tigerskin codex icon1.png  Tigerskin Codex HQ icon.png
1 Durium astrometer icon1.png  Durium Astrometer HQ icon.png
1 Durium smallsword icon1.png  Durium Smallsword HQ icon.png
The Heart of Nations Main Scenario quest 65 Cirina
3 Quicktongue materia v icon1.png  Quicktongue Materia V
1 Doman iron longsword icon1.png  Doman Iron Longsword HQ icon.png
1 Doman iron war axe icon1.png  Doman Iron War Axe HQ icon.png
1 Doman iron greatsword icon1.png  Doman Iron Greatsword HQ icon.png
1 Doman iron uchigatana icon1.png  Doman Iron Uchigatana HQ icon.png
A Trial Before the Trial Main Scenario quest 65 Hien
3 Quicktongue materia v icon1.png  Quicktongue Materia V
1 Doman iron claws icon1.png  Doman Iron Claws HQ icon.png
1 Doman iron lance icon1.png  Doman Iron Lance HQ icon.png
1 Doman iron daggers icon1.png  Doman Iron Daggers HQ icon.png
1 Doman iron kite shield icon1.png  Doman Iron Kite Shield HQ icon.png
In the Footsteps of Bardam the Brave Main Scenario quest 65 Hien
Bardam's Mettle
Bardam's Mettle
1 Yol whistle icon1.png  Yol Whistle
3 Heavens eye materia v icon1.png  Heavens' Eye Materia V
1 Tigerskin coat of fending icon1.png  Tigerskin Coat of Fending HQ icon.png
1 Tigerskin coat of maiming icon1.png  Tigerskin Coat of Maiming HQ icon.png
1 Kudzu tunic of striking icon1.png  Kudzu Tunic of Striking HQ icon.png
1 Kudzu tunic of scouting icon1.png  Kudzu Tunic of Scouting HQ icon.png
The Children of Azim Main Scenario quest 65 Lyse
1 Kudzu tunic of aiming icon1.png  Kudzu Tunic of Aiming HQ icon.png
1 Kudzu robe of healing icon1.png  Kudzu Robe of Healing HQ icon.png
1 Kudzu robe of casting icon1.png  Kudzu Robe of Casting HQ icon.png
3 Quickarm materia v icon1.png  Quickarm Materia V

Levels 66-67

27 Quests.

Quest Type Level Quest Giver Unlocks Rewards
The Labors of Magnai Main Scenario quest 66 Baatu
For Love of the Moon Main Scenario quest 66 Hien
1 Doman steel gauntlets of fending icon1.png  Doman Steel Gauntlets of Fending HQ icon.png
1 Doman steel gauntlets of maiming icon1.png  Doman Steel Gauntlets of Maiming HQ icon.png
1 Doman steel gauntlets of striking icon1.png  Doman Steel Gauntlets of Striking HQ icon.png
1 Doman steel gauntlets of scouting icon1.png  Doman Steel Gauntlets of Scouting HQ icon.png
3 Savage aim materia v icon1.png  Savage Aim Materia V
Sworn Enemies of the Sun Main Scenario quest 66 Magnai
3 Savage might materia v icon1.png  Savage Might Materia V
1 Marid leather gloves of aiming icon1.png  Marid Leather Gloves of Aiming HQ icon.png
1 Marid leather gloves of healing icon1.png  Marid Leather Gloves of Healing HQ icon.png
1 Marid leather gloves of casting icon1.png  Marid Leather Gloves of Casting HQ icon.png
The Undying Ones Main Scenario quest 66 Gosetsu
3 Piety materia v icon1.png  Piety Materia V
1 Doman steel greaves of fending icon1.png  Doman Steel Greaves of Fending HQ icon.png
1 Doman steel greaves of maiming icon1.png  Doman Steel Greaves of Maiming HQ icon.png
1 Doman steel greaves of striking icon1.png  Doman Steel Greaves of Striking HQ icon.png
1 Doman steel greaves of scouting icon1.png  Doman Steel Greaves of Scouting HQ icon.png
A Final Peace Main Scenario quest 66 Gosetsu
1 Marid leather boots of aiming icon1.png  Marid Leather Boots of Aiming HQ icon.png
1 Marid leather boots of healing icon1.png  Marid Leather Boots of Healing HQ icon.png
1 Marid leather boots of casting icon1.png  Marid Leather Boots of Casting HQ icon.png
3 Heavens eye materia v icon1.png  Heavens' Eye Materia V
As the Gods Will Main Scenario quest 66 Gosetsu
3 Savage might materia v icon1.png  Savage Might Materia V
1 Doman steel armet of fending icon1.png  Doman Steel Armet of Fending HQ icon.png
1 Doman steel armet of maiming icon1.png  Doman Steel Armet of Maiming HQ icon.png
1 Marid leather hood of striking icon1.png  Marid Leather Hood of Striking HQ icon.png
1 Marid leather hood of scouting icon1.png  Marid Leather Hood of Scouting HQ icon.png
Naadam Main Scenario quest 66 Cirina
Mount Speed Increase
Mount Speed Increase
3 Savage aim materia v icon1.png  Savage Aim Materia V
1 Serge hat of aiming icon1.png  Serge Hat of Aiming HQ icon.png
1 Serge hat of healing icon1.png  Serge Hat of Healing HQ icon.png
1 Serge hat of casting icon1.png  Serge Hat of Casting HQ icon.png
Glory to the Khagan Main Scenario quest 66 Hien
Aether Current
Aether Current
1 Morin khuur icon1.png  Morin Khuur
In Crimson They Walked Main Scenario quest 66 Hien Crimson footprints icon1.png  Crimson Footprints 1 Mol banner icon1.png  Mol Banner
The Hour of Reckoning Main Scenario quest 66 Hien
Yanxia (North)
Yanxia (North)
The House of the Fierce
The House of the Fierce
The Room Where It Happened Main Scenario quest 67 Alphinaud
How Tataru Got Her Groove Back Main Scenario quest 67 Tataru
Seeds of Despair Main Scenario quest 67 Alphinaud 3 Tiger skin icon1.png  Tiger Skin
3 Heavens eye materia v icon1.png  Heavens' Eye Materia V
1 Doman steel gunblade icon1.png  Doman Steel Gunblade HQ icon.png
1 Doman steel war quoits icon1.png  Doman Steel War Quoits HQ icon.png
The Limits of Our Endurance Main Scenario quest 67 Alisaie
1 Persimmon cane icon1.png  Persimmon Cane HQ icon.png
1 Marid leather codex icon1.png  Marid Leather Codex HQ icon.png
1 Dual-plated durium planisphere icon1.png  Dual-plated Durium Planisphere HQ icon.png
1 Durium foil icon1.png  Durium Foil HQ icon.png
3 Battledance Materia V.png  Battledance Materia V
Broken Steel, Broken Men Main Scenario quest 67 Tsuranuki
3 Quicktongue materia v icon1.png  Quicktongue Materia V
1 Doman steel longsword icon1.png  Doman Steel Longsword HQ icon.png
1 Doman steel battleaxe icon1.png  Doman Steel Battleaxe HQ icon.png
1 Doman steel greatsword icon1.png  Doman Steel Greatsword HQ icon.png
1 Doman steel tachi icon1.png  Doman Steel Tachi HQ icon.png
The Doma Within Main Scenario quest 67 Lyse
3 Quicktongue materia v icon1.png  Quicktongue Materia V
1 Doman steel patas icon1.png  Doman Steel Patas HQ icon.png
1 Doman steel halberd icon1.png  Doman Steel Halberd HQ icon.png
1 Doman steel main gauches icon1.png  Doman Steel Main Gauches HQ icon.png
1 Doman steel shield icon1.png  Doman Steel Shield HQ icon.png
On the Eve of Destiny Main Scenario quest 67 Hien
1 Persimmon bow icon1.png  Persimmon Bow HQ icon.png
1 Doman steel-barreled musketoon icon1.png  Doman Steel-barreled Musketoon HQ icon.png
1 Durium rod icon1.png  Durium Rod HQ icon.png
1 Marid leather grimoire icon1.png  Marid Leather Grimoire HQ icon.png
3 Battledance Materia V.png  Battledance Materia V
The Die Is Cast Main Scenario quest 67 Hien
Doma Castle
Doma Castle
The World Turned Upside Down Main Scenario quest 67 Alphinaud
3 Piety materia v icon1.png  Piety Materia V
1 Marid leather breeches of fending icon1.png  Marid Leather Breeches of Fending HQ icon.png
1 Marid leather breeches of maiming icon1.png  Marid Leather Breeches of Maiming HQ icon.png
1 Marid leather breeches of striking icon1.png  Marid Leather Breeches of Striking HQ icon.png
1 Marid leather breeches of scouting icon1.png  Marid Leather Breeches of Scouting HQ icon.png
A Swift and Secret Departure Main Scenario quest 67 Alphinaud Catch me if you can icon1.png  Catch Me if You Can
3 Heavens eye materia v icon1.png  Heavens' Eye Materia V
1 Serge hose of aiming icon1.png  Serge Hose of Aiming HQ icon.png
1 Serge hose of healing icon1.png  Serge Hose of Healing HQ icon.png
1 Serge hose of casting icon1.png  Serge Hose of Casting HQ icon.png
While You Were Away Main Scenario quest 67 Alphinaud
1 Azurite ring of fending icon1.png  Azurite Ring of Fending HQ icon.png
1 Azurite ring of slaying icon1.png  Azurite Ring of Slaying HQ icon.png
1 Azurite ring of aiming icon1.png  Azurite Ring of Aiming HQ icon.png
3 Savage might materia v icon1.png  Savage Might Materia V
Rhalgr's Beacon Main Scenario quest 67 Raubahn
3 Savage aim materia v icon1.png  Savage Aim Materia V
1 Azurite ring of healing icon1.png  Azurite Ring of Healing HQ icon.png
1 Azurite ring of casting icon1.png  Azurite Ring of Casting HQ icon.png
The Fortunes of War Main Scenario quest 67 Conrad
Rising Fortunes, Rising Spirits Main Scenario quest 67 Conrad
The Fringes (East)
The Fringes (East)
The Peering Stones
The Peering Stones
3 Heavens eye materia v icon1.png  Heavens' Eye Materia V
1 Doman steel tabard of fending icon1.png  Doman Steel Tabard of Fending HQ icon.png
1 Doman steel tabard of maiming icon1.png  Doman Steel Tabard of Maiming HQ icon.png
1 Marid leather coat of striking icon1.png  Marid Leather Coat of Striking HQ icon.png
1 Marid leather coat of scouting icon1.png  Marid Leather Coat of Scouting HQ icon.png
The Lure of the Dream Main Scenario quest 67 Alphinaud
3 Quickarm materia v icon1.png  Quickarm Materia V
1 Serge gambison of aiming icon1.png  Serge Gambison of Aiming HQ icon.png
1 Serge gambison of healing icon1.png  Serge Gambison of Healing HQ icon.png
1 Serge gambison of casting icon1.png  Serge Gambison of Casting HQ icon.png
The Lady of Bliss Main Scenario quest 67 Vajra
Mount Speed Increase
Mount Speed Increase
3 Savage aim materia v icon1.png  Savage Aim Materia V
1 Azurite earrings of fending icon1.png  Azurite Earrings of Fending HQ icon.png
1 Azurite earrings of slaying icon1.png  Azurite Earrings of Slaying HQ icon.png
1 Azurite earrings of aiming icon1.png  Azurite Earrings of Aiming HQ icon.png
The Silence of the Gods Main Scenario quest 67 Vajra
Aether Current
Aether Current
1 Shorlog icon1.png  Shorlog
1 Azurite earrings of healing icon1.png  Azurite Earrings of Healing HQ icon.png
1 Azurite earrings of casting icon1.png  Azurite Earrings of Casting HQ icon.png
3 Savage might materia v icon1.png  Savage Might Materia V

Levels 68-70

20 Quests.

Quest Type Level Quest Giver Unlocks Rewards
The First of Many Main Scenario quest 68 Alphinaud
The Peaks (South)
The Peaks (South)
Ala Ghiri
Ala Ghiri
Strong and Unified Main Scenario quest 68 M'naago
3 Heavens eye materia v icon1.png  Heavens' Eye Materia V
1 Gazelleskin coat of fending icon1.png  Gazelleskin Coat of Fending HQ icon.png
1 Gazelleskin corselet of maiming icon1.png  Gazelleskin Corselet of Maiming HQ icon.png
1 Gazelleskin corselet of striking icon1.png  Gazelleskin Corselet of Striking HQ icon.png
1 Gazelleskin corselet of scouting icon1.png  Gazelleskin Corselet of Scouting HQ icon.png
Hells Open Main Scenario quest 68 Alisaie
1 Twinsilk robe of aiming icon1.png  Twinsilk Robe of Aiming HQ icon.png
1 Gazelleskin coat of healing icon1.png  Gazelleskin Coat of Healing HQ icon.png
1 Twinsilk coat of casting icon1.png  Twinsilk Coat of Casting HQ icon.png
3 Quickarm materia v icon1.png  Quickarm Materia V
Heavens Weep Main Scenario quest 68 Alisaie
The Road Home Main Scenario quest 68 Alphinaud
For the Living and the Dead Main Scenario quest 68 Alphinaud
3 Piety materia v icon1.png  Piety Materia V
1 Molybdenum gunblade icon1.png  Molybdenum Gunblade HQ icon.png
1 Molybdenum chakrams icon1.png  Molybdenum Chakrams HQ icon.png
Above the Churning Waters Main Scenario quest 68 Lyse
3 Battledance Materia V.png  Battledance Materia V
1 Zelkova longbow icon1.png  Zelkova Longbow HQ icon.png
1 Molybdenum rimfire icon1.png  Molybdenum Rimfire HQ icon.png
1 Palladium rod icon1.png  Palladium Rod HQ icon.png
1 Gazelleskin grimoire icon1.png  Gazelleskin Grimoire HQ icon.png
The Path Forward Main Scenario quest 68 Lyse
3 Quicktongue materia v icon1.png  Quicktongue Materia V
1 Molybdenum longsword icon1.png  Molybdenum Longsword HQ icon.png
1 Molybdenum war axe icon1.png  Molybdenum War Axe HQ icon.png
1 Molybdenum longblade icon1.png  Molybdenum Longblade HQ icon.png
1 Molybdenum uchigatana icon1.png  Molybdenum Uchigatana HQ icon.png
With Tired Hands We Toil Main Scenario quest 68 Alphinaud
3 Battledance Materia V.png  Battledance Materia V
1 Zelkova cane icon1.png  Zelkova Cane HQ icon.png
1 Gazelleskin codex icon1.png  Gazelleskin Codex HQ icon.png
1 Palladium planisphere icon1.png  Palladium Planisphere HQ icon.png
1 Palladium tuck icon1.png  Palladium Tuck HQ icon.png
Where Courage Endures Main Scenario quest 68 Lyse
3 Quicktongue materia v icon1.png  Quicktongue Materia V
1 Molybdenum knuckles icon1.png  Molybdenum Knuckles HQ icon.png
1 Molybdenum trident icon1.png  Molybdenum Trident HQ icon.png
1 Molybdenum daggers icon1.png  Molybdenum Daggers HQ icon.png
1 Molybdenum kite shield icon1.png  Molybdenum Kite Shield HQ icon.png
The Price of Freedom Main Scenario quest 69 Alphinaud
Castrum Abania
Castrum Abania
Mount Speed Increase
Mount Speed Increase
3 Piety materia v icon1.png  Piety Materia V
1 Twinsilk slops of fending icon1.png  Twinsilk Slops of Fending HQ icon.png
1 Gazelleskin brais of maiming icon1.png  Gazelleskin Brais of Maiming HQ icon.png
1 Gazelleskin brais of striking icon1.png  Gazelleskin Brais of Striking HQ icon.png
1 Gazelleskin brais of scouting icon1.png  Gazelleskin Brais of Scouting HQ icon.png
Raubahn's Invitation Main Scenario quest 69 Raubahn
3 Heavens eye materia v icon1.png  Heavens' Eye Materia V
1 Twinsilk slops of aiming icon1.png  Twinsilk Slops of Aiming HQ icon.png
1 Twinsilk slops of healing icon1.png  Twinsilk Slops of Healing HQ icon.png
1 Twinsilk slops of casting icon1.png  Twinsilk Slops of Casting HQ icon.png
Liberty or Death Main Scenario quest 69 Raubahn
Aether Current
Aether Current
3 Piety materia v icon1.png  Piety Materia V
1 Molybdenum greaves of fending icon1.png  Molybdenum Greaves of Fending HQ icon.png
1 Gazelleskin open-toed boots of maiming icon1.png  Gazelleskin Open-toed Boots of Maiming HQ icon.png
1 Gazelleskin open-toed boots of striking icon1.png  Gazelleskin Open-toed Boots of Striking HQ icon.png
1 Gazelleskin open-toed boots of scouting icon1.png  Gazelleskin Open-toed Boots of Scouting HQ icon.png
The Lady in Red Main Scenario quest 69 Lyse Cheek to cheek icon1.png  Cheek to Cheek
3 Heavens eye materia v icon1.png  Heavens' Eye Materia V
1 Gazelleskin boots of aiming icon1.png  Gazelleskin Boots of Aiming HQ icon.png
1 Gazelleskin boots of healing icon1.png  Gazelleskin Boots of Healing HQ icon.png
1 Gazelleskin boots of casting icon1.png  Gazelleskin Boots of Casting HQ icon.png
Upon the Great Loch's Shore Main Scenario quest 69 Lyse
The Lochs
The Lochs
Porta Praetoria
Porta Praetoria
3 Savage might materia v icon1.png  Savage Might Materia V
1 Molybdenum headgear of fending icon1.png  Molybdenum Headgear of Fending HQ icon.png
1 Molybdenum headgear of maiming icon1.png  Molybdenum Headgear of Maiming HQ icon.png
1 Twinsilk hood of striking icon1.png  Twinsilk Hood of Striking HQ icon.png
1 Twinsilk turban of scouting icon1.png  Twinsilk Turban of Scouting HQ icon.png
The Key to Victory Main Scenario quest 69 Alphinaud
3 Savage aim materia v icon1.png  Savage Aim Materia V
1 Twinsilk turban of aiming icon1.png  Twinsilk Turban of Aiming HQ icon.png
1 Twinsilk hood of healing icon1.png  Twinsilk Hood of Healing HQ icon.png
1 Twinsilk hood of casting icon1.png  Twinsilk Hood of Casting HQ icon.png
The Resonant Main Scenario quest 69 Lyse
Mount Speed Increase
Mount Speed Increase
The Ala Mhigan Quarter
The Ala Mhigan Quarter
1 Scion rogues bandana icon1.png  Scion Rogue's Bandana
3 Savage aim materia v icon1.png  Savage Aim Materia V
1 Gazelleskin bracers of fending icon1.png  Gazelleskin Bracers of Fending HQ icon.png
1 Molybdenum armguards of maiming icon1.png  Molybdenum Armguards of Maiming HQ icon.png
1 Molybdenum armguards of striking icon1.png  Molybdenum Armguards of Striking HQ icon.png
1 Molybdenum armguards of scouting icon1.png  Molybdenum Armguards of Scouting HQ icon.png
The Legacy of Our Fathers Main Scenario quest 69 Alphinaud
1 Gazelleskin armguards of aiming icon1.png  Gazelleskin Armguards of Aiming HQ icon.png
1 Gazelleskin bracers of healing icon1.png  Gazelleskin Bracers of Healing HQ icon.png
1 Gazelleskin armguards of casting icon1.png  Gazelleskin Armguards of Casting HQ icon.png
3 Savage might materia v icon1.png  Savage Might Materia V
The Measure of His Reach Main Scenario quest 70 Raubahn
Stormblood Main Scenario quest 70 Pipin
Ala Mhigo (Duty)
Ala Mhigo (Duty)
The Royal Menagerie
The Royal Menagerie
The measure of his reach icon1.png  The Measure of His Reach
Aether Current
Aether Current
Mount Speed Increase
Mount Speed Increase
Stormblood - Part 1
Stormblood - Part 1
Stormblood - Part 2
Stormblood - Part 2