Quest Battles

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The curtain of light around a quest NPC indicates that talking to them will give a prompt to commence a quest battle.
Quest Battle icon1.png

Quest Battles, also known as Solo Instances, are a type of single-player duty associated with some quests. The player will be transported to an instanced area to complete one or a series of battles against enemies and bosses. Completing these is required to progress with the quest. One or more non-playable characters (NPCs) usually assist the player in combat but are not part of a party. From patch 4.4 onwards, some quest battles will have the player control an NPC instead of their character. The NPC usually represents a specific job and has a very simplified set of actions to use that are based on the regular job actions.

Quest battles can be identified if the quest NPC has a curtain of light around them. Upon talking to them, the player will be given a prompt to enter the quest battle. The prompt will display the required level, level sync, and item level sync (if applicable) of the duty. It is not possible to complete these with an Unrestricted Party (unsync) like most multiplayer duties.

Quest battles are designed to be relatively easy to complete as not to impede story progression. However, if the player fails, they will be given the options to lower the difficulty to "Easy" or "Very Easy", which will each give an Echo buff, increasing their damage dealt, HP, and healing by 50% on Easy and 100% on Very Easy. In New Game Plus, these options are available from the first attempt. New Game Plus is the only way to repeat quest battles, although some quests are not part of it and can only be repeated on a new character.

Main Scenario

A Realm Reborn

Limsa Lominsa starting (Lv. 5-14)

Quest Level Level Sync Location Boss(es) Notes Patch
Main Scenario QuestLurkers in the Grotto 5 9 Middle La Noscea Frenzied Mossback 2.0
Main Scenario QuestJust Deserts 9 13 Middle La Noscea Clay Golem 2.0
Main Scenario QuestVictory in Peril 14 18 Lower La Noscea Ahtzapfyn the Absorbed 2.0
Main Scenario QuestFeint and Strike 14 18 Western La Noscea Baenryss of the Deep
Lesser Gargoyle and Masked Mage

Gridania starting (Lv. 5-14)

Quest Level Level Sync Location Boss(es) Notes Patch
Main Scenario QuestChasing Shadows 5 9 Central Shroud Frenzied Elm 2.0
Main Scenario QuestSpirithold Broken 9 13 Central Shroud Clay Golem 2.0
Main Scenario QuestLeia's Legacy 14 18 Central Shroud Janremi Blackheart 2.0
Main Scenario QuestTo Guard a Guardian 14 18 Central Shroud Quzal Huatotl the Shrieker
Lesser Gargoyle and Masked Mage

Ul'dah starting (Lv. 4-14)

Quest Level Level Sync Location Boss(es) Notes Patch
Main Scenario QuestUnderneath the Sultantree 4 8 Central Thanalan Blanga 2.0
Main Scenario QuestWay Down in the Hole 9 13 Central Thanalan Clay Golem 2.0
Main Scenario QuestOh Captain, My Captain 14 18 Western Thanalan Baldewyn Four-Yalms and Ser Baron Von Quiveron Esquire IV 2.0
Main Scenario QuestDuty, Honor, Country 14 18 Central Thanalan Garibald the Fargone
Lesser Gargoyle and Masked Mage

Merged storyline (Lv. 17-50)

Quest Level Level Sync Item Level Sync Location Boss(es) Notes Patch
Main Scenario QuestInto a Copper Hell 17 21 Ul'dah - Steps of Nald Bodyguards 2.0
Main Scenario QuestLord of the Inferno 20 24 Eastern Thanalan Highcant Hatsugg Chah 2.0
Main Scenario QuestThe Company You Keep (Immortal Flames) 20 24 Western Thanalan Imperial Decurion 2.0
Main Scenario QuestThe Company You Keep (Maelstrom) 20 24 Lower La Noscea Imperial Decurion 2.0
Main Scenario QuestThe Company You Keep (Twin Adder) 20 24 East Shroud Imperial Decurion 2.0
Main Scenario QuestBrotherly Love 22 26 East Shroud Sylvan Budnapper 2.0
Main Scenario QuestNouveau Riche 23 27 South Shroud Legless Laurentius 2.0
Main Scenario QuestBig Trouble in Little Ala Mhigo 27 31 Southern Thanalan Lavafang Hemozz Teh 2.0
Main Scenario QuestThe Lominsan Way 30 34 Lower La Noscea Trachtoum Parter of Seas 2.0
Main Scenario QuestIn the Eyes of Gods and Men 38 42 Coerthas Central Highlands Alderique the Unyielding 2.0
Main Scenario QuestThe Heretic among Us 40 44 Coerthas Central Highlands Inquisitor Guillaime 2.0
Main Scenario QuestHistory Repeating 42 46 Western La Noscea Charmed Captain 2.0
Main Scenario QuestNotorious Biggs 44 48 Coerthas Central Highlands 5th Cohort Decurion 2.0
Main Scenario QuestFool Me Twice 46 50 Mor Dhona Magitek Reaper 2.0
Main Scenario QuestEvery Little Thing She Does Is Magitek 46 50 Mor Dhona Magitek Vanguard H-1 2.0
Main Scenario QuestOperation Archon 49 50 50 Western Thanalan Rhitahtyn sas Arvina 6.1
Main Scenario QuestThe Ultimate Weapon 50 50 60 The Porta Decumana Lahabrea 6.1
Main Scenario QuestGuardian of Eorzea 50 50 Mor Dhona Coultenet the Cultured and Hoary Boulder 2.3
Main Scenario QuestThe Reason Roaille 50 50 Northern Thanalan Eline the Razor 2.4
Main Scenario QuestThe Steps of Faith 50 50 The Steps of Faith Vishap 6.2

Heavensward (Lv. 50-60)

Quest Level Level Sync Item Level Sync Location Boss(es) Notes Patch
Main Scenario QuestA Series of Unfortunate Events 50 52 The Sea of Clouds Gundu tribe 3.0
Main Scenario QuestAt the End of Our Hope 50 52 Coerthas Western Highlands Spineless Heretic
Spell-weaving Heretic
Main Scenario QuestDivine Intervention 50 52 The Pillars Ser Grinnaux the Bull and Ser Paulecrain Coldfire 3.0
Main Scenario QuestKeeping the Flame Alive 51 53 Halatali Ilberd of the Dull Blade, Legless Laurentius, and Golden Eye Yuyuhase 3.0
Main Scenario QuestSounding Out the Amphitheatre 51 53 The Akh Afah Amphitheatre Louistiaux of the First Line 3.0
Main Scenario QuestFire and Blood 57 59 Foundation Ser Charibert the Stern 3.0
Main Scenario QuestFamiliar Faces 57 59 The Sea of Clouds Imperial Centurion 3.0
Main Scenario QuestAn Illuminati Incident 58 60 The Dravanian Hinterlands King Gobtank G-IV 3.0
Main Scenario QuestClose Encounters of the VIth Kind 59 60 Azys Lla Regula van Hydrus 3.0
Main Scenario QuestAs Goes Light, So Goes Darkness 60 60 The Vault Simeonard of the Holiest Flame 3.1
Main Scenario QuestA Spectacle for the Ages 60 60 Coerthas Central Highlands Flame General Aldynn 3.2
Main Scenario QuestOne Life for One World 60 60 The Bowl of Embers Warriors of Darkness 3.4
Main Scenario QuestFly Free, My Pretty 60 60 Borderland Ruins Grynewaht The player controls the Red Baron magitek armor in the second stage of the duty. 3.56

Stormblood (Lv. 60-70)

Quest Level Level Sync Item Level Sync Location Boss(es) Notes Patch
Main Scenario QuestBest Served with Cold Steel 60 62 The Fringes Grynewaht 4.0
Main Scenario QuestIn Crimson It Began 61 63 Rhalgr's Reach Fordola rem Lupis
Zenos yae Galvus
Main Scenario QuestIt's Probably a Trap 61 63 Kugane Imperial Centurion 4.0
Main Scenario QuestThe Time between the Seconds 64 66 Yanxia Zenos yae Galvus 4.0
Main Scenario QuestNaadam 66 68 The Azim Steppe Magnai the Older and Sadu Heavensflame
Main Scenario QuestRhalgr's Beacon 67 69 The Fringes Fordola rem Lupis 4.0
Main Scenario QuestThe Key to Victory 69 70 The Lochs Magitek Avenger E1 4.0
Main Scenario QuestThe Resonant 69 70 The Lochs Fordola rem Lupis 4.0
Main Scenario QuestThe Measure of His Reach 69 70 The Lochs Hakuro Whitefang 4.0
Main Scenario QuestReturn of the Bull 70 70 Ala Mhigo Lakshmi 4.1
Main Scenario QuestHope on the Waves 70 70 Ala Mhigo Imperial Centurion 4.2
Main Scenario QuestHis Forgotten Home 70 70 Yanxia Slickshell Captain 4.2
Main Scenario QuestEmissary of the Dawn 70 70 The Burn Hostile Commander The player controls Alphinaud. 4.3
Main Scenario QuestThe Will of the Moon 70 70 The Azim Steppe Sadu Heavensflame
Magnai the Older
The player controls Y'shtola in the second stage of the duty. 4.4
Main Scenario QuestA Requiem for Heroes 70 70 The Ghimlyt Dark Zenos yae Galvus The player controls Hien in the first stage of the duty. 4.56

Shadowbringers (Lv. 72-80)

Quest Level Level Sync Item Level Sync Location Boss(es) Notes Patch
Main Scenario QuestThe Oracle of Light 72 72 395 Lakeland Ran'jit 5.0
Main Scenario QuestLegend of the Not-so-hidden Temple 75 75 406 The Rak'tika Greatwood Ran'jit 5.0
Main Scenario QuestWhen It Rains 76 76 409 Lakeland Forgiven Hypocrisy 5.0
Main Scenario QuestFull Steam Ahead 77 77 Amh Araeng Ran'jit The player controls Thancred. 5.0
Main Scenario QuestA Feast of Lies 77 77 412 Eulmore Red Jongleur and Blue Jongleur
Main Scenario QuestA-Digging We Will Go 78 78 415 Kholusia Forgiven Enmity 5.0
Main Scenario QuestVows of Virtue, Deeds of Cruelty 80 80 Garlemald - The Imperial Palace Arch Ultima The player controls Estinien. 5.1
Main Scenario QuestA Sleep Disturbed 80 80 The Qitana Ravel Huaca 5.2
Main Scenario QuestFaded Memories 80 80 490 The Tempest Ardbert 5.3
Main Scenario QuestThe Great Ship Vylbrand 80 80 The Navel 2nd Order Rocksplitter 5.4
Main Scenario QuestDeath Unto Dawn 80 80 Carteneau Flats Lunar Odin
Lunar Ravana
Lunar Ifrit
The player controls Alisaie in the second stage of the duty, Urianger in the third stage, and G'raha Tia in the fourth stage. 5.55

Endwalker (Lv. 82-90)

Quest Level Level Sync Item Level Sync Location Boss(es) Notes Patch
Main Scenario QuestA Frosty Reception 82 82 Magna Glacies Vergilia van Corculum The player controls Thancred in the first stage of the duty. 6.0
Main Scenario QuestIn from the Cold 83 83 Garlemald Tempered Imperials The player controls an unnamed Imperial soldier. 6.0
Main Scenario QuestWorthy of His Back 87 88 Elpis Venat 6.0
Main Scenario QuestAs the Heavens Burn 88 88 Magna Glacies Terminus Beholder The player controls Alphinaud in the first stage of the duty and Alisaie in the second stage. 6.0
Main Scenario QuestEndwalker 90 90 550 Beyond the Stars Zenos viator Galvus 6.0
Main Scenario QuestWhere Everything Begins 90 90 620 The Fell Court of Troia Scarmiglione 6.2
Main Scenario QuestAn Unforeseen Bargain 90 90 630 Garlemald Furcas
The player controls Zero in the first stage of the duty. 6.3
Main Scenario QuestThe Game Is Afoot 90 90 660 The Aetherfont Giant Colibri 6.55

Dawntrail (Lv. 92-100)

Quest Level Level Sync Item Level Sync Location Boss(es) Notes Patch
Main Scenario QuestA Father First 92 92 655 Sunperch Gulool Ja Ja 7.0
Main Scenario QuestTaking a Stand 94 94 663 Yak T'el Bakool Ja Ja The player controls Wuk Lamat. 7.0
Main Scenario QuestThe Feat of the Brotherhood 95 95 666 Yak T'el Gulool Ja Ja's Glory 7.0
Main Scenario QuestThe Protector and the Destroyer 98 98 675 Solution Nine Otis Oathbroken

Class, Job, and Role Quests



Quest Level Level Sync Item Level Sync Location Boss(es) Notes Patch
Feature QuestUl'dah's Most Wanted 10 14 Central Thanalan Duskwight Freelancer Captain 2.0
Feature QuestThat Old Familiar Feeling 15 19 Ul'dah - Steps of Nald Nameless Attackers 2.0
Feature QuestThe Face of Thal 20 24 Western Thanalan The Alacran 2.0
Feature QuestOn Holy Ground 25 29 Eastern Thanalan Zana Lyehga 2.0
Feature QuestThe Rematch 30 34 Eastern Thanalan Gotwin Halehex and Gigirya the Guarded 2.0
Feature QuestParley in the Sagolii 45 49 Southern Thanalan Jenlyns Straightblade 2.0
Feature QuestKeeping the Oath 50 50 Coerthas Central Highlands Death's Embrace Master 2.0
Feature QuestBig Sollerets to Fill 54 56 Coerthas Western Highlands Death's Embrace Controller 3.0
Feature QuestThis Little Sword of Mine 60 60 Coerthas Western Highlands Constaint Solidblade
Solkzagyl the Loyal
Feature QuestIn Thal's Name 63 65 Ul'dah - Steps of Thal Bartholomew of the Silver Sallet
The Bronze Bull
Ser Handeloup the One Heart
Feature QuestRaising the Sword 70 70 Ul'dah - Steps of Thal Aldis 4.0


Quest Level Level Sync Item Level Sync Location Boss(es) Notes Patch
Feature QuestThe Mountain That Strides 20 24 Western La Noscea Scarred Jackal 2.0
Feature QuestBleeder of the Pack 25 29 Lower La Noscea Someone Familiar
Familiar Marauder
Feature QuestBringing Down the Mountain 30 34 Lower La Noscea Kujata 2.0
Feature QuestPride and Duty (Will Take You from the Mountain) 30 34 Eastern La Noscea Crazed Notochelone 2.0
Feature QuestHow to Quit You 50 50 Eastern La Noscea Curious Gorge 2.0
Feature QuestDuty and the Beast 52 54 Coerthas Central Highlands Curious Gorge 3.0
Feature QuestAnd My Axe 60 60 Western La Noscea Zell the Adamantine and Makara 3.0
Feature QuestCurious Gorge Meets His Match 60 62 Wolves' Den Pier Familiar Marauders
Dorgono the Bedeviled
Feature QuestThe Heart of the Problem 70 70 The Azim Steppe Nayaga the Taken 4.0

Dark Knight

Quest Level Level Sync Item Level Sync Location Boss(es) Notes Patch
Feature QuestIshgardian Justice 30 34 The Pillars Pernicious Temple Knight 3.0
Feature QuestHeroic Reprise 40 44 Eastern Thanalan Bloodshower Atabb Chah 3.0
Feature QuestDeclaration of Blood 45 49 Lower La Noscea Yoyoroon Softhands 3.0
Feature QuestOur Answer 50 52 Coerthas Central Highlands Esteem 3.0
Feature QuestKindred Spirits 54 56 Coerthas Central Highlands Temple Knights 3.0
Feature QuestThe Flame in the Abyss 58 60 The Churning Mists Moogles of Moghome 3.0
Feature QuestAbsolution 68 60 Coerthas Western Highlands Ystride Godhand 3.0
Feature QuestThe Orphans and the Broken Blade 65 67 The Churning Mists Ompagne Deepblack 4.0
Feature QuestOur Compromise 70 70 The Peaks The Heavens' Ward and the Warriors of Darkness 4.0


Quest Level Level Sync Item Level Sync Location Boss(es) Notes Patch
Feature QuestHired Gunblades 60 60 265 Old Gridania Gorib 5.0
Feature QuestSteel against Steel 70 70 395 Coerthas Western Highlands Vitus quo Messalla 5.0

Tank Role Quests

Quest Level Level Sync Item Level Sync Location Boss(es) Notes Patch
Feature QuestThe Hardened Heart 78 78 The Dancing Plague Tadric the Vainglorious The player controls Branden. 5.0
Feature QuestTo Have Loved and Lost 80 80 420 Il Mheg Dikaiosyne 5.0
Feature QuestA Path Unveiled 90 90 550 Central Shroud Gleipnir 6.0


Conjurer/White Mage

Quest Level Level Sync Item Level Sync Location Boss(es) Notes Patch
Feature QuestTrial by Wind 10 14 East Shroud Tainted Wind Sprite 2.0
Feature QuestTrial by Water 15 19 East Shroud Young Antelope Stags 2.0
Feature QuestLike Mother, Like Daughter 25 29 South Shroud Tainted Earth Sprite 2.0
Feature QuestIn Nature's Embrace 30 34 South Shroud Akoman 2.0
Feature QuestSeer Folly 30 34 Central Shroud Banemite 2.0
Feature QuestHeart of the Forest 50 50 East Shroud Guardian Tree 2.0
Feature QuestA Journey of Purification 52 54 Coerthas Central Highlands Stagnant Water Sprite 3.0
Feature QuestHands of Healing 60 60 The Dravanian Forelands Zombie Dragon 3.0
Feature QuestA Beacon for Bad Things 65 67 The Fringes Planar Fissures 4.0
Feature QuestWhat She Always Wanted 70 70 The Fringes Camazotz 4.0


Quest Level Level Sync Item Level Sync Location Boss(es) Notes Patch
Feature QuestForgotten but Not Gone 30 34 Eastern La Noscea Broken Bandits 2.0
Feature QuestThe Consequences of Anger 40 44 Upper La Noscea Tonberry Wanderer 2.0
Feature QuestThe Beast Within 50 50 The Wanderer's Palace Tonberry Wanderer 2.0
Feature QuestQuarantine 52 54 Upper La Noscea Guardian of Nym 3.0
Feature QuestForward, Royal Marines 60 60 Upper La Noscea Bitoso 3.0
Feature QuestIn Loving Memory 65 67 Amdapor Keep Manasnatcher 4.0
Feature QuestOur Unsung Heroes 70 70 The Lost City of Amdapor Fallen Kuribu 4.0


Quest Level Level Sync Item Level Sync Location Boss(es) Notes Patch
Feature QuestFortune Favors the Bole 30 34 South Shroud Bandit Leader 3.0
Feature QuestSlings and Arrows 40 44 Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks Pirate Captain 3.0
Feature QuestEwer Right 45 49 Mor Dhona Bandit Leader 3.0
Feature QuestSpearheading Initiatives 50 52 Coerthas Central Highlands Old World Thaumaturge 3.0
Feature QuestFeather in the Cap 56 58 The Dravanian Forelands Celie the Pursuant 3.0
Feature QuestThe Hands of Fate 60 60 The Dravanian Hinterlands Sevestre 3.0
Feature QuestCome Rain or Shrine 65 67 Kugane Fury of the Golden Fox 4.0
Feature QuestFoxfire 70 70 Kugane Kinko Kugane 4.0


Quest Level Level Sync Item Level Sync Location Boss(es) Notes Patch
Feature QuestSage's Focus 70 70 395 Saint Mocianne's Arboretum Ancel Rockfist
Loifa Brighteye and Mahaud Flamehand
Feature QuestLife Ephemeral, Path Eternal 80 80 525 The Dravanian Forelands Ancel Rockfist
Mahaud Flamehand
Guildivain of the Tainted Edge

Healer Role Quests

Quest Level Level Sync Item Level Sync Location Boss(es) Notes Patch
Feature QuestThe Lost and the Found 76 76 The Rak'tika Greatwood Sophrosyne
The player controls Lamitt in the second stage of the duty. 5.0
Feature QuestThe Soul of Temperance 80 80 420 Kholusia Sophrosyne 5.0
Feature QuestThe Gift of Mercy 90 90 550 The Peaks Charlet 6.0

Melee DPS


Quest Level Level Sync Item Level Sync Location Boss(es) Notes Patch
Feature QuestA Dangerous Proposition 15 19 Central Shroud Alpha Wolf 2.0
Feature QuestLance of Destiny 20 24 East Shroud Kamapusa 2.0
Feature QuestProof of Might 30 34 Central Shroud Lindwurms 2.0
Feature QuestProof of Might 30 34 North Shroud Foulques of the Mist 2.0
Feature QuestInto the Dragon's Maw 50 50 Coerthas Central Highlands Estinien Wyrmblood 2.0
Feature QuestSworn Upon a Lance 54 56 Coerthas Western Highlands Assault Wyvern 3.0
Feature QuestDragoon's Fate 60 60 Coerthas Western Highlands Graoully 3.0
Feature QuestDark as the Night Sky 68 70 The Azim Steppe Faunehm 4.0
Feature QuestDragon Sound 70 70 The Azim Steppe Faunehm 4.0


Quest Level Level Sync Item Level Sync Location Boss(es) Notes Patch
Feature QuestThe Harvest Begins 70 70 395 Cutter's Cry Mired Chimera 6.0
Feature QuestThe Killing Art 80 80 525 The Dusk Vigil Orcus 6.0


Quest Level Level Sync Item Level Sync Location Boss(es) Notes Patch
Feature QuestThe Spirit Is Willing 15 19 Central Thanalan The Alacran 2.0
Feature QuestKeeping the Spirit Alive 20 24 Ul'dah - Steps of Nald Hamon Holyfist 2.0
Feature QuestStar-crossed Rivals 25 29 Southern Thanalan Rurukuta Tornstar 2.0
Feature QuestReturn of the Holyfist 30 34 Southern Thanalan Hamon Holyfist 2.0
Feature QuestReturn of the Holyfist 30 34 Ul'dah - Steps of Nald Weggfarr Wideaxe 2.0
Feature QuestBrother from Another Mother 30 34 Central Thanalan Rabisu 2.0
Feature QuestFive Easy Pieces 50 50 Mor Dhona Widargelt the Watcher 2.0
Feature QuestAgainst the Shadow 54 56 Northern Thanalan D'zentsa of the Endless Night and O'tchakha of the Endless Day 3.0
Feature QuestAppetite for Destruction 60 60 Southern Thanalan H'raha Tia Fistborn 3.0
Feature QuestChoices and Paths 68 70 The Fringes Hewerald Ironaxe 4.0
Feature QuestThe Power to Protect 68 70 The Fringes Io 4.0


Quest Level Level Sync Item Level Sync Location Boss(es) Notes Patch
Feature QuestMaster Musosai 50 52 Ul'dah - Steps of Thal Musosai
Beroald the Last Standing
Feature QuestBlood on the Deck 54 56 Rhotano Sea Adjunct Ostyrgrein 4.0
Feature QuestThe Face of True Evil 60 62 Coerthas Western Highlands Musosai 4.0
Feature QuestMatsuba Mayhem 65 67 Kugane Shiden Skyscream 4.0
Feature QuestThe Battle on Bekko 70 70 The Ruby Sea Ugetsu, Slayer of a Thousand Souls 4.0


Quest Level Level Sync Item Level Sync Location Boss(es) Notes Patch
Feature QuestStray into the Shadows 10 14 Limsa Lominsa Lower Decks Hired Muscle 2.4
Feature QuestStifled Screams 15 19 Western La Noscea Axe-wielding Adventurers 2.4
Feature QuestSlave to the Code 15 19 Western La Noscea Jolly Merchant Lodesman 2.4
Feature QuestGrinners in the Mist 20 24 Rhotano Sea Grinning Cur Cap'n 2.4
Feature QuestSweet Sorrows 25 29 Eastern La Noscea Sellsword Captains 2.4
Feature QuestCloying Victory 30 34 Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks Aisibhir Badwind 2.4
Feature QuestMy First Mudra 30 34 Eastern La Noscea Oboro Moonrise 2.4
Feature QuestOnce Upon a Time in Doma 35 39 Upper La Noscea Karasu Redbeak 2.4
Feature QuestNinja Bathin' 40 44 Western La Noscea Karasu Redbeak 2.4
Feature QuestThe Crow Knows 45 49 Eastern La Noscea Karasu Redbeak 2.4
Feature QuestMaster and Student 50 50 Lower La Noscea Gekkai the Blind 2.4
Feature QuestNinja Assassin 54 56 Lower La Noscea Redway the Relinquished 3.0
Feature QuestIn Her Defense 60 60 Hullbreaker Isle Redway the Relinquished and Rosalinde Bloodfang 3.0
Feature QuestA Game of Life and Death 65 67 The Ruby Sea Zakuro Brightblood 4.0
Feature QuestWhen Clans Collide 70 70 The Azim Steppe Hanzo the Hidden 4.0

Melee DPS and Shadowbringers Physical DPS Role Quests

Quest Level Level Sync Item Level Sync Location Boss(es) Notes Patch
Feature QuestThe Hunter's Legacy 76 76 The Rak'tika Greatwood Balam-Quitz The player controls Renda-Rae. 5.0
Feature QuestCourage Born of Fear 80 80 420 The Rak'tika Greatwood Andreia 5.0
Feature QuestTo Calmer Seas 90 90 550 Sastasha The Indigo Beast 6.0

Physical Ranged DPS


Quest Level Level Sync Item Level Sync Location Boss(es) Notes Patch
Feature QuestViolators Will Be Shot 15 19 North Shroud Nezul Cattlan the Violator 2.0
Feature QuestTo Catch a Poacher 20 24 South Shroud Coeurlclaws 2.0
Feature QuestHomecoming 25 29 South Shroud Leih Aliapoh 2.0
Feature QuestThe One That Got Away 30 34 South Shroud Pawah Mujuuk the Ghost 2.0
Feature QuestDoing It the Bard Way 45 49 North Shroud Ixali Sabreur 2.0
Feature QuestRequiem for the Fallen 50 50 Coerthas Central Highlands Yotoli Hueloc the Austere 2.0
Feature QuestWhen Gnaths Cry 56 58 The Dravanian Forelands Gnath Low Patron 3.0
Feature QuestThe Ballad of Oblivion 60 60 The Sea of Clouds Ligeia 3.0
Feature QuestOne Autumn's Secret 65 67 The Fringes Nourval of the Branching Path 4.0
Feature QuestSweet Dreams Are Made of Peace 70 70 The Second Coil of Bahamut - Turn 1 Nourval of the Branching Path 4.0


Quest Level Level Sync Item Level Sync Location Boss(es) Notes Patch
Feature QuestMaster of Marksmanship 30 34 Outer La Noscea Rostnthal the Reborn 3.0
Feature QuestSecuring the Locks 40 34 Coerthas Central Highlands Svara 3.0
Feature QuestBlood on the Sands 45 49 Eastern La Noscea Thing from the Deep 3.0
Feature QuestThe Power of a Tourney 50 52 Coerthas Central Highlands Hardheel Marcheterre and Rochedalaix of the Van 3.0
Feature QuestA Joye-ful Reunion 54 56 Coerthas Western Highlands Assault Dragon 3.0
Feature QuestRise of the Machinists 60 60 Coerthas Western Highlands Veri Selen 3.0
Feature QuestRelease the Hounds 65 67 Coerthas Central Highlands Battle Torama 4.0
Feature QuestThe Mongrel and the Knight 70 70 Foundation Baroness Melisie 4.0


Quest Level Level Sync Item Level Sync Location Boss(es) Notes Patch
Feature QuestGamboling for Gil 60 60 265 Eastern La Noscea Ranaa Mihgo 5.0
Feature QuestSave the Last Dance for Me 70 70 395 The Peaks Aetheric Shadow 5.0

Physical Ranged DPS Role Quests

Quest Level Level Sync Item Level Sync Location Boss(es) Notes Patch
Feature QuestLaid to Rest 90 90 550 The Swallow's Compass Izanami 6.0

Magical Ranged DPS

Thaumaturge/Black Mage

Quest Level Level Sync Item Level Sync Location Boss(es) Notes Patch
Feature QuestThe Threat of Superiority 15 19 Eastern Thanalan The Alacran 2.0
Feature QuestThe Threat of Perplexity 20 24 Western Thanalan Soulsucker Imp 2.0
Feature QuestThe Hidden Chapter 25 29 Eastern Thanalan Void Jumper 2.0
Feature QuestFacing Your Demons 30 34 Western Thanalan Mormo 2.0
Feature QuestThe Voidgate Breathes Gloomy 45 49 South Shroud Planar Fissures 2.0
Feature QuestAlways Bet on Black 50 50 Southern Thanalan Barbatos 2.0
Feature QuestDestruction in the Name of Justice 58 60 Coerthas Western Highlands The Defiant 3.0
Feature QuestThe Defiant Ones 60 60 Eastern Thanalan Barghest 3.0
Feature QuestShades of Shatotto 60 62 Southern Thanalan Shatotto 4.0
Feature QuestOne Golem to Rule Them All 70 70 Sohm Al Gemstone Golem 4.0


Quest Level Level Sync Item Level Sync Location Boss(es) Notes Patch
Feature QuestTactical Planning 10 14 Middle La Noscea Goblin Traders 2.0
Feature QuestOver the Rails 15 19 Rhotano Sea Morningstar Navigator 2.0
Feature QuestPincer Maneuver 20 24 Lower La Noscea Mercenaries 2.0
Feature QuestSinking Doesmaga 30 34 Rhotano Sea Doesmaga Poisonheart 2.0
Feature QuestAusterities of Flame 30 34 Southern Thanalan Ifrit-Egi 2.0
Feature QuestAusterities of Earth 35 39 North Shroud Titan-Egi 2.0
Feature QuestAusterities of Wind 40 44 Outer La Noscea Garuda-Egi 2.0
Feature QuestPrimal Burdens 50 50 Mor Dhona Tristan Nightflicker 2.0
Feature QuestI Could Have Tranced All Night 58 60 Borderland Ruins Ascian of the Twelfth Chalice 3.0
Feature QuestA Flare for the Dramatic 60 60 The Dravanian Hinterlands Ascians of the Twelfth 3.0
Feature QuestAn Egi-stential Crisis 65 67 Seal Rock Off-center Summoner 4.0
Feature QuestAn Art for the Living 70 70 The Aetherochemical Research Facility Summoning Node 4.0

Red Mage

Quest Level Level Sync Item Level Sync Location Boss(es) Notes Patch
Feature QuestThe Crimson Duelist 50 52 Eastern Thanalan Saramaya 4.0
Feature QuestA Vermilion Vendetta 56 58 Western La Noscea Fear Gorta 4.0
Feature QuestStained in Scarlet 60 62 Mor Dhona Lambard the Regal 4.0
Feature QuestNightkin 65 67 The Great Gubal Library The Everliving Bibliotaph 4.0
Feature QuestWith Heart and Steel 70 70 The Weeping City of Mhach Lilith 4.0

Magical Ranged DPS Role Quests

Quest Level Level Sync Item Level Sync Location Boss(es) Notes Patch
Feature QuestNyelbert's Lament 76 76 Amh Araeng Bovian The player controls Nyelbert. 5.0
Feature QuestA Tearful Reunion 80 80 420 Amh Araeng Phronesis 5.0
Feature QuestEver March Heavensward 90 90 550 The Vault Profane Fafnir 6.0

Master Role Quests

Quest Level Level Sync Item Level Sync Location Boss(es) Notes Patch
Feature QuestForlorn Glory 90 90 The Tower of Babil Nerva yae Galvus 6.1

Other Quests

Chronicles of a New Era

Quest Level Level Sync Item Level Sync Location Boss(es) Notes Patch
Feature QuestThe Fate of Stars 60 60 The Aetherochemical Research Facility Regula van Hydrus Part of the Warring Triad questline 3.3
Feature QuestThe Hunt for Omega 70 70 Interdimensional Rift King Behemoth Part of the Omega questline 4.01
Feature QuestReturn to the Rift 70 70 Interdimensional Rift Dadaluma Part of the Omega questline 4.2
Feature QuestTortoise in Time 70 70 Reisen Temple Soroban Part of the Four Lords questline 4.3
Feature QuestSleep Now in Sapphire 80 80 Terncliff Bay The Sapphire Weapon Part of the Sorrow of Werlyt questline.
The player controls the G-Warrior.

Tribal Quests

Quest Level Level Sync Item Level Sync Location Boss(es) Notes Patch
Feature QuestA Test of Courage 60 60 The Ruby Sea Shaugi Greatshell Part of the Kojin Main Quests 4.1
Feature QuestSchism between Sisters 60 60 The Fringes Vanisha the One Truth Part of the Ananta Main Quests 4.2
Feature QuestAs the Heart Bids 70 70 395 Lyhe Mheg Destrudo Part of the Pixie Main Quests 5.1


Quest Level Level Sync Item Level Sync Location Boss(es) Notes Patch
Feature QuestIn the Dark of Night 50 50 East Shroud Iseultalon Part of the A Nocturne for Heroes limited event 4.56
Feature QuestMessenger of the Winds 50 50 The Howling Eye Garuda Part of the A Nocturne for Heroes limited event 4.56
Feature QuestThe Bozja Incident 80 80 Cid's Memory Altered Bahamut
Varis yae Galvus
Part of the Save the Queen quests 5.25
Feature QuestGenerational Bonding 90 90 The Tower of Babil Suprae-Lugae Part of the Somehow Further Hildibrand Adventures quests.
The player controls Godbert Manderville.
Feature QuestThe Path Infernal 50 50 110 The Memory of Embers Infernal Shadow Part of the Final Fantasy XVI Collaboration: The Path Infernal limited event 6.58